Manhattan Sports Club

Manhattan Sports Club

Song Information

Manhattan Sports Club's pop'n music banner.

Artist: simon
Composition/Arrangement: Kiyotaka Sugimoto
BPM: 178
Length: 1:39
Genre: turban (ターバン)
pop'n music Character: ASPARA-SEIJIN [8]
pop'n CG designer: ちょび。
Movie: SIRO, YUZ (character design by piu KOHA)
First Music Game Appearance: KEYBOARDMANIA 2ndMIX
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes

  • The pop'n music version of Manhattan Sports Club does not feature the pitch change near the end heard in the KEYBOARDMANIA and OST versions.


  • The characters from Manhattan Sports Club's video (as well as the rival characters for the song in pop'n music), ASPARA-SEIJIN, were originally scrapped characters for pop'n stage's LA LA LA LA YO-DEL, another Kiyotaka Sugimoto song.
  • Manhattan Sports Club is the 20th song unlock of Sugoroku de 8 (すごろく de 8) in pop'n music 8. It can be unlocked from July 17th, 2002 through August 28th, 2002 by directly landing on the the city of Kagoshima on your third trip around the board, which will take you to Okinawa, and from there walk across it to unlock it.
    • If you don't directly land on Kagoshima on your third lap, you'll go to Okinawa by simply passing it on your fourth trip.
      • ASPARA-SEIJIN will also be unlocked as a new character when Manhattan Sports Club is unlocked.
        • ASPARA-SEIJIN does not have a 2P color.
  • Along with the other BEMANI songs crossed over to pop'n music 8, Manhattan Sports Club displays ♪♪♪♪♪ as the artist. This has never changed.
  • Manhattan Sports Club received a new set of charts in pop'n music 9.
    • It also received a brand-new EX chart in that game's Gambler de Z (ギャンブラーZ) unlock event. It could be unlocked from February 13th, 2003 through March 12th, 2003 after unlocking Inflation! and clearing Manhattan Sports Club's EX chart, or failing it enough times until it's automatically unlocked.
    • As of March 12th, 2003, this chart is playable by default.
  • Manhattan Sports Club was removed from the BEMANI category in pop'n music Sunny Park.
  • Manhattan Sports Club's HYPER chart was re-rated in pop'n music peace on March 5th, 2019.
  • Manhattan Sports Club was added to pop'n music Lively on November 3rd, 2021 as the November 2021 Monthly Bonus Song.

Music Comment

The popular KEYBOARDMANIA song appears in pop'n!

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

KEYBOARDMANIA difficulty rated from 1 to 6.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts from Pop'n Music Fever and KEYBOARDMANIA Wiki.)


Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Light Light+ Real Light+ Real
Notecounts / Hold Notes 288 / 0 288 / 0 495 / 0 716 / 0 973 / 0
KEYBOARDMANIA II 2ndMIX & 3rdMIX 5 5 5 5 5

pop'n music

Old Charts

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 227 479 708 - 478 699
pop'n music 8 11 22 33 - 23 34

New Charts

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 226 478 707 879 477 698
pop'n music 9→12 いろは 8 22 33 40 23 34
pop'n music 13 カーニバル→20 fantasia 8 22 33 ↑41 23 34
pop'n music Sunny Park→うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - 28 39 47 23 34
pop'n music peace→Present - 28 ↑40 47 23 34
pop'n music 8 CS 8 22 33 40 23 34
pop'n music Lively - 28 40 47 - -
すごろく de 8
Lap 1-2 まっさら (Shizuoka) - Seal (Nagoya) - Lover's High (Osaka) - MOBO★MOGA (Kobe) - EL DIA FELIZ (Kochi) - Feux d'artifica (Hiroshima)
beAchest beAch (Kagoshima) - 出会う時・・・下関。 (Shimonoseki) - A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW (Tottori) - Sci-Fi Girl (Kanazawa)
cat's Scat (Niigata) - Wall Street Down-sizer (Aomori) - しりとり (Sapporo) - JET WORLD (Abashiri) - BoaBoaLady! (Hakodate)
Cassandra (Sendai) - maritare! (Mito) - CANDY♥ (Tokyo)
Lap 3-4 321 STARS (Hachiojima) - Manhattan Sports Club (Okinawa) - Linus (Sado)
Expert course unlocks INNOVATION (Des-ROW course STAGE 1) - 大見解 (Des-ROW course STAGE 2) - Shock of Love (kiddy course STAGE 1)
Spell on me ~魅惑の呪文 (kiddy course STAGE 2) - BICYCLE (payapaya course STAGE 1)
Cherry&Raquel (payapaya course STAGE 2) - Midnight Yoghurt(女SPY☆お色気ゴーゴー脱出大作戦) (Simon course STAGE 1)
SLOW DOWN (Power course 2 STAGE 2)
PATH A 翔べない天使 - 321 STARS (EX)
PATH B Inflation! - Manhattan Sports Club (EX)
PATH D ABSOLUTE - Cassandra (EX)
PATH E Secret tale - ブタパンチのテーマ (EX)
END はばたけ、ザ・グレートギャンブラー (HYPER/EX)
CS crossovers Get on that train - Candy Blue - coastline - くちうるさいママ - penta-mode - 悲しいね - キミに届け - ATTITUDE - Twilight Gloom
Hidden charts LOVE FIRE (HYPER) - 宇宙船Q-Mex (HYPER/EX) - Tap'n! Slap'n! Pop'n Music! (HYPER) - ostin-art (HYPER/EX) - HONEまで♡トゥナイト (HYPER) - TOON MANIAC (HYPER) - Cry Out (HYPER/EX) - 映画「SICILLIANA」のテーマ (HYPER) - クチビル (HYPER/EX) - In a Grow (HYPER/EX) - WITHOUT YOU AROUND (HYPER/EX) - power plant (HYPER/EX)
Expert course unlocks ステテコ捨てて行こう (Suwa course STAGE 1) - 今夜、森をぬけて (Sana course STAGE 1) - お天気とチョコレート (Parquets course STAGE 1) - それから (Parquets course STAGE 2) - Streams (Classic course 2 STAGE 1) - The tyro's reverie (Classic course 2 FINAL STAGE)