BEMANI Records/pop'n music

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pop'n music Records

This page lists songs, charts, or other miscellaneous records in the pop'n music series.

Game Records

Song Records

Chart Records

Other Records

  • Artist who has appeared in the most pop'n music games: ?
  • Most songs by one artist in a single pop'n music game: ?
CollapseBEMANI Records
Active Series beatmania IIDX - pop'n music - GITADORA - DanceDanceRevolution - jubeat - SOUND VOLTEX - ノスタルジア - DANCERUSH
DANCE aROUND - ポラリスコード
Inactive Series beatmania - pop'n stage - KEYBOARDMANIA - Dance Maniax - ParaParaParadise - MAMBO A GO GO - Toy'sMarch
DANCE 86.4 - REFLEC BEAT - DanceEvolution - BeatStream - MÚSECA
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