Eda ni musubu negai


Song Information

枝に結ぶ願い's jacket.

Artist: Akhuta
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics/Vocals/Chorus/All Instruments & Programming: Akhuta
BPM: 204
Length: 2:03
Jacket design: T田
First Music Game Appearance: jubeat saucer fulfill
Other Music Game Appearances:


















Song Connections / Remixes

  • 枝に結ぶ願い is the second song of Akhuta's 星宿る空の下で song trilogy.
  • The ending of 星宿る空の下で is connected to the beginning of 枝に結ぶ願い, and the ending of 枝に結ぶ願い sounds very much like the beginning of 星宿る空の下で.
  • The OST version of 枝に結ぶ願い sounds slightly different compared to the original version of the song; particularly the seventh and eighth verses are quietly sung and the piano is more louder.
  • 枝に結ぶ願い received another new, slightly different version of the song on July 7th, 2016 in jubeat Qubell based on the OST version. This version of the song is also used in 星宿る空の下で 枝に結ぶ願い.
  • The three BGMs for the Fables of Akhuta QUBE, all made by Akhuta, are completely based on 星宿る空の下で and 枝に結ぶ願い.


  • 枝に結ぶ願い is jubeat saucer fulfill's second BONUS TUNE song. It was added on August 21st, 2014.
    • In jubeat prop, it can be unlocked by playing it as a BONUS TUNE from May 28th, 2015.
    • As of jubeat Qubell, it is available by default by playing with an e-amusement pass.
  • 枝に結ぶ願い's jubeat charts were created by MICHI [1].
  • 枝に結ぶ願い [ 2 ] can be unlocked in jubeat Qubell as the Fables of Akhuta STAGE 2 unlock of the dig dig Qubell unlocking system. For more information on the dates it can be unlocked, please see this page.
    • In jubeat clan, it can be unlocked in the jubeat SHOP.
    • In jubeat festo, it can be purchased at the emo MART.
      • It could also be unlocked from December 7th, 2020 to January 4th, 2021 as one of the unlocks of jubeat festo's T-emo STORE.
      • It could also be unlocked in jubeat festo from February 10th to March 23rd, 2021 as part of the Stamp Challenge unlocking system, by obtaining 15 stamps.
    • In jubeat Ave. and beyond the Ave., it is one of the CONCIERGE unlocks of the LIGHT CHAT unlocking system from August 17th, 2022.
  • 枝に結ぶ願い's jubeat (2021) ratings were adjusted to its jubeat festo ratings on March 7th, 2022.

Difficulty & Notecounts

jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Regular Charts

Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 310 616 856
jubeat saucer fulfill→clan 4 8 9
jubeat festo→Present 4 8 9.6
jubeat plus 4 8 9
jubeat plus (Android) 4 8 9
jubeat (2021) 4 8 9.6

[ 2 ] Charts

Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts / Holds 357 / 16 519 / 35 735 / 30
jubeat Qubell 4 8 9
jubeat clan 4 ↓7 9
jubeat festo→Present 4 7 9.5
jubeat (2021) 4 7 9.5
Akhuta's 星宿る空の下で song trilogy
星宿る空の下で - 枝に結ぶ願い - 六花にくちづけ
星宿る空の下で 枝に結ぶ願い
dig dig Qubell
月に叢雲華に風 - 運命 - 僕は空気が嫁ない - Ark - Scream out! - 変じゃない!! - Just a Game - CIRCUS U CRIC - UROBOROS OVERDIVE - Hunny Bunny
天嘩乱舞 - RHYZING BEAT - Mirage of the Mirror - Glitter Flatter Scatter
jubeat Qubell × 干物妹!うまるちゃん
勇者うまるの華麗なる生活 - sweet sweet everytime sweet - My Precious - T・S・F in にっぽん! - ひだまりデイズ
Fables of Akhuta -伸びゆく枝の先に-
星宿る空の下で - 枝に結ぶ願い [ 2 ] - 六花にくちづけ
jubeat Qubell × NEW GAME!
ほっしーの! - Shake! - Now Loading!!!!
猫大樹 夏のパーリーピーポー
夏休み is freedom!! - 眼光 - 制作現場での出来事 - JACK THE RIPPER feat. Iceon - 厳冬記 - 負けないよ・・・-Runners High-
2016 Summer dig dig 祭
Boss Rush - 不可説不可説転 - Entrapment - FUJIMORI -祭- FESTIVAL - NISHIMURA -祭- CARNIVAL
掘りすぎ dig RUSH
1st dig DanceDanceRevolution Saturday Night Love - New York EVOLVED - aleatrik
2nd dig GITADORA Destiny lovers - Vampire Killer - Cosminflation
3rd dig beatmania IIDX Daisuke - KAMAITACHI - ULTRA HAPPY MEGAMIX
4th dig pop'n music 夢有 - Bleep Beep Bop - Invisible Border
5th dig REFLEC BEAT Knell - Hollywood Galaxy - The Omen
FINAL Giant Otter Family - - Against the vulgar aggressor - Megalara Garuda
バビロニア - バビロニアの旅人たち - 旅の終わりと祝祭の夜
米津玄師 / ハチ × BEMANI
マトリョシカ - パンダヒーロー - ドーナツホール
Windy Fairy [ 2 ] - 見習い天使と星降りの丘 - Valanga