Catapulted Arch

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Catapulted Arch

Song Information

Catapulted Arch's jacket.

Artist: BEMANI Sound Team "person09"
Composition/Arrangement: Konami Amusement (person09)
BPM: 184
Length: 1:58
Movie: ?
First Music Game Appearance: GITADORA NEX+AGE / jubeat festo / ノスタルジア Op.3
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes

  • The ノスタルジア series uses a slightly rearranged version of Catapulted Arch.


  • Catapulted Arch could be unlocked in GITADORA NEX+AGE, jubeat festo, and ノスタルジア Op.3 from December 18th, 2019 to January 13th, 2020, as part of the Otodoke! Torokko daisakusen (お届け!トロッコ大作戦) event.
    • In ノスタルジア Op.3, it can be unlocked again from May 13th to July 22nd, 2021 (originally until May 30th, 2021), from July 8th to August 5th, 2021, from March 10th to 31st, 2022, and from December 27th, 2022 to January 18th, 2023, from October 19th to November 23rd, 2023, and from October 17th, 2024 onwards through the NOSTALGIA sen torokko tabi monogatari (ノスタルジア線 トロッコ旅物語) event after having unlocked Concertino in Blue and Far east nightbird.
    • In GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE, it is one of the PHASE 1 unlocks of the MUSICIAN'S ROAD event. It could be unlocked from May 19th to September 5th, 2021 (originally until August 9th, 2021).
      • In GITADORA FUZZ-UP, it is one of the unlocks of the Daishuugou atsumare together! GITADORA All Star GIG! (大集合あつまれトゥギャザー!GITADORAオールスターGIG!) event. It can be unlocked from May 17th, 2023.
      • In GITADORA GALAXY WAVE, it can be unlocked from July 24th, 2024 through DX Challenge (DXチャレンジ).
    • It could also be unlocked in jubeat festo from December 15th, 2021 to January 4th, 2022 as part of the Stamp Challenge unlocking system, by obtaining 10 stamps.
      • As of April 27th, 2022, it can be purchased at the festo STORE.
      • In jubeat Ave. and beyond the Ave., it is one of the CONCIERGE unlocks of the LIGHT CHAT unlocking system from August 17th, 2022.
  • Catapulted Arch ranked #1 in the BEMANI Fan Site CHECK!SONGS Monthly Ranking list for December 2019.
  • Catapulted Arch was added to jubeat (2021)'s normal mode on November 24th, 2021.
  • Catapulted Arch is available in コナステ GITADORA as part of the Konasute GITADORA Tokubetsu kikaku SELECTION PACK vol.2 (コナステ GITADORA 特別企画セレクションパック vol.2).

Music Comment

It's a minecart! Why don't you draw a parabola too!! Let's inject!!!

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99.
jubeat festo and onwards difficulty rated from 1 to 10.9
ノスタルジア difficulty rated from 1 to 12 for Normal to Expert charts. Real charts rated from 1 to 3 diamonds (◆). (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and GITADORA Rating Sources.)

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania


Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 394 634 1036 1266 232 327 453 575 192 320 442 483
GITADORA NEX+AGE 3.00 4.50 7.00 8.40 4.00 5.80 7.30 8.45 3.30 4.70 6.50 7.90
GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE ↓2.75 ↑4.70 7.00 ↑8.45 ↑4.25 5.80 ↑7.45 ↑8.50 ↓3.10 ↓4.60 ↓6.30 ↓7.70
GITADORA FUZZ-UP→Present ↑3.15 ↑5.40 ↑7.25 ↑8.75 4.25 ↓5.50 7.45 8.50 3.10 4.60 6.30 7.70
コナステ GITADORA 3.15 5.40 7.25 8.75 4.25 5.50 7.45 8.50 3.10 4.60 6.30 7.70


Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 266 505 927
jubeat festo→Present 4 7 10.3
jubeat (2021) 4 7 10.3


Game Level
Normal Hard Expert Real
Notecounts 326 996 1508 1609
ノスタルジア Op.3→Present 4 8 11 ◆2
コナステ ノスタルジア 4 8 11 ◆2
BEMANI Fan Site スキ! MONTHLY RANKING Number 1 songs
2015 EGOISM 440 (April) - MAX.(period) (May) - Over The "Period" (June) - In The Breeze (July) - 天空の華 (August) - Towards the TOWER (September)
カーテンコール・メモリーズ (October) - 紅蓮 (November) - フラッター現象の顛末と単一指向性の感情論 (December)
2016 Paradission (January) - Rebellio (February) - Disable Mark (March) - Mirage of the Mirror (April) - Glitter Flatter Scatter (May)
Electric Dance System Music (June) - Help me, ERINNNNNN!! -VENUS mix- (July) - Triple Counter (August) - Come to Life (September)
Anathema (October) - HADES (November) - НУМЛ (December)
2017 Eira (January) - MeteorA (February) - Fly far bounce (March) - Touch My Body (April) - BroGamer (May) - Theme of Ricerca (June) - ENDYMION (July)
ACE FOR ACES (August) - シノビシノノメ (September) - 刃図羅 (October) - TWO-TORIAL (November) - SHOCKER BREAKER (December)
2018 DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~ (January) - K∀MUY (February) - 東京神話 (March) - Couleur=Blanche (April) - Rampage (May)
TRUTH behind U (June) - Dream of You (July) - Midnight Amaretto (August) - o†o (September) - PM is Here! (October) - pedigree (November)
金野火織の金色提言 (December)
2019 1116 (January) - virkatoの主題によるperson09風超絶技巧変奏曲 (February) - 少年と少女のためのラプソディア (March) - Vinculum stellarum (April)
le mal du pays, numéro 1 (May) - BEYOND THE EARTH (STARDOM Remix) (June) - Splash Gold (July) - 星屑の夜果て (August)
Afterimage d'automne (September) - Silly Love (October) - Voca Nostalgia (November) - Catapulted Arch (December)
2020 Shoot the Moon (January) - 666 (February) - Burn Burn Burning (March) - Petite Queen (April-June) - rough percussionythm (July)
魅惑のYUMMYスイーツ (August) - Stargazer (September) - Chewingood!!! (October) - MAYHEM (November)
2021 ここからよろしく大作戦143 (Winter) - Lava Flow (Spring) - DUAL STRIKER (Summer) - ただ、それだけの理由で (Autumn)
2022 kors k's How to make OTOGE CORE (Winter) - ANEMONE (Spring) - ピアノ独奏無言歌 "灰燼" (Summer) - VOLAQUAS (Autumn)