Onkochishin de iko!
Song Information
Artist: 日向美ビタースイーツ♪
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Tomoko Sasaki
Vocals: Marika Yamagata (CV: Rina Hidaka), Sakiko Kasuga (CV: Megumi Yamaguchi)
BPM: 118
Length: 1:59
pop'n music Character: 山形まり花 / 春日咲子 [SP]
Movie: ?
Jacket design: CUTEG
First Music Game Appearance: jubeat saucer fulfill / REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Other Music Game Appearances:
- GITADORA OverDrive
- jubeat plus / jubeat plus (Android) ひなビタ pack 4
- pop'n music ラピストリア
- REFLEC BEAT plus ひなビタ PACK 4
- ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom Ver.2
Game Size
シャラララ ランララ ランララ ランランラン ラーラーラー あった!まぁるい金魚鉢 青いナミナミのフチ かびの匂い 木の匂い 物置は琥珀色の宇宙 カチリ 裸電球 夕焼け色 あったかい ホーロー製の看板が 錆びて曲がってくねって時を語る 金魚鉢から思いがあふれだす 古い物語をつむいでく 聞こえてくるチャルメラの音色 縁日の型抜きガム 土の歩道 野良犬 たぬき えったぬき!? 45 33 レコードノイズ ジジジジジィ ジーコジーコ御破算で願いましては… わ、苦手だよぅ…そこは電卓さんでお願いだよっ! SFすぎる明日にポーズして セピアの歌に耳をすますの 夢見てた近未来のどまんなかだけど ひなびた街だって好きっ それもありでしょう? あらためまして温故知新でいこっ ちょっぴり不便も楽しんでいこっ まわっていこっまわっていこっ 急ぐと大事なもの無くしちゃう こだわりまして温故知新でいこっ 背伸びなんてもうしないでいこっ ほっとする ほっとする それがわたしたちの粋 シャラララ ランララ ランララ ランランラン シャラララ ランララ ランララ ランランラン…
shalalala lanlala lanlala lanlanlan la la la atta! maarui kingyobachi aoi naminami no fuchi kabi no nioi ki no nioi monooki wa kohaku iro no uchuu kachiri hadaka denkyuu yuuyake iro attakai hourousei no kanban ga sabite magatte kunette toki wo kataru kingyobachi kara omoi ga afuredasu furui monogatari wo tsumuideku kikoete kuru CHARUMERA no neiro ennichi no kata nuki GUM tsuchi no hodou norainu tanuki e tanuki!? yonjuugo sanjuusan RECORD NOISE jijijijijii jiikojiiko gohasan de negai mashite wa… wa, nigate dayo… soko wa dentaku san de onegai dayo! SF sugiru ashita ni POSE shite SEPIA no uta ni mimi wo sumasu no yumemiteta kin mirai no domannaka dakedo hinabita machi datte suki sore mo ari deshou? aratame mashite onkochishin de iko choppiri fuben mo tanoshinde iko mawatte iko mawatte iko isogu to daiji na mono naku shichau kodawari mashite onkochishin de iko senobi nante mou shinai de iko hotto suru hotto suru sore ga watashi tachi no iki shalalala lanlala lanlala lanlanlan shalalala lanlala lanlala lanlanlan…
Long Version
Show |
Show |
Song Connections / Remixes
- A practice version of 温故知新でいこっ!, titled 温故知新でいこっ!(練習@サウダージver), can be heard on the thirteenth HinaBitter♪ web radio broadcast. It was later put on the Chocolate Smile Girls!! album.
- 温故知新でいこっ! originates from HinaBitter♪ (ひなビタ♪), a TOMOSUKE and FujimiShobo (富士見書房) media mix project. It features both Marika Yamagata and Sakiko Kasuga from Hinatabi Bitter Sweets♪ (日向美ビタースイーツ♪) singing.
- 温故知新でいこっ! was released as a digital single on September 17th, 2014 and was later included on ひなビタ♪'s Chocolate Smile Girls!! album.
- 温故知新でいこっ! was added to jubeat saucer fulfill and REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! on August 28th, 2014.
- 温故知新でいこっ! was added to pop'n music ラピストリア on September 12th, 2014.
- In pop'n music, 温故知新でいこっ! is not keysounded.
- In pop'n music, if you play as 山形まり花, 春日咲子 will be your rival character instead of her.
- 温故知新でいこっ! is one of the songs part of the HinaBitter♪ OverDrive! (ひなビタ♪OverDrive!) event of GITADORA OverDrive. It can be unlocked from September 17th, 2014 by clearing ちくわパフェだよ☆CKP, 走れメロンパン, 恋とキングコング, ホーンテッド★メイドランチ, 滅びに至るエランプシス, and とってもとっても、ありがとう。.
- As of GITADORA Tri-Boost, it is available by default.
- After being removed from the initial release of REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア, 温故知新でいこっ! was revived on March 13th, 2017.
- 温故知新でいこっ! is available in コナステ GITADORA as part of the Konasute GITADORA HinaBitter♪ SELECTION PACK (コナステ GITADORA ひなビタ♪セレクションパック).
- 温故知新でいこっ! is available in pop'n music Lively as part of the pop'n music Lively HinaBitter♪ Selection Music Pack vol.1 (pop'n music Lively ひなビタ♪セレクション 楽曲パック vol.1).
Music Comment
Song Production Information
Video Production Information
Character Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99.
jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
REFLEC BEAT to groovin'!! Upper difficulty rated from 1 to 10+, 1 to 13 in VOLZZA/VOLZZA 2, and 1 to 15 in 悠久のリフレシア. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and GITADORA Rating Sources.)
GuitarFreaks & DrumMania
Game | Drum | Guitar | Bass | |||||||||
Basic | Advanced | Extreme | Master | Basic | Advanced | Extreme | Master | Basic | Advanced | Extreme | Master | |
Notecounts | 240 | 592 | 868 | - | 188 | 310 | 361 | - | 176 | 237 | 248 | - |
GITADORA OverDrive | 2.40 | 5.20 | 7.10 | - | 2.00 | 5.00 | 6.65 | - | 2.70 | 5.25 | 6.30 | - |
GITADORA Tri-Boost | 2.40 | 5.20 | 7.10 | - | ↑2.50 | 5.00 | 6.65 | - | 2.70 | 5.25 | 6.30 | - |
GITADORA Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE | ↓1.90 | ↓4.85 | ↓6.65 | - | ↓1.85 | ↓4.05 | ↓5.85 | - | ↑2.80 | ↓4.25 | ↓5.65 | - |
GITADORA Matixx | ↑2.35 | ↑5.25 | 6.65 | - | 1.85 | ↑4.10 | ↑6.20 | - | ↑3.10 | ↑4.45 | ↑5.95 | - |
GITADORA EXCHAIN | ↓2.30 | ↑5.65 | ↑6.75 | - | ↑2.15 | ↓3.90 | ↓6.15 | - | ↑3.15 | ↓4.25 | ↓5.80 | - |
GITADORA NEX+AGE | ↑2.40 | ↑5.70 | 6.75 | - | ↑2.30 | ↑3.95 | ↑6.20 | - | ↑3.20 | 4.25 | ↑5.85 | - |
GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE→FUZZ-UP | ↓2.10 | ↓5.65 | ↓6.65 | - | ↓1.95 | ↑4.20 | ↑6.55 | - | ↓3.10 | ↑4.60 | ↑6.20 | - |
GITADORA GALAXY WAVE→Present | ↑2.40 | 5.65 | 6.65 | - | ↑2.25 | 4.20 | 6.55 | - | 3.10 | 4.60 | 6.20 | - |
コナステ GITADORA | 2.40 | 5.70 | 6.75 | - | 2.30 | 3.95 | 6.20 | - | 3.20 | 4.25 | 5.85 | - |
Game | Level | ||
Basic | Advanced | Extreme | |
Notecounts | 228 | 444 | 662 |
jubeat saucer fulfill→Present | 3 | 6 | 8 |
jubeat plus | 3 | 6 | 8 |
jubeat plus (Android) | 3 | 6 | 8 |
jubeat (2021) | 3 | 6 | 8 |
pop'n music
Game | Normal Mode | Battle Mode | ||||
Notecounts | 164 | 357 | 609 | 900 | 273 | 516 |
pop'n music ラピストリア→Present | 7 | 24 | 33 | 39 | 9 | 19 |
pop'n music Lively | 7 | 24 | 33 | 39 | - | - |
Old Charts
Game | Level | |||
Basic | Medium | Hard | Special | |
Notecounts | 91 | 270 | 388 | - |
REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!→VOLZZA 2 | 2 | 6 | 8 | - |
REFLEC BEAT plus | 2 | 6 | 8 | - |
New Charts
Game | Level | |||
Basic | Medium | Hard | White Hard | |
Notecounts | 108 | 309 | 477 | - |
REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア | 2 | 8 | 10 | - |
Expandひなビタ♪ |
- Songs
- GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG & GITADORA Songs
- Jubeat Songs
- Jubeat Songs Never Removed
- Jubeat plus Songs
- Jubeat plus (Android) Songs
- Pop'n music Songs
- Pop'n music Lapistoria Songs
- Pop'n music BEMANI Songs
- Pop'n music Songs Without Keysounds
- REFLEC BEAT plus Songs
- Songs in 5 or more BEMANI games