
Revision as of 23:46, 30 January 2015 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)


Song Information

R.C.'s pop'n music banner.

Artist: Waldeus von Dövjak
Composition: Classic no kyoshoutachi
Arrangement: Junichiro Kaneda
BPM: 180
Length: 1:33
pop'n music Genre: CLASSIC 2 (クラシック 2)
pop'n music Character: HAMANOV [CS1-2P]
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 2 CS
Other Music Game Appearances:

  • Beat'n Groovy



Song Connections / Remixes

  • R.C. is the second song in the CLASSIC series of songs.
  • Like the other songs in the CLASSIC series, R.C. is an arranged medley of different classical tunes.
  • An extended version of R.C., titled R.C. pop'n music-DA!! Special Version, can be found in pop'n music打!!.


R.C.'s pop'n music 6 banner.
  • R.C. is the first of only three songs in the CLASSIC series that doesn't need to be unlocked in its respective CS pop'n music game, along with Dynamics and Step in Space.
  • In pop'n music 2 CS and pop'n music 6, R.C.'s character was HAMANOV [CS1].
  • In pop'n music 3, R.C.'s character was AYA [3-10P]. This palette was AYA's 7P color in pop'n music 3 CS.
    • In pop'n music 3 CS, R.C.'s character was replaced to HAMANOV [CS1-2P]. This palette became HAMANOV's 3P color for Dynamics in pop'n music 7.
  • In pop'n music 4, R.C.'s character was MZD [2].
  • R.C. received brand new 5-Buttons and Battle NORMAL charts in pop'n music 7.

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever and BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Game Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Notecounts 125 188 358 - 358 -
pop'n music 2 CS - 18 H - - -
pop'n music 3 CS - - 23 - - -
pop'n music 6 CS - - H - - -
pop'n music 7 CS 12 18 36 - 35 -
pop'n music 3 - 18 H - - -
pop'n music 4 - 18 23 - - -
pop'n music 6 - - H - - -
pop'n music 7 12 18 ↑36 - 35 -
pop'n music 9 ↓9 ↓15 ↓35 - 35 -
pop'n music 10→20 fantasia 9 ↓14 35 - 35 -
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 20 41 - 35 -

Other chart not shown on the above table:

  • pop'n music 2 CS's BEGINNER chart: total notes: 88.
CLASSIC song series
Chaos Age - R.C. - Dynamics - Concertare - Step in Space - Maritare! - The tyro's reverie - Line Times - Hell? or Heaven? - Doll's sight - 想い出をありがとう
Festum Duodecimum!
HELL course songs
HELL 1-5 I'm on Fire - すれちがう2人 Millennium mix - R.C. - 西新宿清掃曲
HELL 1-5 ReNew すてきなタブーラ - 水中家族のテーマ - お江戸花吹雪 TEYAN-day MIX - Concertare
HELL 6 Midnight Yoghurt(女SPY☆お色気ゴーゴー脱出大作戦) - 작은행복 - H@ppy Choice - 大見解
HELL 7 Denpasar - SA-DA-ME - 夜間行 - Ending theme of pop'n music 6
HELL 6-7 ReNew Maritare! - The tyro's reverie - 悲しいね - 夜間行
HELL the EIGHT ♥LOVE² シュガ→♥ - Over the night - pure - 釈迦
HELL 9 Dynamic ! Atomic ! S.C.B.G. ~ver.1~ - デパ地下のお話 - 男々道 - ブタパンチのテーマ
HELL 10 明鏡止水 - Jack - Holy Forest - ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力)
HELL-11 - 怒れる大きな白い馬 - カゲロウ - でんがなマンガナ
HELL 12 - Vairocana - 進め!爺ちゃん! - 雪上断火
HELL 13 BAROQUE HOEDOWN - HypArcSin(x) - 文明開化 - ƒƒƒƒƒ
真HELL 13 フリーパス - KING of the SEA - Sanctum Crusade - 真超深TION
HELL 14 hora de verdad - BBLLAASSTT!! - 猿の経 - Übertreffen
HELL 1~14 Vairocana - ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力) - ブタパンチのテーマ - Übertreffen
HELL 15 Votum stellarum -forest #25 RMX- - 天庭 - ZETA〜素数の世界と超越者〜 - neu
HELL 16 バイキングマン - CHIP'N'RIDDIM - 万物快楽理論 - シュレーディンガーの猫
HELL 17 ƒƒƒƒƒ op.2 - 突然ゴルゴンゾーラ - Geiselhaus - 音楽
せんごく地獄 蛇神 - 西軍||∴⊂SEKIGAHARA⊃∴||東軍 - NOBUNAGA -
HELL TUNE STREET Remain - BabeL ~Grand Story~ - BabeL ~Next Story~ - BabeL ~roof garden~
HELL fantasia Southern Cross - カラルの月 - Eine Haube ~聖地の果てにあるもの~ - 少年は空を辿る
HELL Sunny Park コドモライブ - 背徳と邪悪のエピタフ - 生命の焔纏いて - 生命の環を紡いで