Nettou! BEMANI Stadium

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Nettou! BEMANI Stadium (熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム) is a cross-BEMANI event between the following titles:

Nettou! BEMANI Stadium started on December 19th, 2013 and ended on July 23rd, 2014 at 5 a.m. JST, with 発見!よみがえったBEMANI遺跡 beginning as its successor the following day.


By playing any BEMANI games, you can get baseball cards of BEMANI characters/artists and tickets. The cards are used to create a baseball team, while the tickets are used to enter tournaments. Some rare cards can be obtained under certain circumstances (like a ししゃも card that can be obtained by playing the quiz in ポップンリズミン.)

To create a baseball team, you must arrange the Batting Order and Field Position of the cards. Each card has its own "skill", which determines its optimal Batting Order and Field Position. If you set a card on its optimal placement, that card will get a bonus percentage to the relevant stat, and as such, you will increase the offensive and defensive stats of your team.

You can level up and improve your team stats by playing BEMANI games. Once you've leveled your team, you can spend a ticket to enter a tournament. Each tournament has its own number of rounds and once you've won the final match, you'll unlock a new song or player card.

The experience gained is doubled after playing a round of ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom Ver.2, and tripled after a round of DanceEvolution ARCADE.

Unlockable Songs/Cards

None of the unlockable songs are available in DanceEvolution ARCADE.

Tournament Song Title Artist Game Availability Player Card Name
Unlockable from December 19th, 2013
Hoshi wo tsukame! Dokonjou yakyuu tournament
Stella Sinistra Akhuta Philharmonic Orchestra All participant games -
Harugou sokkyuu yakyuu taikai
マインド・ゲーム 96 with メカショッチョー All participant games
Unmei no yakyuu league
PUNISHER TAG×PON All participant games
Kouya no yakyuu senshuken
HYENA Hommarju All participant games except GITADORA
HYENA (Live Edit feat. 96) GITADORA
Unlockable from December 25th, 2013
Winter championship
December Breeze
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
dj silverberg jubeat saucer -
The Sealer ~ア・ミリアとミリアの民~
from pop'n music 20 fantasia
Zektbach REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-
Blue league
True Blue
from jubeat saucer
dj TAKA feat.AiMEE DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
Ikimono yakyuu taikai
from pop'n music 20 fantasia
あさきくりむ童話 GITADORA
Otenki yakyuugassen
あさきくりむ童話 pop'n music Sunny Park
Unlockable from January 7th, 2014
Sakura Sunrise
from DanceDanceRevolution X2
Ryu☆ pop'n music Sunny Park -
D league
- - - Des-ROW
Unlockable from January 8th, 2014
Shounen yakyuu senshuken
from jubeat ripples APPEND
Oni yakyuu taikai
- - - あさき
Unlockable from January 10th, 2014
Rikei yakyuu tournament
from pop'n music 20 fantasia
あべにゅうぷろじぇくと feat.佐倉沙織 produced by ave;new DanceDanceRevolution (2013) -
Senshuten senshuken
- - - Sota Fujimori
Unlockable from January 15th, 2014
from pop'n music 20 fantasia
NU-KO jubeat saucer -
Guitar yakyuu taikai
- - - Mutsuhiko Izumi
Unlockable from January 17th, 2014
Kamigami no yakyuu senshuken
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
Taiyoukei yakyuu taikai
- - - Akhuta
Unlockable from January 20th, 2014
Ura Madonna yakyuu senshuken
裏マドンナだ!Primちゃん REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons- -
Master league
- - - DJ TOTTO
Unlockable from January 22nd, 2014
Watagashi yakyuu taikai
- - - Cody
Densetsu no suketto soudatsusen
- - - Mike
Unlockable from January 23rd, 2014 after completing all the December 19th, 2013 tournaments
Without you tonight cup
Squeeze VENUS feat. Mutsuhiko Izumi All participant games except GITADORA -
Deadballer classic
デッドボヲルdeホームラン 猫叉Masterβ2 All participant games
Dynamic yakyuu senshuken
轟け!恋のビーンボール!! ダイナミック野球兄弟 v.s. クロスファイヤーPrim All participant games except GITADORA
轟け!恋のビーンボール!!~96バット砲炸裂!GITADORAシリーズMVP弾!~ GITADORA
野球の遊び方 そしてその歴史 ~決定版~ あさき大監督 All participant games
Unlockable from January 23rd, 2014 after linking your eAMUSEMENT account to ポップンリズミン, and then playing Engraved Mark on it once
Unlockable without prerequisites from March 5th, 2014
rhythmin cup
Engraved Mark Ryu☆Des-ROW All participant games -
Unlockable from January 28th, 2014
Kanashimi no yakyuu senshuken
Never Look Back in Sorrow
from jubeat saucer
Kotoza yakyuu taikai
from beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro
REDALiCE DanceDanceRevolution (2013) -
Unlockable from January 29th, 2014
Rainbow tournament
7 Colors
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
kors k feat.吉河順央 pop'n music Sunny Park -
8 team taikou yakyuu taikai
8 -eight-
Tom-H@ck feat.Nadia jubeat saucer -
Unlockable from January 31st, 2014
Lunch soudatsusen
Daily Lunch Special
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
Lucky Vacuum DanceDanceRevolution (2013) -
Evans series
from jubeat
DJ YOSHITAKA REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons- -
Unlockable from February 3rd, 2014
sakura storm
from DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE3
Ryu☆ REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons- -
Ayakashi yakyuu senshuken
from pop'n music 20 fantasia
Unlockable from February 4th, 2014
Condor cup
from DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
Remo-con jubeat saucer -
Phoenix cup
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
真紅の薔薇の騎士Prim GITADORA -
Unlockable from February 5th, 2014
Lightning cup
PON pop'n music Sunny Park -
Nyanko darake no yakyuu taikai
- - - ししゃも
Unlockable from February 6th, 2014 after completing all the January 23rd, 2014 tournaments
Best nine ketteisen
IX dj TAKA VS DJ TOTTO feat.藍 All participant games except GITADORA -
IX -GITADOROCK ver.- dj TAKA VS DJ TOTTO feat.藍 & good-cool GITADORA
Aikenka yakyuu senshuken
- - - dj TAKA
Unlockable from March 5th, 2014
Quiz to yakyuu taikai
- - - セレスト
Gakuen yakyuu taikai
- - - ティアル
Steel yakyuu taikai
- - - カリン@わりとねむい
Hagane no yakyuu senshuken
- - - マリオン・ラヴ
Chronicle tournament
- - - リディア・ペトラコフ

Additionally, two cards can be obtained through other methods:

  • BEMANI学園 学長: available from March 5th, 2014 by entering the special code found on first print copies of the 熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK KONAMI STYLE Limited Edition
  • キャラクター大集合: unlockable from March 19th, 2024 by clicking on the campaign link and then clicking on the link in the email sent by KONAMI ID.

Post-Event End Unlock Conditions


  • While not part of the event initially, five songs of the 熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム event can be unlocked in ノスタルジア Op.3 since August 6th, 2020: IX, PUNISHER, Stella Sinistra, デッドボヲルdeホームラン, and 轟け!恋のビーンボール!!.

External Links

Main Event Songs IX (GITADOROCK ver.) - Engraved Mark - HYENA (Live Edit feat. 96) - PUNISHER - Stella Sinistra
Squeeze (GITADORA Mix) - デッドボヲルdeホームラン - マインド・ゲーム
轟け!恋のビーンボール!! (96バット砲炸裂!GITADORAシリーズMVP弾!) - 野球の遊び方 そしてその歴史 ~決定版~
Crossover Songs DanceDanceRevolution: True Blue - 恋はどう?モロ◎波動OK☆方程式!! - VEGA - Daily Lunch Special
GITADORA: いきもの失格 - 少年リップルズ - RAGNAROK - Never Look Back in Sorrow - 情操ディストピア - 愛は不死鳥の様に
jubeat: December Breeze - 恋愛観測 - 8 -eight- - Condor
pop'n music: 去る金合戦 - Sakura Sunrise - 7 Colors - 雷君
REFLEC BEAT: The Sealer ~ア・ミリアとミリアの民~ - フレッフレー♪熱血チアガール - Evans - sakura storm