Video Listings by VJ
In this list, we go over the listing of songs by VJ per style.
The first list lists songs by VJ per style. It is broken down into five sections: song, game, and VJ. The last two categories depend on the uniqueness of the video - if its a generic, it lists the debut of the video in the Video Debut section. If it's unique, it's given a check and the previous section is listed as -. Songs that got unique videos in later IIDX game will be listed when applicable. (If not, they will be listed by the original video they had instead.)
The second list breaks down songs by the overlay artists per style. It is broken down into six sections - song, game, overlay artist, VJ, and unique video (if in the case it does).
Note that in the case of songs prior to 9th without unique videos/overlays, they are based on their videos from 9th style and beyond, as generic videos were swapped around by style until then for songs without their own specific videos. The one exception are the beatmania crossovers included in 3rd style CS, as many of those songs were not revived in another game after that. Note that certain 1st style songs do not have known VJs, and are thus not listed.
This list does NOT include licenses that contain their own, non-Konami made videos (i.e. Get Out).
This list is very much under construction.
Listings by VJ
Listings by Overlay Artist
Song | Game | Overlay Artist | VJ | Unique Video? |
Song | Game | Overly Artist | VJ | - |
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