Main Page

Revision as of 07:55, 5 February 2023 by Phuzion (talk | contribs) (Update main page message)

Welcome to RemyWiki

This is a wiki used largely for documenting things of general interest to the BEMANI community. It is named after Dan Dickinson, who hosted it for a number of years.

RemyWikiは、BEMANIプレイヤーに関心のあることを文書化するためのウィキです。「RemyWiki」という名前は、当サイトの元管理者であるDan Dickinson氏に由来しています。


RemyWiki News

02/05/03 - Welcome back, everyone! Thank you for your patience. We are on a new server, and you will need to change your password when logging in. Please see RemyWiki:Migration for more details.

01/22/23 - RemyWiki will be moving to a new server soon. Details to be announced later.
09/01/22 - Main Page is being redesigned. Added support for DANCE 86.4.
06/14/22 - RemyWiki now hosts a SEGA rhythm games-related wiki, SilentBlue! Registrations are open until the end of month.
02/09/21 - Some pages are currently locked in Other BEMANI Related Things as we source information on them. Apologies.
09/25/20 - RemyWiki Discord is now open for public access! Please click here to join!


Active BEMANI Series

beatmania IIDX
pop'n music

List of console releases by regions:


Inactive BEMANI Series

beatmania / beatmania III
pop'n stage
Dance Maniax
DANCE 86.4

General BEMANI Trivia

  • Song Samples - a list of the most frequent samples heard in BEMANI songs.
  • Later Appearing Songs - a more detailed look at songs that appeared in earlier BEMANI games, either via HDD data or in another series altogether, before their proper debuts.
  • Scrapped Songs - a more detailed look into the deleted songs that never made to the final projects of BEMANI games.
  • Cancelled Games - BEMANI-related games that never saw the light of day.
  • What Could Have Been - various errata (concepts, ideas, and transplants) that didn't make to the final release of BEMANI games, or put later on.

BEMANI Related Media Mix Projects

  • HinaBitter♪ - a further look at the media mix project co-produced by TOMOSUKE and FujimiShobo (富士見書房).
  • BandMeshi♪ - information on TOMOSUKE's second media mix project.

Other BEMANI Related Articles and Lists

  • BEMANI Albums - a list of BEMANI related albums, featuring both in-house and commissioned artists.
  • BEMANI Events - a list of all the BEMANI events that have happened through the years.
  • BEMANI Timeline - a timeline of various BEMANI games, soundtracks, and other BEMANI-related activities sorted by year.
  • BEMANI Records - a list of game/songs/charts that hold records of every BEMANI series.
  • BEMANI Sound Team - a look back at the infamous 2017 rebranding of KONAMI's in-house BEMANI musicians, and how it came to be.
  • BEMANI Staff Tenure - a list of all the people who ever worked in-house on BEMANI game projects, and how long they worked in BEMANI.
  • Censorship in BEMANI - a look at how certain BEMANI releases censored songs or graphics outside of Japan.
  • List of BEMANI Arcade Hardware - a list of all arcade hardware used in BEMANI titles, since the beginning to current date.
  • List of BMS songs appearing in BEMANI - an overview of the songs from Be-Music Source files that have appeared in BEMANI
  • Game Credits - a list of credits for various BEMANI games, including beatmania IIDX, DanceDanceRevolution, pop'n music, and more.
  • Record Labels - a list of the different labels which contribute either in-house or licensed music to BEMANI games.
  • ULTIMATE MOBILE MUSIC PLAYER omissions - a list of songs you're missing out on in beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE.