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Song Information

A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW's pop'n music banner.

Artist: Julianne&Edison
Composition/Arrangement: EDISON
Lyrics/Vocals: Julianne
BPM: 137
Length: 1:35
pop'n music Genre: HOUSE (ハウス)
pop'n music Character: Mimi [pns]
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n stage
Other Music Game Appearances:


It's a lovely morning, sunny all over.
And I have to say that sometimes I wonder if I'm dreaming,
But I have you near me, standing tall before me.
It's so good to be alive, so good to be alive,
lovely weather forever more.
We have a love we never knew before.
Our love is like a newborn day.
It's just a miracle to feel this way
and we'll always be together because
we have a love we never knew before.
Our love is like a newborn day.

Song Connections / Remixes



This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
  • A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW is Takayoshi Watanabe's only song in pop'n stage.
  • A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW received MANIAC charts in pop'n stage ex.
    • The rival character for A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW's MANIAC charts is Nyami [pns-3P]. Although every MANIAC chart changed the song's respective rival character to their 3P/4P palette, A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW is the only one that also changed the character itself.
    • A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW's 10-Switches MANIAC chart was created by wac.
  • A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW is the ninth song unlock of Sugoroku de 8 (すごろく de 8) in pop'n music 8. It can be unlocked from July 17th, 2002 through August 28th, 2002 by directly landing on the city Tottori on your first trip around the board, or by passing it on your second trip around.
    • It received a new banner in pop'n music 8.
      • A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW's character rival, Mimi, can be unlocked by directly landing on Tottori on your fifth lap around the board, or by simply passing it on your sixth trip.
  • The pop'n stage logo is hidden in A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW's banner, behind the character and text.
  • Before pop'n music 9, A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW's Music Comment was the original Music Comment that was used in pop'n stage.

Music Comment

pop'n stage

It's a pop'n-styled house music!

pop'n music 9 onwards

That popular pop'n stage song has appeared in pop'n!!

Song Production Information


The house genre was unlikely to be included in the pop'n series. Among the many relatively obscure genres in the pop'n series, this genre is probably in the honor student position (laughs). During gameplay, it might initially seem difficult because of the simultaneous presses and complicated phrases, but since it's a groovy song, let's all think of a cool choreography and dance to it.

Character Information

Birthplace: Japan
Hobbies: Talking, playing.
Likes: Rollercoasters, and...?
Dislikes: Coffee cups. It makes her eyes spin.

She's known Mimi for a long time, and they've always been friends. They work a lot, but their charm is that their colors never change.

Birthplace: Japan
Hobbies: Talking, shopping.
Likes: Rabbit goods.
Dislikes: Tomato juice. She doesn't like its thickness.

No matter how busy she is with work, she doesn't want to stop playing. pop'n stage is one of them. She seems to show off a bit, but when she jumps with both feet while stepping on the panels, it feels great for her as a beginner who isn't used to moving her feet.

Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia.
pop'n stage difficulty rated from 1 to 8, in 0.5 increments, and from 1 to 20 stars in pop'n stage ex. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from OTOGEE. and Pop'n Music Fever.)

pop'n music

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 172 274 548 753 239 474
pop'n music 6 CS 8 13 27 EX - -
pop'n music 7 CS 8 13 27 37 23 -
pop'n music 8 CS 6 22 33 41 11 23
pop'n music 8 ↑10 ↑22 ↑33 ↑38 11 23
pop'n music 9 ↓6 22 33 ↑41 11 23
pop'n music 10→16 PARTY♪ ↑7 ↓20 ↑35 41 11 23

pop'n stage

Game 6-Switches 10-Switches
Normal Another Maniac Normal Another Maniac
Notecounts 125 233 334 188 339 293
pop'n stage 6 6 - 6 6 -
pop'n stage ex 4 12 20 4 13 17
すごろく de 8
Lap 1-2 まっさら (Shizuoka) - Seal (Nagoya) - Lover's High (Osaka) - MOBO★MOGA (Kobe) - EL DIA FELIZ (Kochi) - Feux d'artifica (Hiroshima)
beAchest beAch (Kagoshima) - 出会う時・・・下関。 (Shimonoseki) - A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW (Tottori) - Sci-Fi Girl (Kanazawa)
cat's Scat (Niigata) - Wall Street Down-sizer (Aomori) - しりとり (Sapporo) - JET WORLD (Abashiri) - BoaBoaLady! (Hakodate)
Cassandra (Sendai) - maritare! (Mito) - CANDY♥ (Tokyo)
Lap 3-4 321 STARS (Hachiojima) - Manhattan Sports Club (Okinawa) - Linus (Sado)
Expert course unlocks INNOVATION (Des-ROW course STAGE 1) - 大見解 (Des-ROW course STAGE 2) - Shock of Love (kiddy course STAGE 1)
Spell on me ~魅惑の呪文 (kiddy course STAGE 2) - BICYCLE (payapaya course STAGE 1)
Cherry&Raquel (payapaya course STAGE 2) - Midnight Yoghurt(女SPY☆お色気ゴーゴー脱出大作戦) (Simon course STAGE 1)
SLOW DOWN (Power course 2 STAGE 2)