Susume! Jiichan!
進め! 爺ちゃん!
Song Information
Artist: ジュースアクターズ
Composition/Arrangement: Jimmy Weckl
Lyrics: Keiko Oomune
Vocals: Juice Actors
BPM: 89-356
Length: 1:56
pop'n music Genre: KEI-ROW PUNK (敬老パンク)
pop'n music Character: MAGOJIROU [12]
pop'n CG design: shio (character design), ちひ (animation design), Masaya Aoyama (animation)
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 12 いろは
Other Music Game Appearances: None.
※敬老!(HEY!)敬老!(HEY!)敬老!(HEY!)(HEY!)(HEY!)(HEY!) ※ ×3 times repeat 敬老!(HEY!)敬老!(HEY!)敬老!(YEAH!!!) 僕らのLIVEへ行こう! 爺ちゃんも連れて行こう!(OH!) 真っ赤なシャツ着て行こう! 尺八もって行こう!(GO!GO!) 僕の大好きなお爺ちゃん(お爺ちゃん!) いつもニコニコお婆ちゃん(お婆ちゃん!) 応援してね お爺ちゃん! 進め!進め! 何かイイ事 今日は してあげたくて(有り難いことです) 僕らのLIVEの 今日のGUESTはお爺ちゃん (最近の若いモンの音楽は速いなぁ) (ワシらの若い頃にはこんなナニはなかったけどなぁ) (今日は可愛い孫と合奏させていただいております。ホンマに幸せでございます。) (極楽!極楽!) 僕の大好きなお爺ちゃん(お爺ちゃん!) 今日もイケてるお婆ちゃん(お婆ちゃん!) いつもノリノリ お爺ちゃん! 進め!進め! ※敬老!(oi!)敬老!(oi!)敬老!(oi!)(oi!)(oi!) ※ ×2 times repeat 敬老!敬老!
※keirou! (HEY!) keirou! (HEY!) keirou! (HEY!) (HEY!)(HEY!)(HEY!) ※ ×3 times repeat keirou! (HEY!) keirou! (HEY!) keirou! (YEAH!!!) bokura no LIVE e ikou! jiichan mo tsurete ikou! (OH!) makkana shatsu kite ikou! shakuhachi motte ikou! (GO!GO!) boku no daisuki na ojiichan (ojiichan!) itsumo nikoniko obaachan (obaachan!) ouen shite ne ojiichan! susume! susume! nani ka ii koto kyou wa shite agetakute (arigatai kotodesu) bokura no LIVE no kyou no GUEST wa ojiichan (saikin no wakamono no ongaku wa hayai naa) (washira no wakai koro ni wa konna nani wa nakattakedo naa) (kyou wa kawaii mago to gassou sa sete itadaite orimasu. honmani shiawase de gozaimasu.) (gokuraku! gokuraku!) boku no daisuki na ojiichan (ojiichan!) kyou mo iketeru obaachan (obaachan!) itsumo norinori ojiichan! susume! susume! ※keirou! (oi!) keirou! (oi!) keirou! (oi!)(oi!)(oi!) ※ ×2 times repeat keirou! keirou!
Song Connections / Remixes
- 進め! 爺ちゃん is one of the songs part of the pop'n hiden shinobi houjou (ポップン秘伝忍法帖) event. It could be unlocked through the AKI (秋) scroll from March 2nd to April 13th, 2005.
- Respect-for-the-Aged Day (敬老の日, Keirou no hi) is a Japanese holiday celebrated on the third Monday of every September. It is a holiday meant to celebrate both the elderly and for long living. This is why 進め! 爺ちゃん! appears on the AKI (Autumn) scroll of the ポップン秘伝忍法帖 event.
- In the music comments, Jimmy Weckl dedicated 進め! 爺ちゃん! to his grandfather.
Music Comment
Song Production Information
Character Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever and BEMANIWiki 2nd.)
Game | Standard | Battle | ||||
5 Button | Normal | Hyper | EX | Normal | Hyper | |
Notecounts | 255 | 470 | 985 | 1252 | 409 | 807 |
pop'n music 12 いろは | 10 | 22 | 38 | 42 | 16 | 32 |
pop'n music 13 カーニバル→20 fantasia | 10 | 22 | ↓37 | 42 | 16 | 32 |
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present | - | 28 | ↑44 | 48 | 16 | 32 |
pop'n music 12 いろは CS | 10 | 22 | 37 | 42 | 16 | 32 |
pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS | 10 | 22 | 37 | 42 | 16 | 32 |