User:Morning Blue/GITADORA CS missing
A list of all of the songs missing in コナステ GITADORA. Only KONAMI originals are listed below.
6/7/2021: All game pages complete, as of the first part of MUSICIAN'S ROAD in HIGH-VOLTAGE.
6/7/2021: All default songs and monthly exclusives done.
6/7/2021: All packs up to date!
7/4/2021: Removed songs from OverDrive pack, as well as the monthly exclusive song for July 2021.
8/1/2021: Removed 30 songs from Vol.8 (V3-V4) pack.
9/6/2021: Removed songs from MATIXX pack, as well as the monthly exclusive songs for August and September 2021.
9/13/2021: Removed 24 songs from the 30 songs from the HinaBitter pack (the other six are brand-new).
10/3/2021: Removed 30 songs from Vol.10 (V5-V6) pack.
10/5/2021: Removed ROCK WAVE songs.
10/31/2021: Removed 30 songs from Vol.11 (GITADORA) pack.
12/5/2021: Removed 30 songs from Vol.12 (XG&XG2) pack, the ROCK WAVE November song, as well as the monthly exclusives for November and December.
1/8/2022: Removed ROCK WAVE January song, and the monthly exclusives for January 2022.
1/11/2022: Removed 30 songs from Vol.13 (XG3) pack.
1/22/2022: Removed February 2022 exclusive song.
2/7/2022: Removed 30 songs from Vol.14 (NEXTAGE) pack.
2/11/2022: Removed 30 songs from the upcoming Ichika song pack.
3/17/2022: Removed 30 songs from Vol.15 (HIGH-VOLTAGE) pack.
4/4/2022: Removed the four March/April 2022 exclusive and ROCK WAVE songs.
5/8/2022: Removed CLASSIC charts already in the game, and also all Hiroaki Sano/Megumi Tatsumi songs.
5/30/2022: Removed 29 songs from Vol.16 (GUITARFREAKS 2ndMIX / drummania through HIGH-VOLTAGE) pack.
6/24/2022: Removed the 15 songs from Vol.17, and the June 2022 exclusive/ROCK WAVE songs.
9/12/2022: Removed July-September monthly exclusive/ROCK wave songs, as well as the songs from Vol.19.
10/31/2022: Removed the songs from Vol.20.
3/12/2023: Removed November 2022-March 2023 ROCK wave songs, as well as the songs from Vol.21.
3/12/2023: HIGH-VOLTAGE songlist now up to date, with the game being done and all. Also added missing song from NEX+AGE. All Ryo Matsui and Tomohiro Oshima songs have been removed.
5/1/2023: Songs from Vol.22, as well as the recent ROCK WAVE songs, have been removed.
5/1/2023: Apparently I never got around to removing Vol.18's songs. Well I've done that now.
6/5/2023: More ROCK WAVE removals.
7/9/2023: Vol.23 removals, as well as more ROCK WAVE removals.
7/18/2023: Another ROCK WAVE song removed.
8/24/2023: Another ROCK WAVE song removed.
10/8/2023: More ROCK WAVE songs removed. Selection Pack 2 songs removed.
10/31/2023: ROCK WAVE song removed.
2/1/2024: ROCK WAVE songs up to now removed, as have songs from music packs 24 and 25. Removing any already added songs' CLASSIC charts left over.
GUITARFREAKS 2ndMIX / drummania (2 songs)
- Depend on me / Thomas Howard Lichtenstein - DrumMania only
- MAGIC MUSIC MAGIC / Melodie Sexton - GuitarFreaks only
GuitarFreaks V & DrumMania V (3 songs + 1 CLASSIC chart)
- Endless cruising / Des-ROW feat.SHIGE
- Little Prayer / 土岐麻子
- You can't do it if you try / 遠藤一馬&あさき
GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2 (1 song)
GuitarFreaks V4 & DrumMania V4 ЯockxRock (2 songs + 1 CLASSIC chart)
- MODEL DD8 / Mutsuhiko Izumi feat. Marty Friedman
- True Love and Valentines / 古川もとあき feat. Thomas Howard Lichtenstein
CLASSIC charts
- MODEL DD8 (CLASSIC) / Mutsuhiko Izumi feat. Marty Friedman
GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG (3 songs + 1 CLASSIC chart)
CLASSIC charts
GuitarFreaksXG2 & DrumManiaXG2 (8 songs)
- Around 40 / good-cool ft. すわひでお
- FIFTH GIG TYPE II / Mutsuhiko Izumi with Takashi Yasuda
- Love Rox! / Takao Nagatani
- The 勇気 / ピンクターボ
- 紫の月 / 阿部靖広
- 夢について TYPE B / 小野秀幸 feat. 96
- 夢について TYPE C / 小野秀幸 feat. 岡本裕美
GuitarFreaksXG3 & DrumManiaXG3 (5 songs)
GITADORA (11 songs)
- Awaken Ver.G / KOHTA
- Engraved Mark / Ryu☆ ∞ Des-ROW
- Joyeuse / ke-ji
- MANDARA / さたな
- no where now here / TLION69
- quaver♪ ギタドラ ver. / Risk Junk Φ
- Screaming Your Faith!!! / itoken vs. 96
- デストロイマーチ / 桜華
- ドリーム・キッス / 阿部靖広 feat. Strawberry Wink
- こわれそうなもの / 永谷 喬夫
- 空蒼ランデヴー / SIN(ex.Kagrra,)
GITADORA OverDrive (1 song)
GITADORA Tri-Boost (3 songs)
GITADORA Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE (1 song)
GITADORA Matixx (4 songs)
- DREAMING-ING!! / ときめきアイドル project
- MONOLITH -GITADOROCK ver.- / TOMOSUKE feat.BEMANI Sound Team "Mutsuhiko Izumi"
- Windy Fairy -GITADO ROCK ver.- / BEMANI Sound Team "DJ TOTTO"
- ビター・エスケープ / やぎぬまかな
- Fuego -GITADORA EDITION- / BEMANI Sound Team "Yvya"
- La fame di Adria / BEMANI Sound Team "PON"
- Last Concerto / ke-ji
- ROOM / Blanc Bunny Bandit
- 叛逆のディスパレート / Vanitas Lacrimosa
- イノセントバイブル / Vanitas Lacrimosa
- ハラショー!おにぎりサーカス団☆ / Blanc Bunny Bandit
- 御伽噺に幕切れを / 夜叉姫神楽
- ランカーキラーガール / 中島由貴 × いちか
- 逆さま♥シンデレラパレード / メリー・バッド・メルヘン
- 世界の果てに約束の凱歌を -GITADORA EDITION- / BEMANI Sound Team "Yvya"
- 追憶のアリア / Blanc Bunny Bandit
- ウソツキ横丁は雨模様 / 夜叉姫神楽
- Dust In The World / Akino
- Escape Velocity / setsat
- Four Leaves / Endorfin.
- Illegal Harmony / REVERSE JOY
- Kilonova / BEMANI Sound Team "Yvya"
- LOVE♥SHINE / 小坂りゆ
- Pursuer / 白澤亮(noisycroak)
- Under The Shades Of The Divine Ray / BEMANI Sound Team "asaki"
- White Stream / BEMANI Sound Team "ZAQUVA"
- おおきなこえで / 猫叉Master feat.Sana
- プロレタリア狂騒歌 / ギリギリメガネ団
- 世界の果てに約束の凱歌を / Zutt feat.NU-KO