DEATH ZIGOQ ~ikari no kousoku bakusou yarou~

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DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~

Song Information

Artist: L.E.D.ALiCE(DJ NAGAI Vs. BEMANI Sound Team "L.E.D.-G")
Composition/Arrangement: DJ NAGAI, Konami Amusement(L.E.D.-G)
BPM: 200
Length: 1:55
Genre: 世紀末コア (SEIKIMATSU CORE)
Movie: MatsuTK (overlays by BEMANI Designers)
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



Song Connections / Remixes

  • The OST version of DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~ is slightly re-arranged.


DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~'s title card.
  • DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~ is one of the unlocks of beatmania IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS' Gekisou! Cannon racer (激走!キャノンレーサー) event. It can be unlocked from January 25th, 2018 by finishing the first continent.
  • DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~ marks the first collaboration between Yoshikazu Nagai and Toshiyuki Kakuta in BEMANI.
    • Its artist name, L.E.D.ALiCE, is a reference to both Toshiyuki Kakuta and Yoshikazu Nagai's main aliases - L.E.D. and REDALiCE - respectively.
  • The "ZIGOQ" in DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~’s title name is pronounced as "Jigoku" (地獄, Japanese for “hell”).
  • Sekimatsu (世紀末) is a Japanese translation of the French term, "fin de siècle" (in English, "end of the century"). Fin de siècle is usually used in reference to the end of the 19th century, and is often associated with themes of decadence, degeneracy, pessimism, and the idea of "radical changes causing the departure of the old world, making way for new advances".
  • DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~ ranked #1 in the BEMANI Fan Site CHECK!SONGS Monthly Ranking list for January 2018.
  • HES is uncredited on the official CANNON BALLERS website page for DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~'s overlays.
  • DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~ is available in beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) as part of the beatmania IIDX INFINITAS Music Pack vol.14 (beatmania IIDX INFINITAS 楽曲パック vol.14).
  • DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~ received LEGGENDARIA charts in beatmania IIDX 31 EPOLIS' ARENA MODE. They could be unlocked from September 19th, 2024 through October 6th, 2024 by collecting 150 ARENA CUBES.
  • DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~'s LEGGENDARIA charts have Hell Charge Notes instead of Charge Notes, which are used on its other charts.
    • Its Single LEGGENDARIA chart, with 2459 notes, contains the highest notecount for any Single Play chart that has appeared on an arcade beatmania IIDX release.

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and TexTage.)

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts / Charge Notes - 710 / 7 1272 / 8 2075 / 10 2459 / 10 725 / 7 1262 / 8 1999 / 12 2459 / 12
beatmania IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS→30 RESIDENT - 7 10 12 - 7 10 12 -
beatmania IIDX 31 EPOLIS→Present - 7 10 12 12 7 10 12 12
beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE - 7 10 12 - - - - -
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) - 7 10 12 - 7 10 12 -

⁂ Denotes that this chart uses Hell Charge Notes as opposed to its other difficulties.

First continent Beast mode - Expanded !! - FIRE BALL - Son, not gabba now
RED ZONE† - Usual Days-remix
DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~
Second continent Boomy and The Boost - encounter - バスルーム ロマンス - 命の標本
Third continent City Never Sleeps (IIDX Edition) - n'pa pa BBQ - Rampage - Rise Circuit
HYPE THE CORE - The Revolution (VIP Mix)
Final continent ANAGMA - Fervidex - Life Is A Game ft.DD"ナカタ"Metal - STARLIGHT JUNCTION - バ→ビ→ブ→Bomb!
255 - Eine Haube ~聖地の果てにあるもの~ - From Time To Time
BEMANI Fan Site スキ! MONTHLY RANKING Number 1 songs
2015 EGOISM 440 (April) - MAX.(period) (May) - Over The "Period" (June) - In The Breeze (July) - 天空の華 (August) - Towards the TOWER (September)
カーテンコール・メモリーズ (October) - 紅蓮 (November) - フラッター現象の顛末と単一指向性の感情論 (December)
2016 Paradission (January) - Rebellio (February) - Disable Mark (March) - Mirage of the Mirror (April) - Glitter Flatter Scatter (May)
Electric Dance System Music (June) - Help me, ERINNNNNN!! -VENUS mix- (July) - Triple Counter (August) - Come to Life (September)
Anathema (October) - HADES (November) - НУМЛ (December)
2017 Eira (January) - MeteorA (February) - Fly far bounce (March) - Touch My Body (April) - BroGamer (May) - Theme of Ricerca (June) - ENDYMION (July)
ACE FOR ACES (August) - シノビシノノメ (September) - 刃図羅 (October) - TWO-TORIAL (November) - SHOCKER BREAKER (December)
2018 DEATH†ZIGOQ ~怒りの高速爆走野郎~ (January) - K∀MUY (February) - 東京神話 (March) - Couleur=Blanche (April) - Rampage (May)
TRUTH behind U (June) - Dream of You (July) - Midnight Amaretto (August) - o†o (September) - PM is Here! (October) - pedigree (November)
金野火織の金色提言 (December)
2019 1116 (January) - virkatoの主題によるperson09風超絶技巧変奏曲 (February) - 少年と少女のためのラプソディア (March) - Vinculum stellarum (April)
le mal du pays, numéro 1 (May) - BEYOND THE EARTH (STARDOM Remix) (June) - Splash Gold (July) - 星屑の夜果て (August)
Afterimage d'automne (September) - Silly Love (October) - Voca Nostalgia (November) - Catapulted Arch (December)
2020 Shoot the Moon (January) - 666 (February) - Burn Burn Burning (March) - Petite Queen (April-June) - rough percussionythm (July)
魅惑のYUMMYスイーツ (August) - Stargazer (September) - Chewingood!!! (October) - MAYHEM (November)
2021 ここからよろしく大作戦143 (Winter) - Lava Flow (Spring) - DUAL STRIKER (Summer) - ただ、それだけの理由で (Autumn)
2022 kors k's How to make OTOGE CORE (Winter) - ANEMONE (Spring) - ピアノ独奏無言歌 "灰燼" (Summer) - VOLAQUAS (Autumn)