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Song Information

音楽's pop'n music banner.

Artist: 弁士カンタビレオ
Composition: Virkato Wakhmaninov
Arrangement: Benshi Cantabileo
BPM: 210~520 (NORMAL/HYPER), 210~360 (EX, beatmania IIDX)
Length: 2:32
Genre: SILENT (サイレント)
pop'n music Character: silent room [17]
pop'n CG design: きの子
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes


  • "Ongaku" (音楽) means "music".
  • According to virkato, the original title of 音楽 is "未完成ピアノ協奏曲第2番『人生いろいろ!』", which means "unfinished piano concerto No.2 "a variety of life!"".
  • The EX chart rating of 音楽 changed from 42 to 43 in pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝, and to 50 in Sunny Park, making it one of the hardest songs in pop'n music. It is still considered one of the hardest songs in the entire series.
  • 音楽 appears in beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro as part of the Q-pro, Mimi, Nyami & Pastel-kun no Minna de Uchuu Sensou!! (クプロ・ミミニャミ・パステルくんのみんなで宇宙戦争!!) unlock event, which started on July 29th, 2013.
    • New album artwork for 音楽 is shown on the website for this event, but hasn't ever been used in a BEMANI game.
  • On beatmania IIDX, first player and second player can play 音楽's charts on different difficulties; this causes the song to be unplayable due to the conflicting keysounds.
  • On the American iTunes page for the 音楽 album, "音楽"'s title was romanized as "ongaku".

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
pop'n rhythmin difficulty rated from 1 to 10. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Beginner Normal Hyper Another Normal Hyper Another
Notecounts 453 1038 1487 500 949 1369
beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro→Present 5 10 12 5 10 12

pop'n music

Game Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Notecounts 337 453 1013 1530 453 510
pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE 19 23 34 42 15 22
pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝→20 fantasia 19 23 34 ↑43 15 22
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 29 40 ↑50 15 22

pop'n rhythmin

Game Difficulties
Normal Hyper EX
Notecounts 273 413 733
pop'n rhythmin 5 8 10
HELL course songs
HELL 1-5 I'm on Fire - すれちがう2人 Millennium mix - R.C. - 西新宿清掃曲
HELL 1-5 ReNew すてきなタブーラ - 水中家族のテーマ - お江戸花吹雪 TEYAN-day MIX - Concertare
HELL 6 Midnight Yoghurt(女SPY☆お色気ゴーゴー脱出大作戦) - 작은행복 - H@ppy Choice - 大見解
HELL 7 Denpasar - SA-DA-ME - 夜間行 - Ending theme of pop'n music 6
HELL 6-7 ReNew Maritare! - The tyro's reverie - 悲しいね - 夜間行
HELL the EIGHT ♥LOVE² シュガ→♥ - Over the night - pure - 釈迦
HELL 9 Dynamic ! Atomic ! S.C.B.G. ~ver.1~ - デパ地下のお話 - 男々道 - ブタパンチのテーマ
HELL 10 明鏡止水 - Jack - Holy Forest - ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力)
HELL-11 - 怒れる大きな白い馬 - カゲロウ - でんがなマンガナ
HELL 12 - Vairocana - 進め!爺ちゃん! - 雪上断火
HELL 13 BAROQUE HOEDOWN - HypArcSin(x) - 文明開化 - ƒƒƒƒƒ
真HELL 13 フリーパス - KING of the SEA - Sanctum Crusade - 真超深TION
HELL 14 hora de verdad - BBLLAASSTT!! - 猿の経 - Übertreffen
HELL 1~14 Vairocana - ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力) - ブタパンチのテーマ - Übertreffen
HELL 15 Votum stellarum -forest #25 RMX- - 天庭 - ZETA〜素数の世界と超越者〜 - neu
HELL 16 バイキングマン - CHIP'N'RIDDIM - 万物快楽理論 - シュレーディンガーの猫
HELL 17 ƒƒƒƒƒ op.2 - 突然ゴルゴンゾーラ - Geiselhaus - 音楽
せんごく地獄 蛇神 - 西軍||∴⊂SEKIGAHARA⊃∴||東軍 - NOBUNAGA -
HELL TUNE STREET Remain - BabeL ~Grand Story~ - BabeL ~Next Story~ - BabeL ~roof garden~
HELL fantasia Southern Cross - カラルの月 - Eine Haube ~聖地の果てにあるもの~ - 少年は空を辿る
HELL Sunny Park コドモライブ - 背徳と邪悪のエピタフ - 生命の焔纏いて - 生命の環を紡いで