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MISSION is SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS' story mode, introduced on January 21st, 2015. Each MISSION episode comes with a group of chapters that must be cleared in order, by fulfilling certain conditions that the game tells the player. Clearing MISSIONs nets the player Blc/Pc bonuses and, more importantly, new songs.

At the start of every game after selecting your APPEAL CARD, players can choose a MISSION to start or complete. Completing each sub-objective earns the player various rewards, such as new charts and APPEAL CARDs. The current objective will be displayed at the bottom of the TRACK SELECT screen, if active and available. EPISODES do not need to be cleared in order (unless specified), but to progress to the 2nd page and beyond, you need to have completed all of Episode 01. They can be activated again after clearing them.

Listed below are each MISSION's separate objectives, categorized by which page they appear in, and their rewards.

With the introduction of the BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM in EPISODE 05 (August 13th, 2015), if an EPISODE's current objective involves the BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM, a special symbol will be shown next to the EPISODE title.

Note that since December 4th, 2015, the MISSION songs folder (MISSION対象曲) will list all songs that meet a sub-objective's criteria (e.g. play and clear specific song(s)), so that finding those songs will be much easier.

MISSION also carried over to SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS コナステ. Due to the lack of matching modes, though, any missions involving them have been removed.

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Note: prologue must be cleared to unlock Episode 1, and clearing it enables access to other episodes (except Episode 24).

Objective Requirement Reward
prologue episode To the skies of battle. (闘いの空へ。)
01. Learn how to operate the radar by playing any 1 TRACK!
Play any song and clear it. Pc/Blc
02. Delete the bug by clearing a song from GRAVITY WARS!
(バグを検知するためGRAVITY WARSで追加された曲を1回クリアせよ!)
Play any song from the GRAVITY WARS folder and clear it. -
03. Score a grade of A to improve the radar's accuracy!
(SCORE GRADE A以上を1回達成しレーダーの精度を上げよ!)
Play one song and clear with an A or better. Pc/Blc
04. Match with someone and work together deleting bugs!
Play with someone via Online or Local Matching. -
05. Get a 100% RATE to delete tons of bugs!
(RATE 100%で1回クリアし大量のバグを一掃せよ!)
Play one song and clear with a 100% RATE bar. -
06. Clear a song under EXCESSIVE RATE to discover an unknown entity!
(EXCESSIVE RATEで1回クリアし不確定要素の本体を発見せよ!)
Play one song and clear using the EXCESIVE RATE bar. -
07. Play enough songs to fix new bugs!
Accumulate 6666 damage points (equivalent to INFINITE BLASTER damage value) from playing songs. INDEPENDENT SKY NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
08. Release by clearing INDEPENDENT SKY!
(INDEPENDENT SKYをクリアして解放せよ!)
Play and clear any chart of INDEPENDENT SKY. INDEPENDENT SKY GRAVITY chart unlocked
Rare APPEAL CARD [03-R013]
Episode 01 Brilliant Crimson (鮮烈な紅を。)
(Added on April 15th, 2015)
01. Mother Ship (C-YA MIX)をクリアせよ! Play Mother Ship (C-YA MIX) and clear it. 500Pc
02. 3TRACKクリアせよ! Play any 3 songs and clear them. -
03. 5TRACKをA以上でクリアせよ! Play five songs and clear with an A or better. Poison Blood ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
04. RATE 100%で2回クリアし大量のバグを一掃せよ! Play two songs and clear them with a 100% rate. -
05. EXCESSIVE RATEで4回クリアし戦艦格納庫を見つけ出せ! Play four songs and clear them using the EXCESSIVE RATE bar. 500Blc
06. good high schoolをクリアして紅刃を援護せよ! Play good high school and clear it. -
07. 感情Xerographyをクリアして紅刃を援護せよ! Play 感情Xerography and clear it. AYAKASHI ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily available
08. AYAKASHIをクリアして新しいトラックを開放せよ! Play and clear any chart of AYAKASHI. AYAKASHI ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
Episode 02 The One Who Escapes Chaos (混沌より出づる者)
(Added on May 29th, 2015)
01. 戦艦の操縦に慣れるためGRAVITY WARSで追加された曲を3回クリアせよ! Play 3 songs from the GRAVITY WARS folder and clear them. 300Pc
02. トラックコンプリートの力でバグの大群を浄化せよ! Accumulate 4444 damage points from playing songs. ON FIRE ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily available
03. ON FIREをクリアして新しいトラックを確保せよ! Play ON FIRE and clear it. ON FIRE ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
04. RATE 100%で1回クリアし防御に適したポジションを取れ! Play one song and clear with a 100% RATE bar. -
05. ERROR 30以下で5回クリアしバグから学園を守れ! Play five songs and clear them while getting less than 30 ERRORs for each song. 300Blc/300Pc
06. Gottをクリアしてバグを駆逐せよ! Play Gott and clear it. -
07. Hellfireをクリアしてバグを駆逐せよ! Play Hellfire and clear it. Discloze ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily available
08. Disclozeをクリアして新しいトラックを開放せよ! Play and clear any chart of Discloze. Discloze ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
Episode 03 With the Gemini (双子星といっしょ!)
(Added on June 12th, 2015)
01. マッチングしないように3TRACKプレイして秘密裏に訓練を開始せよ! Play 3 songs and clear them while matching with no other players. 500Pc
02. freaky freakをクリアしてニア&ノアを追いかけよう! Play freaky freak and clear it. -
03. Twin Rocketをクリアしニア&ノアを捕まえよう! Play Twin Rocket and clear it. Milkyway - memorable - ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
04. RATE 100%で4回クリアしできるだけ高く上ろう! Play four songs and clear them with a 100% RATE bar. -
05. ハイスコアを1回更新してもっと高く上ろう! Play any song and clear it with a new high score. 500Blc
06. 「星」のつく楽曲をクリアしてニア&ノアを誘導せよ! Play any song that begins with the kanji 「星」 and clear it. -
07. NEAR 50以下で5回クリアしてニア&ノアを誘導せよ! Play five songs and clear them while getting less than 50 NEARs for each song. Happy Sensation ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily available
08. Happy Sensationをクリアして流星群に突撃せよ! Play and clear any chart of Happy Sensation. Happy Sensation ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked

Page 2

Objective Requirement Reward
Episode 04 The Oath of the Double Wall (双璧の誓い)
(Added on July 16th, 2015)
01. Rayをクリアして烈風刀の気持ちにシンクロせよ! Play Ray and clear it. Princessどうかお願い!! ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily available
02. Princessどうかお願い!!をクリアしてレイシスを発見せよ! Play Princessどうかお願い!! and clear it. Princessどうかお願い!! ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
03. SCORE GRADE A以上を3回達成してバグの発生位置を探知せよ! Play three songs and clear with an A rank or better. -
04. RATE 100%で2回クリアしバグの発生地点に向かえ! Play two songs and clear with a 100% RATE bar. 300Blc/300Pc
05. 雷刀と一緒にトラックコンプリートの力で大量のバグを排除せよ! Accumulate 5000 damage points from playing. Twin Blaster ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily available
06. Twin Blasterをクリアせよ! Play Twin Blaster and clear it. Twin Blaster ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
07. INFINITE またはGRAVITYエフェクトをプレーしセキュリティを強化せよ! Play a song on INFINITE or GRAVITY difficulty. INF-B《L-aste-R》 ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily available
08. INF-B《L-aste-R》をクリアしてセキュリティを強化を完了せよ! Play and clear any chart of INF-B《L-aste-R》. INF-B《L-aste-R》 ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
Episode 05 Prelude to Collapse (崩落の序曲)
(Added on August 13th, 2015)
01. 市街地に襲来したバグを排除せよ! Battle against the unknown ENEMY (5000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM. 300Blc/300Pc
02. 出向いてきたグレイスを迎え撃て! Battle against GRACE (9999 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM. Ops:Code-Rapture- ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily available
03. Ops:Code-Rapture-をクリアしてグレイスを撃退せよ! Play and clear any chart of Ops:Code-Rapture-. Ops:Code-Rapture- ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
Episode 06 The Duo Under the Mirror (鏡合わせの二人)
(Added on August 21st, 2015)
西地区の扇動者を撃破せよ! Battle against ORTLINDE (Ortlinde=NBLG=Valkyria) (28000 HP) in the West via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: KUREHA, Sub-crew: MOMO
Preserved Valkyria NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked in order
南地区の破壊者を撃破せよ! Battle against RIOT (RIOT DESTRUDO (Electrobody Maneuvers)) (30000 HP) in the South via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
Blastix Riotz NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked in order
東地区の通信障害を復旧せよ! Battle against HARUKA (Haruka Kyoubate) (29000 HP) in the East via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: TSUMABUKI LEFT, Sub-crew: AO
NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts, in order unlocked
北地区の侵入者を排除せよ! Battle against PILICA (Deux Saint-Co Pilica) (27000 HP) in the North via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: NEAR & NOAH, Sub-crew: HINA
XyHATTE NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked in order
グレイスの猛攻に立ち向かえ! Battle against GRACE (36000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE character: RASIS-03 (PUR)
Note: The previous four enemies must be defeated first for GRACE to appear.
veRtrageS NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked in order
GRAVITY charts of AΩ, Blastix Riotz, Preserved Valkyria, and XyHATTE unlockable via INFINITE BLASTER

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Objective Requirement Reward
Episode 07 The Bloodied Fallen Angel (鮮血の堕天使)
(Added on September 17th, 2015)
01. バグを撃破してグレイスを追い払え! Battle against the unknown ENEMY (5000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM. Sourire ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
02. 「恋」のつく楽曲をクリアして飛び去った恋刃を探し出せ! Play any song that begins with the kanji 「恋」 and clear it. Vampire's Territory ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
03. 恋刃を連れ戻せ! Battle against KONOHA (9080 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: KUREHA, Sub-crew: HINA
Warriors Aboot ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
Episode 08 Mystery of the Old School (旧校舎の怪談)
(Added on November 13th, 2015)
01. マッチングしないよう2回プレーし旧校舎に忍び込め! Play 2 songs and clear them while matching with no other players. 500Pc
02. 旧校舎に侵入したバグを退治せよ! Battle against the unknown ENEMY (5000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM. 500Blc
03. HAELEQUINをクリアしてハーレクインを探し出せ! Play any chart of HAELEQUIN and clear it. 500Blc/500Pc
04. ハーレクインをバグから救い出せ! Battle against HAELEQUIN (18091 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: NEAR & NOAH, Sub-crew: HINA
HAELE III ~Angel Worlds~ NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily available
05. HAELE III ~Angel Worlds~をクリアしてハーレクインと一緒に遊ぼう! Play and clear any chart of HAELE III ~Angel Worlds~. HAELE III ~Angel Worlds~ NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST/GRAVITY charts unlocked
Episode 09 Chaotic Seas (混沌の海へ。)
(Added on November 20th, 2015)
01. GRAVITY WARSで追加された曲を5回クリアし未探査領域まで出撃せよ! Play five songs from the GRAVITY WARS folder and clear it. Two rare APPEAL CARDs
02. グレイスの攻撃を凌ぎきれ! Battle against GRACE (999999 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
Note: This objective will automatically "fail" and complete itself.
Main crew: RASIS-03 (default version) becomes glitched (bugged style becomes available; change with VOL-L at the crew selection screen)
Episode 10 To Where You Are (君がいる場所へ。)
(Added on December 4th, 2015)
01. 「海」のつく楽曲をクリアして人海戦術でバグの海に出撃せよ! Play any song that begins with the kanji 「海」 and clear it. -
02. 巨大バグを一掃せよ! Battle against EVIL EYE (10000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM. -
03. グレイスを退けろ! Battle against GRACE (16000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM. 君がいる場所へ ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
04. マッチングして自分の位置を伝えろ! Play with someone via Online or Local Matching. Seraphim ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily available
05. Seraphimをクリアしてレイシスを迎えに行こう! Play and clear any chart of Seraphim. Seraphim ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
Episode Side 02, EXTRA WORMHOLE MISSIONs (LIMIT BREAK 01, TRIAL 01) unlocked
Episode 11 The Black Cat full of scratches (傷だらけの黒猫)
(Added on March 3rd, 2016)
01. 心の闇に立ち向かえ! Battle against EVIL EYE (8000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM. 777Pc
02. デストロイマーチかヤサイマシ☆ニンニクアブラオオメをクリアして警報を発令せよ! Play デストロイマーチ (Route A) or ヤサイマシ☆ニンニクアブラオオメ (Route B) and clear it. 777Blc
03-A. 奈奈を闇から救い出せ! Battle against NANA (Kougei Ciel Nana) (17777 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: KONOHA (Route A) or KANADE (Route B)
Demise Quartet ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
03-B. 自慢のラーメンで奈奈を闇から救い出せ!

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Objective Requirement Reward
Episode 12 The Foolish Hero (愚かな英雄)
(Added on March 18th, 2016)
01. バグ包囲網を突破せよ! Battle against EVIL EYE (8000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM. 500Pc
02. ERROR 50以下でクリアして操舵を立て直し灯色救出に向かえ! Play any song and clear it while getting less than 50 ERRORs. 500Blc
03. 始果を捩じ伏せろ! Battle against HARUKA (2900 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM. 300Pc/300Blc
04. 灯色を連れ戻せ! Battle against FURITSU HIIRO (11600 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
Never Fails NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked in order
Episode 13 A Solitariness Resolve (孤独な決意)
(Added on May 28th, 2016)
01. SCORE GRADE A以上を3回達成し東の境界線まで出撃せよ! Play three songs and clear with an A or better. 500Pc
02. 雷刀と烈風刀で協力してバグを掃討せよ! Battle against EVIL EYE (8000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM. 500Blc
03. レイシスの為にグレイスを撃退せよ! Battle against GRACE (13000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
04. croiX 超越してしまった彼女と其を生み落した理由 LegenD.のいずれかを合計3回クリアし、烈風刀に追いつけ! Play and clear croiX, 超越してしまった彼女と其を生み落した理由, and/or LegenD. a total of 3 times. 500Pc/500Blc
Destroy NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily available
05. Destroyをクリアし烈風刀を引き止めろ! Play and clear any chart of Destroy. Destroy NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST/GRAVITY charts unlocked
Main crew: TSUMABUKI LEFT becomes corrupted (DARK SIDE style becomes available)
Episode 14 Spicy Descendents (辛の末裔)
(Added on June 16th, 2016)
01. C18H27NO3をクリアし出撃せよ! Play C18H27NO3 and clear it. 180Pc/270Blc
02. 烈風刀の猛攻を受け止めろ! Battle against EVIL EYE (corrupted Tsumabuki Left) (3676 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
03. カプサイシンを受け止めすべてを守りきれ! Battle against EVIL EYE (corrupted Halt=Capsaicin=Styptysat) (18273 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
Main crew: MAXIMA GRAVITY becomes frozen in stone (statue style becomes available)
Episode 15 To the Source of Order (秩序の元へ)
(Added on July 14th, 2016)
01. ERROR 40以下でクリアし雷刀が学園中枢に向かうために戦線構築せよ! Play any song and clear it while getting less than 40 ERRORs. 400Pc
02. VOLで1200 CRITICAL達成しネメシス・コア制御室まで到達せよ! Play any song(s) and obtain a total of 1200 CRITICALs with the VOL-L and VOL-R analogs. 400Pc
03. 「Gott」「Hellfire」「2 MINUTES FIGHTERS」のいずれかを合計3回クリアし、烈風刀に信念を示せ! Play and clear Gott, Hellfire, and/or 2 MINUTES FIGHTERS a total of 3 times. 200Pc/200Blc
04. 烈風刀の目を醒まさせろ! Battle against EVIL EYE (corrupted Tsumabuki Left) (12600 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
Get back here NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily available
05. 「Get back here」をクリアし素早くレイシスのもとへ帰還せよ! Play and clear any chart of Get back here. Get back here NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST/GRAVITY charts unlocked

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Note: Episode 16 must be cleared first to unlock Episodes 17-20.

Objective Requirement Reward
Episode 16 A Silent Incident (静かなる異変)
(Added on July 28th, 2016)
01. RATE 100%で3曲クリアし出撃準備を整えよ! Play three songs and clear them with a 100% RATE bar. 500Blc
02. イノテンちゃんと戦いネメシスの力を呼び醒ませ! Battle against EVIL EYE (corrupted Inoten-chan) (17100 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: All sub-crew members except the ひなビタ♪ and Touhou characters
Ok!! Hug Me NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked in order
Episodes 17-20 unlocked
Episode 17 The Battle of Snowflakes (氷華の闘い)
(Added on July 28th, 2016)
ピリカに麺のお作法を教え込め! Battle against PILICA (30000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: NEAR & NOAH (all versions), KANADE
ウエンレラの氷華 NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked in order
Episode 18 The Anguish of a Destructor (破壊者の痛み)
(Added on August 4th, 2016)
ライオットのバグを取り除け! Battle against RIOT (35000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
Completeness Under Incompleteness NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked in order
Episode 19 The Goddess of Salvation (救いの女神)
(Added on August 4th, 2016)
オルトリンデの哀しみを切り捨てろ! Battle against ORTLINDE (31000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: KUREHA (all versions), KONOHA
Celestial stinger NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked, in order
Episode 20 The Rebellious Ninja (叛逆ノ忍)
(Added on August 10th, 2016)
Note: Must clear Episode 16 first.
始果を押さえ込みバグの暴走から救い出せ! Battle against HARUKA (33000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.

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Note: Episodes in this page are also unlocked one by one in order. Episodes 16-20 must be cleared first to access this page, while Episode 24 can only be accessed after clearing every episodes (including both endings to Episode 11).

Objective Requirement Reward
Episode 21 The Fruit of Despair (絶望の果てに)
(Added on August 10th, 2016)
絶望に呑まれずグレイスを説得せよ! Battle against GRACE (32767 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: All RASIS-03 main and sub-crew members (except default version)
DIABLOSIS::Nāga NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked in order
Episode 22 The Lies of Sadness (悲しい嘘)
(Added on August 10th, 2016)
グレイスの本音を引きずり出せ! Battle against GRACE (44444 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: All RASIS-03 main and sub-crew members (except NO-CREW)
Lord=Crossight NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked in order
Episode 23 Beyond Destiny (宿命を超えて)
(Added on August 17th, 2016)
01. グレイスの傍を離れるな! Battle against GRACE (49999 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: All RASIS-03 main and sub-crew members (except NO-CREW)
FLügeL《Λrp:ΣggyØ》 NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily unlocked
02. FLügeL《Λrp:ΣggyØ》をクリアして宿命を乗り超えろ! Play and clear any chart of FLügeL《Λrp:ΣggyØ》. FLügeL《Λrp:ΣggyØ》 NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
GRAVITY charts of songs from Episodes 16-20 unlockable via INFINITE BLASTER
Episode 24 Dream of Someday (いつかの夢)
(Added on August 10th, 2016)
01.「XyHATTE」「雲の彼方」「ウエンレラの氷華」 のいずれかを合計3回クリアし、ピリカに会いに行こう! Play and clear XyHATTE, 雲の彼方, and/or ウエンレラの氷華 a total of 3 times. 500Pc
02.「Preserved Valkyria」「End to end」「Celestial stinger」 のいずれかを合計3回クリアし、オルトリンデから話を聞け! Play and clear Preserved Valkyria, End to end, and/or Celestial stinger a total of 3 times. 500Blc
03.「Blastix Riotz」「EMPIRE OF FLAME」「Completeness Under Incompleteness」 のいずれかを合計3回クリアし、ライオットを発見しろ! Play and clear Blastix Riotz, EMPIRE OF FLAME, and/or Completeness Under Incompleteness a total of 3 times. 500Pc
04.「ΑΩ」「NEO GRAVITY」「NEO TREASON」 のいずれかを合計3回クリアし、京終 始果を見つけ出せ! Play and clear ΑΩ, NEO GRAVITY, and/or NEO TREASON a total of 3 times. 500Blc
05.「veRtrageS」「Lachryma《Re:Queen'M》」「DIABLOSIS::Nāga」 のいずれかを合計3回クリアし、グレイスの精神世界にダイブせよ! Play and clear veRtrageS, Lachryma《Re:Queen'M》, and/or DIABLOSIS::Nāga a total of 3 times. 500Pc/500Blc
REGALIA NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts temporarily unlocked
06.「REGALIA」をクリアして グレイスの記録を読み解け! Play any chart of REGALIA and clear it. REGALIA NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
07. イビル=コアごと全てを浄化せよ! Battle against EVIL CORE (65535 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
OVERDRIVE characters: All main crew and sub-crew members (including NO-CREW).
いつかの夢、またねの約束。 NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts
and #Endroll NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked
END - Credits roll.


Details to be updated.

Objective Requirement Reward
Episode Side 01 Tsumabuki LEFT and Tsumabuki RIGHT Goes Casual Vacation! GW Bullet Tour (烈風刀&雷刀と行く 勝手に!GW弾丸ツアー)
(Added on March 18th, 2015)
01. クリアランクAA以上を獲得し旅の準備を整えよ! Play one song and clear with a AA or better. Rare APPEAL CARD [01-N138]
02. 2回トラックコンプリートして旅行の荷物をまとめよう! Play two songs and clear them. Rare APPEAL CARD [03-R046]
03. BOOTHで追加された曲を3回クリアして旅行を満喫しよう! Play three songs from the BOOTH folder and clear them. Rare APPEAL CARD [01-N140]
04. 合計 3人とマッチングしていろんな人と交流を深めよう! Play with someone three times via Online or Local Matching. Rare APPEAL CARD [03-R047]
Episode Coconatsu Episode 1 To Ronron! (ここなつ01 ようこそロンロンへ!)
(Added on July 3rd, 2015)
01. CRITICALを合計1000回達成してたくさんの注文を捌ききれ! Accumulate 1000 CRITICALs from playing songs. Rare APPEAL CARD [03-R048]
02. 香港功夫大旋風をクリアしておいしい点心を作ろう! Play 香港功夫大旋風 and clear it. Rare APPEAL CARD [03-R049]
03. SDVXオリジナル楽曲をクリアしてボルテ学園に出前を届けよう! Play any SOUND VOLTEX Original song from the SDVXオリジナル folder and clear it. Rare APPEAL CARD [03-R050]
04. ミライプリズムをクリアして華麗なダンスを披露しよう! Play ミライプリズム and clear it. -
05. キミヱゴサーチをクリアして素敵な歌声を披露しよう! Play キミヱゴサーチ and clear it. -
06. ロンロンへ ライライライ!をクリアして新曲を披露しよう! Play and clear any chart of ロンロンへ ライライライ!. 500Blc
Episode Side 02 Nishinippori, Omitted (前略、西日暮里より。)
(Added on December 4th, 2015)
01. 「踊」「舞」のつく曲をクリアし踊りで皆を癒せ! Play any song that has the kanji 「踊」 or 「舞」 in the title and clear it. -
02. woundをクリアしてあんず殿を勇気付けよ! Play wound and clear it. -
03. あんず殿の心を病ませていた新型バグを成敗せよ! Battle against the unknown ENEMY (10000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM. The setting sun ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts unlocked


Details to be updated.

Objective Requirement Reward
LIMIT BREAK 01 Aim! Limit Break Death! (目指せ!限界突破デス!)
(Added on December 4th, 2015)
(Requires a Level 10 RASIS-03 (PUR) to appear)
01. チップオブジェクトで1000 CRITICAL達成し基礎体力を鍛えよ! Play any song(s) and obtain a total of 1000 CRITICALs with the CHIP objects. 500Blc
02. VOLで1000 CRITICAL達成し技を鍛えよ! Play any song(s) and obtain a total of 1000 CRITICALs with the VOL-L and VOL-R analogs. 500Pc
03. 君がいる場所へをクリアし魔騎士暴龍天斎の問いに答えよ! Play and clear any chart of 君がいる場所へ. Main Crew: RASIS-03 (PUR)'s maximum level increased to 20
TRIAL 01 V.R. ENEMY AI (Added on December 4th, 2015)
01. Destroy the Lv.1's EVIL EYE!
Battle against EVIL EYE (20000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
02. Destroy the Lv.2's EVIL EYE!
Battle against EVIL EYE (26000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
03. Destroy the Lv.3's EVIL EYE!
Battle against EVIL EYE (50000 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
04. Destroy the Lv.4's EVIL EYE!
Battle against EVIL EYE (66666 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
05. Destroy the Lv.MAX's EVIL EYE!
Battle against EVIL EYE (88888 HP) via BATTLE SEQUENCE SYSTEM.
Sub Crew: PURE★EYE unlocked

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