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GuitarFreaks & DrumMania
Arcade Releases
GF1st - GF2nd - dm1st - dm2nd - GF3rd
GF4th dm3rd - GF5th dm4th - GF6th dm5th
GF7th dm6th - GF8th dm7th (power-up ver.)
GF9th dm8th - GF10th dm9th - GF11th dm10th
GITADORA - OverDrive - Tri-Boost (Re:EVOLVE)
Console Releases
GF1st - GF2nd APPEND - dm1st - GF3rd dm2nd
PC Release
Mobile Releases
i-αppli (GF - DM) - GITADORA

GuitarFreaks V6 & DrumMania V6: BLAZING!!!!

Release Information

Gfdm v6 ac.jpg

  • Location Testing: November 7-24, 2008
  • Release Date: April 9, 2009
  • Slogan: Join the excitement!!!

General Information / Changes

  • Similar to beatmania IIDX, a new Skill Meter is available to monitor your progress during a song, as well as compare your results to a rival and the best machine score.
  • First game to introduce Quest Mode: This mode challenges the player to clear songs with specific objectives and/or modifiers. Successfully completing the objectives will give the player Quest Stars and Fans; at certain amounts of Stars and Fans, new titles and songs unlock.
  • New Songs: 60

Staff Information

To be updated.

Full Song List

New Songs

All songs listed below except for Battle and Quest Mode unlockable songs are currently available for play on all stages in Standard mode. Unlocks require certain objectives to be completed before being made available in Standard mode. Refer to the requirements listed below for obtaining these songs.

Difficulty range based on a scale from 1 to 99.
Original artists for cover songs noted in parenthesis. (Songlist obtained from BemaniWIKI)
Licensed songs noted in italics.
Long version songs noted in light blue.
Current Extra Stages noted in pink.
Current Encore Stage noted in orange.
Current Premium Encore Stage noted in gray.

Song title Artist BPM Drums Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
Initial Songlist
1/n iri 141 22 47 65 21 35 68 20 43 - 22 37 70
20th Century Boy (T.Rex) 135 13 21 44 14 23 27 14 19 - 16 23 28
Blue Earth KAORI 152 22 42 70 22 40 65 19 49 - 25 42 63
Catharsis Garden TЁЯRA 195 21 33 63 24 47 67 23 66 - 26 48 68
Fantasista Dragon Ash 190 15 35 75 20 50 76 15 42 - 23 52 78
Highway star 小野秀幸 feat. Mercy 280 26 45 80 23 55 75 29 54 - 26 56 76
humming rabbit mighty puppet 202 25 37 64 18 40 52 30 45 - 19 42 53
Juicy Des-Row・組スペシアル 187 33 65 83 19 44 62 21 51 - 21 45 64
Karma baked new jack 120 14 31 47 28 51 80 23 36 - 31 54 81
Let Me Go Brad Holmes 150 20 42 67 25 34 81 23 32 - 30 36 83
Lost in Blue ナイトメア 185 14 35 58 14 34 39 16 40 - 15 35 40
My Favorite Things Atsuki 120 22 36 49 18 27 34 13 41 - 19 28 35
Odio Odio Odio Sorry C CSS 160 13 23 40 15 28 42 15 31 - 16 28 43
ONLY CHANGING BROOKLYN 155 15 29 38 13 32 41 13 22 - 14 33 42
Red Kozo Nakamura 176 23 39 70 38 56 83 35 55 63 40 69 87
Siren Sis Bond Chit 132 21 41 57 25 43 67 24 44 - 27 45 68
S.T.A.R.S reach up to the universe 123 17 30 45 18 31 51 13 28 - 19 33 52
The Ascension 二井原 実 vs. 96 188 23 34 68 20 51 65 16 65 - 22 53 66
Through the Fire and Flames DragonForce 200 25 56 92 50 76 94 42 70 - 54 78 95
Under The Nest Rotten Blotch 138 23 30 57 15 25 40 12 30 - 15 25 42
VISTA GOING UNDER GROUND 173 14 30 53 15 30 39 15 32 - 16 31 40
walk with you TOMOSUKE feat. Jazzin' park 127 17 40 54 17 35 40 14 30 - 18 36 41
Water frame Hemi-you 105 16 46 67 21 39 67 21 48 - 23 41 68
イジワルなあなた 達見恵 featured by 佐野宏晃 166 20 42 62 27 54 78 28 48 - 29 56 92
ガラスの小舟 肥塚良彦 125 17 32 49 18 22 36 19 23 - 19 23 37
キセキ (GReeeeN) 94 12 23 34 11 17 32 11 26 - 12 18 33
君影草 AIRI 113 20 41 68 16 31 52 14 34 - 18 32 54
心の折れたエンジェル 筋肉少女帯 156 16 30 69 34 41 68 37 49 - 35 43 69
純粋培養 メガマソ 190 14 22 66 14 21 42 14 50 - 15 22 43
情熱 fun! fun! YAMATO組 150 16 32 51 15 34 44 20 26 - 16 36 46
ブルーバード (いきものがかり) 152 14 28 50 16 27 43 15 27 - 17 29 45
夢でさよなら 髭(HiGE) 140 15 30 43 13 22 37 12 31 - 14 22 38
THE BACK HORN 198 16 28 50 19 33 43 18 33 - 21 35 46
Break on Through REUNION 168 32 40 68 16 29 50 - - - - - -
She's the Bug RR Band 112 22 38 62 17 52 63 - - - - - -
Extra/Encore Stages
Rock to Infinity Template:Nowrap 千本松 仁 154 88 96 99 76 90 99 63 80 99 76 90 99
OVER THE LIMIT! Template:Nowrap 伊藤賢治 120~150 24 27 54 30 49 70 17 27 43 31 50 71
風神雲龍伝 Template:Nowrap Template:Nowrap 98 (96 + 肥塚良彦) 119 35 64 77 40 75 80 34 50 71 43 77 81
Driven Shooter Template:Nowrap Template:Nowrap 猫叉Master+ 175 29 47 76 30 70 96 31 57 74 32 72 97
Walnuts Template:Nowrap Template:Nowrap good-cool 136 34 58 76 53 73 97 51 74 89 54 75 98
Chronos Template:Nowrap Template:Nowrap TAG 128 48 76 86 52 70 89 46 69 81 54 73 90
恐怖の右脳改革 Template:Nowrap Template:Nowrap 96 135 52 65 91 49 76 94 38 72 80 51 78 95
Jungle Template:Nowrap Mutsuhiko Izumi with Jimmy Weckl 160 48 86 97 74 89 99 62 75 88 76 88 99
Sonne Template:Nowrap あさき 156 62 84 99 61 82 99 60 78 98 65 84 99
Sky Template:Nowrap Mutsuhiko Izumi 160 24 36 62 31 41 56 30 33 40 32 43 58
Blazing Championship Unlocks
Icicles Jimmy Weckl 158 33 65 84 23 41 68 23 28 36 24 44 69
four-leaf Sis Bond Chit 157 22 56 68 29 53 68 23 40 - 31 54 70
Quest Mode Unlocks
FOR THE FINAL あさき 136 35 44 51 24 35 79 23 30 49 25 36 79
You ~Meaning All Orbit~ Gylay 130 21 42 63 23 44 64 18 37 - 25 45 65
こなもん屋人情歌 天下茶屋子 186 17 46 56 17 27 30 17 27 - 18 28 31
Light mami 166 13 24 37 23 30 59 15 21 - 24 32 60
ENCORE CONQUEST Trick Trap+ 80~300 55 86 97 76 81 95 58 70 80 78 83 95
Battle Unlocks
HELPLESS (Long Version) TAEKO 136 41 54 72 33 45 55 - - - - - -
I wanna kiss you mao 131 14 39 48 25 37 42 26 43 - 26 38 43
NIL Nelo 196 22 42 68 26 47 55 23 44 - 27 48 57
MAGICAL JET TOUR (Long Version) 泉 陸奥彦 276 32 53 65 38 46 74 - - - - - -
ECLIPSE 泉 陸奥彦 132 - - - 33 48 63 - - - - - -
Onion man Jimmy Weckl 143 22 34 - - - - - - - - - -
THE ADVENTURES 泉 陸奥彦 180 35 50 - 30 51 74 - - - - - -
Secret Unlocks
Vampire Killer 浅田 靖 128 22 39 73 24 51 82 22 50 - 26 54 83


GF/DM V6 uses an Extra Level system similar to the Extra Rush systems found in V3-V5. As such, the requirements for Extra and Encore Stages are mostly the same, with a few new additions.


As in previous games, song ratings are issued by the total percent of PERFECTs and GREATs achieved in a song; in addition, a certain number of points are achieved:

  • SS: 100%, 3 points
  • S: 95%-99%, 1 point
  • A: 90%-94%, -1 point
  • B: 85%-89%, -3 points
  • C: 80%-84%, -5 points
  • D: 75%-79%, -7 points
  • E: <75%, -9 points

To achieve Extra Stage, either player must have a combined total of 0 points at the end of the set. For example, a 3-song set with the results S, S, and A (1+1-1=1) or an S on a 3-song Long song (1 point) would result in an Extra Stage. When Extra Stage is accessed, the player has the option of selecting an Extra Stage song (denoted in red in the songlist) in addition to all normally available songs.


To reach Encore Stage, either player must earn 95% PERFECTs on any one of the Extra Stage songs on any difficulty. The player must also not use any Auto modes; in a 2-player game, neither player can use any Auto modes. When accessed, the Encore Stage and only the Encore Stage will be selectable up to the difficulty equal to the highest difficulty on the Extra Stage on which the requirements were met. As of Extra Level 15, the requirement has been lowered to 92% PERFECTs.

New to GF/DM V6, on some occasions an Encore Chance will appear on Extra Stage for a select Extra Stage song, noted by the Extra Stage inscription in red. When available, the player may reach Encore Stage by earning only 90% PERFECTs on the song (87% PERFECTs at Extra Level 15). The frequency at which the Encore Chance appears increases as Extra Stage is obtained on subsequent playthroughs and the closer the PERFECT% is to 95% (92% at Extra Level 15). The exact system is unconfirmed, although BemaniWIKI has developed a fairly accurate estimate:

  • Encore Chance occurs when 20 points are accumulated (18 points at Extra Level 15).
  • Points are earned based upon the PERFECT% obtained on Extra Stage:
    • 94% (91% at Extra Level 15) = 4 points
    • 93% (90% at Extra Level 15) = 3 points
    • 92% (89% at Extra Level 15) = 2 points
    • <=91% (<=88% at Extra Level 15) = 1 point

Once an Encore Chance has been obtained, 20 (18) points will need to be obtained again; however, failing the Extra Stage song during Encore Chance while using the RISKY modifier will allow Encore Chance to be carried over to the next playthrough.

If Encore Stage is not earned when Encore Chance occurs, the requirement to achieve the chance again is lowered to 10 points. If on that Encore Chance Encore Stage is still not earned, Hyper Encore Chance will be available on the next playthrough after achieving the points. When this happens, the player may reach Encore Stage with 75% PERFECTS (72% at Extra Level 15). If Hyper Encore Chance is not earned on that playthrough, Encore Chance is made available by earning 10 more points, and Hyper Encore Chance and Encore Chance will continue to alternate in this manner until Encore or Premium Encore Stage is obtained.


To reach Premium Encore Stage, either player must earn 98% PERFECTs on any one of the Extra Stage songs on any difficulty. The player must also not use any Auto modes; in a 2-player game, neither player can use any Auto modes. When accessed, the Premium Encore Stage and only the Premium Encore Stage will be selectable up to the difficulty equal to the highest difficulty on the Extra Stage on which the requirements were met. As of Extra Level 15, the requirement has been lowered to 95% PERFECTs.

If the Premium Encore Stage is successfully cleared, both players will be able to play the Blazing Stage up to the highest difficulty that was playable on Premium Encore Stage.

Premium Encore Chance is also available on Encore Chance and will allow the player to achieve Premium Encore Stage if the player earns 95% PERFECTs on Extra Stage (92% at Extra Level 15). The frequency at which this appears is based on the same criteria listed above for Encore Chance.

Once a Premium Encore Chance has been obtained, 20 (18) points will need to be obtained again; however, failing the Extra Stage song during Premium Encore Chance while using the RISKY modifier appears to retain the current likelihood of Premium Encore Chance's appearance.

Hyper Premium Encore Chance may also appear in the same manner as Hyper Encore Chance; when this happens, the player may reach the Premium Encore Stage with 90% PERFECTS (87% at Extra Level 15).


Extra and Encore Stages are made available for play on all stages as Extra Level increases. Before that time, these songs may be unlocked at certain Extra Levels by achieving a set PERFECT% for the song on any difficulty level, and without using any Auto modes.

The Extra and Encore stages, as well as the unlock requirements (listed in parenthesis) vary depending on the Extra Level:

Extra Level 1 (Non-E-amuse machines)
Extra Stages: Rock to Infinity (95%), OVER THE LIMIT! (98%)
Encore Stage: 風神雲龍伝

Extra Level 2
Extra Stages: Rock to Infinity (91%), OVER THE LIMIT! (95%), 風神雲龍伝 (98%)
Encore Stage: Driven Shooter

Extra Level 3

Extra Stages: OVER THE LIMIT! (90%), 風神雲龍伝 (95%)
Encore Stage: Driven Shooter (98%)

Extra Level 4
Extra Stages: OVER THE LIMIT! (90%), 風神雲龍伝 (95%), Driven Shooter (98%)
Encore Stage: Walnuts

Extra Level 5

Extra Stages: 風神雲龍伝 (90%), Driven Shooter (95%)
Encore Stage: Walnuts (98%)

Extra Level 6
Extra Stages: 風神雲龍伝 (90%), Driven Shooter (95%), Walnuts (98%)
Encore Stage: Chronos

Extra Level 7

Extra Stages: Driven Shooter (90%), Walnuts (95%)
Encore Stage: Chronos (98%)

Extra Level 8
Extra Stages: Driven Shooter (90%), Walnuts (95%), Chronos (98%)
Encore Stage: 恐怖の右腦改革

Extra Level 9

Extra Stages: Walnuts (90%), Chronos (95%)
Encore Stage: 恐怖の右脳改革 (98%)

Extra Level 10
Extra Stages: Walnuts (90%), Chronos (95%), 恐怖の右脳改革 (98%)
Encore Stage: Jungle

Extra Level 11

  • Walnuts made available on all stages.

Extra Stages: Chronos (90%), 恐怖の右脳改革 (95%)
Encore Stage: Jungle (98%)

Extra Level 12
Extra Stages: Chronos (90%), 恐怖の右脳改革 (95%)
Encore Stage: Jungle (98%)
Premium Encore Stage: Sonne
Blazing Stage: Sky

Extra Level 13
Extra Stages: Chronos (85%), 恐怖の右脳改革 (90%)
Encore Stage: Jungle (95%)
Premium Encore Stage: Sonne (98%)
Blazing Stage: Sky

Extra Level 14
Extra Stages: Chronos (80%), 恐怖の右脳改革 (85%)
Encore Stage: Jungle (90%)
Premium Encore Stage: Sonne (95%)
Blazing Stage: Sky

Extra Level 15

  • All Extra Stages and Encore Stages (except Sky) made available for play on all stages by clearing the song on the appropriate Extra/Encore Stage.

Extra Stages: Chronos, 恐怖の右脳改革
Encore Stage: Jungle
Premium Encore Stage: Sonne
Blazing Stage: Sky

Unlockable Songs

Listed below are songs in Battle and Quest Mode that can be unlocked for play in Standard mode and their unlock requirements:


Clear FOR THE FINAL in Quest Mode. The song can be found in the Quest Mode GF/DM V5 category.

You ~Meaning All Orbit~ (GF/DM V3 CS)

Obtain 300 fans in Quest Mode.

こなもん屋人情歌 (pop'n music 16 PARTY)

Obtain 1,000,000 fans in Quest Mode.


Obtain 10,000,000 fans in Quest Mode. The song can then be purchased with 2000 BP.


Obtain 150,000,000 fans in Quest Mode, then reach Extra Stage.

HELPLESS (Long Version) (GF5/DM4)

Purchase the song at the Battle ITEM COUNTER for 800 BP.

I wanna kiss you

Purchase the song at the Battle ITEM COUNTER for 1000 BP.


Purchase the song at the Battle ITEM COUNTER for 2000 BP.

MAGICAL JET TOUR (Long Version) (GF5/DM4)

Purchase the song at the Battle ITEM COUNTER for 1000 BP.


Purchase the song at the Battle ITEM COUNTER for 800 BP.

Onion man (DM1)

Purchase the song at the Battle ITEM COUNTER for 800 BP.


Purchase the song at the Battle ITEM COUNTER for 800 BP.

Weekly GF Hit Chart

The Konami official site updates the list daily at 6:00 local time in Japan.
The top 150 songs for the week can be viewed here.

Weekly DM Hit Chart

The Konami official site updates the list daily at 6:00 local time in Japan.
The top 150 songs for the week can be viewed here.

Difficulty Changes

The following songs have received new ratings from their last arcade/console appearance:

Song Title Folder Drums Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
LOUD! GF3/DM2 - - 60→63 - - - - - - - - -
FEEL THE EARTH GF6/DM5 - - 58→64 - - - - - - - - -
Home Girl GF8/DM7 - - - - - - - - - - - 33→36
Homesick Pt.2&3 GF8/DM7 - - - - - - - 28→33 - - - -
たまゆら GF8/DM7 - - - - - - 25→30 - - - - -
三毛猫ロック GF8/DM7 - - - 41→49 49→61 79→77 28→34 - - 47→52 - 77→79
Funky sonic World GF10/DM9 - 58→66 - - - - - - - - - -
MODEL DD5 GF10/DM9 58→60 - - - - - - - - - - -
カゴノトリ GF10/DM9 - - 80→83 - - - - - - - - -
Beautiful Life GF/DM V - - - 17→20 - - - - - - - -
Desert Rose GF/DM V - - - - - 60→64 - - - - - 62→66
Gently, the rain sings for me GF/DM V - - 64→68 - - - - - - - - -
HEAVEN'S COCKTAIL GF/DM V - - - - 72→77 - - - - - 67→79 -
Spellbound GF/DM V2 - - 63→65 33→34 - - - - - - - -
しっぽのロック GF/DM V2 - - - - 38→36 - - - - - - -
南風 GF/DM V2 - - - - - - - 28→30 - - - -
ALMOST EASY GF/DM V5 - - - - - 53→58 - - - - - 56→64
Discommunication GF/DM V5 - 49→51 - - - - - 36→40 - - - -
Electric Lady GF/DM V5 - - 77→79 - - - - - - - - -
FORCE Interval Build GF/DM V5 - - 82→85 - - 75→77 - - 73→75 - - 76→78
Hocus Pocus GF/DM V5 - - 58→61 - - - - - - - - -
Mannequin GF/DM V5 - - 64→67 - - 67→70 - - - - - 68→71
MU-DAI GF/DM V5 - - 66→69 - 60→75 - - - - - 60→76 -
TENGU GF/DM V5 - 46→49 - - - 75→76 - - 76→77 - - 78→79
The Sound of Truth GF/DM V5 - - - - 73→74 - - - - - 74→75 -
VANESSA -転生編- GF/DM V5 - - 87→89 - - - - - - - - -
鏡花水月楼 (GFDM EDITION) GF/DM V5 - - - - - - - 47→52 - - - -
腐斯偽堕日本 GF/DM V5 - - 72→76 - - - - - - - - -
S.F.M ee'MALL - - 58→61 - - - - - - - - -
You ~Meaning All Orbit~ GF/DM V3 CS 18→21 - - 17→23 - - - - - 17→25 - -

Removed Songs

The following GF/DM V5 songs have been removed from GF/DM V6. Of note, many songs from BeForU have been removed due to the group's signing with Avex. The only songs that remain from the group members are begin, チカラ, 大和撫子魂, Strike Party!!!, and the cover of 遠雷~遠くにある明かり~.

Song Title Artist Folder
Furi Furi'60 Orange Lounge+ GF4/DM3
Secrets of your heart TAEKO GF4/DM3
Mr.Moon Julie ann Frost GF5/DM4
しりとり Fantastic Factory GF5/DM4
Pretty G zonlu GF6/DM5
pot-pourri d'orange Orange Lounge (Tomosuke + Template:Nowrap) GF7/DM6
ヒマワリ RIYU from BeForU GF10/DM9
☆shining☆ (GF&dm style) りゆ&のりあ GF11/DM10
シナリオ BeForU NEXT GF/DM V
Bohemian Like You (The Dandy Warhols) GF/DM V3
If The Kids Are United (SHAM69) GF/DM V4
STAR OF MUSE Kenji Suzuki GF/DM V4

External Link