This page is for neu, which appears in pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE. For NEU! by √thumm from jubeat knit, please see NEU!.


Song Information

neu's pop'n music banner.

Artist: 少年ラジオ
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Shounen Radio
Vocals: Yu Tokiwa
Guitar/Bass: Asaki
Length: 2:07 (NORMAL), 2:09 (HYPER), 2:27 (EX)
Genre: NIENTE (ニエンテ)
pop'n music Character: ? [15]
pop'n CG design: ちっぴー
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE
Other Music Game Appearances:


Long Version

One bright Monday morning I overslept
The world ended without harbinger
One bright Monday morning
The world ended fleeting too easily

All the while looking
A spectacle called doomsday
I lost in thought

There was nothing from the beginning, too
Therefore I only muttered...


Pow! Got him in the eye
The melancholy music got me
That matter is settled

Light & dark
Night & day
Smile & cry

Don't be light & dark
Night & day
Smile & cry
You and me!


Pow! Got him in the eye
The melancholy music got me
That matter is settled

Light & dark
Night & day
Smile & cry

One bright Monday morning I overslept
One bright Monday morning 
The world ended fleeting too easily

One bright Monday morning I overslept
The world ended without harbinger
One bright Monday morning
The world ended fleeting too easily

Don't be light & dark
Night & day
Smile & cry

Don't be light & dark
Night & day
Smile & cry
You and me!


Pow! Got him in the eye
The melancholy music got me
That matter is settled

Light & dark
Night & day
Smile & cry(x2)

Song Connections / Remixes


  • With 1,899 notes on EX, neu has the most notes of any non-LONG Version song in pop'n music history.
  • In both beatmania IIDX and pop'n music, neu uses its NORMAL version as the music preview.
  • neu is the pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE LIMIT BURST (EXTRA STAGE) of beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro. It became unlockable on 10/31/2012.
  • In beatmania IIDX, neu uses beatmania IIDX 10th style's TECHNO generic movie, however, nearly the end of neu's ANOTHER chart the movie goes black. This might be because the video was adjusted to the NORMAL and HYPER versions' length, which is around 20 seconds shorter than the ANOTHER version of neu.
  • neu's ANOTHER version is currently the longest song is beatmania IIDX.

Music Comment


Song Production Information

In short: Nothing, nonsense, radio, song, piano, guitar, daybreak, delusion, cultural festivals, genuflection, influenza, tenacity -- all mistaken.

Beyond the light and the dark, nothing remains; who would suggest such a thing?

No merit.
Is this nothing?
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing...

Well, then:
What, exactly, is nothing?

It's a key characteristic of the world of nothingness.
Is it, now?
The world of naught emotion.
Is it, now?
The world of no sound.
Is it, now?
The world of even no pop-kuns.
Is it, now?
Even though it seems rather unreasonable,
In truth, nothing is ever unreasonable.
Therefore, I don't have a single thought.
What is here?

Rather, this is the world of all existence.
Is it, now?
In what way can there be such a thing living without form?
Quite a paradox.

The end of repeating questions and answers
Struggling factions
Before beginnings, and after endings,
Nothing that lives is questioning

In short:
The beginning and the end of the world has been enclosed.
There, everything has been compressed
Paradoxical nothing is born, unquestioning
Surely I really don't know the meaning of this.

In short:
The world, the light, the darkness, the dawn, the dusk, the smiles, the tears, the closing, the music, the game, the Internet, the feelings, your presence, myself, and some other things here and there...
They have been lumped together.
"Everything shall disappear," it was said,
A worn face scolding with fresh emotion
This is a song, a package with everything in it.
As for the flu --
Well, every time I make music, thoughts like that just spring from my head.

this feeling is only another of my creations.
There are a lot of feelings put into pop'n 15 as a whole.
Either way, this harsh world is an interesting yet tough place.

With these words,
even if we have something to lose,
Let's give it our all.


< Shounen Radio >

Character Information

-- Is this a form present in the world? From the joy of light? From the sadness of the dark??
Everything is in it and the small events of past meetings. --

It began with the demo song that May that had mixed opinions...
Even when you think you've understood everything,
This is where all of the boss characters originate from.
Emotions that have been present throughout the years pierce through its body
Of water
Of earth
Of fire
From the joy of light
From the sadness of the dark
In this magnificent world, overnight, a shape was formed.
The purpose of its existence was to begin a trip to seek and meet people all over this new world.
It had met MZD in a past encounter - for a small time, he took care of the form.

Take a careful look; it's the size of your palm.

< Chippi >

Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 through Sunny Park. (Ratings obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd)

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Beginner Normal Hyper Another Normal Hyper Another
Notecounts - ? ? 1999 ? ? ?
beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro→Present - ? ? 12 ? ? 12

pop'n music

Game Standard Battle PSP-Exclusive
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper 5B Hyper 7 Button 7B Hyper
Notecounts 256 460 999 1899 240 511 ? ? ?
pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE→17 THE MOVIE 12 24 36 42 10 19 - - -
pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝→20 fantasia 12 24 36 ↑43 10 19 - - -
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present ? ? ? ↑49 ? ? - - -
pop'n music portable 12 24 36 42 10 - 30 18 40