pop'n stage ex

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pop'n stage
pop'n stage (ex)

pop'n stage ex

Release Information

  • Release date: December 20th, 1999

General Information / Changes

  • pop'n stage ex is an upgraded version of pop'n stage, which includes two new songs, several pop'n music 3 songs, and the brand-new MANIAC difficulty.
    • MANIAC is available for both 6 and 10 Switches mode. However, unlike the other difficulties, 10-Switches MANIAC charts are intended for one player instead of two.
    • In the MANIAC difficulty, most characters' palettes are changed to their 3P colors. The few exceptions are White day dream and full moon, which switch their characters' palettes to their 4P colors, and A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW, as not only the 3P colors are applied, the character is also changed to Nyami [pns].
  • BEGINNER and NORMAL MODEs were renamed to NORMAL and ANOTHER MODEs.
  • Kiyoshi Murai makes his BEMANI debut in this game.
  • First appearance of vocalist Noriko Fukushima in BEMANI.
  • Only one new character is introduced: INUCHIYO, who is used for every new song in pop'n stage ex.
    • Due to memory limitations, each instance of INUCHIYO is considered a separate character, with four palettes each.

Staff Information


  • MANIAC MODE (hidden)

Mode Characters

  • Mimi [pns] - NORMAL MODE
  • Nyami [pns] - NORMAL MODE
  • BOMBER [pns] - HARD MODE

New Songs

pop'n stage ex difficulty rated from 1 to 20.

Genre Genre
Song Artist Character 6-Switches 10-Switches
Normal Another Maniac Normal Another Maniac
New Songs
SCAT スキャット cat's Scat Q-Mex INUCHIYO [SCAT] 4 10 18 4 10 17
SUPER EURO スーパーユーロ WE TWO ARE ONE Lala Moore INUCHIYO [SUPER EURO] 6 15 20 6 14 20
pop'n music Crossovers
from pop'n music 3
ユーロダンス Bit of Love Super Wink "fut" Ryo Arshe INUCHIYO [EURO DANCE] 3 10 17 3 10 14
from pop'n music 3
パワーフォーク なんか変だ! 新堂 敦士 INUCHIYO [POWERFOLK] 5 13 19 5 12 18
from pop'n music 3
ニューカマー un-Balance 佐藤 千晶 INUCHIYO [NEW-COMMER] 5 14 18 5 13 16
from pop'n music 3
パンク LET ME FEEL SO HIGH Little Bitch.K² INUCHIYO [PUNK] 6 15 18 6 15 18

Returning Songs

Genre Genre
Song Artist Character 6-Switches 10-Switches
Normal Another Maniac Normal Another Maniac
Original Songs
TROPiCAL トロピカル beAchest beAch Sana Meets Togo PAPA TROPPiE 1 7 17 1 7 13
80's POP 80's ポップ Girl from the Portrait 1000 RIVER featuring Masato Ishida DICK 1 10 17 1 10 14
J-dance J-ダンス Let's me Let's go Ma-You JUDY [pns] 2 8 17 2 8 17
SAMBA サンバ Viva! 2000 Marilia & Kaorin NAWOMI 2 11 17 2 11 16
FOLKY フォーキー White day dream 馬場一嘉 SHOLLKEE [pns-2P] 2 12 19 2 12 19
COOL DANCE クール ダンス full moon Naomi "fut" Ryo Asakawa JUDY [pns-2P] 3 8 17 3 12 19
GIRLS POP ガールズポップ Picnic Three Berry Icecream YURI*chan 3 9 18 3 9 18
KUNG-FU カンフー the Claw & the Dragon Re MONGKOH〈李 紋洪〉 DRAGON 4 13 18 4 14 17
HOUSE ハウス A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW Julianne & Edison Mimi / Nyami [pns] 4 12 20 4 13 17
SPANISH スパニッシュ ¿Que vas a hacer? TRAVIESO ROMA 5 12 18 5 13 18
ANIME HEROINE アニメヒロイン 魔法の扉 (スペース@マコのテーマ) a.s.a. SPACE★MACO 6 16 20 6 15 20
JODLER ヨーデル LA LA LA LA YO-DEL DJ Simon CLARA 6 11 18 6 13 17
FUNK ファンク Let's go dancing Benji milly - 11 - - 13 -
MUSICAL ミュージカル ミュージカル"5丁目物語"より オーヴァチュア ナヤ~ン & his Orchestra HOTARU - 14 - - 11 -
SKA CORE スカコア Go no stopping CATAPILA FAT BOY - 14 - - 14 -
pop'n music Crossovers
from pop'n music 2
ガーリィ Love Is Strong To The Sky SAORI MARGARET 1 8 18 1 8 14
from pop'n music
J−テクノ Quick Master act deft SHOLLKEE [pns] 2 10 18 2 10 16
from pop'n music
スパイ spicy piece ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS Secret D - 10 - - 10 -
from pop'n music 2
マサラ すてきなタブーラ TABAN KING KARLI [pns] - 13 - - 13 -

Hidden Songs

  • BoaBoaLady!: Appears in Stage 3 if the last two digits of the score of Stage 1 and 2 are the same.
  • I'm on fire: It only appears in Stage 3 if DIP3's 1, 3, and 5 are set as ON.
Genre Genre
Song Artist Character 6-Switches 10-Switches
Normal Another Maniac Normal Another Maniac
Hidden Songs
REGGAE レゲエ BoaBoaLady! jammaster '73 THE★MOCKEY - 9 - - 10 -
from pop'n music 2
ヘヴィメタ I'm on fire AD/DA BOMBER - 16 - - 20 -

HARD mode courses

All songs are played in the ANOTHER difficulty unless specified.


1st 2nd 3rd FINAL
DANCE Let's me Let's go full moon A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW ミュージカル"5丁目物語"より オーヴァチュア
VOCAL Love Is Strong To The Sky White day dream Picnic Go no stopping
WORLD Viva! 2000 the Claw & the Dragon ¿Que vas a hacer? LA LA LA LA YO-DEL


In 10 Switches mode, all songs are played in the MANIAC difficulty.

1st 2nd 3rd FINAL
SPECIAL BoaBoaLady! 魔法の扉 (スペース@マコのテーマ) I'm on fire LA LA LA LA YO-DEL (MANIAC)

Codes & Unlock Information

Switch Selection Menu

Gauge Up Pop-kun

  • Press 4-7-4-7-4-7, then press Start. If done correctly, Mimi and Nyami's palettes should change, now sporting pink shirts with white shorts, akin to their 5P palette.

Mirror Mode

  • Press 5-6-3-8-4-7, then press Start. If done correctly, Mimi and Nyami's palettes should change, now sporting blue shirts with red shorts, similiar to Mimi's 2P palette.

Random Mode

  • Press 2-3-5-6-8-9, then press Start. If done correctly, Mimi and Nyami's palettes should change, now wearing white shirts with red shorts.

Free Select Mode

  • DIP3s 1, 3, and 5 must be turned on to perform this code. When done so, press 7-5-6-4-8-3, then press Start. If done correctly, Mimi and Nyami's palettes should change, now sporting dark skins, white shirts and pink shorts, similiar to Nyami's 2P palette.

Hidden Mode

  • Press 1-3-4-7-8-10, then press Start. If done correctly, Mimi and Nyami's palettes should change, now wearing white shirts with black shorts.


  • DIP3s 1, 3, and 5 must be turned on to perform this code. When done so, press 4-7-3-8-5-6, then press Start. If done correctly, Mimi and Nyami's palettes should change, now being completely cyan.

Mode Selection Menu


  • While highlighting ANOTHER mode, press the Left and Right buttons at the same time.

POPN Course

  • While highlighting HARD mode, press 3, 8 and Start at the same time.

External Link