Welcome to RemyWiki
This is a wiki used largely for documenting things of general interest to the BEMANI community. It is named after Dan Dickinson, who hosted it for a number of years.
RemyWikiは、BEMANIプレイヤーに関心のあることを文書化するためのウィキです。「RemyWiki」という名前は、当サイトの元管理者であるDan Dickinson氏に由来しています。
RemyWiki News | |
05/20/23 - We've gotten a few people in the past asking how to register for RemyWiki, so please read this article pertaining to why there's no offer to immediately join the wiki from the main page anymore. 02/25/23 - What Could Have Been now unlocked for everyone to edit. Please follow editing rules when adding information. |
Active BEMANI Series
Inactive BEMANI Series
General BEMANI Trivia
- Song Samples - a list of the most frequent samples heard in BEMANI songs.
- Later Appearing Songs - a more detailed look at songs that appeared in earlier BEMANI games, either via HDD data or in another series altogether, before their proper debuts.
- Scrapped Songs - a more detailed look into the deleted songs that never made to the final projects of BEMANI games.
- Cancelled Games - BEMANI-related games that never saw the light of day.
- What Could Have Been - various errata (concepts, ideas, and transplants) that didn't make to the final release of BEMANI games, or put later on.
BEMANI Related Media Mix Projects
- HinaBitter♪ - a further look at the media mix project co-produced by TOMOSUKE and FujimiShobo (富士見書房).
- BandMeshi♪ - information on TOMOSUKE's second media mix project.
Other BEMANI Related Articles and Lists
- BEMANI Albums - a list of BEMANI related albums, featuring both in-house and commissioned artists.
- BEMANI Events - a list of all the BEMANI events that have happened through the years.
- BEMANI Timeline - a timeline of various BEMANI games, soundtracks, and other BEMANI-related activities sorted by year.
- BEMANI Records - a list of game/songs/charts that hold records of every BEMANI series.
- BEMANI Sound Team - a look back at the infamous 2017 rebranding of KONAMI's in-house BEMANI musicians, and how it came to be.
- BEMANI Staff Tenure - a list of all the people who ever worked in-house on BEMANI game projects, and how long they worked in BEMANI.
- Censorship in BEMANI - a look at how certain BEMANI releases censored songs or graphics outside of Japan.
- List of BEMANI Arcade Hardware - a list of all arcade hardware used in BEMANI titles, since the beginning to current date.
- List of BMS songs appearing in BEMANI - an overview of the songs from Be-Music Source files that have appeared in BEMANI
- Game Credits - a list of credits for various BEMANI games, including beatmania IIDX, DanceDanceRevolution, pop'n music, and more.
- Record Labels - a list of the different labels which contribute either in-house or licensed music to BEMANI games.
- ULTIMATE MOBILE MUSIC PLAYER omissions - a list of songs you're missing out on in beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE.