Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku

This song also appears in SEGA's rhythm games. For information on this, see the SilentBlue page on this song.

This page is for the original version of 凛として咲く花の如く. For the 大神ミオ cover of the song, please see Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku (Ookami Mio).


Song Information

Original Version

凛として咲く花の如く's pop'n music banner.
凛として咲く花の如く's jubeat jacket.
凛として咲く花の如く's DANCE aROUND / DanceDanceRevolution / DanceEvolution / DANCERUSH / REFLEC BEAT / ポップンリズミン jacket.
凛として咲く花の如く's GITADORA / ミライダガッキ jacket.

Artist: 紅色リトマス
Composition/Arrangement: TOMOSUKE
Lyrics: Asaki
Vocals/Chorus: Machiko Oka🍀
Guitar: Yusuke Sekiguchi
BPM: 163
Length: 2:06 (pop'n music, jubeat), 2:05 (GF/DM, beatmania IIDX, REFLEC BEAT (RENEWAL charts, new charts)), 1:53 (DanceDanceRevolution), 1:43 (REFLEC BEAT (old charts))
Genre: NADESHIKO ROCK (撫子ロック)
pop'n music Character: KANOKO [15]
うたっち Character: KANOKO [15]
pop'n CG designer: shio
Movie: shio
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE
Other Music Game Appearances:


Artist: 紅色リトマス Arranged by まらしぃ
Composition: Konami Amusement (TOMOSUKE)
Arrangement: marasy
BPM: 60-195
Length: 2:41
First Music Game Appearance: ノスタルジア Op.2
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


Game Size


星の間を飛び回る 口笛吹き

飛沫 あがる
わたし 掛ける
まわる まわる ちいさなつぼみ

さいて さいて 月にお願い
しらず しらず えいや!と投げた
つぼみは行方知れず のまま

弧を描き 影は延びる
さいた あった! まあるい花が

さいた さいた 星の欠片が
気付かぬうちに 隠れていた兎も
また弧 描く

さいて さいた 風に揺られて
凛として はんなりの こころ


tsumasaki de ayasu tsuki no usagi wa odori
hoshi no aida wo tobi mawaru kuchibue fuki

shibuki agaru
watashi kakeru
oikakeru hoshi wa
mawaru mawaru chiisana tsubomi

saite saite tsuki ni onegai
odayaka na kage ni usugeshou
shirazu shirazu eiya! to nageta
tsubomi wa yukue shire zu no mama

ko wo egaki kage wa nobiru
kagerou no saki ni
saita atta! maa ui hana ga

saita saita hoshi no kakera ga
tsuki no uragawa de naite ita
kidukanu uchi ni kakure te ita usagi mo
mata ko egaku

saite saita kaze ni yurarete
odayaka na saka ha usugeshou
geta narashi te kuchibue awase
rin to shite hannari no kokoro

Long Version


ぼかして 行き過ぎて 舞い戻る
薄明かりの下で 密やか

星の間を飛び回る 口笛吹き

飛沫 あがる
わたし 掛ける
まわる まわる ちいさなつぼみ

さいて さいて 月にお願い
しらず しらず えいや!と投げた
つぼみは行方知れず のまま

芽を出した線香花火 つぶらな夢

飛沫 あがる
火花 翔る
かわる がわる 顔を変えた

さいて さいて くるりとまわる
舞姫の如く たまゆらに
背中を合わせて (ああ) 走る!

弧を描き 影は延びる
さいた あった! まあるい花が

さいた さいた 星の欠片が
気付かぬうちに 隠れていた兎も
また弧 描く

さいて さいて 月にお願い
しらず しらず えいや!と投げた
つぼみは 行方知れず

さいて さいた 風に揺られて
凛として はんなりの こころ


haru fukaku yume no rinkaku wo
bokashi te ikisugi te maimodoru
hanabira ha shigusa wo oikake
usu akari no shita de hisoyaka

tsumasaki de ayasu tsuki no usagi wa odori
hoshi no aida wo tobi mawaru kuchibue fuki

shibuki agaru
watashi kakeru
oikakeru hoshi wa
mawaru mawaru chiisana tsubomi

saite saite tsuki ni onegai
odayaka na kage ni usugeshou
shirazu shirazu eiya! to nageta
tsubomi wa yukue shire zu no mama

mioroshi te chiisaku natta kumo no aida ni
me wo dashi ta senkou hanabi
tsubura na yume

shibuki agaru
hibana kakeru
toikake ta hoshi wa
kawaru ga waru gao wo kae ta

saite saite kururi to mawaru
maihime no gotoku tamayura ni
omoiomoi ni ugoku kage to
senaka wo awase te (aa) hashiru!

ko wo egaki kage wa nobiru
kagerou no saki ni
saita atta! maa ui hana ga

saita saita hoshi no kakera ga
tsuki no uragawa de naite ita
kidukanu uchi ni kakure te ita usagi mo
mata ko egaku

saite saite tsuki ni onegai
odayaka na kage ni usugeshou
shirazu shirazu eiya! to nageta
tsubomi wa yukue shirezu

saite saita kaze ni yurarete
odayaka na saka ha usugeshou
geta narashi te kuchibue awase
rin to shite hannari no kokoro

Song Connections / Remixes


This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く is the first non-crossover event BEMANI song to appear in all BEMANI games that were current at the time of its release, either remixed or not.
    • 凛として咲く花の如く was also planned to be in the cancelled BEMANI title, おといろは.
  • According to wac, the guitarist of ポップミュージック論 did the guitar as well for 凛として咲く花の如く.
  • 凛として咲く花の如 was a hidden song in beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS. It can be unlocked upon unlocking every hidden song in the game.
    • Unlike the other new hidden unlock in EMPRESS, Jack, it received a unique video.
    • As of January 7th, 2009 (beat #1), it was automatically unlocked for everyone to play.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く was added to jubeat on December 15th, 2008. It can be played from jubeat to copious APPEND with an e-AMUSEMENT PASS.
    • In jubeat saucer, it can be unlocked via the bistro saucer unlocking event.
    • In jubeat saucer fulfill, it can be unlocked as part of saucer macchiato's Side Menu from April 23rd, 2014.
    • In jubeat prop, it was part of the Step unlocking system, unlockable by reaching Step Level 28.
    • As of jubeat Qubell, it is available by default.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く's jubeat (2021) ratings were adjusted to its jubeat festo ratings on March 7th, 2022.
  • In うたっち, 凛として咲く花の如く can be bought in the Shop for 4500 points.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く received Black ANOTHER charts in beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS + PREMIUM BEST.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く was unlocked in DanceDanceRevolution X for normal play on May 21st, 2009.
    • It uses its beatmania IIDX video, which is full-screen and eliminates any on-screen dancers.
  • On the American and European releases of the DanceDanceRevolution series before DanceDanceRevolution A, 凛として咲く花の如く's title and artist were changed to NADESHIKO and Red Litmus, respectively.
    • In BEAT ARENA and jukebeat, however, the title and artist are romanized.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く is used as background music in a mission on the KONAMI arcade game ROAD FIGHTERS (ロードファイターズ).
    • It appears as well in SPINFEVER dai 2-shou yume suishou to mahou no melody (SPINFEVER 第2章 夢水晶と魔法のメロディー), a KONAMI medal redemption game.
    • It also appears in KONAMI's VR rhythm game BEAT ARENA, as well as selectable background music in CHASE CHASE JOKERS (チェイスチェイスジョーカーズ).
  • NADESHIKO received a new banner in DanceDanceRevolution X2 CS.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く's video in GuitarFreaks & DrumMania, beatmania IIDX, and DanceDanceRevolution features its lyrics romanized.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く received a new jacket in HELLO! POP'N MUSIC.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く received an EASY chart in pop'n music Sunny Park, replacing its old 5-Buttons chart.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く received an updated jacket in GITADORA, with the song and artist name added.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く received new Drum and Guitar BASIC charts in GITADORA Ver.1.03.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く was added to DanceEvolution ARCADE on November 18th, 2014.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く is one of the songs featured on the BEMANI SONGS ~Best of pop'n music~ video.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く received RENEWAL charts in REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA, unlockable as part of the second phase of the Pastel-kun to Gakkii-hakase no dokidoki rhythm kenkyujou (パステルくんとガッキー博士のドキドキリズム研究所) event. They could be unlocked after assembling the Moonlight Shamisen (ムーンライト三味線) instrument.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く's EASY chart was re-rated in pop'n music éclale on March 22nd, 2016.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く appears in SEGA's CHUNITHM music game series.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く was performed at the BEMANI ROCK FES'16 concert in 2016.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く received a new set of charts in REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア.
  • On most of the advertisement for jubeat plus' CHALLENGE SCRATCH that features this song, 凛として咲く花の如く shows a slightly different variation of its jubeat jacket, which omits the pop'n music logo and has its title and artist romanized.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く is one of the MISSION BINGO unlocks of ノスタルジア Op.2. It can be unlocked in ノスタルジア Op.2 from January 24th, 2019, and in ノスタルジア Op.3 from January 9th, 2020.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く's charts were re-rated on February 27th, 2019 in ノスタルジア Op.2.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く (CLASSIC) could be unlocked in GITADORA EXCHAIN as one of the GF&DM CHRONICLE 2007~2009 songs from June 5th, 2019, by playing five credits.
    • In GITADORA NEX+AGE, it could be unlocked from March 4th to June 21st, 2020 and from October 28th to November 29th, 2020 as part of the Thank you! GITADORA 21st kanshasai (サンキュー! ギタドラ21st感謝祭) event.
      • It could also be unlocked as part of the Atsui natsu koso GITADORA da! Campaign (あつい夏こそギタドラだ!キャンペーン), from August 19th to September 27th, 2020.
    • As of GITADORA FUZZ-UP, it is available by default.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く was added to DANCERUSH STARDOM on August 12th, 2019.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く received a Real chart in ノスタルジア Op.3 on January 9th, 2020.
  • 凛として咲く花の如く is available in DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX's GRAND PRIX mode from December 20th, 2021, by purchasing the GRAND PRIX music pack vol.1 (グランプリ楽曲パック vol.1).
  • 凛として咲く花の如く was added to DANCE aROUND on August 23rd, 2023.

Music Comment

To all the Nadeshiko ladies around the nation! Let's bloom as dignified flowers with all our might!

Song Production Information

beatmania IIDX and pop'n music


Umm, I'm sorry to bother you again.
I'm TOMOSUKE, from Red Litmus.

NADESHIKO ROCK. I thought of various images before I created this song.
The Edo period. Although the princess appears graceful and tidy in public, she secretly leaves the castle at midnight with South-East Asian instruments, and plays a rock song while jumping around.
There wasn't any rock during the Edo period, though. She has a rock-styled soul.
That was the first image that came to mind, so I thought about creating a "PRINCESS ROCK" song.
A naughty Yamato Nadeshiko princess, wearing a mix of Japanese and South-East Asian clothing while playing her guitar.

I thought of the title "Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku" a long time before the lyrics were written, so I requested that the lyrics and vocals aligned with this title.
Furthermore, I selfishly tried to draw the character myself and give them to the designer.
Now that I think about it, perhaps it's embarrassing~ that the character I drew was crazy in various ways.
But I think this character's mood at that time was closely inherited by KANOKO.
Anyways, this song clearly expresses a worldview, which was directly conveyed to everyone.
I wonder if it's a bit clear and polished in the part which emphasizes vigor and distance.
I did my best to make the notecharts enjoyable! The H chart especially makes you want to jump around, so let's wear a kimono!

Machiko Oka

Firstly, I'm really happy that my voice was used in this song. Thank you very much.
When I first heard this song, I sang it to myself. I was honestly very worried about if I could sing it or not.
Although I really liked this song, it was very fast, had a high key, and was difficult, so I was very worried about if I could properly sing it. But I really enjoyed singing it as I practiced.
During the recording, although I was a bit nervous, when I was asked to "please sing it with the image of dancing cherry blossoms", it became more enjoyable, and I sang it comfortably (o^o^o)
That's right, I tried playing it in the game the other day, but I honestly couldn't clear it at all... (laughs). Since it was very difficult (;_;) (laughs).
By all means, everyone please play this song (*^_^*)
I'm really honored to sing this song (o^o^o) Thank you very much o(^-^)o

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania


It's been a long time everyone, I'm TOMOSUKE.
We've received requests to crossover this song into Gitadora, so I created a slightly different version than in pop'n.
And when I created it, I asked Jin Senbonmatsu to include a brand-new guitar. He did it!
In the original song, there weren't guitars during the piano solo, but I asked Jin to include very appealing arpeggios in it. Thank you, thank you.
I thought it suited Gitadora from the beginning, so I'm honestly happy that this song crossed over.
By all means, I'd like you to jump around and play this song while wearing a kimono.
... Well, did I say this somewhere else?

Video Production Information


I came alongside with the song from pop'n. Thank you for your continuing support.

In order to support the image of this song's vividness, I created this video with the theme of lustrous colors and graceful movements.
I also wanted to slightly revise it so that it appeared "NIPPON-ish" to foreigners, so I added subtitles.

Also, from the princess' day and night duality, the visuals are also somehow symmetrical.
For the chorus, I just prepared its parts and endlessly played the song on repeat, which I aimlessly created using the right-side of my brain, but it was a very tripping experience.
It was a bit bad for my eyes... that's what I think, but I hope you'd enjoy it.
Everyone, please fly across the moon and shout "yay!" while playing this song.

Character Information

Fluttering and following the moon. I'm a rabbit. Flying across the sky like a Tengu.


It was so long ago that I don't remember much, but it was interesting that everyone already discussed it when I thought of an idea.
I forgot what idea TOMOSUKE had, but it was often discussed, so I'd like to see it once again. Hehehe.

As a pop'n character designer, it's boring to just use the sound designer's image as it was, and conversely, it's also quite boring to just use my image as the designer, so I think it's important to have a balance between the two. So, it's essentially a fusion?
I think this song is a good example of that~. No. I don't know?
Perhaps I'm a bit overwhelmed by TOMOSUKE's enthusiasm (laughs).

That's why I want to express~ the individuality and movements of not just the designs, but of pop'n.
It's a bad walking movement! I had a baby Tengu jump around.
It's been a while since I created animations, so it was quite difficult, but I love it.

Also, shio's point is quite avant-garde.
She somehow addicting to look at. (She's adorable)
Also, the naming point is TARO's mother. (She's adorable)

Chart Production Information


"Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku" is a big hit song that BEMANI users loved with all their heart, from the melody, lyrics, and the character, so I'm happy that many players seem to be enjoying it in jubeat.
For the notecharts, I often distributed the patterns by using point symmetry, so you can expect high arm movements from them.
They visually appear in the image of flowers, so by all means, please use the "flower" markers as well! Although I said this, please use your own favorite marker.

The staff around me who played my created notecharts, said that they express the creator's personality.
I wonder what they mean by that.

Well, please let me know whether you matched with me in tomorrow's conductor fever!

Choreography Information

Yoko Yamashiro

I created this choreography with a Japanesque taste in mind♡
Please cherish this atmosphere as you dance to it~♪

Staff Comments


TOMOSUKE initially drew and brought the design here himself, then enthusiastically discussed it.
I remembered when TOMOSUKE was appealing to us with sparkling eyes that time (it's a bit exaggerated)
It'd be great if that character will someday be revealed to everyone, right? Is he going to do character designs next time?


KANOKO is a cute name! Her outfit is somehow in wagashi colors, isn't it~?
The vocalist's voice is slightly cool and lovely, and it's perfect for this fast-paced song.


I've continued to challenge this song for several months. It's a large towering wall. That's my Nadeshiko.


I barely cleared the EX chart.
I couldn't press the white and green buttons in the first chorus at all. My left hand seemed to be cramping.

Seiya Murai

I wanted to see TOMOSUKE's first drawing of "this character's feelings".
Unfortunately, it was already discarded~.


This song seemed to be planned before quite a while before ADVENTURE development started. Although it seems simple, if you listen carefully, this is a high-class song with a detailed arrangement, which shows TOMOSUKE's essence.
When I listen to these kinds of songs, I think music created by Japanese people is interesting.
It's not related, but the guitar is played by Seki from Gyragyra Megane Dan, which was requested by TOMOSUKE. It seemed I just kept telling him to finish quickly so we can eat dandan noodles, but I'd be happy if I was able to help.

As everyone above wrote, TOMOSUKE worked hard on his idea for a character and went to show the designers, but he immediately returned in shame.
When I saw it, I thought it wouldn't pass no matter what, since it seemed perv.

Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
DANCE aROUND difficulty rated from 1 to 10.
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.
DanceEvolution difficulty rated from 1 to 5.
DANCERUSH difficulty rated from 1 to 10.
GF/DM difficulty rated from 1 to 99.
GF/DM XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99.
jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
REFLEC BEAT to groovin'!! Upper difficulty rated from 1 to 10+, 1 to 13 in VOLZZA/VOLZZA 2, and 1 to 15 in 悠久のリフレシア.
ノスタルジア difficulty rated from 1 to 12 for Normal to Expert charts. Real charts rated from 1 to 3 diamonds (◆).
ポップンリズミン difficulty rated from 1 to 10.
うたっち difficulty rated from 1 to 5 stars. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd, GITADORA Rating Sources, pmdream.net, and Textage.cc.)

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts 198 672 1087 1398 1595 659 1094 1443 1766
beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS→23 copula 2 6 9 10 - 6 9 10 -
beatmania IIDX 24 SINOBUZ→Present 2 6 9 10 11 6 9 10 12
beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS + PREMIUM BEST 2 6 9 10 11 6 9 10 12
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS - 6 9 10 - 6 9 10 -
beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE 2 6 9 10 - - - - -
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) 2 6 9 10 11 6 9 10 12


Game Level
Basic Advanced Master
Notecounts 166 193 -


Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 128 / 0 189 / 16 242 / 24 337 / 21 - / - / - 175 / 14 232 / 19 359 / 21 - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution X→Present 3 6 8 10 - 5 7 11 -
DanceDanceRevolution X CS JP 3 6 8 10 - 5 7 11 -
DanceDanceRevolution S+ 3 6 8 10 - - - - -
DanceDanceRevolution X2 CS 3 6 8 10 - 5 7 11 -
DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX 3 6 8 10 - 5 7 11 -


Game Level
Light Standard Extreme Master
Dancer あかり
Choreographer 山城陽子
Notecounts 44 70 159 340
DanceEvolution ARCADE 4


Game 1 Player 2 Players
Easy Normal Easy Normal
Max Combo 251 375 ?
(? / ?)
(? / ?)

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania

Original Series

Game Drum Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 381 683 1045 367 554 659 353 469 - 367 553 659
GF/DM V5→V8 22 40 71 26 44 69 28 51 - 26 45 70
GITADORA EXCHAIN 3.00 5.65 7.15 3.50 5.70 7.35 3.20 6.50 - - - 7.45
GITADORA NEX+AGE→Present 3.00 5.65 ↑7.20 ↑3.55 ↑5.75 7.35 ↑3.25 ↑6.55 - - - 7.45
コナステ GITADORA 3.00 5.65 7.20 3.55 5.75 7.35 3.25 6.55 - - - 7.45


Old Charts
Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 381 683 1053 - 332 524 659 - 264 393 469 -
GF/DM XG→XG3 1.70 3.30 6.40 - 2.75 4.25 6.50 - 2.60 3.60 5.30 -
GITADORA→GITADORA Ver.1.02 ↑2.60 ↑4.10 ↑6.90 - ↑3.70 ↑4.95 ↑7.00 - ↑3.45 ↑4.30 ↑5.90 -
New Charts
Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 223 683 1053 - 274 524 659 - 264 393 469 -
GITADORA Ver.1.03→Tri-Boost 1.50 4.10 6.90 - 1.50 4.95 7.00 - 3.45 4.30 5.90 -
GITADORA Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE ↓1.25 ↑4.40 ↓6.75 - ↓1.45 ↓4.60 ↓6.55 - ↓3.05 ↓4.05 ↓5.75 -
GITADORA Matixx ↑1.40 ↑5.30 ↑7.00 - ↑2.05 ↑5.60 ↑6.90 - ↑3.20 ↑4.85 ↑6.40 -
GITADORA EXCHAIN ↓1.20 ↑5.70 ↑7.25 - ↑2.25 ↑5.70 ↑7.15 - ↑3.30 ↓4.75 ↑6.50 -
GITADORA NEX+AGE ↑1.30 5.70 ↑7.30 - ↑2.30 5.70 ↑7.20 - 3.30 ↑4.80 6.50 -
GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE→Present 1.30 ↓5.65 7.30 - ↑2.40 ↑6.05 ↑7.40 - 3.30 ↑5.15 ↑6.75 -
GITADORA (Mobile) 1.50 4.10 6.90 - 1.50 4.95 7.00 - 3.45 4.30 5.90 -
コナステ GITADORA 1.30 5.70 7.30 - 2.30 5.70 7.20 - 3.30 4.80 6.50 -


Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 331 532 772
jubeat 4 8 10
jubeat ripples→Qubell 4 ↓7 ↓9
jubeat clan 4 ↓6 9
jubeat festo→Present 4 6 9.1
jubeat plus 4 7 9
jukebeat 4 7 9
jubeat plus (Android) 4 7 9
jubeat (2021) 4 6 9.1

pop'n music

Regular Charts

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode PSP Exclusive
Notecounts 412 646 994 1266 312 412 412 434 827
pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE→20 fantasia 20 24 33 40 15 20 - - -
pop'n music Sunny Park→ラピストリア 6 30 39 46 15 20 - - -
pop'n music éclale→Present ※↑9 30 39 46 15 20 - - -
pop'n music portable ※13 24 ※33 ※40 15 - 19 21 32
pop'n music Lively ※9 30 39 46 - - - - -

※ Denotes chart has been revised from the corresponding AC chart:

  • pop'n music portable 5-Button NORMAL chart: total notes: 268.
  • pop'n music portable 9-Button HYPER chart: total notes: 992.
  • pop'n music portable EX chart: total notes: 1255.
  • EASY chart: total notes: 194 notes.

Wii Charts

Game Game Type
1 Player 2 Player
Standard Challenge 1P 2P
Notecounts 123 234 133 133
ポップンミュージック N/A N/A N/A


Old Charts

Game Level
Basic Medium Hard Special
Notecounts 137 270 374 -
REFLEC BEAT plus 3 5 8 -


Game Level
Basic Medium Hard Special
Notecounts 199 362 642 -

New Charts

Game Level
Basic Medium Hard White
Notecounts 216 376 562 772
REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア 6 8 10 12


Game Level
Normal Hard Expert Real
Notecounts 313 887 1489 1702
ノスタルジア Op.2 (original ratings) 5 7 10 -
ノスタルジア Op.2 ↓4 ↓6 ↓9 -
ノスタルジア Op.3→Present 4 6 9 ◆1
コナステ ノスタルジア 4 6 9 ◆1


Game Difficulties
Normal Hyper EX
Notecounts 142 265 400
ポップンリズミン 2 5 7


Game Single
Easy Hard
Notecounts 194 265
うたっち 4 5
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