Song Information

Original Charts

Artist: 200
Composition/Arrangement: NM Sequence Unlimited
BPM: 200
Length: 1:34
First Music Game Appearance: DanceDanceRevolution Solo BASS MIX
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes


  • PARANOIA survivor, PARANOIA survivor MAX and PARANOIA EVOLUTION are the only songs in the PARANOiA series that have the letter I capitalized.
  • PARANOIA EVOLUTION received Double charts in DanceDanceRevolution 4thMIX.
  • PARANOIA EVOLUTION received a BEGINNER chart in DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME.

Song Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

DanceDanceRevolution difficulty from 2ndMIX CLUB VER. through 5thMIX (and the Solo games) rated from 1 to 9, 1 to 10 from DDRMAX2 to SuperNOVA2, and 1 to 20 from X onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)


Original Charts

Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 144 / 0 278 / 0 287 / 0 375 / 0 - / - / - 224 / 0 274 / 0 320 / 0 - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution Solo BASS MIX→Solo 2000 6 7 8
DanceDanceRevolution 4thMIX→5thMIX 6 7 8 5 7 9
DDRMAX2 6 7 8 5 7 9
DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME→SuperNOVA2 2 6 7 8 5 7 9
DanceDanceRevolution X→Present 5 9 10 12 6 10 13
DanceDanceRevolution EXTRA MIX 6 7 8 5 7 9
DDRMAX CS US 6 7 8 5 7 9
DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME CS JP 2 6 7 8 5 7 9
Dancing Stage Fever PS1/PS2 2 6 7 8 5 7 9
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