pop'n stage

Revision as of 22:18, 5 November 2017 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)
pop'n music arcade releases
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER!
15 ADVENTURE - 16 PARTY♪ - 17 THE MOVIE - 18 せんごく列伝
19 TUNE STREET - 20 fantasia - Sunny Park - ラピストリア - éclale
うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - peace - 解明リドルズ - UniLab - Jam&Fizz
アニメロ - アニメロ2号 - MICKEY TUNES - HELLO! (North America)

pop'n stage

Release Information

  • Release date: September 24th, 1999

General Information

  • pop'n stage is a dancing game based around the pop'n music design and songs, with ten "switches" (four diagonals and a center on each side, just like PUMP IT UP's panel placement), mixing the bright, colorful pop'n music-style graphics with DanceDanceRevolution-style gameplay.
  • Two modes available: six-switch and ten-switch (corresponding to PUMP IT UP's Half Double and Full Double; in other words, 6-switch mode doesn't use the four outer corners).
  • The voice-over at the title screen is former KONAMI employee Scott Dolph.
  • Shunsuke Kida, and Kazuyoshi Baba make their BEMANI debuts in this game.
    • Also the first BEMANI game with a song composed by Hiroki Koga, who had served as a notechart designer and arranger on previous BEMANI games.

Staff Information

  • Director: KENZIIIIIN
  • Sound design: 魚座のかおりん・シニア, SECRET-S, 獅子座のわっく
  • Software program: YUJI FUKUCHI, 以上、すいかが食べたい MTSU でした
  • Character design/CG design: Piu:KOHA, しろ
  • Product design: シマQ
  • Mechanical engineers: スペース☆ムトゥー, Kaoru, tobe
  • Hardware engineer: shimada
  • Industrial design: Takahashi



Mode Characters

  • Mimi [pns] - BEGINNER MODE
  • Nyami [pns] - BEGINNER MODE
  • JUDY [pns] - NORMAL MODE

Song list

Genre Genre
Song Artist Character 6-Switches 10-Switches
Beginner Normal Beginner Normal
New Songs
TROPiCAL トロピカル beAchest beAch Sana Meets Togo PAPA TROPPiE 1 7 ? ?
80's POP 80's ポップ Girl from the Portrait 1000 RIVER featuring Masato Ishida DICK 1 10 ? ?
J-dance J-ダンス Let's me Let's go Ma-You JUDY [pns] 2 8 ? ?
SAMBA サンバ Viva!2000 Marilia & Kaorin NAWOMI 2 11 ? ?
FOLKY フォーキー White day dream 馬場一嘉 SHOLLKEE [pns] 2 12 ? ?
COOL DANCE クール ダンス full moon Super Wink "fut" Ryo Asakawa JUDY [pns] 3 - ? ?
GIRLS POP ガールズポップ Picnic three berry icecream YURI*CHAN 3 9 ? ?
KUNG-FU カンフー the Claw & the Dragon Re Mongkoh DRAGON 4 13 ? ?
HOUSE ハウス A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW JULIANNE&EDISON Nyami / Mimi [pns] 4 12 ? ?
SPANISH スパニッシュ ¿Que vas a hacer? TRAVIESO ROMA 5 12 ? ?
ANIME HEROINE アニメヒロイン 魔法の扉(スペース@マコのテーマ) a.s.a SPACE★MACO 6 16 ? ?
JODLER ヨーデル LA LA LA LA YO-DEL DJ Simon CLARA 6 11 ? ?
FUNK ファンク Let's go dancing Benji milly - 11 ? ?
MUSICAL ミュージカル ミュージカル "5丁目物語" よりオーヴァーチュア ナヤ~ン & His Orchestra HOTARU - 14 ? ?
SKA CORE スカコア Go no stopping CATAPILA FAT BOY - 14 ? ?
pop'n music Crossovers
GIRLY ガーリィ Love Is Strong To The Sky SAORI MARGARET 1 8 ? ?
J-TEKNO J−テクノ Quick Master act deft SHOLLKEE [pns] 2 10 ? ?
MASARA マサラ すてきなタブーラ TABAN KING KARLI [pns] - 13 ? ?
REGGAE レゲエ BoaBoaLady! jam master'73 THE★MOCKEY ? ? ? ?
HEAVY METAL ヘヴィメタ I'm on fire AD/DA BOMBER ? ? ? ?

External Link

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