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Song Information

quaver♪'s jacket.
quaver♪'s pop'n music banner.

Artist: Risk Junk
Composition/Arrangement: Risk Junk
BPM: 186 (REFLEC BEAT), 182-186 (beatmania IIDX, BeatStream, DanceDanceRevolution, jubeat, pop'n music, SOUND VOLTEX)
Length: 1:49
Genre: HAPPY (ハッピー)
pop'n music Character: FU-CHAN [14-2P]
Movie: VJ GYO (Lincle, PENDUAL→Present), F-FLY (tricoro→SPADA)
Jacket design: AUK-YAM
First Music Game Appearance: REFLEC BEAT limelight
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes


  • quaver♪ marks the first time when dj TAKA uses his Risk Junk alias in the REFLEC BEAT and jubeat series.
    • The appearance of quaver♪ in REFLEC BEAT limelight also breaks the chain of Risk Junk songs originating only in even-numbered beatmania IIDX games.
  • quaver♪ can be unlocked in REFLEC BEAT limelight by reaching Glass Stage 10. It is the final song of the limelight Glass Stages.
  • With 370 Objects, quaver♪'s BASIC chart had the highest notecount of any BASIC chart in REFLEC BEAT (pre-REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア).
  • quaver♪ is the fifth song of Lincle LINK 5 to be unlocked in beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle. It becomes available once Q-pro Level 99 has been reached.
  • A quaver (or eighth note) is a musical note played for one eighth the duration of a whole note.
  • quaver♪'s BPM increases from 182 at the start, to 184 in the middle, then to 186 near the end.
    • While the beatmania IIDX, BeatStream, DanceDanceRevolution, jubeat, pop'n music, and SOUND VOLTEX series show the correct BPM (182-186), the REFLEC BEAT series shows quaver♪'s BPM as just 186.
  • quaver♪ is one of the bistro saucer 1st Set unlocks of jubeat saucer. It could be unlocked from September 25th to October 31st, 2012.
    • In jubeat saucer fulfill, it can be unlocked as part of saucer macchiato's Side Menu from April 23rd, 2014.
    • In jubeat prop, it can be unlocked by playing it as a BONUS TUNE from May 28th, 2015.
    • In jubeat Qubell, it is one of the Garnet unlocks of the dig dig Qubell unlocking system.
    • In jubeat clan, it can be unlocked in the jubeat SHOP.
    • In jubeat festo, it can be purchased at the emo MART.
    • In jubeat Ave., it is one of the CONCIERGE unlocks of the LIGHT CHAT unlocking system from August 17th, 2022.
    • From jubeat beyond the Ave. onwards, it is available by default with an e-amusement pass.
  • quaver♪ is one of the unlockable songs of pop'n music Sunny Park's Fuyuyasumi! Hokahoka BEMANI daisakusen (冬休み!ほかほかBEMANI大作戦) event. It could be unlocked from December 26th, 2012 to April 8th, 2013, by playing 8 credits.
  • quaver♪ is one of the songs featured on the BEMANI SONGS ~Best of REFLEC BEAT~ video.
  • quaver♪ can be unlocked in BeatStream アニムトライヴ from February 1st, 2017 as part of the BeaSt joshibu no kirakira Valentine campaign (ビースト女子部のキラキラバレンタインキャンペーン) event.
    • It was the last song added to the BeatStream series.
  • After being removed from the initial release of REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア, quaver♪ was revived on February 2nd, 2017.
  • quaver♪ is available in beatmania IIDX INFINITAS as part of the beatmania IIDX INFINITAS Music Pack vol.2 (beatmania IIDX INFINITAS 楽曲パック vol.2).
  • quaver♪ is available in pop'n music Lively as part of the pop'n music Lively Music Pack vol.6 (pop'n music Lively 楽曲パック vol.6).
  • quaver♪'s jubeat (2021) ratings were adjusted to its jubeat clan ratings on March 7th, 2022.
  • quaver♪ was added to SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR on April 13th, 2023.
  • quaver♪'s MAXIMUM chart features a laser pattern in the shape of an eight note (♪).
  • quaver♪ is available in SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ from October 11th, 2023, by purchasing the Konasute SOUND VOLTEX REFLEC BEAT Selection Music Pack vol.1 (コナステ版 SOUND VOLTEX REFLEC BEAT セレクション 楽曲パック vol.1).
  • quaver♪ is available in DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX from March 13th, 2024, by purchasing the BEMANI SELECTION music pack vol.1 (BEMANI SELECTION楽曲パック vol.1).
  • quaver♪ is one of DanceDanceRevolution WORLD's EXTRA SAVIOR WORLD songs. It can be unlocked from November 29th, 2024.

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
BeatStream difficulty rated from 1 to Kami (神) in アニムトライヴ.
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.
jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
REFLEC BEAT to groovin'!! Upper difficulty rated from 1 to 10+, 1 to 13 in VOLZZA/VOLZZA 2, and 1 to 15 in 悠久のリフレシア.
SOUND VOLTEX difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards.
ポップンリズミン difficulty rated from 1 to 10. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts 145 357 1075 1745 - 340 1021 1874 -
beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle - 4 9 12 - 4 9 12 -
beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro→Present 1 4 9 12 - 4 9 12 -
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS - 4 9 12 - 4 9 12 -
beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE 1 4 9 12 - - - - -
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) 1 4 9 12 - 4 9 12 -


Game Level
Light Medium Beast Nightmare
Notecounts 187 370 877 -
BeatStream アニムトライヴ 5 8 10+ -


Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 54 / 0 240 / 1 427 / 8 654 / 10 - / - / - 249 / 1 417 / 15 646 / 10 - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX 2 7 12 17 - 7 12 17 -
DanceDanceRevolution WORLD→Present 2 7 12 17 - 7 12 17 -


Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 342 578 641
jubeat saucer→Qubell 5 8 9
jubeat clan→Present ↓4 ↓7 ↓8
jubeat plus 5 8 9
jubeat plus (Android) 5 8 9
jukebeat 5 8 9
jubeat (2021) 4 7 8

pop'n music

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 212 397 944 1352 250 374
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present 13 29 40 47 17 23
pop'n music Lively 13 29 40 47 - -


Old Charts

Game Level
Basic Medium Hard Special
Notecounts 370 494 733 -
REFLEC BEAT limelight→groovin'!! Upper 5 8 10+ -
REFLEC BEAT plus 5 8 11 -
REFLEC BEAT + 5 8 10+ -

New Charts

Game Level
Basic Medium Hard White
Notecounts 391 526 820 -
REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア 8 10 14 -


Game Level
Max Chain (EXCEED GEAR→Present) 661 1110 1490 1794 -
Effected By Akizuki Nagomu Akizuki Nagomu Akizuki Nagomu Akizuki Nagomu -
SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR→Present 6 13 16 18 -
SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ 6 13 16 18 -


Game Difficulties
Normal Hyper EX
Notecounts 174 268 553
ポップンリズミン 3 6 9
Lincle LINK #5
beatmania IIDX songs ビューティフル レシート - Flip Flap - Castle on the Moon - TITANS RETURN - quaver♪
REFLEC BEAT songs The Sampling Paradise - waxing and wanding - EXUSIA - 灼熱Beach Side Bunny - 天空の夜明け