pop'n music arcade releases
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER!
15 ADVENTURE - 16 PARTY♪ - 17 THE MOVIE - 18 せんごく列伝
19 TUNE STREET - 20 fantasia - Sunny Park - ラピストリア - éclale
うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - peace - 解明リドルズ - UniLab - Jam&Fizz
アニメロ - アニメロ2号 - MICKEY TUNES - HELLO! (North America)

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pop'n music 9

General Information

  • Released: December 26th, 2002.
  • First pop'n music game to run with e-AMUSEMENT cards, and the first game to support ee'MALL.
  • First pop'n music game to feature Osusume (English: recommendation) mode, where the player was asked questions, and the game made a song list based on the answers he/she chose. This mode would be used through pop'n music 11.
  • First pop'n music game to run on BEMANI VIPER HARDWARE, which is used exclusively in the pop'n music series (with the exception of ParaParaParadise 2ndMIX). The graphics are now more colorful and vibrant than they were on Firebeat. Viper was used up to pop'n music 14 FEVER! and was replaced with BEMANI PC hardware for pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE.
  • Last pop'n music game in the series to use the old results sounds.
  • The website for this game is the first to list the individual number ratings for each song. It is also the first that shows you EVERY song in the game, not just the new songs.
  • Theme of the game: cafe.
  • Total number of songs: 306

Staff Information

  • Director: saito, tera
  • Sound Director: Jun Wakita, Seiya Murai
  • Programmer: masaru, tama, 小林,
  • Composers: Des-ROW, HIRO, ucchie, pure*
  • CG Designer: tera, shio, ちょび。, VJ GYO, GOLI, mikoshiba,
  • Printing Graphic Designer: shige, shimaq
  • Hardware Designer: りーだ, nozaki,でぃぽん,
  • Mechanical Designer: tobe, きのもん

Song List

pop'n music 9 Song List

Default Songlist

Genre Song title Artist BPM Character Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
CATS CAT'S EYE ♪♪♪♪♪ 144 Rave girl [TV&ANIME] 9 11 23 30 12 21
009 誰がために 竹内 浩明 132 Mimi [TV&ANIME-009] 6 12 34 - 11 30
OBA Q 新オバケのQ太郎 ふじのマナミ 116 Nyami [TV&ANIME-OBAQ] 4 13 21 32 9 20
HONE HONE ホネホネロック D-crew+1 180 hone nyami 11 14 26 33 12 25
Somebody Stole My Gal ♪♪♪♪♪ 208-217 P-1&P-2 [TV&ANIME] 9 14 27 - 11 15
HIGHSO IN THE MOOD ♪♪♪♪♪ 172 MEBAE [TV&ANIME] 7 17 24 - 9 19
コンピューターおばあちゃん V.C.O. featuring Alt 150 Alt [TV&ANIME] 12 18 25 35 16 24
Konami originals
MISSA Requiem St.Naya~n 80-112 MeMe 7 9 19 - 8 15
垂直OK! Jimmy Weckl feat. 岩志太郎 130 Bronson 4 10 22 - 12 20
PASTORAL 森の鼓動 N.A.R.D 98 Silvia 7 11 23 28 10 23
CHOCO POP GOODBYE CHOCOLATE KISS Lab Pop Orange 130 RIE♥chan [9] 8 12 28 38 16 30
FRENCH BOSSA COQUETTE SAKURAI yasushi feat. SAORI 154 BELLE [9] 7 12 24 - 14 27
TAIGA DRAMA 雪の華 NAYA~N交響楽団 35-118 Kagetora 8 13 25 29 7 16
SHOWA BOOGIE WOOGIE ラブラブギウギ♥ 亜熱帯マジ-SKA爆弾 feat.MAKI 190 krkumi 6 14 32 - 15 26
BIO MIRACLE ぼくってウパ? Mr.T 128 UPA/RUPA 10 14 24 31 20 23
HYPER J-POP 2 North Wind TËЯRA 145 JUDY [9] 7 14 31 38 19 31
CYBER ROCKABILLY ダイナミック! アトミック! スペース・カウ・ボーイズ&ガールズ ~ver.1~ 新堂敦士 147-154 FORCE [9] 8 15 32 39 12 25
TABLA'N BASS ナタラディーン Q-Mex 156 NaN 6 15 26 29 15 26
WINTER DANCE White Eve さな 125 TSURARA [9-DEBUT] 8 16 32 37 9 13
COSSACK ロシアのおみやげ Next file feat.Mercey 60-250 Ivan 9 16 29 - 15 30
DEPA FUNK デパ地下のお話 School (good-cool and Hideo Suwa) 130 SOUJI/SEIJI 8 16 30 40 15 31
PHILLY SOUL ヨコシマ・カラー・ベイビー SENAX 120 Nina [9] 8 16 25 29 15 25
PRIDE 掌の革命 Kiyommy + Seiya 132 Mary [9] 9 16 27 36 11 25
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
HIPUNK cobalt Des-ROW・組スペシアル 145-175 HAYATO [9-DEBUT] 16 20 34 37 19 40
HIP ROCK 2 男々道 Des-ROW・組 156-240 [9] 10 24 35 41 20 35
Long versions
SUPER EURO LONG WE TWO ARE ONE Lala Moore 160 Elle [4-1P] 12 15 32 35 - -
MISTY LONG blue moon sea N.A.R.D. feat. Lala Moore 120 Kagome [7-1P] 12 18 27 40 - -
SWEDISH LONG カモミール・バスルーム 常盤ゆう 155-168 risette [7-1P] 8 23 33 - - -

New Konami originals

Hidden Songs

Genre Song title Artist BPM Character Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
pop'n music 9
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Long versions
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX - -
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX - -
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX - -
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX - -
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
pop'n music CS crossovers
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH
Genre Song Artist BPM Character F N H EX BN BH

9 AC

Long Versions


From CS

New Charts

The following songs have received new charts since their last arcade/console appearance:

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Revived Songs

The following songs from earlier pop'n music games have been revived:

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Removed Songs

The following songs from pop'n music 8 have been removed, all of them licenses:

Song Title Genre pop'n 8 Folder
みなしごハッチ 8 ANIME (pop'n music 8)
タッチ TOUCH ANIME (pop'n music 8)

Difficulty Changes

The following songs have received difficulty changes since its last arcade/console appearance:

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Related Links

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