pop'n music peace/Event archive

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pop'n event archive

pop'n music peace's pop'n event archive (ポップンイベントアーカイブ) event is based on unlocking events from previous games, although simplified. All event archives start right where the original events ended.

Note that unlike pop'n time trip, players have to complete each part of an event archive in order to progress through it (i.e. station CRUX has to be unlocked before obtaining クラゲータ's UPPER charts).

Songs are listed in unlocking order for each event.

pop'n music 11 - pop'n tourist

You will see three reels of various numbers. Unlike the original event, the numbers are determined by the following factors:

  • Default steps per credit: 6 steps
  • First credit of each day: +6 steps
  • Played a song from the Event boost category: +3 steps

After the three numbers are shown in the screen, Nyami and Mimi will move that many steps towards the next goal. Once you reach 50 steps, you'll unlock a new song.

Song Title Artist
pop'n music 11 - pop'n tourist
station CRUX m@sumi
クラゲータ (UPPER) Kurotou mur.mur.

pop'n music 12 いろは - pop'n hiden ninpouchou

Shinobian will throw his shuriken on one of several scrolls under a small time limit. However, unlike the original event, Shinobian will always throw the shuriken at the "Atari" (あたり) scroll, regardless is any button is pressed or not. Afterwards, you'll see a picture slowly unroll from that scroll. Once it unrolls all the way, you unlock a song.

While there are no numerical values in this event archive, you will get more progress by playing songs from the Event boost category, and from your first credit of the day.

Song Title Artist
pop'n music 12 いろは - pop'n hiden ninpouchou
おたすけ!アン子ちゃん (シノビアンレディーのテーマ 弐) ARM × 狐夢想 ft. ricono

pop'n music Sunny Park - pop'n Walker

Players can move their Popple (the player avatar from Sunny Park) through a map in order to unlock new songs. While in the original event, players could choose the movement direction, in this event archive the movement is fixed. Food will appear at the start of the event, which will be converted to points in order to move the Popple. How many points you will get is determined by the following factors:

  • Default points per credit: 300 points
  • First credit of each day: +300 points
  • Played a song from the Event boost category: +150 points

50 points is used to move one square. A new song is unlocked by advancing 49 spaces.

Song Title Artist
pop'n music Sunny Park - pop'n Walker
ポチコの幸せな日常 (狂犬U`x´UばうわうHARDCORE Remix) NU-KO remixed by RoughSketch
天鈴少女 駄々子

pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - Waku-waku Mimi Nyami tankentai

A roulette with points will appear upon starting the event. These points are used by Mimi to advance through the map, each square using 10 points. How many points you will get in the roulette is determined by the following factors:

  • Default points per credit: 60 points
  • First credit of each day: +60 points
  • Played a song from the Event boost category: +30 points

A new song is unlocked by advancing 50 squares.

Song Title Artist
pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - Waku-waku Mimi Nyami tankentai
Crumble Soul lapix
BEEF BEMANI Sound Team ""

pop'n music 20 fantasia - Soreyuke! pop'n quest

Help knit to solve her quest. Unlike the original, where points are increased each time a song is played, points are increased at the end of the credit. When the gauge is full, a new song is unlocked.

While there are no numerical values in this event archive, you will get more progress by playing songs from the Event boost category, and from your first credit of the day.

Song Title Artist
pop'n music 20 fantasia - Soreyuke! pop'n quest
Celsus Ⅱ onoken feat.夏川陽子


Unlike other Event archives, EXTRA event is not based on any game's unlocking system. Instead, you have to fill the gauge to 100% in order to unlock its songs.

While there are no numerical values in this event archive, you will get more progress by playing songs from the Event boost category, and from your first credit of the day.

Song Title Artist
さようならは言わないけれど Water Stand
Popperz Chronicle (UPPER) pop'n masters

pop'n music 13 カーニバル - Waku-waku pop'n land

The game will show you five face down cards that vary in values. Unlike the original event, the game will automatically choose two of them and will flip them up. A new song will be unlocked once you finish building the theme park attraction.

You will get more progress by playing songs from the Event boost category, and from your first credit of the day.

Song Title Artist
pop'n music 13 カーニバル - Waku-waku pop'n land
マッシュルームナイト SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi
Dracophobia 上ノ瀬つかさ

pop'n music 14 FEVER! - Fever senshi pop'n 14

The goal is to progress through the episode by gathering points. How many points you get is determined by the following factors:

  • Default points per credit: 200 points
  • First credit of each day: +200 points
  • Played a song from the Event boost category: +100 points

A new song is unlocked by obtaining 1700 points.

Song Title Artist
pop'n music 14 FEVER! - Fever senshi pop'n 14
Aithon (UPPER) Kozo Nakamura
爆裂再生!フィーバー戦士ポップン14 ?

pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - TOWN MODE

To be updated.

Song Title Artist
pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - TOWN MODE
放課後コンチェルティーノ~私だけの部室狂騒曲 山本真央樹

pop'n music éclale - pop'n Star Maker

To be updated.

Song Title Artist
pop'n music éclale - pop'n Star Maker
CARTOON☆RagHour OSTER project