jubeat (2021)

Arcade Releases
jubeat - ripples (APPEND) - knit (APPEND)
copious (APPEND) - saucer (fulfill)
prop - Qubell - clan - festo - Ave. (beyond the Ave.)
Foreign Arcade Releases
乐动魔方 - 乐动魔方 2代 - 乐动魔方 全国对战版
Consumer Releases
jubeat mobile - 2
jubeat plus (Android) - jukebeat - jubeat (2021)

This page is for the mobile game. For other uses, please see jubeat (disambiguation).

This page is for a game that was recently released. As such, expect frequent updates.



Release Information

  • Release date: May 7th, 2021

General Information

  • Sequel to jubeat plus and its Android counterpart. It replaced jubeat plus as of version 4.0.0, three years after the last jubeat plus update (version 3.9.11).
  • Game is based on the cancelled jubeat (2020) arcade release.
  • Two game modes are available, normal mode and plus mode.
    • In normal mode, locked songs must have their charts unlocked through the gacha system: a single pull for 1000 coins, while a set of 10 pulls for 10,000 coins.
      • A stamina meter that limits the amount of songs that can be played.
      • Coins and level experience that can be obtained by playing the game.
      • Songs that are not unlocked can be temporarily unlocked by watching an advertisement.
    • plus mode is similar to jubeat plus, songs must be purchased, but there is no limit as to how often they can be played, however no coins nor level experience can be earned by playing in this mode.
      • music packs purchased for jubeat plus can be transferred to plus mode, assuming they have not been removed from the game.
  • First jubeat game to run at 60 FPS, as opposed to 30 FPS used by jubeat plus and the arcade releases.
    • Some markers are still animated at 30 FPS however.

normal mode

While playing in normal mode, each chart level has a stamina cost in order to play: 20 for level 1→3, 25 for level 4→6, and 30 for level 7→10.9.
The player starts off with 50 stamina, which can be refilled by leveling up or using an energy drink. (Any remaining stamina gets carried over.)

There are two ways of viewing the song list: album display (アルバム表示) and list display (リスト表示).
To switch between the two displays, tap the grey square under the player level, next to the information circle "(i)".

Note: The following songs are available by default in normal mode only. Song marked with an asterisk (※) are only available by default while in album display.


New Songs

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Licensed Songs
akasha-simulater 溝口ゆうま from セブンスヘブンAmmy's ? 3 5 7
BEYOND(game edit) plazma 140 3 6 10.0
Change over time Retar 140 2 5 8
FAKE ME FAKE ME OUT Da-iCE 108 3 5 8
Faraway sky ft.小林マナ Starving Trancer 150 1 4 8
HEART 東京ゲゲゲイ 187 1 5 8
I'm coming(2017ver.) Pa's Lam System 135 4 7 9.2
I'll Be There Mitchy Asai 150 4 7 9.0
Seize The Day 亜咲花 122 2 4 7
Special Smile (MUZIK SERVANT Remix) Amateras Records feat. 築山さえ 170 4 7 9.8
Welcome トゥ 混沌 (K)NoW_NAME 185 2 5 8
抜刀 猫大樹 170 2 5 8
チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 9周年バージョン IOSYS 175 2 4 8
でんでんぱっしょん でんぱ組.inc 158-186 3 5 9.0
ギミチョコ!! BABYMETAL 0 2 5 7
花に亡霊 ヨルシカ 90 1 4 8
祈り-I・NO・RI- Flash back Dominant 142 4 6 8
関門突破撃 新井大樹 160 3 6 9.7
くらべられっ子 ツユ 194 1 5 8
メルティランドナイトメア はるまきごはん 140 1 4 9.0
お勉強しといてよ ずっと真夜中でいいのに。 132 2 5 8
霰散 valentine_another_mix(game edit) くーぼ 165 2 6 9
シュガーソングとビターステップ UNISON SQUARE GARDEN 132 3 6 9.1
うっせぇわ Ado 178 3 6 8
寄り酔い 和ぬか 118 2 5 7
癒着☆NIGHT ヤバイTシャツ屋さん 190 2 4 8
幽霊であるし ニガミ17才 0 3 6 9.0
Licensed Cover Songs
Pretender (Official髭男dism) 92 2 4 8
紅蓮華 (LiSA) 135 2 5 8
キセキ (GReeeeN) 94 2 5 6
南風 (レミオロメン) ? 2 4 7
千本桜 (黒うさP) 154 3 7 9.1
残酷な天使のテーゼ (高橋洋子) 79-128 1 3 6
KONAMI Originals
Phantasmagoria Maozon 150 3 6 9.3
Qubellic Prism Nazzo-Non-Heat 170 3 7 9.7
Welcome!! kors k 180 3 7 9.6

Returning Songs

Note: Song marked with an asterisk (✢) are only available by default in plus mode.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Licensed Songs
Grip & Break down !!
SOUND HOLIC 東方アレンジ pack
SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi 160 2 5 9
豚乙女 東方アレンジ pack
豚乙女 180 2 7 9.3
となりのトトロ feat.sayurina ~となりのトトロ~
ハイテンションジブリ pack
新井大樹 128 2 6 8
Licensed Cover Songs
music pack 09
(HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR) 139 5 7 8
music pack 03
(葉加瀬太郎) 128 2 7 9.4
KONAMI Originals
DANCE ALL NIGHT Sota Fujimori 135 3 6 9
Energy SAYA 170 3 6 9
Little Flipper S-C-U 165 3 7 9
prop the world S-C-U 130 4 7 9.7
copious pack 12
猫叉Master+ 190 5 6 9.2
music pack 19
Swan Lake Orchestra 180-300 4 7 9.7
ハンガリー舞曲 第5番 (jubeat version)
saucer fulfill pack 3
H.D.5 Orchestra 80-200 3 6 9.7
music pack 09
Mutsuhiko Izumi 195 3 8 9.4
copious pack 01
T.M.Orchestra 150-199 4 7 10.2
Qubell pack
No.5 Orchestra 198-299 4 6 10.0
ウィリアム・テル序曲 W.T.Orchestra 120-190 3 7 8

Revived Songs

The following songs from jubeat plus were revived:

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Launch date
Licensed Cover Songs
SUPER∞STREAM (篠ノ之箒, セシリア・オルコット, 凰鈴音, シャルロット・デュノア, ラウラ・ボーデヴィッヒ) 180 3 ? ?
光のロック (サンボマスター) 185 ? ? ?
こんなに近くで... (Crystal Kay) 102 ? ? ?
KONAMI Originals
Snow Goose Mutsuhiko Izumi 200 5 7 8
Sweet Rain Y&Co. feat. karin 155 4 7 9.1

Removed Songs

Due to the size of this section, it has been split off into its own page.

External Links

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