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Song Information

VOLAQUAS' jacket.
VOLAQUAS' pop'n music banner.

Artist: BEMANI Sound Team "DJ TOTTO VS 兎々"
Composition/Arrangement: Konami Amusement (Yoshihiro Tagawa)
BPM: 106-212 (DanceDanceRevolution), 106 (DANCERUSH), 212 (other BEMANI games)
Length: 2:08
pop'n music Character: Flamme [SP]
Movie: Hanamori Hiro
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 30 RESIDENT / DanceDanceRevolution A3 / DANCERUSH STARDOM / jubeat Ave. / pop'n music UniLab / SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR / ノスタルジア Op.3
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



Song Connections / Remixes


  • VOLAQUAS is the final song of the Ichika no gochamaze Mix UP! (いちかのごちゃまぜMix UP!) event. It could be unlocked in all participant games (except GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE) from November 1st, 2022 to January 11th, 2023.
    • In DANCERUSH STARDOM, it can be unlocked with ★s from December 27th, 2023.
    • In SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR, it can be purchased with PCB from January 30th, 2024.
    • In beatmania IIDX 31 EPOLIS, it can be purchased with Hizou no record (秘蔵のレコード) from February 8th, 2024.
    • In ノスタルジア Op.3, it can be unlocked through MISSION BINGO from March 7th, 2024.
    • In DanceDanceRevolution A3, it can be unlocked again through EXTRA SAVIOR A3 from April 4th, 2024 for 20th anniversary model cabinets, and from April 8th, 2024 for regular cabinets.
    • In jubeat beyond the Ave., it can be unlocked from April 1st, 2024 as a BONUS TUNE song, after all other いちかのごちゃまぜMix UP! songs have been unlocked.
    • From December 26th, 2024 in pop'n music Jam&Fizz, it is available by default.
  • In pop'n music, instead of displaying its character's portrait, VOLAQUAS displays its jacket on the song selection screen.
  • VOLAQUAS marks Yoshihiro Tagawa's first original song in any BEMANI game since ミッドナイト☆WAR, over three years prior.
  • "VOLAQUAS" is a portmanteau of "Volcano" (representing Valanga) and "Aquas" (representing 海神).
    • Its genre, EMPYREAL HYDRO ARTCORE, is a combination of Valanga and 海神's genres, ARTCORE and HYDRO CORE, respectively.
  • In SOUND VOLTEX, the date in VOLAQUAS' MAXIMUM effector credits, "20130216", is the date when Valanga debuted in REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-.
  • In DanceDanceRevolution, with 887 notes, VOLAQUAS' Single EXPERT chart has the second highest notecount for any Single EXPERT chart, just one note behind MAX 360's 888.
    • With 846 notes, VOLAQUAS' Double EXPERT chart is tied with Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》 for the highest notecount of any Double EXPERT chart.
  • VOLAQUAS ranked #1 in the BEMANI Fan Site CHECK!SONGS Monthly Ranking list for Autumn 2022, the final list of the series.
  • VOLAQUAS is available in SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ from March 21st, 2024, by purchasing Konasute SOUND VOLTEX Music Pack vol.22 (コナステ版 SOUND VOLTEX 楽曲パック vol.22).
  • VOLAQUAS received CHALLENGE charts as one of DanceDanceRevolution A3's EXTRA SAVIOR A3 unlocks. They can be unlocked from April 4th, 2024 for 20th anniversary model cabinets, and from April 8th, 2024 for regular cabinets, after all other いちかのごちゃまぜMix UP! songs have been fully unlocked.
  • VOLAQUAS is available in DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX as an EXTRA STAGE song from April 8th, 2024.
  • VOLAQUAS is available in beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) as part of the beatmania IIDX INFINITAS Music Pack vol.25 (beatmania IIDX INFINITAS 楽曲パック vol.25).

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.
DANCERUSH difficulty rated from 1 to 10.
jubeat difficulty rated from 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
SOUND VOLTEX difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards.
ノスタルジア difficulty rated from 1 to 12 for Normal to Expert charts. Real charts rated from 1 to 3 diamonds (◆). (Notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and TexTage.)

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts / Charge Notes / Backspin Scratches - 670 / 4 / 0 1119 / 5 / 1 1982 / 5 / 4 - 667 / 4 / 0 1141 / 4 / 1 2003 / 6 / 4 -
beatmania IIDX 30 RESIDENT→Present - 7 10 12 - 7 10 12 -
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) - 7 10 12 - 7 10 12 -


Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 119 / 14 376 / 73 623 / 56 887 / 17 993 / 30 / 0 369 / 81 582 / 50 846 / 12 947 / 11 / 0
DanceDanceRevolution A3→Present 5 11 15 18 19 11 15 18 19
DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX 5 11 15 18 19 11 15 18 19


Game 1 Player 2 Players
Easy Normal Easy Normal
Max Combo 284 404 ?
(? / ?)
(? / ?)


Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts / Holds 644 / 15 839 / 34 1056 / 47
jubeat Ave.→Present 7 9.7 10.6

pop'n music

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 296 581 1100 1535 581 -
pop'n music UniLab→Present 18 31 44 49 25 -


Game Level
Max Chain 1190 1849 2171 2647 -
Effected By Akizuki Nagomu Akizuki Nagomu Akizuki Nagomu Akizuki Nagomu since20130216 -
Jacket Artists PPID PPID PPID PPID -
SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR→Present 7 14 17 19 -
SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ 7 14 17 19 -


Game Level
Normal Hard Expert Real
Notecounts 447 690 1596 2085
ノスタルジア Op.3→Present 5 8 12 ◆3
DJ TOTTO's Legendary Mountain song series
Valanga (2017) - glacia - Eira - VOLAQUAS (GITADO ROCK ver.)
Valanga(polysha Remix) - ばらんが!!!! - glacia (STARDOM Remix)
いちかのMix UP!
Step 1 and 2 Songs [ ]DENTITY (perditus†paradisus × I) - White Stream (Four Leaves × Snowmelt) - Kilonova (キヤロラ衛星の軌跡 × Pursuer)
新蛇姫 (New Decade × BREDLI) - Dance With The Dead (Love 2 Shuffle × Necroxis Girl)
Metamorphic (ロミとロボの宇宙飛行 × MONOLITH) - Indigo Nocturne (蒼氷のフラグメント × REcorrection)
輪廻の鴉 (RINИE × )
BEMANI Fan Site スキ! MONTHLY RANKING Number 1 songs
2015 EGOISM 440 (April) - MAX.(period) (May) - Over The "Period" (June) - In The Breeze (July) - 天空の華 (August) - Towards the TOWER (September)
カーテンコール・メモリーズ (October) - 紅蓮 (November) - フラッター現象の顛末と単一指向性の感情論 (December)
2016 Paradission (January) - Rebellio (February) - Disable Mark (March) - Mirage of the Mirror (April) - Glitter Flatter Scatter (May)
Electric Dance System Music (June) - Help me, ERINNNNNN!! -VENUS mix- (July) - Triple Counter (August) - Come to Life (September)
Anathema (October) - HADES (November) - НУМЛ (December)
2017 Eira (January) - MeteorA (February) - Fly far bounce (March) - Touch My Body (April) - BroGamer (May) - Theme of Ricerca (June) - ENDYMION (July)
ACE FOR ACES (August) - シノビシノノメ (September) - 刃図羅 (October) - TWO-TORIAL (November) - SHOCKER BREAKER (December)
2018 DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~ (January) - K∀MUY (February) - 東京神話 (March) - Couleur=Blanche (April) - Rampage (May)
TRUTH behind U (June) - Dream of You (July) - Midnight Amaretto (August) - o†o (September) - PM is Here! (October) - pedigree (November)
金野火織の金色提言 (December)
2019 1116 (January) - virkatoの主題によるperson09風超絶技巧変奏曲 (February) - 少年と少女のためのラプソディア (March) - Vinculum stellarum (April)
le mal du pays, numéro 1 (May) - BEYOND THE EARTH (STARDOM Remix) (June) - Splash Gold (July) - 星屑の夜果て (August)
Afterimage d'automne (September) - Silly Love (October) - Voca Nostalgia (November) - Catapulted Arch (December)
2020 Shoot the Moon (January) - 666 (February) - Burn Burn Burning (March) - Petite Queen (April-June) - rough percussionythm (July)
魅惑のYUMMYスイーツ (August) - Stargazer (September) - Chewingood!!! (October) - MAYHEM (November)
2021 ここからよろしく大作戦143 (Winter) - Lava Flow (Spring) - DUAL STRIKER (Summer) - ただ、それだけの理由で (Autumn)
2022 kors k's How to make OTOGE CORE (Winter) - ANEMONE (Spring) - ピアノ独奏無言歌 "灰燼" (Summer) - VOLAQUAS (Autumn)
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