Hyouri ittai!? Kaitou iincho no nayami

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Song Information

表裏一体!?怪盗いいんちょの悩み♥'s pop'n music banner.

Artist: ◇◆噂の怪盗少女ぷらずま☆彡Prim◇◆
Composition/Arrangement: T.Kakuta
Lyrics: mitsu
Vocals: Prim
BPM: 165
Length: 2:05
pop'n music Character: kaorin [20-1P]
Movie: Steins (overlays by いそにん)
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL
Other Music Game Appearances:



「あ!!あんなところに UFOが~!」

華麗なる変身して (しゃきーん!!)
セキュリティ  かい潜って (すたたた~)





今夜も(おめかし☆おめかし)  Cute❤に参上ッ!





帰り道であれれ?職質受けて (さんぽで~す)

そうだ今夜は お布団にダイブ!(ぐーすかぴ☆)


yahhoo, atashi kaitou Prim!!
ima ocha no ma wo sawagaseteru ano ko~♪
kyou mo yokokujou wo MAIL de pi!(merumeru~)
sate, kyou no shinnyuu houhou wa... are ni shiyo!
"a!! anna tokoro ni UFO ga~!"

kareinaru henshin shite (shaki-n!!)
SECURITY kai mogutte (sutatata~)
mitsuketawa meiga "PRIMVERA"
FAMIRES ni kazatteta no to surikaete

mata kimi ne? mei tantei
atashi no shigoto no tenteki (te~nteki!)
a, OFF-REC ni shite ne?
jitsu wa kare to wa CLASS ga issho ni nya nyoyo...


soshite tsugi no hidesu! (koko wa gakkou!)
atashi wa majimena iinchou (CALLER! danshi!)

demo kimi wa tsukue de nete bakarina no...
minna, oniai to chaka shiteru

doushite? (doushite~?)
gakkou ja sunaoninarenai
dakara kyou mo kamen kaburu no
taiketsu no toki mitaku hanasu tame ni
konya mo (omekashi☆omekashi) Cute❤ni sanjou!

kaitou Prim: aa, yappari konkai mo damedatta yo...

soko ni tomodachi no kaitou shoujo B genru.

kaitou shoujo B: iya, futsuu ni konkai mo asshou,
otakara mo GET shiteru janai?

kaitou Prim: uun, watashi ga hoshii no wa ano hito no...
tte ienaiyou! puu

sore de wa honjitsu wa ano tsubo wo GET! (GET~!)
kaerimichi de arere? shoku shitsu ukete (sanpo de~su)
saikin wa ANIME ka toka hanashi ga kitete
sukkari ninkisha de jakkan PAPARAZZI ga kowai

kaitou iincho wa kyou mo nayami chuu❤ (hyouriittai)
kokoro karada, taiho shite yo, mo~~~!!!(okodayo!)
sonna koto ieru wake nakute...
souda konya wa ofuton ni DIVE! (GOOSE kapi☆)

Song Connections / Remixes


  • On the beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL location test, 表裏一体!?怪盗いいんちょの悩み♥'s ANOTHER charts were not playable. They were eventually made playable in the third and final day of the location test.
    • As of November 20th, 2014, 表裏一体!?怪盗いいんちょの悩み♥'s ANOTHER charts have been unlocked for normal play in the final release of beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL.
  • 表裏一体!?怪盗いいんちょの悩み♥ is available in beatmania IIDX INFINITAS as part of the beatmania IIDX INFINITAS Music Pack vol.9 (beatmania IIDX INFINITAS 楽曲パック vol.9).
  • 表裏一体!?怪盗いいんちょの悩み♥ is one of the unlocks of pop'n music 解明リドルズ's Kaimei! MN tanteisha (解明!MN探偵社) unlocking system. It could be unlocked from March 18th, 2021 by solving kaorin's riddles.
  • Despite that pop'n music 20 fantasia's kaorin is used in 表裏一体!?怪盗いいんちょの悩み♥, kaorin received a new portrait and can be selected as a new character in the pop'n music 解明リドルズ character category.
  • 表裏一体!?怪盗いいんちょの悩み♥ received LEGGENDARIA charts in beatmania IIDX 31 EPOLIS's ARENA MODE. They could be unlocked from December 20th, 2023 to January 8th, 2024 by collecting 120 ARENA CUBES.

Song Production Information


It's Prim!
It's Prim! It's Prim! It's Prim!

This time, I will try to talk about the production of this song seriously...!

It was a pretty difficult time to record the lyrics, because I heard in the background the scat sounds "Swicka swicka swicka!"
As you may have noticed, I had a bit of a slip of the tongue, but overall it was a great experience.
That should be it!
I honestly think that the character acts like me, seriously!


Hello. I'm mitsu who wrote the lyrics.

I wanted to write about a cute little thief. My first thoughts were to my favorite singer, Prim.

So, I first thought of a world-class detective, sleeping alone at her desk.
Actually, I drew from previous experience, when I actually slept at my school desk.
The thing is that in the classes with the hard desk that made it hard to sleep, I always was caught sleeping! How does that work!

I had removed the six metal buttons attached to the sleeves of my blazer!
Even with those off, it still hurt to sleep with my arms crossed?! I tried to imitate those feelings.
Then with the help of some applications, I was able to get some better sleep.
And to keep myself awake during class, I would run a MD Walkman up my sleeve to the earphone jack. (Those were from a previous era... Please don't try to imitate it)
OK everyone!!!

Love you all♡.


Thank you all very much, this is T.Kakuta.

Well, to tell the truth, does this fit the theme of the style, "two sides of the same coin?!" A good thief that always seems to get into trouble♥. I actually finished composing this song before CHRONO DIVER -NORNIR-. This is the musical piece that I wanted to use to first express the duality of IIDX 22 PENDUAL.

In the early stages for PENDUAL, the system of traveling between Present Phase and Future Phase did not exist, but instead, as its predecessor, the development team, thinking of the concept of "duality", was thinking about using a hero motif, a regular person during the day who transforms into a superhero at night!
The songs produced from this theme of duality produced some interesting results I thought, so after I communicated with mitsu, I came up with a song that featured a serious lady during the day who becomes a brilliant thief at night, like "two sides of a coin?!" The worries of a good thief♥ was now done.

As for production of the song, mitsu focused on lyrics, Prim focused on singing, and I focused on the production of the song and the behavior of the thief.
I decided to use hard breakbeats and slap bass, to better portray the image of duality between FUNK BREAKS and cute Prim.
A crossover song of duality, I hope you all have fun.

Video Production Information


Ah, a cute little bumbling thief girl, that really fits Prim.
Though the whole thing portrays a contradiction... it somehow works with the magic of Prim's voice.

She receives the notice of a new target via email by the burger shop on the way home.
She is able to steal the treasure but accidentally breaks it.
Her free spirited nature will not allow her to tell anyone about this.

When I met with Prim, I was caught up on how perfect she seemed, I was so inspired that I said "I want to put this scene down! I want to work on this animation right now!"
However, the deadline was very soon, and was rather motivated by the senior staff who seemed heartless at times.

So I portrayed Prim as the Committee Chairperson at school...
In response to the theft of the treasure by the phantom thief, Prim-chan feigns ignorance in order to stay free.

Oh I really wanted to make more animations of Prim-chan for this movie!
Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with any more ideas for drawing Prim-chan, but I would like to hear any of your ideas for any new adventures for Prim-chan.

By the way, I decided to put on a "diving" scene once I saw the lyrics to the song.

One last thing, "Lucky Goose☆", there are two differing animations you can get of Prim-chan.
If you get a good result... you may get a sleeping scene!

Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts / Charge Notes / Backspin Scratches - 580 / 0 / 1 1127 / 0 / 0 1815 / 0 / 0 2334 / 0 / 0 716 / 4 / 1 1322 / 0 / 0 2122 / 0 / 0 2390 / 0 / 0
beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL→30 RESIDENT - 6 10 12 - 6 10 12 -
beatmania IIDX 31 EPOLIS→Present - 6 10 12 12 6 10 12 12
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS - 6 10 12 - 6 10 12 -
beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE - 6 10 12 - - - - -

pop'n music

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts / Long pop-kun 262 / 9 574 / 9 960 / 9 1309 / 8 550 -
pop'n music 解明リドルズ→Present 9 29 41 46 26 -
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