AC jb copious APPEND
jubeat |
Arcade Releases |
jubeat - ripples (APPEND) - knit (APPEND) |
copious (APPEND) - saucer (fulfill) |
prop - Qubell - clan - festo - Ave. (beyond the Ave.) |
Foreign Arcade Releases |
乐动魔方 - 乐动魔方 2代 - 乐动魔方 全国对战版 |
Consumer Releases |
jubeat mobile - 2 jubeat plus (Android) - jukebeat - jubeat (2021) |
Release Information
- Release Date: March 14th, 2012
- Soundtrack Release Date: March 28th, 2012
General Information/Changes
- New Songs: 35
- Total Number of Songs: 239
- APPEND TRAVEL: Players earn APPEND ENERGY (AE) by playing the 7 participating BEMANI games, and use it to unlock the collaboration songs for play in jubeat. The AE may also be used to purchase add-ons for other games such as customisation options and abilities.
- GFDM and jubeat Large Summer Festival (ギタ・ドラ・jubeat大夏祭り) (8/1/2012): Players play a set number of games of GuitarFreaksXG3, DrumManiaXG3 and jubeat copious each to light up festival stalls. Then, play all songs in one stall (usually all songs by the credited artist on all 3 games) to unlock the respective song.
Full Song List
New Songs
Licensed Songs
- FIGHTERS / 三代目 J Soul Brothers
- Gravity / HaKU
- Heart of Gold / Alice Nine
- PONPONPON / きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ
- this storyends / winnie
- WAVES; Q;indivi+WISE / Q;indivi+
- ダダパラ!! / girl next door
- ダイナマイト / → Pia-no-jaC ←
- 以心伝心 / Little Blue boX
- 女子力←パラダイス / SUPER☆GiRLS
- こどなの階段 / 南波志帆
- くちばしにチェリー / EGO-WRAPPIN'
- やさしくなりたい / 斉藤和義
Licensed Cover
- CRAZY FOR YOU / ♪♪♪♪♪
Konami Originals
copious APPEND originals
APPEND TRAVEL Phase 1 songs
- 532nm / Ryu☆ - beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle
- candii / 八王子P - SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH
- cloche / Qrispy Joybox - REFLEC BEAT limelight
- HEAT-BIT-HIT-BEAT / V.C.O. - pop'n music 20 fantasia
- TWINKLE♡HEART / jun - DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
- 幸せのかたち / あさき - GuitarFreaksXG3 & DrumManiaXG3
APPEND TRAVEL Phase 2 song
GFDM and jubeat Large Summer Festival songs
Songs are listed in order of unlocking.
- 歌の翼 / あーたん
- Rush!! / kors k feat.吉河順央
- 逆ナンされたのにドタキャン!! / good-cool ft. すわひでお
- RePrise / SHOGO
- 800nm / Another Infinity
- Summer Holiday / 達見 恵 featured by 佐野宏晃
- Plum / 肥塚良彦
- Riot of Color / TAG
- ギタ・ドラ・jubeat大夏祭りのテーマ / DNM盛り上げ隊
Difficulty Changes