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== Staff Information ==
== Staff Information ==
* Real name: unknown
* Real name: unknown
* Birthday: January 6th, 1984
* Birthdate: January 6th, 1984
* Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
* Twitter:
* Blog:

== Profile ==
== Profile ==
CUTEG is an illustrator, mangaka and character designer from South Korea. She mostly works on anime as a character designer, manga as both a mangaka and illustrator, and light novels as an illustrator. CUTEG is the character designer and main illustrator of the [[HinaBitter|ひなビタ♪]] project since its debut in 2012. However, Nyain. (にゃいーん。) is in charge of drawing the deformed version of the characters.
CUTEG is an illustrator, mangaka and character designer from South Korea. She is the character designer and main illustrator of the [[HinaBitter|ひなビタ♪]] and [[BandMeshi|バンめし♪]] projects, although Nyain. (にゃいーん。) is often in charge of drawing the chibi version of the characters.
== Trivia ==
* CUTEG is pronounced as "kkam" (깜).
* In her early years, CUTEG did videos for the music games ''EZ2DJ'' and ''PUMP IT UP''.

= Credited Works =
= Credited Works =
== Jackets ==
== Jackets ==
* [[Koi to King Kong|恋とキングコング]]
=== jubeat ===
* [[Ibu no jidai!|イブの時代っ!]]
* [[Hatsukoi sengen|1st Love (はつ恋)宣言]]
* [[Meumeupettantan!!|めうめうぺったんたん!!]]
* [[Tottemo tottemo, arigatou.|とってもとっても、ありがとう。]]
=== ひなビタ♪ ===
* [[Kokuu to koumyou no discourse|虚空と光明のディスクール]]
* [[Cosmic agenda ~Ibuki edition~|cosmic agenda ~一舞 edition~]]
* [[Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku ~HinaBitter edition~|凛として咲く花の如く ~ひなビタ♪edition~]]
* [[Drizzly Venom]]
* [[Chikuwa parfait da yo CKP|ちくわパフェだよ☆CKP]]
* [[Jet coaster girl ~Marika edition~|jet coaster☆girl ~まり花 edition~]]
* [[neko*neko|neko*neko]]
* [[Baby step|ベビーステップ]]
* [[Binary star|バイナリスター]]
* [[Catharsis no tsuki|カタルシスの月]]
* [[Catharsis no tsuki|カタルシスの月]]
* [[Chihou sousei chikuwactics|地方創生☆チクワクティクス]]
* [[Chikuwa parfait da yo CKP|ちくわパフェだよ☆CKP]]
* [[Chocolate smile|チョコレートスマイル]]
* [["Coconatsu" wa yume no katachi|「ここなつ☆」は夢のカタチ]]
* [[Dual memory|デュアルメモリ]]
* [[Eve no jidai!|イブの時代っ!]]
* [[Exciting!! Mo-cha-cha|エキサイティング!!も・ちゃ・ちゃ☆]]
* [[Flutter genshou no tenmatsu to tan itsu shikousei no kanjouron|フラッター現象の顛末と単一指向性の感情]]
* [[Gekiatsu majiyaba cheer girl|激アツ☆マジヤバ☆チアガール]]
* [[Hana no yakusoku|花のやくそく]]
* [[Hashire melonpan|走れメロンパン]]
* [[Haunted maid lunch|ホーンテッド★メイドランチ]]
* [[Haunted maid lunch|ホーンテッド★メイドランチ]]
* [[Hashire melonpan|走れメロンパン]]
* [[Hikari eureka|ヒカリユリイカ]]
* [[Himitsu dial|ヒミツダイヤル]]
* [[Horobi ni itaru ellampsis|滅びに至るエランプシス]]
* [[Horobi ni itaru ellampsis|滅びに至るエランプシス]]
* [[Ima koko! Kono shunkan|イマココ!この瞬間]]
* [[Jimotokko sweets|じもとっこスイーツ♪]]
* [[Juudan wa kai wo uchinuite|銃弾は解を撃ち抜いて]]
* [[Kakumei passionate|革命パッショネイト]]
* [[Kanzen muketsu no mujuuryoku dive|完全無欠の無重力ダイブ]]
* [[Kemono no ouja Meumeu|けもののおうじゃ★めうめう]]
* [[Kimi ego search|キミヱゴサーチ]]
* [[Kimochi connect|キモチコネクト]]
* [[Kirisute gomen|キリステゴメン]]
* [[Knight of rondo|ナイト・オブ・ロンド]]
* [[Kohaku no kuchizuke|琥珀のくちづけ]]
* [[Koi hadou? Moro hadou OK houteishiki!! ~Meu edition~|恋はどう?モロ◎波動OK☆方程式!! ~めう edition~]]
* [[Koi to King Kong|恋とキングコング]]
* [[Kokuu to koumyou no discourse|虚空と光明のディスクール]]
* [[Konya wa pajama party|今夜はパジャマパーティ]]
* [[Kurage fantasy soda|クラゲファンタジーソーダ]]
* [[Kuranogawa ondo|倉野川音頭]]
* [[Mahou no tamago ~Cocona ELECTRO POP edition~|魔法のたまご ~心菜 ELECTRO POP edition~]]
* [[Metsubou tenshi nikokyuppin|滅亡天使 † にこきゅっぴん]]
* [[Meumeupettantan!!|めうめうぺったんたん!!]]
* [[Meumeupettantan!! (Breakcore Remix)|めうめうぺったんたん!! (割印[Breakcore] Remix)]]
* [[Miracle sweet sweets magic!!|ミラクル・スイート・スイーツ・マジック!!]]
* [[Mirai prism|ミライプリズム]]
* [[Mirai prism|ミライプリズム]]
* [[Tokai seifuku Girls|都会征服Girls☆]]
* [[Munagoto no umi ~Sakiko edition~|空言の海 ~咲子 edition~]]
* [[Netsujou no zapadeado|熱情のサパデアード]]
* [[Onkochishin de iko!|温故知新でいこっ!]]
* [[Onkochishin de iko!|温故知新でいこっ!]]
* [[Kimi ego search|キミヱゴサーチ]]
* [[Metsubou tenshi nikokyuppin|滅亡天使 † にこきゅっぴん]]
* [[Otome ryouran mai sakihokore|乙女繚乱 舞い咲き誇れ]]
* [[Otome ryouran mai sakihokore|乙女繚乱 舞い咲き誇れ]]
* [[Pokapoka retro road|ぽかぽかレトロード]]
* [[Pomegranate|ポメグラネイト]]
* [[Pomegranate|ポメグラネイト]]
* [[Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku ~HinaBitter edition~|凛として咲く花の如く ~ひなビタ♪edition~]]
* [[Ronron e rairairai!|ロンロンへ ライライライ!]]
* [[Sayonara trip ~Natsuhi EDM edition~|さよならトリップ ~夏陽 EDM edition~]]
* [[Shikkoku no special princess sundae|漆黒のスペシャルプリンセスサンデー]]
* [[Shinobi Shinonome|シノビシノノメ]]
* [[Sokohaka to naku romance|そこはかとなくロマンセ]]
* [[Sousei luminescence|双星ルミネセンス]]
* [[Suigetsukyouka no connotation|水月鏡花のコノテーション]]
* [[Sweets wa tomaranai|スイーツはとまらない♪]]
* [[Tobikkiri no fuwaffuwa|とびっきりのふわっふわ]]
* [[Tokai seifuku Girls|都会征服Girls☆]]
* [[Tooku tooku hanareteite mo...|遠く遠く離れていても・・・]]
* [[Tottemo tottemo, arigatou.|とってもとっても、ありがとう。]]
* [[Two man live|ツーマンライブ]]
* [[Two man live|ツーマンライブ]]
* [[Kimochi connect|キモチコネクト]]
* [[3 A.M. detective game|3 A.M. ディテクティブ・ゲーム]]
* [[Suigetsukyouka no connotation|水月鏡花のコノテーション]]
* 魔法のたまご ~心菜 ELECTRO POP edition~
* さよならトリップ ~夏陽 EDM edition~
* [[Ronron e rairairai!|ロンロンへ ライライライ!]]
* [[neko neko|neko*neko]]
* [[Gekiatsu majiyaba cheer girl|激アツ☆マジヤバ☆チアガール]]
* [[Shikkoku no special princess sundae|漆黒のスペシャルプリンセスサンデー]]

= External Links =
=== バンめし♪ ===
* [ *Strawberry Pink* (Japanese Blog)]
* [[Bitter escape|ビター・エスケープ]]
* [[Hakoniwa no etude|箱庭のエチュード]]
* [[Onigiri disco|おにぎりディスコ]]
* [[Synchro fish|シンクロフィッシュ]]
* [[Tataeyo! Zettai haken Alisha teikoku|たたえよ!絶対覇権アリーシャ帝国]]


[[Category:Graphic Designers|CUTEG]]
[[Category:Graphic Designers|CUTEG]]

Latest revision as of 17:29, 18 August 2024



Staff Information


CUTEG is an illustrator, mangaka and character designer from South Korea. She is the character designer and main illustrator of the ひなビタ♪ and バンめし♪ projects, although Nyain. (にゃいーん。) is often in charge of drawing the chibi version of the characters.


  • CUTEG is pronounced as "kkam" (깜).
  • In her early years, CUTEG did videos for the music games EZ2DJ and PUMP IT UP.

Credited Works





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