Chou chou kou soku de mae sai soku!!! Speed star Kanade
超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで
Song Information
Artist: かめりあ feat. ななひら
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Camellia
Vocals: Nanahira
BPM: 30-999
Length: 2:00
Other Music Game Appearances: None.
女の子は 秘めた夢 みんな持っているの ランララララン ランララララン ラララ ララララ 女神よ女神よ、はわっはわでふわっふわな女神様! もし叶うのなら願いを聞いて~! 誰よりも!速く! ♪なりたい~ 超☆スピード(超★すぴーど!!) 超☆スピード(超★すぴーど!!) 止められないスピード! 3 2 1 GO! 出前トラベル 届けるのは勿論(も~ちろ~ん) 全マシな逸品 伸ばすのはげんごどーだん!! 相対性理論も どんな法則も 無視ing 手加減は い♥ら♥な♥い (はい!はい!はい!はい!) タキオンエンジン アクセルを踏み込んだら 一瞬でBoom! 宇宙超え 味 届けたい 目指したのは ∞(むげんだい) 「召し上がれ♡」まではノータイム! 全身全霊前進 全開全力疾走で ワームホールを ああ(びゅ~ん) 飛び抜け(ぎゅ~ん) 求ムサイコー運 (いぇい!!) サイコー速 (いぇい!!) 最終速度は(びゅ~ん) 無制限(ぎゅ~ん) 夢ノサイコー福 (いぇい!!) サイコー潮 (いぇい!!) 天国までドライブ 300億光年を (30秒! 30ms!) 認識不能なShooting☆Star(工事現場&光速電波) 工事現場っていうなー! 超☆スピード(超★すぴーど!!) 超☆スピード(超★すぴーど!!) 止められないスピード! コンベア速度はさっさとMaxにする! ニンニクリームも999倍にする! ほらラーメン冷める前に太陽系の果てまで行くよお兄ちゃん! (水金地火木土天海冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 めめっめめめっめめいめいめいめい めうめうめいめいめうめうめいめい) ††光速 突破†† 3 2 1 GO! すぴーこーーーーーーーーーーー 超☆スピード(超★すぴーど!!) 超☆スピード(超★すぴーど!!) 止められない(う~っ)スピード! 光速の壁を越え、また一歩∞に近づいたのであった ラララ ララララ ♪めでたし~
Song Connections / Remixes
- Just before the speed-up to 999 BPM, the "Blastix Riotz" soundbite from Blastix Riotz can be heard.
- The respective charts during that section are also taken from Blastix Riotz.
- An alternate edit of 超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで, titled 超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで(ライオット超光速参戦もあるよ ver,), was played live at the EDP×SOUND VOLTEX FLOOR ANTHEM 2017 event. This version is credited to かめりあ as "Bang Riot" feat. ななひら.
- 超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで is one of the "Excellence Award" songs of The 6th KAC Original Song Contest (The 6th KAC オリジナル楽曲コンテスト). It was added to SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN on March 17th, 2017.
- 超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで's EXHAUST chart can be purchased from the SDVX Station after purchasing and clearing Gamerz FestivaL's EXHAUST chart or above.
- Its MAXIMUM chart can be purchased from the SDVX Station after clearing Gamerz FestivaL's MAXIMUM chart.
- Since SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR, its EXHAUST and MAXIMUM charts can be purchased with PCB without any prerequisites.
- RIOT DESTRUDO and Kanade Yamashina appear on 超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで's jackets.
- 超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで speeds up to the highest BPM of any SOUND VOLTEX song to date, at 999 BPM.
- It holds the record for the third highest BPM at any point in all BEMANI games, surpassed by Tohoku EVOLVED's 1021 BPM from DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX, and D.I.X.'s 1080 BPM from SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR.
- It also has the second greatest BPM range of any BEMANI song, with a peak low BPM-peak high BPM difference of 969 BPM, just behind Tohoku EVOLVED's 977.5 BPM.
- However, MAYHEM still has the highest constant BPM of any BEMANI song, at 998 BPM.
- 超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで's charts all contain a long leftward VOL-R path before the 999 BPM section, which allows players to lower their HI-SPEED mid-song without breaking combo.
- As said in 超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで's comments, this marks the first time that SOUND VOLTEX character Kanade is directly mentioned in a song title.
- With the re-rating of its NOVICE chart in SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE, 超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで is currently the only song with NOVICE and ADVANCED charts rated Level 8 and 15 respectively without a MAXIMUM chart rated Level 20.
- 超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで was added to SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS コナステ's REGULAR course on August 1st, 2019.
- It is also available in GRAVITY WARS コナステ's INFINITE course and EXCEED GEAR コナステ from August 1st, 2019, by purchasing the Konasute SOUND VOLTEX Music Pack vol.2 (コナステ版 SOUND VOLTEX 楽曲パック vol.2).
Song Production Information
Thank you for the adoption!
I'm sorry.
I am making trouble once again. Camellia here.
Long time ago I thought that "Speed star Kanade" was a good title and I wrote it in my idea notebook. I think putting the "Kanade" name there was a bit stupid but I was sleepy...
In the meanwhile, there was an announcement from the vocal division of the "BEMANI FACE CONTEST" held in March 2016 where nanahira won the wonderful (?) "Kanade Award" (?), a special participation prize. That being said, I had no choice but had to give this idea a chance. So I decided to go on with it.
As you can expect from its title (bad prediction), speed (it is about the speed) and stars (it is about the stars), I made a tremendously fast song.
Speaking of ridiculously fast, yeah, it is speedcore! Speedcore, of course, is fast...!
Since I planned this to be a denpa song, vocals will be sang by Kanade Award-winner nanahira!
It is really ridiculously fast so please follow me firmly.
I wrote a lot there but I look forward to meet you again this year. Please be safe.
Thank you for this adoption.
nanahira here, again in charge of vocals.
Finally, Kanade's name made it to the title of a song. If you forgive Kanade you can forgive me too.
Kanade, I am indebted to you forever. I would like to meet you someday.
As Camellia carefully explained the song, you can very much guess what is this.
I was still able to happily sing it even if the song ran at outrageous speed!
My favorite speech is the blackmasked one heard after the build-up.
You may not able to listen to it but I would be glad if you are able to pay attention.
Well then everyone, take care of speeding!
Difficulty & Notecounts
SOUND VOLTEX difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from SOUND VOLTEX @ wiki.)
Game | Level | ||||
Max Chain | 1206 | 1348 | 2008 | 2588 | - |
Effected By | はわっはわでふわっふわなしまんとがわ | 全身全霊前進 全開全力疾走 四万十川 | 工事現場&光速電波&四万十川 | 水金地火木土天海冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 めめっめめめっ 四万十川 | - |
Jacket Artists | "最大船速だしてやらあ!!!"破壊のヒト型海賊船 ライオット・デストルドー $ KING | "海賊船の台所事情は任せて!" 厨房大将 野増菜かなで $ KING | "分子が崩壊しちまうゼェ!ラーメン!!こぼすんじゃねェゾォォォォォッ!!!" かなで&ライオット $ KING | "超超光速じゃないとラーメンが冷めちゃうよ!!もっと∞速くオジチャン!!!" かなで&ライオット $ KING | - |
SOUND VOLTEX IV | 7 | 15 | 17 | 18 | - |
SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE→Present | ↑8 | 15 | 17 | 18 | - |
SOUND VOLTEX III コナステ | 8 | 15 | 17 | 18 | - |
SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ | 8 | 15 | 17 | 18 | - |
ExpandThe 6th KACオリジナル楽曲コンテスト |