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* SLOW LIFE / [[Amai jikan (pop'n mix)|甘い時間(pop'n mix)]] / BE THE VOICE (OLIVIA) - 13 / 26 / 34
* SLOW LIFE / [[Amai jikan (pop'n mix)|甘い時間(pop'n mix)]] / BE THE VOICE (OLIVIA) - 13 / 26 / 34
* SETAGAYA-KEI / [[Tokyo Girl|東京ガール(pop'n mix)]] / metro trip (pilty) - 13 / 26 / 30
* SETAGAYA-KEI / [[Tokyo Girl|東京ガール(pop'n mix)]] / metro trip (pilty) - 13 / 26 / 30
* RHYTHM & BLUES & MINYOU / [[Donpan setsu|ドンパン節]] / 笛吹二朗とドンパン・リスペクツ (TECHNO STARS) - 14 / 24 / 32
* MOE POP / [[Oyashiro no musume|オヤシロのムスメ]] / 後藤沙織里 (みここ) - 15 / 23 / 28
* J-PUNKISH GIRL / [[Knock Out Regrets (J)|脱皮 ~Knock Out Regrets~]] / MAKI@TOGO.BAND (spinky) - 15 / 29 / 35
* SHAMISEN BROTHERS / [[Oosanbashi irohachou|大桟橋(伊呂波調)]] / 内田兄弟 (U内田一門) - 16 / 26 / 33
* JOUKYOU RAP / [[I'LL GO TO TOKYO!|俺ら東京さ行ぐだ(I'LL GO TO TOKYO!)]] / ノーボトム! (MC.TOME) - 16 / 28 / 40
* VISUAL ENKA / [[TSUKI.KAGE.BANA|月影華(TSUKI.KAGE.BANA)]] / 丸山和嘉 (Uowo) - 17 / 28 / 36
* SHOUWA KAIKI BANASHI / [[Rokumeikan no kaijin|鹿鳴館の怪人]] / リシャール秋田 (みやびさん) - 18 / 28 / 35
* TIN DON DANCE / [[TIN-DON-DANCE]] / ノーボトム!(YANARY) - 18 / 30 / 36
* PRETTY MIYABI / [[Kuushinn zennkaiten|突確全回転!]] / マロンちゃん (MIYABI san) - 20 / 34 / 40
=== AC Songs ===
* AGE ROCK / [[Charisma (Game Size)|カリスマ (ゲームサイズ)]] / F.size.free (Hajime) - 23 / 33 / 39
* MESSAGE SONG / [[MY]] / よしくんと荒牧陽子さん (Mell) - 12 / 29 / 38
* BLUES ROCK / [[Just you wait!]] / [[Tomonori Ikeda|heap]] (Patty) - 17 / 29 / -
* SYMPHNONIC TECHNO / [[Ran|乱]] / [[Seiya Murai|V.C.O.]] (Shishi Waka) - 21 / 30 / 35
* KOTO FUSION / [[Koto koto|琴古都]] / [[Harumi Ueko|Jimmy Weckl]] (Chizuru) - 14 / 30 / -
* RYUSEI RAVE / [[Ryuusei Honey|流星☆ハニー]] / 新谷あきら ([[Akira Yamaoka]] and [[Sanae Shintani|Sana]]) (Ryusei Honey) - 17 / 35 / -
* A CAPELLA / [[MAGICAL VOICES SHOWER]] / ウッチーズ ([[Tomoyuki Uchida|Mr. T]] and [[Hiroyuki Uchida|Hiro]]) (Domii&Soraa) - 13 / 23 / 32
* FLOW BEAT / [[CURUS]] / [[Osamu Migitera|D-crew]] (Flow Flow) - 25 / 36 / 40
* TOKYO ROMAN / [[Koisuru Tokyo|恋する東京]] / パーキッツ (Hanao) - 16 / 21 / 31
* PROPOSE / [[Futari no Manifest|ふたりのマニフェスト]] / 肥塚良彦 (Mamoru-kun) - 15 / 24 / 32
* KIDS MARCH / [[space merry-go-round]] / dormil (Berry) - 11 / 27 / -
* HEALING DUO / [[home.]] / 秋桜 + [[Seiya Murai|WORLD SEQUENCE]] (Nazuna&Suzuna) - 15 / 23 / 29
* DYNAMITE SOUL / [[1 cool no otoko|1クールの男]] / [[Maki|マキ]] (Sumiko'73) - 18 / 24 / 33
* HYPER JAPANESQUE / [[Mugen no hikari|夢幻ノ光]] / TЁЯRA ([[Naoki Maeda|Naoki]] and [[Junko Karashima|Jun]]) (Kikyo) - 12 / 32 / 38
* ASIAN CONCERTO / [[Houou|鳳凰]] / 菜楊 (TangTang) - 13 / 28 / 37
* POSI ACO / [[New days]] / ko-saku (Makoto) - 18 / 24 / 31
* VIVID / [[For Dear~]] / 桜井零士 (Eito) - 21 / 35 / 41
* HIP ROCK 3 / [[Setsujoudanka|雪上断火]] / [[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW・組]] (Roku) - 26 / 37 / 42
* ROCKBILLY / [[Susume! Shounen!|ススメ! 少年!!]] / TAISHO (Muscle Masuda) - 18 / 35 / 41
* J-ROCK 0 / [[Looking for...]] / colors (Justice★) - 26 / 32 / 39
* K-DANCE / [[Yume miru shoujo|夢見る少女]] / dimitoricTiger from seoul (Yon) - 19 / 29 / 37
* BIWA-GATARI / [[Namidaame monogatari|涙雨物語]] / [[Hideo Suwa|すわひでお]]/[[Tatsuya Furukawa|古川竜也]] (Sasuga Mogami) - 22 / 27 / 34
* ONSEN RAP / [[ONSEN SONG remixed]] / NICE GUY 人 (Nice Guy) - 16 / 25 / 31
=== Licenses ===
* CRAYON SHIN-CHAN / [[Ora ha ninkimono|オラはにんきもの]] / [[Shinnosuke Nohara|のはらしんのすけ]] (Nyami) - 8 / 24 / -
* CREAMY / [[Delicate ni sukishite|デリケートに好きして]] / 秋葉レイ (Mimi) - 9 / 17 / 34
* DRAGON BALL Z / [[CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA]] / [[Hironobu Kageyama|影山ヒロノブ]] (Nyami) - 7 / 25 / 34
* KIMYOU / [[Yo nimo kimyou na Monogatari Main Title|世にも奇妙な物語メインタイトル]] (Mimi) - 10 / 26 / -
* EVA / [[Zankoku na Tenshi no These|残酷な天使のテーゼ]] / [[Youko Takahashi|高橋洋子]] (Mimi) - 12 / 23 / 31
* BUBBLE BATH GIRL / [[BubbleBathGirl|Bubble Bath Girl]] / [[Shunsuke Kida|three berry icecream]] (Mimi) - 14 / 23 / 33
=== Returning Songs ===
==== Pop'n Music 11 AC ====
* NANKYOKU / [[Kurageeta|クラゲータ]] / Kurotou mur.mur (SOUTH) - 14 / 26 / 37
* TECHNO BOO / [[Yakan kou hippou|夜間行殺法]] / オタッキースズキ (MZD) - 15 / 32 / -
* MISSSA-REMI / [[D-groove REQ]] / D-crew (MZD) - 15 / 31 / 36
* TOZAN / [[Tozanshatachi|登山者たち]] / ひので155 (フォーゲル椀田) - 18 / 32 / 39
* NANIWA HERO / [[Dengana Mangana|でんがなマンガナ]] / でんがな & マンガナ (でんがな&マンガナ) - 18 / 33 / 41
* GRADIUS / [[GRADIUS -FULL SPEED-]] / Mr.T (VIC VIPER) - 19 / 32 / 39
* HORA 2 / [[Warudoc senchou no Blues|ワルドック船長のブルース]] / ナヤ〜ン・ブラザーズ・バンド (WARUDOC) - 19 / 22 / 35
* TAIGA REMIX / [[ANAHONIKUY|ANAHONIKUY -雪の華 PuzzleMix-]] / moonlit (MZD) - 23 / 28 / 38
* NEBUTA / [[Tori|烏]] / 黒踊社中 (DJ RAIJIN) - 23 / 34 / 40
* DRM'N FRY / [[Tempura yousan|テンプラ揚三]] / GARIBEN KEN (MZD) - 20 / 36 / -
==== Pop' n Music 11 CS ====
* CLASSIC 11 / [[Omoide wo arigatou|想い出をありがとう]] / Waldeus vön dovjak (Hamanov) - 20 / 37 / 42
* CONTEMPORARY NATION 2 / [[Sayonara Heaven|サヨナラ*ヘヴン]] / 猫叉Master (Yima) - 23 / 34 / 39
* French Merchen / [[Tourbadour no kaisou|トルバドゥールの回想]] / リシャール秋田 (Liddell) - 17 / 26 / 29
* COWBOY / [[BLUE RIVER]] / T-Bone (The KING) - 19 / 31 / 43
== Secret Songs ==
=== Hidden Ninja Scroll Unlocks ===
* HISSATSU SPY / [[Oshioki nin no thema|お仕置き忍のテーマ]] / 000七  (スーツ対モリー) - 19 / 32 / 37'''NEW CS SONG'''
* MUSHIBA WALTZ / [[Boku no namae ha yuuki|僕の名前は勇気 ~鈴木歯科クリニック編~]] / Yuuki (小山明美) - 17 / 25 / 30 '''NEW CS SONG'''
* ATHLETIC MEET / [[Ippatsu gyakuten! xx-darake no happy daiundoukai|一発逆転! ××だらけのハッピー大運動会!!]] / P-4 laboratory (BENGBENG) - 21 / 36 / 41 '''NEW CS SONG'''
* FOREST SNOW / [[Tsukiyuki ni mau hana no youni|月雪に舞う花のように]] / 猫叉Master (智羅) - 21 / 34 / 40 '''NEW CS SONG'''
* J-SOUL / [[KOUYOU]] / [[Youhei Shimizu|Youhei]] (Shollkee) - 8 / 18 / 28
* CHRISTMAS PRESENT AC / [[Pop'n Xmas 2004 ~電子ノウタゴエ~]] / strawberry barium "s" (lots of characters) - 10 / 31 / 37
* SOTSUGUYOU / [[GRADUATION|GRADUATION ~それぞれの明日~]] / [[BeForU]] (Oshare-Zukin) - 13 / 26 / -
* J-JAZZ / [[Think of You]] / [[Hiroki Koga|Mr.Valentine]] (Jean) - 13 / 27 / 34
* OH-MISOKA / [[Sayounara konnichiha|さようならこんにちは]] / ひので155 (Mr. Sobacco) - 14 / 24 / -
* GOEMON / [[Ganbare Goemon Medley|がんばれゴエモンメドレー]] / かまあげうどん (Goemon) - 14 / 27 / 35
* TANABATA / [[Shiroi tobi hane|白いとび羽根]] / ミシュカ (Sarasa) - 14 / 26 / 33
* GAMELAN / [[Klungkung 1655]] / [[Sugimoto Kiyotaka|simon]] (Usao-kun) - 15 / 27 / 38
* SHOWTIME / [[Ska Ska No.4]] / [[Hideyuki Ono|亜熱帯マジ-SKA爆弾]] (Hone) - 15 / 28 / 34
* HINA MATSURI / [[La Peche du Pierrot]] / [[Yuki Kume|Q-Mex]] (Mebae) - 15 / 27 / -
* BEACH / [[Into The Light]] / [[Tatsuya Furukawa|good-cool]] feat.CHICO (Aya) - 16 / 28 / -
* NYORO ROCK / [[Kotatsu to mikan|こたつとみかん]] / ピンクカプセル (Milk) - 17 / 30 / -
* HAPPY CUTECORE / [[starmine(pop'n mixxx)]] / [[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]] (Tran) - 17 / 32 / 39
* UFO TECHNO / [[Far e@st network]] / [[Reo Nagumo|dj nagureo]] (PAL) - 18 / 24 / 30
* CYBER GAGAKU / [[Vairocana]] / 五条式改 (Waka-san) - 20 / 37 / 42
* HALLOWEEN / [[Trick or Treat!]] / Three Little Evils (Smile) - 20 / 28 / 34
* VIVACE / [[Citta' del sole]] / [[Yuki Kume|Q-mex]] (Cecil) - 21 / 29 / 35
* NINJA HEROINE / [[Shiobianko ha koi no juumon|忍びアン子は恋の呪文]] / 新腹筋忍者台 feat.meli♥melo (Shinobi Anko) - 21 / 27 / 37
* KEI-ROW PUNK / [[Susume!Jiichan!|進め! 爺ちゃん!]] / ジュースアクターズ (Magojirou) - 22 / 37 / 42
* SET'S BEAN / [[Omame no aika|お豆の哀歌]] / 黒ムル & 淀川ジョルカエフ (Yodo:Dozen) - 23 / 30 / 36
* LAMENTO / [[Shizuku|雫]] / [[Asaki|あさき]] (Onnanoko) - 24 / 36 / 41
* USOTSUKI HYPER ROCK 'n ROLL / [[April Fools Song|エイプリルフールの唄]] / [[Akira Yamaoka]] (Hipopo & Tamayo) - 25 / 35 / 39
* SWING KAYO / [[Hanami de ippai|花見で一杯]] / 亜熱帯マジ-SKA爆弾 feat.MAKI (Murasaki) - 19 / 33 / 37 '''EE'mall song'''
* SHONBORI / [[Junben natsu|純勉夏]] / ションボリくらぶ feat.ジェットさん (リュータ) - 16 / 33 / 38 '''EE'mall song'''
* SWEET POP / [[Sweet Illusion]] / vivi(from iyiyim) (Candy) - 17 / 28 / - '''EE'mall song'''
* INSTRUMENTAL / [[airflow]] / Mr.T (Poet) - 15 / 24 / 32 '''EE'mall song'''
==== Hidden Expert Course Songs ====
* ONDO / [[Pop'n ondo|ポップン音頭]] / [[高田香里]] (Pop'n All Stars) - 10 / 13 / -
* J-POP / [[Life]] / [[Haya-P]] & [[Maru]] (Pretty) - 11 / 18 / -
* ENKA / [[Oedo hanafubuku|お江戸花吹雪]] / [[高田香里]] (S.B. Taro) - 14 / 18 / -
* PARA PARA / [[ULTRA HIGH-HEELS|ウルトラハイヒール~I JUST WANNA TELL YOU]] / [[Takayuki_Ishikawa|dj TAKA]] feat.ANGEL (Tamako) - 18 / 23 / 27
=== Mini Game Unlocks ===
''FRESH and CONTEMPORARY NATION are unlocked through mini-games. They cannot be unlocked through time release or through Arcade mode.''<br>
* FRESH / [[Chase! Chase! Chase!|チェイス!チェイス!チェイス!]] / [[パーキッツ]] (Shishamo) - 14 / 25 / 30
* CONTEMPORARY NATION / [[BEYOND THE EARTH]] / 猫叉Master (Yima) - 20 / 35 / 41
=== Unlocks Through Other Games ===
''HARD CONTRY and SKA are permanantely unlocked if you have Guitar Freaks V / drummania V data on your Playstation2 memory card; if you don't, you have to enter a code to play them. Same applies to PUNKISH GIRL; you must have Dance Dance Revolution STRIKE! data on your memory card to be permanately unlocked.''
''If you are looking for a save for those games, look over at [http://www.gamefaqs.com gamefaqs].''
* SKA / [[Cassandra]] / [[Hideyuki Ono|小野秀幸]] (Mr.T.BONE) - 20 / 34 / 40
* HARD COUNTRY / [[JET WORLD]] / [[Mutsuhiko Izumi]] (Mr.B.BONE) - 19 / 28 / -
* PUNKISH GIRL / [[Knock Out Regrets]] / MAKI@TOGO.BAND (spinky) - 14 / 31 / 37
=== Pop'n Request ===
''All of these songs must be played in Pop'n Request Mode before playing in Arcade or Free Mode.''
* HIPUNK / [[Cobalt]] / [[Osamu Migitera|Des-Row・組スペシアル]] (Hayato) - 23 / 34 / 36
* SOFT ROCK LONG / [[Homesick Pt.2&3]] / [[ORANGE NOISE SHORTCUT]] (Rie-chan) - 19 / 28 / -
* EUROBEAT / [[LoveLove Sugar|Love2シュガ→]] / [[Takayuki Ishikawa|dj TAKA]] feat. [[Noria|のりあ]] (Milk) - 23 / 34 / 38
* HIP ROCK / [[Daikenkai|大見解]] / [[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW feat. TSUBOI for ALPHA]] (Roku) - 24 / 34 / -
* TRANCE / [[Foundation of our love]] / [[Takayuki Ishikawa|dj TAKA]] feat. [[ASAKO]] (Tran) - 16 / 30 / -
* J-TEKNO / [[Quick Master]] / [[Youhei Shimizu|Act Deft]] (Sholl Kee) - 5 / 11 / -
* ZEN-JAZZ / [[Meikyoushisui|明鏡止水]] / [[Tomosuke Funaki|TOMOSUKE]] feat. [[Asaki|あさき]] (ikkei) - 22 / 36 / 40
* ENKA REMIX / [[Oedo hanafubuku TEYAN-day MIX|お江戸花吹雪 TEYAN-day MIX]] / [[Sugimoto_Kiyotaka|高田香里]] ReMIXed by [[Seiya_Murai|SEIYA]] - 23 / 32 / 40
* SHOWA KAYOU / [[Ringo to Hachimitsu|林檎と蜂蜜]] / [[亜熱帯マジ-SKA爆弾 feat.MAKI]] (Murasaki) - 22 / 32 / -
= Mini Games =
In Pop'n Music 12 Iroha CS, two of the songs must be unlocked through mini-games, both of which use the controller to play.
=== Yima Mini-game ===
You, the Yima at the bottom, have a limited time-frame to match the pose of the Yima above you. Yima will pose in one of five poses: you must press the color at the bottom of the screen that represents this pose. If you screw up or fail to hit it in time, you lose and have to restart all over again. If you choose to play this in 2-player mode, the red button will not be used. Complete this game 100% to unlock CONTEMPORARY NATION.
=== Bike Mini-game ===
Shishamo the cat (from the Pop'n Music 8 song Fresh) and his owner notice a sale on cat food, and race to the store to get it across 3 different levels: a road, a jungle, and outer space. Press the blue buttons to speed up, the red button to jump over obstacles, and either yellow button to break.
You start out with three lives. If you hit an obstacle, whether from above or on the ground, the cat will fly out of the basket. Right before he touches the ground he will be saved by one of three Pop'n Music characters: Ninja Hero Shinobian, Yoshio, and Ninja Heroine Shinobian-ko, in that order. If you use up all three lives and you hit another obstacle, you lose automatically. You also lose if you fail to complete any of the three levels in time. In either case, you have to restart from the first level all over again. However, if you manage to break successfully and catch your cat in the bicycle's basket, you will ''not'' lose a life. Complete all three levels to unlock FRESH.
= Unlocking Information =
As usual, you can unlock stuff over time instead of through the arcade game unlocking system (although this one is pretty simple). For the first time you ''don't'' have to unlock special options: they come automatically from day one. You unlock the following after a certain amount of time:
5 hours
* Hidden AC songs
6 hours
* Hidden CS songs
6.5 hours
* Expert courses
7 hours
* ee'MALL songs
''Note that HARD COUNTRY, SKA, and PUNKISH GIRL CANNOT be unlocked over time.''
= Temporary Unlock Codes =
Codes can be entered on the Press Start screen and have to be entered everytime you play. Played songs will not be saved. The buttons correspond to the buttons on the Pop'n Controller from left to right.
Hidden AC songs and characters:
Hidden CS songs and characters:
Hidden expert courses and songs:
Hidden ee'mall songs and characters:
= Related Links =
* [http://www.konami.jp/bemani/popn/gs/12/ Pop'n Music 12 Official Site]
[[Category:Pop'n Music Titles]]

Revision as of 16:27, 20 July 2007

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pop'n music Japanese CS releases
Sony PlayStation & PlayStation 2
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11
12 Iroha - 13 Carnival - 14 FEVER! - Best Hits!
Animation Melody - Puzzle Dama - DISNEY TUNES
Sony PlayStation Portable
pop'n portable - pop'n portable 2
Sega Dreamcast
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Nintendo GameBoy Color
GB pop'n - GB Animation Melody - GB DISNEY TUNES
pop'n Da!! - pop'n Be-Mouse - pop'n Lively
BEMANI MIX - i-αppli - pop'n Wii - Utacchi - pop'n rhythmin
pop'n music foreign CS releases
Beat'n Groovy - pop'n music - pop'n rhythm
pop'n mobile - pop'n mobile 2

General Information

  • Released: March 2, 2006
  • First home appearance of Taisen Mode.
  • First appearance of Pop'n Request mode.
  • Spin-off games notwithstanding, this is the first console Pop'n Music game without a new Classic.
  • The Detective Conan song is absent from the songlist, presumably due to licensing issues.
  • First version of Pop'n Music, home or arcade, with preview music for songs.
  • Total songs: 102

Song List

Initial Songlist

CS songs