ノスタルジア Op.3/Old Hidden Songs

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ノスタルジア Op.3/Old Hidden Songs

Old hidden songs from ノスタルジア through Op.2 have been made available to unlock again in ノスタルジア Op.3 from June 11th, 2020.

The Episode names are shared with the song titles for all songs listed below. All charts for the selected song will be unlocked with the amount of Stardust listed.

Information obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.

ノスタルジア FORTE&Op.2 Events

To access these songs, press the "ノスタルジアFORTE&Op.2 イベント" button during the Episode selection screen. Note that these songs can be unlocked in any order.

nos Required Unlockable Song Stardust Required
100 神々が恋した幻想郷 10
300 千年ノ理 24
300 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life 18
400 Life is beautiful 30
600 Prey 40
500 Puberty Dysthymia 36
300 Rejoin 24
300 風鈴花火 24
300 星座が恋した瞬間を。 24
300 Limitation 24
800 Scandal 54
400 Übertreffen 32
400 Votum Stellarum 32
200 Ensemble Forecast 3/28 15
400 garden 30
400 Sakura Sunrise 35
300 Windy Fairy 24
500 Beyond the Ocean 36
700 Leviathan 48
700 明鏡止水 48
200 隅田川夏恋歌 15
400 fallen leaves 32
200 KOUYOU 15
700 霖が哭く 48
400 ロボット☆ライフ 30
300 Frozen Ray -nostal mix- 18
300 Holy Snow 24
100 くるみ割り人形より小序曲 5
300 くるみ割り人形より花のワルツ 24
300 くるみ割り人形より金平糖の踊り 18
100 くるみ割り人形より行進曲 5
100 くるみ割り人形よりトレパック 10
900 協奏曲第4番ヘ短調 RV 297「冬」より第一楽章 65
400 32
50th アニバーサリー
400 50th Memorial Songs -Beginning Story- 24
400 50th Memorial Songs -Flagship medley- 30
400 50th Memorial Songs -The BEMANI History- 36
400 50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~- 30
GUMI 10th Anniversary
600 Idola 40
300 バンブーソード・ガール 24
200 幻想系世界修復少女 15
交流音楽祭 (added on July 3rd, 2020)
400 Chronos 32
400 concon ~live pf addition~ 32
300 Ha・lle・lu・jah 24
400 Lord=Crossight 32
700 The Least 100sec 48
300 Towards the TOWER 24
900 True Blue 65
900 神話に芽吹く 65


The following songs were added on July 9th, 2020. To access them, press the "FORTE ストーリー" button during the Episode selection screen. The Chapters and Episodes have a fixed order, which is the one shown below.

nos Required Unlockable Song Stardust Required
郷愁の階段 Chapter I
100 I 5
100 変わりゆく時間とノスタルジアと 8
200 飽和世界 12
200 nostos 15
300 Noah's song 20
300 Enigmatic Synchronization 24
郷愁の階段 Chapter II
300 夕焼け猫とブリキのロボット 20
300 愛、遠く 20
300 flee for free!! 20
400 PF flowing 32
郷愁の階段 Chapter III
300 She Is On The Lemon Tree 20
300 Surf on the Light 20
400 Noah's song of collapse 32
300 Pee-wee Boogie 20
400 ユメイロムスビ 32
郷愁の階段 Chapter IV
400 遠い世界の時と空 30
500 ambages 36
400 phantasmagoria 30
600 zeeros 40
郷愁の階段 Chapter V
600 Claustra 40
600 Dream of You 40
200 Vide Nostalgia 12

Op.2 Story

The following songs were added on July 23rd, 2020. To access them, press the "Op.2ストーリー" button during the Episode selection screen. The Episodes have a fixed order, which is the one shown below, however, Op.2 Chapters can be selected in any order.

Note: Certain Episodes require to have unlocked another Episode(s) from a different Chapter(s) in order to be available for unlock:

nos Required Unlockable Song Stardust Required
旅の記録 ~少年~
100 Somnio 8
200 Voyager 18
400 深海の夢 30
400 アゼルバイジャニカアルメニアンカ 30
600 熱砂のバザルドュズ 40
700 残日の聲 50
300 水恋アダージョ 20
600 凪を穿つ 45
800 Philsomia 56
旅の記録 ~少女~
100 アーカーシャの碑文 8
300 風の丘の東 18
400 Le Vent 30
400 little runaway 30
600 水晶塔のオルカ 40
700 ivy of rutiles 50
600 Dust In The World 45
300 My dear child, mother's arm 20
800 バッドエンド・シンドローム 56
旅の記録 ~小さなロボット~
100 Echoes of Oblivion 8
300 3人の王女と進め 18
400 枕元で聞いた不思議な国のお話 30
400 robotip phactory 30
700 The Nameless 50
800 Last Twilight 56
旅の記録 ~白い鳥~
100 追憶のアラウカリア 8
300 変奏曲「天空遊覧」 18
400 break through the clouds 30
400 Volcanos 30
700 Fuego 50
800 虚空を飛ぶ鳥は誰の夢を見るか 56
旅の記録 ~ひとりぼっちの猫~
600 viator in vitro 40
200 minne 15
300 花のように微笑むように 24
800 Fear the Merry 56
900 Voca Nostalgia 65