Revision as of 12:17, 4 April 2023 by Movesp (talk | contribs) (Choco wo torimodose! Rio ikari no togetoge valentine: Change tense to past tense.)
GuitarFreaks & DrumMania
Arcade Releases
GF1st - GF2nd - dm1st - dm2nd - GF3rd
GF4th dm3rd - GF5th dm4th - GF6th dm5th
GF7th dm6th - GF8th dm7th (power-up ver.)
GF9th dm8th - GF10th dm9th - GF11th dm10th
GITADORA - OverDrive - Tri-Boost (Re:EVOLVE)
Console Releases
GF1st - GF2nd APPEND - dm1st - GF3rd dm2nd
PC Release
Mobile Releases
i-αppli (GF - DM) - GITADORA



Release Information

  • Announcement date: December 9th, 2022
  • Release date: December 14th, 2022
  • Slogan: "Can't you feel my NOISE?"

General Information / Changes

  • Premium Free mode is now added, with amounts of 10 minutes and 15 minutes.
    • Like other BEMANI games, Premium Free can be used with PASELI or more credits (for non-Japanese region cabinets).
    • GITADORA cabs located at U.S.A. ROUND1 locations are still restricted to Light mode via credits; there is no option for Premium Free, Deluxe or Standard.
  • The default scroll speed for players without an e-amusement pass is now 1.5.
  • Failing a song no longer ends the song immediately. You can continue to play until the end, or end the song immediately by pressing and holding START+HELP.
  • 225 songs and CLASSIC charts previously unlockable via Deluxe Mode or through other unlocking methods have been made available by default. For a complete list of the previously hidden songs that were unlocked in GITADORA FUZZ-UP, please see this page.
  • Any songs not unlocked on GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE during the Ichika no gochamaze Mix UP! event can be unlocked on GITADORA FUZZ-UP until the end of the event.
  • The effect knobs on GuitarFreaks XG Deluxe cabinets no longer function.
    • Each effect pedal now only has one setting.
  • Clear lamps are added, with the color based on the highest difficulty cleared for the corresponding song.
  • The in-game timer is now 90 seconds (previously 60 seconds on first stage and 45 seconds on subsequent stages).
  • The system voice is provided by Sara Murayama.

Staff Information

To be announced.

Full Song List

New Songs

Default Songs

Song Artist BPM Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Licensed Songs
BlackCult HAGANE 163 2.50 4.15 6.50 7.90 3.40 3.40 5.90 7.50 8.75 4.00 6.10 7.60
PLAY EYE 214 2.40 4.50 6.50 7.70 3.50 5.70 7.20 8.30 3.40 5.90 7.40 8.00
真っ白な闇がすべてを塗り替えても 摩天楼オペラ 178 2.30 4.55 8.10 9.00 3.20 4.80 7.50 8.80 2.70 4.30 6.20 7.70
我甘党 花冷え。 160-210 2.05 4.10 6.60 8.40 3.30 5.00 7.80 8.55 2.80 4.40 6.90 7.75
Licensed Covers
グッバイ宣言 Covered by 璃音 170 1.90 3.50 5.50 7.00 1.90 4.30 6.10 8.00 2.20 3.80 6.50 8.00
ミックスナッツ (Official髭男dism) 150 2.40 3.60 5.80 8.80 1.80 4.50 7.70 9.10 2.30 3.70 6.30 8.60
KONAMI Originals
Awakening Wings
from eMAH-JONG 麻雀格闘倶楽部 プロトーナメント
伊達朱里紗 190 2.70 4.30 6.40 7.50 3.10 4.60 5.80 7.80 3.40 5.00 6.60 7.80
Beep Beep Inside ino. 149 2.60 4.25 7.00 8.50 3.40 5.20 7.90 9.00 3.50 4.80 7.50 8.70
Black Apple BEMANI Sound Team "HuΣeR" 174 2.70 5.55 7.50 9.40 3.00 4.70 6.80 8.60 2.40 4.20 5.70 7.20
Break Of Day good-cool ft. Pete Klassen 174 2.70 4.60 6.30 7.30 3.30 4.70 7.00 8.20 2.80 4.30 6.50 7.70
FOR YOUR BRAVE!! Maro feat.藤城 リエ 198 3.50 4.70 6.70 8.20 3.40 4.50 6.90 7.95 3.20 4.20 7.10 8.05
FUZZ-UP BEMANI Sound Team "Yvya" 105-140 2.55 4.60 6.50 8.40 3.40 4.40 7.95 9.10 3.00 4.70 6.90 8.20
GLACIER EXPRESS 山本真央樹 155 3.30 4.70 6.70 9.40 2.90 4.10 6.40 8.60 3.10 5.00 7.00 8.80
MY ENDING あべち feat.スーパージン 180 2.30 4.30 6.40 8.20 3.70 4.80 7.10 8.10 3.00 4.40 6.60 7.60
Sugar Holic Candy Magic かゆき+うぐ 152 2.00 4.30 6.50 8.30 2.80 5.00 7.35 8.25 2.40 4.80 6.30 7.25
WONDER MiA feat.綾野ましろ 177 2.40 4.50 6.50 7.70 3.50 4.80 7.30 7.60 3.60 4.30 6.80 7.40
血塗られたかくれんぼ 犬神凶子 & BEMANI Sound Team "劇団レコード" 140 3.20 5.00 6.50 7.50 3.00 4.60 6.80 7.90 3.70 5.10 7.10 8.45
パレットナイトフロウ 駄々子 135 2.30 4.20 5.60 7.30 3.30 5.00 6.60 7.50 3.60 4.80 6.40 7.15
レジスタンス OSTER project feat. かなたん 148 2.75 4.80 6.50 8.70 3.30 5.00 6.70 8.85 2.70 4.50 7.00 8.40
ロマンティックのかけら AiLi 174 2.50 3.60 6.00 7.30 3.10 4.40 6.50 8.10 2.40 3.90 6.20 7.80
空に触れる BEMANI Sound Team "あさき" 142 2.75 4.80 7.40 8.90 3.90 5.10 8.15 9.20 3.70 4.90 7.60 8.30
テレキミ SHIN feat.TeamMiA 166 2.50 4.50 6.60 7.60 2.80 4.00 5.90 7.60 3.00 4.30 6.10 7.45



  • ENCORE STAGE: You need to fill the ENCORE gauge to 100% over a playthrough, where for a given song each grade gives you a certain percentage (Long Version songs will give you double percentage):
    • SS = 52.17%, S = 34.78%, A = 30.43%, B = 26.09%, C = 17.39%.

When accessed, an ENCORE STAGE-specific song may be played in addition to any song on the regular songlist.

  • PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE: Obtain 95% of PERFECTs on an ENCORE STAGE-specific song (marked by an ENCORE emblem on the songlist) without using any Auto modes. When accessed, the PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE (and only the PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE) will be made playable up to the highest difficulty level played on ENCORE STAGE.

Each time you choose not to advance to the PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE from ENCORE STAGE (either by failing the PERFECT percentage requirement or playing other songs outside ENCORE-marked songs), the required PERFECT percentage goes down by 1% (extra 1% also added at next attempt so it goes to a maximum of 5% reduction) until it reaches 0%. Both required PERFECT percentage and its reduction will be reset the next day you play (even when you are not accessing ENCORE STAGE that day) but will be kept intact if you play at any days other than the next one.

Unlocking ENCORE STAGE songs

The ENCORE STAGE songs may be unlocked into Standard play by clearing those songs several times, depending on achievement rate, and they will remain as ENCORE STAGE-only songs on later ENCORE Versions.

Ver. Duration
1 December 14th, 2022 - February 28th, 2023
2 March 1st, 2023 - Present

The conditions are listed below:

Song Ver.1 Ver.2
ENCOUNT Unlockable
Q転直下 Play only Unlockable
Bloody Iron Maiden - Play only

ENCORE Versions

  • Version 2: March, 1st 2023 to present.
Song Artist BPM Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
THE LAST OF FIREFACE 大和 224 3.20 4.70 6.90 9.00 3.50 5.60 8.30 9.60 3.00 5.80 8.10 9.40
ENCOUNT RENO feat.ピコ 230 3.40 4.50 7.30 9.30 4.00 5.50 7.90 9.40 3.70 4.90 7.60 9.10
Q転直下 Masahiro "Godspeed" Aoki 140-187 2.45 4.95 8.20 9.70 4.10 6.10 9.10 9.90 3.80 5.70 7.80 9.30
Bloody Iron Maiden BEMANI Sound Team "Loz" 195 3.40 5.20 7.70 8.90 2.90 4.80 7.40 8.60 2.70 4.70 6.90 8.20

Unlockable Songs

Skill Unlocks

The following songs can be unlocked by filling the Skill target for 10 and 20 songs with the HOT frame for シュボレアちゃん星の交信 and GLOW DOMINATE THE DARKNESS, respectively.

Song Artist BPM Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Hidden Songs
シュボレアちゃん星の交信 工藤吉三(ベイシスケイプ) 180 3.10 4.40 6.60 7.50 3.70 5.80 8.00 9.00 3.40 5.10 7.55 8.40
GLOW DOMINATE THE DARKNESS SOUND HOLIC Vs. BEMANI Sound Team "T.Kakuta" feat. Nana Takahashi 196 2.70 5.10 8.10 9.20 3.80 6.00 8.40 9.30 4.00 5.70 7.75 9.10

Ageteke! FUZZ-UP!!

The Ageteke! FUZZ-UP!! (あげてけ! FUZZ-UP!!) unlocking system started on January 11th, 2023. Details to be added.

  • Part 1: available from January 11th to March 5th, 2023.
  • Part 2: available from January 25th to February 26th, 2023.
Song Artist BPM Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
あげてけ! FUZZ-UP!!
What's up? ひまわり∗パンチ 185 2.45 4.40 6.15 7.80 3.10 5.00 6.65 8.00 2.90 4.50 6.70 8.15
恋はToxic! feat.Lilymone Mitsuyo 125-180 2.50 4.70 6.95 9.00 3.90 5.50 7.70 9.40 3.30 4.00 6.70 8.20
from jubeat festo
BEMANI Sound Team "Yvya" 190 2.45 5.65 7.30 9.05 3.60 5.60 7.90 9.50 3.40 4.80 6.90 7.90
from jubeat festo
BEMANI Sound Team "Bumble Bee" 180 2.10 4.60 6.90 8.50 3.65 5.40 7.70 9.20 3.30 4.60 7.90 8.70


The FUZZ-UP Quest event started on January 25th, 2023. Songs can be unlocked by completing the following tasks:

Part 1: RANDOM Challenge (January 25th, 2023 to February 26th, 2023):

Play songs selected through Random All Songs (全曲). Bonus points awarded from getting HOT songs, or getting S (or better) grade on non-HOT songs. LONG version counts as two songs.

Part 2: RANDOM Challenge (March 30th, 2023 to April 30th, 2023):

Play songs selected through Random All Songs (全曲). Bonus points awarded from getting HOT songs, or getting S (or better) grade on non-HOT songs. LONG version counts as two songs.

Song Artist BPM Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
第1弾 RANDOMチャレンジ
Behind the song of stars かゆき 183 2.20 4.10 6.20 8.30 3.40 5.10 7.20 8.10 2.90 4.90 6.70 7.30
第2弾 RANDOMチャレンジ
You'll be a man
from GuitarFreaks V & DrumMania V
Thomas Howard Lichtenstein 144 2.20 4.00 5.45 6.45 2.60 3.70 5.80 6.60 2.40 4.50 5.90 6.90
from REFLEC BEAT plus
Cherry Blossoms(ASAKI & wac) 212 3.60 4.50 5.50 7.20 3.40 4.90 6.75 7.70 3.20 4.80 6.55 7.30

Kyoku tsuku!! Challenge

The Kyoku tsuku! Challenge (曲つく‼チャレンジ) event started on February 15th, 2023. By clearing any 12 songs, you can unlock an old hidden song. Clearing a LONG version song counts as clearing two regular songs.

  • Part 1 (第1弾): from February 15th to March 12th, 2023.
Song Title Artist
Saiph BEMANI Sound Team "Yvya"
未練タラッタ BEMANI Sound Team "TAG" feat. ヒイラギリオ
恋愛観測 -2021真夏のエンディング ver.- 2021真夏のSingers
世界の果てに約束の凱歌を Zutt feat.NU-KO

Choco wo torimodose! Rio ikari no togetoge valentine

The Choco wo torimodose! Rio ikari no togetoge valentine (チョコをとりもどせ!璃音怒りのトゲトゲバレンタイン) event began on February 22nd, 2023, and ended on March 23rd, 2023. Songs and stickers could be unlocked by catching the four escaping OTOBEARs. One OTOBEAR is caught by clearing 12 songs (LONG Version songs count as two songs).

Song Artist BPM Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
from GUITARFREAKS 5thMIX & drummania 4thMIX
2 OTOBEARs caught
Handsome JET Project 204 2.70 4.40 5.50 7.80 2.30 3.00 5.70 7.80 2.20 3.20 6.00 7.20
TOGETOGE feat.パンダの流儀
4 OTOBEARs caught
namae. 142 2.70 5.00 6.90 8.50 2.90 5.00 7.50 8.70 2.20 4.70 7.00 8.20

Gen-nii no white macchiato*latte art

The Gen-nii no white macchiato*latte art (弦兄のホワイトマキアート🞵ラテアート) event began on March 15th, 2023, and will end on April 16th, 2023. Songs and stickers can be unlocked by making latte arts. A latte art is completed by clearing 24 songs (LONG Version songs count as two songs).

Song Artist BPM Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
🞵弦兄の🞵 ホワイトマキアート🞵ラテアート
from GUITARFREAKS 9thMIX & drummania 8thMIX
1 latte art
MAKI 79 2.20 3.40 6.00 7.40 2.00 3.10 5.30 6.50 2.10 4.40 5.80 6.40
2 latte arts
BEMANI Sound Team "akYm" feat.maimie 184 2.75 4.40 5.65 7.80 2.50 4.60 6.90 8.20 2.60 3.80 6.20 7.10

Classic Series Revived Songs

The following songs from the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania classic series have been revived and given XG/GITADORA charts.

Song Title Artist Game
SILLY GIRL Handsome JET Project GUITARFREAKS 5thMIX & drummania 4thMIX
less MAKI GUITARFREAKS 9thMIX & drummania 8thMIX
You'll be a man Thomas Howard Lichtenstein GuitarFreaks V & DrumMania V

Revived Songs


Difficulty Changes

For a complete list of difficulty changes, please see this page.

Removed Songs

The following songs from previous GuitarFreaks & DrumMania releases were removed from GITADORA FUZZ-UP:

Song Title Artist Game
Removed on February 6th, 2023
Pirates of Upas GYZE GITADORA Matixx
Removed on March 6th, 2023
君の知らない物語 (supercell) GuitarFreaksXG2 & DrumManiaXG2 Groove to Live
1・2・3 After the Rain(そらる×まふまふ) GITADORA NEX+AGE
若者のすべて (フジファブリック) GITADORA NEX+AGE
Removed on March 20th, 2023
Pretender (Official髭男dism) GITADORA NEX+AGE

External Link