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SKILL ANALYZER is a series of courses ranked so that each course is harder than the last. These courses were first introduced in SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection- on July 3rd, 2013. The difficulty level of the highest SKILL LEVEL course cleared is often used as an indicator of the overall strength of the player.

At the beginning, only eight SKILL LEVEL courses are available from the get-go, but were later increased to 10 on the third set of courses, and later 12 courses, each with a certain difficulty level.

When playing a SKILL ANALYZER course, a special gauge, PERMISSIVE RATE, is filled to full at the start and can be recovered with CRITICALs. Whenever the gauge reaches 0 while playing, the track CRASHes and the course fails.

Each course has three songs, but unlike beatmania IIDX's CLASS mode, each rank has multiple courses to choose from. Level 11 and ∞ can only be accessed by obtaining a shining gold frame from the lower ranks below with all of the charts from the relevant course unlocked prior. These frames can be obtained by earning a clear rate of 130% (first nine levels), 150% (SKILL LEVEL 10), 160% (SKILL LEVEL 11) and 170% (SKILL LEVEL ∞). The maximum goes up to 200%, with the percentage dependent on the combined total scores rounded down all the way until 100%, whereas the percentage is dependent on how far the player reached the course before a TRACK CRASH.

Other courses are added periodically, usually those that were from SKILL ANALYZER, although other courses not relevant to the SKILL ANALYZER are occasionally added. For a list of courses, refer to this article here

In infinite infection, the songs from the courses were decided by voting done via the website, and the most voted songs ending up in the successive SKILL ANALYZER course. However, once a song has appeared twice, it was removed from the list on the next voting. For a list of songs that appeared in the polls, see here.

Starting GRAVITY WARS, players can no longer vote for songs, instead players can choose from one of three courses in each level. Note that there are no audio previews for the final song until it was added in HEAVENLY HAVEN.

In HEAVENLY HAVEN, SKILL ANALYZER courses are merged into the main game mode, and it can be accessed as a song folder during the first stage. This change was reverted in VIVID WAVE.

Skill Level.01 岳翔

Game/Batch TRACK
1st 2nd FINAL
Skill Level.01 岳翔

Skill Level.02 流星

Game/Batch TRACK
1st 2nd FINAL
Skill Level.02 流星

Skill Level.03 月衝

Game/Batch TRACK
1st 2nd FINAL
Skill Level.03 月衝

Skill Level.04 瞬光

Game/Batch TRACK
1st 2nd FINAL
Skill Level.04 瞬光

Skill Level.05 天極

Game/Batch TRACK
1st 2nd FINAL
Skill Level.05 天極

Skill Level.06 烈風

Game/Batch TRACK
1st 2nd FINAL
Skill Level.06 烈風

Skill Level.07 雷電

Game/Batch TRACK
1st 2nd FINAL
Skill Level.07 雷電

Skill Level.08 麗華

Game/Batch TRACK
1st 2nd FINAL
Skill Level.08 麗華

Skill Level.09 魔騎士

Game/Batch TRACK
1st 2nd FINAL
Skill Level.09 魔騎士

Skill Level.10 剛力羅

Game/Batch TRACK
1st 2nd FINAL
Skill Level.10 剛力羅
infinite infection Course 2 Ganymede kamome mix 金縛りの逢を Max Burning!!
infinite infection Course 3 Ganymede kamome mix 金縛りの逢を Max Burning!!
infinite infection Course 4 snow storm -euphoria- Booths of Fighters Quietus Ray
infinite infection Course 5 Ganymede kamome mix Booths of Fighters Quietus Ray
infinite infection Course 6 good high school snow storm -euphoria- Max Burning!!
infinite infection Course 7 ムーニャポヨポヨスッポコニャーゴ 金縛りの逢を Quietus Ray
infinite infection Course 8 「月風魔伝」龍骨鬼戦 yks Remix Decretum U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?haru_naba Remix
infinite infection Course 9 音楽 -resolve- Booths of Fighters Last Concerto
infinite infection Course 10 過食性:アイドル症候群 Booths of Fighters FLYING OUT TO THE SKY
infinite infection Course 11 大宇宙ステージ U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?haru_naba Remix Verse IV
infinite infection Course 12 KiLLeR MeRMaiD Verse IV Harpuia
infinite infection Course 13 Joyeuse #FairyJoke #SDVX_Edit Fiat Lux
infinite infection Course 14 柳の下のデュラハン hard chaos mix #FairyJoke #SDVX_Edit Harpuia
GRAVITY WARS Course 1A ボルテ体操第一 Ganymede kamome mix Quietus Ray
GRAVITY WARS Course 1B gigadelic -stance xxxx- Joyeuse Booths of Fighters
GRAVITY WARS Course 2A 「月風魔伝」龍骨鬼戦 yks Remix 大宇宙ステージ Pure Evil-Aya2g Drm'n Tech Rmx-
GRAVITY WARS Course 2B choux à la crème snow storm -euphoria- Our Faith (Faithful MTL Remix)
GRAVITY WARS Course 2C good high school DEADLOCK XXX Verse IV
GRAVITY WARS Course 3B Pure Evil 物凄い狂っとるフランちゃんが物凄いうた Last Concerto
GRAVITY WARS Course 3C 幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい FIRE FIRE(Kazmasa Remix) U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?haru_naba Remix
GRAVITY WARS Course 4 コンベア速度Max!? しゃいにん☆廻転ズシ"Sushi&Peace" イグジスタンス Harpuia
GRAVITY WARS Course 5A Borealis 信仰は儚き人間の為に ~ Arr.Demetori バンブーソード・ガール
GRAVITY WARS Course 5C Little princess has no identity. Idola 金縛りの逢を
GRAVITY WARS Course 6A 柳の下のデュラハン hard chaos mix 音楽 -resolve- Fiat Lux
GRAVITY WARS Course 6B 過食性:アイドル症候群 False Cross Decretum
GRAVITY WARS Course 7 conflict じゅーじゅー♥焼肉の火からフェニックス!?~再誕の†炭火焼き~ ほおずき程度には赤い頭髪
GRAVITY WARS Course 8 F.K.S. パ→ピ→プ→Yeah! tricky trick
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 1A ANTI THE∞HOLIC ゲキツイムラサ Booths of Fighters
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 1B ムーニャポヨポヨスッポコニャーゴ The star in eclipse Quietus Ray
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 1C conflict Zero-Day Exploit Harpuia
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 2A HEAVENLY SMILE Chocolate Planet 黎明スケッチブック
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 2B INDEPENDENT SKY snow storm -euphoria- 超越してしまった彼女と其を生み落した理由
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 3 水槽のクジラ 雪月花 -さわわRemix- Our Faith (Faithful MTL Remix)
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 4A Backflow THUNDERCRACK ホーンテッド★メイドランチ
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 4B 轟け!恋のビーンボール!! Lucky*Clover Garakuta Doll Play
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 4C Triple Counter The world of sound ほおずき程度には赤い頭髪
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 5 炎夏の音 獅子奮迅 Aragami
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 6A Melty Sweets Destruction & Qreation 物凄い狂っとるフランちゃんが物凄いうた
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 6B 少女綺想曲 -G.X.N. Remix planetarium Paradission
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 6C 405nm(Shu※mix) Libera me
GRAVITY WARS コナステ Course 1 INDEPENDENT SKY ぼくらしかしらない Max Burning!!
GRAVITY WARS コナステ Course 2 オンディーヌの泪 Chocolate Planet rhythmology study
GRAVITY WARS コナステ Course 3 祭囃子 Tribal Trial Enigma II
VIVID WAVE Course 1A VOLTEXES IV ゴーストルール Night Rockin' Bird
VIVID WAVE Course 1B PIERROT KNIfE Line 4 Ruin -kohumix- KIMIDORI Streak!!
VIVID WAVE Course 1C JUGGLE Chocolate Planet Booths of Fighters
VIVID WAVE Course 2A ムーニャポヨポヨスッポコニャーゴ The star in eclipse Quietus Ray
VIVID WAVE Course 2B Triple Counter The world of sound ほおずき程度には赤い頭髪
VIVID WAVE Course 3 Bye or not 悪戯センセーション Enchanté
VIVID WAVE Course 4 Sacrifice Escape: 不条理の模倣による感情と代償 Sharkbait 量子の海のリントヴルム
VIVID WAVE Course 5 Mischievous theater Halcyon 恋歌疾風!かるたクイーンいろは
VIVID WAVE Course 6 Impress (bansou Remix) ふ・れ・ん・ど・し・た・い(WEREHEREMIX) Poison AND÷OR Affection
EXCEED GEAR Course 1A 星の詩 キラメキ居残り大戦争 Booths of Fighters
EXCEED GEAR Course 1B おどりましょうよ!ドラゴンさん ~転生したらゲーム曲でした~ オルターエゴ Nofram
EXCEED GEAR Course 1C SHION -sublimation mix- Non RolicK!!大冒険 ULTRA B+K

Skill Level.11 或帝滅斗

Game/Batch TRACK
1st 2nd FINAL
Skill Level.11 或帝滅斗
infinite infection Course 1 XROSS INFECTION BLACK or WHITE? Black Emperor
GRAVITY WARS Course 4A Innocent Tempest werewolf howls. Growth Memories
GRAVITY WARS Course 4B 冥 Rockin' SWING REMIX FLOWER REDALiCE Remix Ganymede kamome mix
GRAVITY WARS Course 6A VILE CAT LegenD. Black Emperor
GRAVITY WARS Course 6B Gott Dynasty croiX
GRAVITY WARS Course 7A Seraphim Warriors Aboot veRtrageS
GRAVITY WARS Course 7B PANIC HOLIC 最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S snow storm -euphoria-
GRAVITY WARS Course 8A UnivEarth ムラサキグルマ REVOLVER
GRAVITY WARS Course 8B Inixia Renegade Fruits XROSS THE XOUL
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 2A TRICKL4SH 220 Ultimate Ascension REVOLVER
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 2B Xepher Light and Darkness Dragon REMIX Broken 8cmix Wish upon Twin Stars
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 3 Dreadnought IKAROS DYNAMITE!!!! Demise Quartet
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 4A End to end LegenD. INF-B《L-aste-R》
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 5 The Golden Era Spirit of the Beast ULTiMATE INFLATiON
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 6A 孤独の番人 金縛りの逢を Harpuia
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 6B The Formula Doppelganger Re:End of a Dream
GRAVITY WARS コナステ Course 1 Innocent Tempest werewolf howls. Growth Memories
GRAVITY WARS コナステ Course 2 Divine's or Deal Legendary Road Levier'n NābYss
GRAVITY WARS コナステ Course 3 V Sen5eS SociuS Turn the story
VIVID WAVE Course 1A BLACK or WHITE? オニユリ Ganymede kamome mix
VIVID WAVE Course 1B スラッシュ//シスターズ GERBERA snow storm -euphoria-
VIVID WAVE Course 2A End to end LegenD. INF-B《L-aste-R》
VIVID WAVE Course 3 Sakura Reflection (P*Light Slayer Remix) Reb∞t 音楽 -resolve-
VIVID WAVE Course 4 Xicholauncher pique 神話に芽吹く
VIVID WAVE Course 5 On take SUN Mirrorwall Venomous Firefly
VIVID WAVE Course 6 Divine's or Deal 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea Orchid Remix HAVOX
EXCEED GEAR Course 1A 緋色月下、狂咲ノ絶 (nayuta 2017 ver) 神獄烙桜 НУМЛ
EXCEED GEAR Course 1B Desyr0yer SAMURAI TIGER ムーニャポヨポヨスッポコニャーゴ

Skill Level.∞ 暴龍天

Game/Batch TRACK
1st 2nd FINAL
Skill Level.∞ 暴龍天
infinite infection Course 1 Bangin' Burst Max Burning!! For UltraPlayers
GRAVITY WARS Course 4 Max Burning!! For UltraPlayers Everlasting Message
GRAVITY WARS Course 6A Bangin' Burst XyHATTE ΑΩ
GRAVITY WARS Course 6B 大宇宙ステージ Blastix Riotz Preserved Valkyria
GRAVITY WARS Course 8 DIABLOSIS::Nāga Lord=Crossight FLügeL《Λrp:ΣggyØ》
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 2A XHAOS JUDGE Black Emperor HE4VEN ~天国へようこそ~
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 3 月光乱舞 BLACK or WHITE? iLLness LiLin
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 4A Firestorm Fin.ArcDeaR FIN4LE ~終止線の彼方へ~
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 4B 極圏 Growth Memories WHITEOUT
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 5 Staring at star TWO-TORIAL I
HEAVENLY HAVEN Course 6 HAVOX A Lasting Promise Xronièr
GRAVITY WARS コナステ Course 1 Max Burning!! For UltraPlayers Everlasting Message
GRAVITY WARS コナステ Course 2 Immortal saga Elemental Creation HE4VEN ~天国へようこそ~
GRAVITY WARS コナステ Course 3 ラクガキスト Innocent Tempest Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》
VIVID WAVE Course 1A Deadly force Xéroa Σmbryø
VIVID WAVE Course 1B Sailing Force Fly Like You *Feels Seasickness...*
VIVID WAVE Course 2A Lord=Crossight Black Emperor HE4VEN ~天国へようこそ~
VIVID WAVE Course 2B 月光乱舞 BLACK or WHITE? iLLness LiLin
VIVID WAVE Course 4 ANGER of the GOD θコトノハθカプセルθ 666
VIVID WAVE Course 5 9TH5IN セイレーン ~悲壮の竪琴~ VVelcome!!
VIVID WAVE Course 6 LubedeR Last Resort MAYHEM
EXCEED GEAR Course 1A Cross Fire ΑΩ Xronièr
EXCEED GEAR Course 1B ΛΛemoria onslaught -Retaliation of Bahamūt- I

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