Make Magic

Song Information

Make Magic's NOVICE jacket.
Make Magic's ADVANCED jacket.
Make Magic's EXHAUST jacket.
Make Magic's MAXIMUM jacket.

Artist: Lite Show Magic
Composition/Arrangement: C-Show, t+pazolite
BPM: 230
Length: 2:01
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



Song Connections / Remixes



  • Make Magic is one of the Prize Award songs of The 6th KAC Original Song Contest (The 6th KAC オリジナル楽曲コンテスト). It was added to SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN on February 17th, 2017.
  • Make Magic's EXHAUST chart can be purchased from the SDVX Station after purchasing and clearing the EXHAUST chart of infinite:youniverse.
    • Its MAXIMUM chart can be unlocked via BLASTER GATE after purchasing its EXHAUST chart and unlocking infinite:youniverse's MAXIMUM chart.
    • Since SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR, its EXHAUST chart can be purchased with PCB and its MAXIMUM chart can be unlocked via BLASTER GATE, both without any prerequisites.
  • CAWOL, ASHITA, MAD†HOLIC and PSYCHO†HOLIC appear in Make Magic's jackets.
  • Make Magic was added to SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS コナステ's REGULAR course on August 1st, 2019.
    • It is also available in GRAVITY WARS コナステ's INFINITE course and EXCEED GEAR コナステ from August 1st, 2019, by purchasing the Konasute SOUND VOLTEX Music Pack vol.1 (コナステ版 SOUND VOLTEX 楽曲パック vol.1).

Song Production Information


Lite Show Magic's letter C and spokesperson C-Show here.

We always want to make songs but time does not permit it,
After few years, here is a new song.
The way of cooperation from years ago has remained unchanged.
I made a base and asked t+pazolite "do you like this?"
KAC is the ultimate entertainment event which deeply attracts viewers, fascinates players and artists with its magic.
We produced a song with the aim to attract as many people as possible at KAC.
"Slight hope in despair" is such the theme of the song.


I am the letter L of Lite Show Magic.
As C-Show already told what I was meant to say, I will be brief.
We made this with the best of our strengths. So stand up with all your power.
People who want challenge, people who are suited to such challenges and also people who could easily overcome them,
Please stand up.

Difficulty & Notecounts

SOUND VOLTEX difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from SOUND VOLTEX @ wiki.)

Game Level
Max Chain 1001 1577 2238 2554 -
Effected By 浮世マシーン 浮世マシーン 浮世マシーン 浮世マシーン -
Jacket Artists 牢屋番の海賊魔女 カヲル&アシタ $ MagicPENU 魔女の遣い魔 虜囚 MAD†HOLIC $ MagicPENU 魔女の遣い魔 虜囚 PSYCHO†HOLIC $ MagicPENU "――出番ダ、野郎ドモ!"$ MagicPENU -
SOUND VOLTEX IV→Present 6 13 16 18 -
SOUND VOLTEX III コナステ 6 13 16 18 -
SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ 6 13 16 18 -
The 6th KACオリジナル楽曲コンテスト
Highest Excellence Award HE4VEN ~天国へようこそ~ - iLLness LiLin
Excellence Award Fin.ArcDeaR - Immortal saga - Sailing Force - 超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで
Prize Award Gamerz FestivaL - infinite:youniverse - Make Magic - ΩVERSOUL
Accepted Songs Apocrypha - Chaotic Romance - Destruction & Qreation - dreamin' of u - DropZ-Line- -Fáfnir - Game Over
Grand-Guignol - Goddess Bless you - JUNKIE FLAVOR - Khionos TiARA - Legendary Road - PIERROT KNIfE
rhythmology study - Spirit of the Beast - Xibercannon - おにいちゃんハイテック - 獅子奮迅