Invisible Lover

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Invisible Lover

Song Information

Invisible Lover's pop'n music banner.

Composition/Arrangement/Vocals: Tsugumi Kataoka
Lyrics: Manami Fujino
BPM: 145
Length: 1:59
pop'n music Genre: ELECTRO (エレクトロ)
pop'n music Character: nico [CSBH]
pop'n CG design: tam & アオニサイ (animations by mee)
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music Best Hits!
Other Music Game Appearances:


Game Size


busy,I'm busy
そう言ってキミは また今日も はぐらかした
easy,you're easy
そんなふうに きっと ボクのこと思ってるだろう

それでも かまわないのさ
どこまで やさしくなれる?

invisible lover つながりたいんだ
invisible girl   やわらかな キミの声を さがそう
invisible lover つかまえたいんだ
invisible touch 手首に触れる その温もりを


busy, I'm busy
Saying that, you've also sidestepped today
easy, you're easy
That's how I'm sure you'd think I would

I still don't care too much for it
And I'm getting broken
Where will I ever be gentle?
I'm aware of foolish men...

invisible lover I want to connect
invisible girl   And discover your gentle voice
invisible lover I want to catch
invisible touch And touch the warmth of your hand

Long Version


busy,I'm busy
そう言ってキミは また今日も はぐらかした
easy,you're easy
そんなふうに きっと ボクのこと思ってるだろう

それでも かまわないのさ
どこまで やさしくなれる?

invisible lover つながりたいんだ
invisible girl   やわらかな キミの声を さがそう
invisible lover つかまえたいんだ
invisible touch 手首に触れる その温もりを

lazy,so lazy
昼も夜もなく 最初から わかっているさ
silly,so silly
他人が見たら まるでイタイよね、マトモじゃないね

呼んでる Angelus bell
途中で かき混ぜないで!

invisible lover 近づきたいんだ
invisible girl   どこまでも 青く澄んだ まなざし
invisible lover 飛び越えたいんだ
invisible touch 胸に焼き付く この残像を

それでも かまわないのさ
どこまで やさしくなれる?

invisible lover つながりたいんだ
invisible girl   やわらかな キミの声を さがそう
invisible lover つかまえたいんだ
invisible touch 手首に触れる その温もりを


busy, I'm busy
Saying that, you've also sidestepped today
easy, you're easy
That's how I'm sure you'd think I would

I still don't care too much for it
And I'm getting broken
Where will I ever be gentle?
I'm aware of foolish men...

invisible lover I want to connect
invisible girl   And discover your gentle voice
invisible lover I want to catch
invisible touch And touch the warmth of your hand

lazy, so lazy
I haven't known day and night from the beginning
silly, so silly
I saw someone else as if it's painful, and not decent enough 

Beyond the crooked doors,
I called on the Angelus bell
Don't get mixed up along the way!
Let's continue on from yesterday...

invisible lover I want to be close
invisible girl   And look at your clear blue eyes wherever we go
invisible lover I want to jump
invisible touch Your afterimage is burned on my chest

I still don't care too much for it
And I'm getting broken
Where will I ever be gentle?
I'm aware of foolish men...

invisible lover I want to connect
invisible girl   And discover your gentle voice
invisible lover I want to catch
invisible touch And touch the warmth of your hand

Song Connections / Remixes

  • A long version of Invisible Lover, titled Invisible lover ~original long version~, appears on the V-RARE SOUND TRACK 9 CD.
    • A remastered version of Invisible lover ~original long version~ appears on the pop'n music SUPER BEST BOX compilation album.
  • Another long version of Invisible Lover, titled Invisible lover ~Girl's Side~, appears on Parquets' album ぱきポプ全部入り! PARQUETS pop'n music best. This version is sung by Manami Fujino instead of Tsugumi Kataoka, and features a slightly different arrangement.
  • Another long version of Invisible Lover, titled invisible lover (featuring ALT), can be found on TSUG and the PICKLES' 宇宙コンビニエンス album. As the title suggests, it is sung by ALT instead of Tsugumi Kataoka, and uses a near-identical arrangement to Invisible Lover ~Girl's Side~.
  • A rearranged version of Invisible Lover sung by Kiyotaka Sugimoto appears on the pop'n music Cafe music Espresso album.


  • Invisible Lover was the only new song in pop'n music Best Hits! available by default.
  • Along with the other new songs that debuted on pop'n music Best Hits!, the game size version of Invisible Lover can't be found on any soundtrack.
  • Invisible Lover is one of the unlocks in pop'n music 10's Ohoshisama ni onegai! (お星様にお願い!) event. It is the sixth unlock in the red bucket and can be unlocked from September 24th, 2003 until November 5th, 2003.
    • It received a Battle NORMAL chart in pop'n music 10.
    • As of November 5th, 2003, it is unlocked by default.

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever and BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode PSP Exclusive
Notecounts 235 329 556 830 329 - 235 311 548
pop'n music Best Hits! 7 12 25 33 - - - - -
pop'n music 10 CS 11 18 26 32 16 - - - -
pop'n music portable 2 ※6 18 26 32 - - 11 15 25
pop'n music 10→19 TUNE STREET ↑11 ↑18 ↑26 ↓32 16 - - - -
pop'n music 20 fantasia 11 18 26 ↑33 16 - - - -
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 24 32 ↑40 16 - - - -

※ Denotes chart has been revised from the corresponding AC chart:

  • pop'n music portable 2 5-Buttons NORMAL chart: total notes: 133.
Red bucket GOONIES "R" GOOD ENOUGH - HOLiDAY - Drivin' High - マジンガーZ - Invisible Lover - ヒデオ体操第一
Blue bucket 熟れた花 - きえた!? ナポレオン - すきすきソング - キューティーハニー - Sea Side City - Jack
Green bucket ヤバイオンナ - テキサスのガンマン - dandelion - 魔女っ子メグちゃん - murmur twins(guitar pop ver.) - Votum stellarum
Yellow bucket トロイカダンス - 炎のキン肉マン - GALAXY FOREST 11.6&12 - デビルマンの歌 - No more I love you - Arrabbiata - DDR MEGAMIX
White bucket ペガサス幻想 - ラブ・アコーディオン - Harvest Moon - くちうるさいママ (HYPER/EX) - スウィーツ~instrumental - 幸せを謳う詩