Cat's scat

Revision as of 19:54, 4 February 2020 by Tikal. (talk | contribs) (added missing pns notecounts)

cat's scat

Song Information

cat's scat's pop'n music banner.
cat's scat (URA・SCAT)'s pop'n music banner.

Artist: Q-Mex
Composition/Arrangement: Yuki Kume
BPM: 135
Length: 1:29
pop'n music Genre: SCAT (スキャット)
pop'n music Character: INUCHIYO [pns]
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n stage ex
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes


This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
  • cat's scat is Yuki Kume's only contribution to pop'n stage.
    • It is also one of the two original songs introduced to pop'n stage ex, along with WE TWO ARE ONE.
  • INUCHIYO is named after the pop'n music CG designer INUCHIYO.
  • Before pop'n music Sunny Park, cat's scat's title was capitalized as cat's Scat.
  • cat's Scat received a new banner in pop'n music 8.
  • Before pop'n music 9, cat's Scat's Music Comment was the original Music Comment that was used in pop'n stage.
  • cat's Scat received URA charts in pop'n music 11. The genre and character for these charts are URA・SCAT (ウラ・スキャット) and INUCHIYO [pns-3P], respectively.
    • It is the only pop'n stage song that received URA charts.
    • These charts were revived in pop'n music peace as one of the unlocks in the pop'n time trip (ポップンタイムトリップ) event. They can be unlocked from April 11th, 2019 by filling out 1 stamp of the first pop'n music 11 card.
      • It received a new banner in pop'n music peace.
      • Despite using the same background as its original charts, the URA charts do not show a background in pop'n music peace.
      • However, it does not appear in the pop'n music 11 category, instead, it only appears in the peace category.
      • cat's scat (URA・SCAT) received a slightly modified EX chart and a Battle NORMAL chart in pop'n music peace.
      • cat's scat's URA charts received Highlight Zones in pop'n music peace.
      • Besides adding Highlight Zones, cat's scat's URA EASY chart is exactly the same as its old URA 5-Buttons chart.
  • Several palettes of INUCHIYO were used in pop'n stage ex for every new song introduced in pop'n stage ex. However, just one of them could be used by the player in the arcade pop'n music series until pop'n music 11, where INUCHIYO received its 3P palette.
    • INUCHIYO's 2P palette, used in pop'n stage ex by WE TWO ARE ONE, can also be found on the console releases of pop'n music.
    • INUCHIYO's 3P palette is very similar to his 2P palette, with the only difference being the colors of his jacket and shoes.
  • cat's scat was removed from the BEMANI category in pop'n music Sunny Park.
  • cat's scat was removed from the CS category in pop'n music peace.

Music Comment

pop'n stage

A funny and entertaining scat song. Let's have fun, my friends!

pop'n music

That popular pop'n stage song appears in pop'n!

Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
pop'n stage ex difficulty rated from 1 to 20 stars. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever.)

pop'n music

Original Charts

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 154 179 369 - 178 369
pop'n music 6 CS 7 8 18 - - -
pop'n music 7 CS 7 8 18 - 18 -
pop'n music 8 CS 12 10 23 - 8 18
pop'n music 11 CS 5 9 23 - 8 18
pop'n music 8 ↑11 ↑10 ↑23 - 8 18
pop'n music 9 ↓12 10 23 - 8 18
pop'n music 10→20 fantasia ↓5 ↓9 23 - 8 18
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 15 29 - 8 18

URA Charts

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 229 250 443 608 ? -
pop'n music 11 9 18 25 32 - -
pop'n music peace→Present ↓14 24 31 38 14 -
pop'n music 11 CS 9 18 25 32 - -

pop'n stage

Game 6-Switches 10-Switches
Normal Another Maniac Normal Another Maniac
Notecounts 151 195 326 275 280 261
pop'n stage ex 4 10 18 4 10 17
ポップン16 PARTY おめでとう!おたんじょうび
ポップン15 ADVENTURE 幻島アトランティス-4elements-
DDR 20周年 Come to Life - ANNIVERSARY ∴∵∴ ←↓↑→
ポップン14 FEVER! H@appy Fever Forever!!
ポップン17 THE MOVIE いつまでやったって、別にいいじゃない!?
ポップン 家庭用 君と微笑みと・・・ - Tokyo Traffic Report
ポップン 家庭用 2 Blue River (UPPER) - Pop'n Xmas 2004 ~天使ノウタゴエ~
ポップン13 カーニバル プロレタリア狂騒歌
ポップン12 いろは home.(kors k Remix)
ポップン12 いろは 2 なごりさえ
ポップン18 せんごく列伝 (UPPER) - 焔華
ポップン19 TUNE STREET 2 BabeL ~MODEL DD101~
The 8th KAC 西馬込交通曲
ポップン 家庭用 3 Water Melon Woman - PULSE - penguin - Landmark - 祭ノ痕、君ヲ憶フ。
beatmania IIDX Usual Days-remix
beatmania IIDX 2 Little Little Princess
GITADORA 20th 2 Timepiece phase II
ひなビタ♪ スイーツはとまらない♪ - 熱情のサパデアード - 革命パッショネイト
ひなビタ♪ 2 ヒカリユリイカ - ベビーステップ
KONAMI 50th 50th Memorial Songs -Beginning Story-
ポップン20 fantasia Welcome to pop'n fantasy
ポップン11 cat's scat (URA) - 西新宿清掃曲 (URA) - 男々道 (URA) - Denpasar (URA)
ポップン11 2 Grave Strike
ポップン10 Vinculum stellarum
ポップン10 2 Atlantic Spotted Dolphin - murmur twins - murmur twins(guitar pop ver.) (UPPER)
ポップン21 Sunny Park 六花美人
KONAMI 50th 2 50th Memorial Songs -Flagship medley- - 50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~-
50th Memorial Songs -The BEMANI History-
エクストラ 琴古都 - テンプラ揚三
ポップン 家庭用 4 Miracle Moon(お月さまが中継局) - rings on the water - 翔べない天使 - 一発逆転!××だらけのハッピー大運動会!!
ポップン9 禁じられた契約 - 限界食堂
ポップン5 BICYCLE - 映画「SICILLIANA」のテーマ - Homesick Pt.2&3 - どうなっちゃったって - POP-STEP-UP
ポップン5 2 le mal du pays, numéro 1
ポップン4 Over The Rainbow - たぶん、キスくらいしてる
ポップン 家庭用 5 Line Times - Festum Duodecimum!
ポップン8 L.A.N. - Late Riser - Miracle 4
♥LOVE² シュガ→♥ (かめりあ&ななひら's Over-Sweet-Dempa ♥LOVE² シュガ→♥な恋愛教室 Remix)
ポップン8 2 オトメ聖戦タクティクス
ポップン23 éclale Blind
ポップン7 Dimanche - Betty Boo
ポップン7 2 ラベンダー最終定理
ポップン6 Bubble Bagpipe Hour - 電波の暮らし
ポップン6 2 令和の国
ポップン24 うさぎと猫と少年の夢 星屑の夜果て
エクストラ 2 夢幻ノ光 (UPPER) - シャムシールの舞 (UPPER) - 真超深TION (UPPER)
ポップン3 8月のサヨナラ - biosphere ~天国の花~
ポップン2 (fly higher than)the stars - I'm on Fire
ポップン2 2 Invisible Farewell
ポップン Les Jouets Sonore
スペシャルエンディング 少女と時の花 - 25 o'clock the WORLD - さよならのうた
ノスタルジア insist
ノスタルジア 2 (UPPER) - ネリと琥珀糖
ノスタルジア 3 nostos (UPPER) - zeeros
エクストラ 3 White Lovers
エクストラ 4 Gotta Get My Groove On - カモミール・バスルーム - 子供の落書き帳 (UPPER)
エクストラ 5 おーまい!らぶりー!すうぃーてぃ!だーりん! (DANCERUSH Style)
The 9th KAC Popperz Chronicle
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