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Revision as of 17:17, 2 March 2010

Arcade Releases
jubeat - ripples (APPEND) - knit (APPEND)
copious (APPEND) - saucer (fulfill)
prop - Qubell - clan - festo - Ave. (beyond the Ave.)
Foreign Arcade Releases
乐动魔方 - 乐动魔方 2代 - 乐动魔方 全国对战版
Consumer Releases
jubeat mobile - 2
jubeat plus (Android) - jukebeat - jubeat (2021)

General Information

jubeat is the first installment of the Jubeat series, developed by Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, and is a part of Konami's Bemani line of music video games. The game was officially released on July 24, 2008.

New Songs

Jubeat features 59 songs, consisting of original songs from Konami and licensed songs.
Difficulty range based on a scale from 1 to 10.
Artists for the original versions of covered licensed songs noted in parenthesis where available.
Songlist and difficulties obtained from BEMANIwiki.

(To be updated)

Song title Artist Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Licensed Songs
FREE FREE 鈴木亜美 joins 中田ヤスタカ(capsule) 2 4 6
Good bye little girl Mi 1 3 5
Kiss Kiss Chris Brown featuring T-Pain 2 3 6
My Love 川嶋あい 2 5 6
PLAY THE GAME ロードオブメジャー 1 5 8
rose ANNA inspi' NANA(BLACK STONES) 2 5 8
Scatman (Ski Ba Bop Ba Dop Bop) Scatman John 3 4 6
Y.M.C.A. Village People 3 6 7
Cover Songs
A Perfect Sky (BONNIE PINK) 3 5 8
BLUE BIRD (浜崎あゆみ) 2 4 6
endscape (UVERworld) 2 4 6
I me my mine (POLYSICS) 2 6 8
Love so sweet (嵐) 2 4 7
PEACH (大塚愛) 2 4 6
POP STAR (平井堅) 1 4 7
Real voice (絢香) 2 5 6
Speed King (RIP SLYME) 2 5 7
YELL ~エール~ (コブクロ) 2 4 6
Konami Originals
Happy Happy ki☆ki 2 6 9
Polaris Mutsuhiko Izumi 3 6 9
Snow Goose Mutsuhiko Izumi 4 7 9
天国と地獄 Mutsuhiko Izumi 3 7 9
Class C Unlocks
Jumping Boogie Kozo Nakamura 4 7 9
Special One kors k feat. Suzuyo Miyamoto 3 6 7
Class B Unlocks
I love マミー 荒牧陽子 4 6 9
Icicles Jimmy Weckl 4 6 9
Class A Unlocks
bass 2 bass Ryu☆ 5 7 9
Chance and Dice 日本少年 4 7 8
Class S Unlocks
GIGA BREAK 96 6 7 10
IN THE NAME OF LOVE Y&Co. feat. Erica 6 9 10
Online Mode Unlocks (Bemani Crossovers)
Online Mode Unlocks (Konami Originals)
Crosswind Mutsuhiko Izumi 4 8 10
Evans DJ YOSHITAKA 7 8 10
In Scottish Highlands Thomas Howard Lichtenstein 3 6 10
風になりたい THE BOOM 2/113 4/272 6/314
気分上々↑↑ mihimaru GT 3/266 4/316 5/407
魁!ミッドナイト RIKI 3/222 5/333 6/376
シャナナ☆ MINMI 1/182 5/361 7/478
ちっぽけな勇気 FUNKY MONKEY BABYS 1/109 5/330 8/468
冒険者たち Do As Infinity 2/181 5/309 7/493
キスしてほしい (Cocogrunge) 2/270 5/314 7/445
キューティーハニー (倖田來未) 3/161 4/257 6/302
粉雪 (レミオロメン) 3/247 5/408 7/591
こんなに近くで... (Crystal Kay) 3/184 4/233 6/362
全力少年 (スキマスイッチ) 3/238 6/384 7/507
抱いてセニョリータ (山下智久) 2/172 4/290 6/405
太陽の地図 (MISIA) 2/226 4/276 6/444
天体観測 (BUMP OF CHICKEN) 2/194 4/332 6/464
光のロック (サンボマスター) 2/167 5/302 8/432
一色 (NANA starring MIKA NAKASHIMA) 3/156 4/316 8/459
ふがいないや (YUKI) 2/216 6/429 8/578
負けないで (ZARD) 3/282 4/347 6/426
あいのうた 肥塚良彦 3/174 5/317 10/590
SigSig Kors K 5/369 8/568 10/824
Slang Kozo Nakamura 4/316 7/489 10/675
TRUE LOVE Jun feat. Schanita 4/287 7/439 10/596
凛として咲く花の如く 紅色リトマス 4/331 8/532 10/772

USA/Europe Location Test Exclusive Songs

The following songs were available at location testing in the US and Europe, but were not featured in the final release of the game.

Song title Artist
Barbie Girl Aqua (cover)
Give Me Up Michael Fortunati
Informer Snow
Sandstorm Darude
Take on Me a-ha
Venus Bananarama (cover)

External Links

Jubeat Official Website (Japanese)