Megalara Garuda

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Megalara Garuda

Song Information

Megalara Garuda's jacket.

Artist: SYUNN
Composition/Arrangement: Shunsuke Sato
BPM: 180 (other BEMANI games), 90-180 (DanceDanceRevolution)
Length: 1:53
Movie: 板垣聖一
First Music Game Appearance: jubeat Qubell
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes

  • A long version of Megalara Garuda, titled Megalara Garuda(Long Version), can be found on the jubeat Qubell ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK album.
  • The two BGMs for the 掘りすぎ dig RUSH FINAL STAGE 4, both made by Shunsuke Sato, are completely based on Megalara Garuda.


  • Megalara Garuda can be unlocked in jubeat Qubell as the 掘りすぎ dig RUSH FINAL STAGE 4 unlock of the dig dig Qubell unlocking system. For more information on the dates it can be unlocked, please see this page.
    • In jubeat clan, it can be unlocked in the jubeat SHOP.
    • In jubeat festo, it can be purchased at the emo MART.
    • In jubeat Ave., it is one of the CONCIERGE unlocks of the LIGHT CHAT unlocking system from August 17th, 2022.
  • Megalara Garuda is the only unlock in dig dig Qubell to utilise the RISKY UNLOCK CHALLENGE mechanic, which is significantly harder than normal UNLOCK CHALLENGEs.
  • Megalara Garuda was the only jubeat song in the entire series rated Level 10, the highest level, on all difficulty levels on the old 1-10 scale. The charts are made by MICHI, まっする, and RAG, respectively.
    • It is the first ever jubeat song rated Level 10.0 or higher on BASIC, and was one of only two jubeat Qubell songs rated Level 10 on ADVANCED, the other being Sky High.
    • It is also the first jubeat song whose BASIC chart has more notes than the ADVANCED and EXTREME notecounts.
    • It was also the first song in any BEMANI series with all the charts rated the highest level (not counting series with no different ratings between difficulty levels, such as KEYBOARDMANIA).
  • With 932 notes, Megalara Garuda's BASIC chart has the most notes of any jubeat BASIC chart, beating out previous record holder Elemental Creation -GITADO ROCK ver.-'s 586.
  • Megalara Garuda marks Shunsuke Sato's debut in BEMANI.
  • The Megalara garuda is a species of large wasp. It was discovered in 2011 on the Mekongga Mountains, in the southeastern part of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.
    • The species is named after the garuda, the national symbol of Indonesia; it is a giant bird-like creature.
    • Megalara Garuda's jacket features an illustration of the male of the species stylized to be made of mechanical components.
    • According to SYUNN in jubeat Qubell's booklet comments, Megalara Garuda's title was chosen because he started composing music in the same year the wasp species was discovered.
  • Megalara Garuda is part of the Maishuu! Ichika no chou BEMANI rush 2020 (毎週!いちかの超BEMANIラッシュ2020) event. It could be unlocked in beatmania IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE from September 23rd, 2020 until October 28th, 2020.
  • Megalara Garuda also appears in jubeat (2021)'s plus mode, as part of the Qubell pack 17.
  • Megalara Garuda is available in beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) from February 9th, 2022 as part of jubeat セレクション 楽曲パック vol.1.
  • Megalara Garuda is available in DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX's GRAND PRIX mode from June 24th, 2022, by purchasing the SPECIAL music pack feat.jubeat vol.1 (スペシャル楽曲パック feat.jubeat vol.1).
    • Its CHALLENGE charts become available by purchasing both this and SPECIAL music pack feat.jubeat vol.2 (スペシャル楽曲パック feat.jubeat vol.2).
    • By purchasing both packs with an active subscription, Megalara Garuda and its CHALLENGE charts can be played in DanceDanceRevolution A3.
  • Megalara Garuda is the first song in DanceDanceRevolution to have its DIFFICULT charts be rated Level 16, the highest for that difficulty.
    • This mimicks Megalara Garuda's jubeat charts being initially rated Level 10 on all difficulty levels on the old 1-10 scale.

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.
jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and TexTage.)

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts / Charge Notes - 764 / 49 1012 / 50 1543 / 63 - 764 / 49 1031 / 48 1503 / 51 -
beatmania IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE→Present - 7 10 12 - 7 10 12 -
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) - 7 10 12 - 7 10 12 -


Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 138 / 0 247 / 16 593 / 17 654 / 18 734 / 55 / 0 245 / 18 583 / 18 633 / 18 691 / 63 / 0
DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX 5 9 16 17 18 9 16 17 18
DanceDanceRevolution A3→Present 5 9 16 17 18 9 16 17 18


Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 932 / 29 912 / 41 914 / 59
jubeat Qubell→clan 10 10 10
jubeat festo→Present 10.4 10.5 10.7
jubeat (2021) 10.4 10.5 10.7
dig dig Qubell
月に叢雲華に風 - 運命 - 僕は空気が嫁ない - Ark - Scream out! - 変じゃない!! - Just a Game - CIRCUS U CRIC - UROBOROS OVERDIVE - Hunny Bunny
天嘩乱舞 - RHYZING BEAT - Mirage of the Mirror - Glitter Flatter Scatter
jubeat Qubell × 干物妹!うまるちゃん
勇者うまるの華麗なる生活 - sweet sweet everytime sweet - My Precious - T・S・F in にっぽん! - ひだまりデイズ
Fables of Akhuta -伸びゆく枝の先に-
星宿る空の下で - 枝に結ぶ願い [ 2 ] - 六花にくちづけ
jubeat Qubell × NEW GAME!
ほっしーの! - Shake! - Now Loading!!!!
猫大樹 夏のパーリーピーポー
夏休み is freedom!! - 眼光 - 制作現場での出来事 - JACK THE RIPPER feat. Iceon - 厳冬記 - 負けないよ・・・-Runners High-
2016 Summer dig dig 祭
Boss Rush - 不可説不可説転 - Entrapment - FUJIMORI -祭- FESTIVAL - NISHIMURA -祭- CARNIVAL
掘りすぎ dig RUSH
1st dig DanceDanceRevolution Saturday Night Love - New York EVOLVED - aleatrik
2nd dig GITADORA Destiny lovers - Vampire Killer - Cosminflation
3rd dig beatmania IIDX Daisuke - KAMAITACHI - ULTRA HAPPY MEGAMIX
4th dig pop'n music 夢有 - Bleep Beep Bop - Invisible Border
5th dig REFLEC BEAT Knell - Hollywood Galaxy - The Omen
FINAL Giant Otter Family - - Against the vulgar aggressor - Megalara Garuda
バビロニア - バビロニアの旅人たち - 旅の終わりと祝祭の夜
米津玄師 / ハチ × BEMANI
マトリョシカ - パンダヒーロー - ドーナツホール
Windy Fairy [ 2 ] - 見習い天使と星降りの丘 - Valanga
いちかラッシュ Crazy Shuffle - Into The Madness - Our Love
GOLDEN CROSS - memento mori -intro- - Shuffle cats
All Clear!! - BLSTR - 量子の海のリントヴルム
Last Twilight - ORCA - 不可説不可説転
Leviathan - Little Prayer - サヨナラ・ヘヴン
蒼が消えるとき - バッドエンド・シンドローム - 白露の風
ΩVERSOUL - Truare! - 恋歌疾風!かるたクイーンいろは
GHOST KINGDOM - m1dy Deluxe - カゴノトリ
ののラッシュ ERROR CODE - Forgetting Machine - Step forward - ノルエピネフリン - うさぬこぬんぬんファンタジー!
Din Don Dan - Spica - 多極性ニューロンの崩壊による人間の末路
PANIC HOLIC - Sulk - カヨワキコイノウタ
Lisa-RICCIA - Voyager - X-Plan - ぱんだしんけん1、2、3 ~ちえ!おっしょさんにはかなわないや!~ - 防人恋歌
HARD BRAIN - New Decade - RAIN - WHITEOUT - シャムシールの舞
Love 2 Shuffle - Megalara Garuda - 灼熱Beach Side Bunny
いちかの新曲 Sparkle Smilin' (GITADORA EDITION) - 狂水一華 (GITADORA EDITION)
のの新曲 Jetcoaster Windy