AC jb knit

Arcade Releases
jubeat - ripples (APPEND) - knit (APPEND)
copious (APPEND) - saucer (fulfill)
prop - Qubell - clan - festo - Ave. (beyond the Ave.)
Foreign Arcade Releases
乐动魔方 - 乐动魔方 2代 - 乐动魔方 全国对战版
Consumer Releases
jubeat mobile - 2
jubeat plus (Android) - jukebeat - jubeat (2021)

jubeat knit

Release Information


  • Location Tests: 2/19/2010 - 2/20/2010 (AOU), 2/26/2010 - 3/4/2010, 3/11/2010 - 3/17/2010, 4/30/2010 - 5/2/2010
  • Release Date: July 29th, 2010

General Information / Changes

Original Hit Chart

The top 10 KONAMI original songs for the previous week can be found at the ranking page on the official website.

License Hit Chart

The top 10 licensed songs for the previous week can be found at the ranking page on the official website.

Full Song List

New Songs

Licensed Songs

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Licensed Songs
An imitation's superstar VOLA & THE ORIENTAL MACHINE 180 3 7 8
Are U Ready? mini 130 3 6 8
B・M・W SNAIL RAMP 194 3 7 8
BRANDNEW DAYS Purple Days 132 2 6 8
city talk Half-Life 141 3 6 8
Kick It Out ブンブンサテライツ 143 3 8 10
Lost Boy SEAMO 100 2 7 8
LOVE & JOY 木村由姫 173 2 7 8
Love Space Ship SHANADOO 171 2 4 7
lovely my girl シュクレット 177 3 7 8
NEU! √thumm 133 2 7 8
only my railgun fripSide 143 3 6 8
paparuwa Fantastic Plastic Machine 131 2 7 8
Promise NEW STRIKE ZIPPER 160 3 6 7
Runner 爆風スランプ 125 2 4 7
SHINE×SHINE×SHINE×SHINE エイプリルズ 138 3 6 8
Supernova 9mm Parabellum Bullet 193 4 7 8
Walkin', runnin', singin', fightin' BREMEN 136 1 5 8
Whatever SOULHEAD 120 2 6 8
アルクアラウンド サカナクション 132 4 6 8
カーニバる? ナオト・インティライミ 69-165 3 7 9
大迷惑 UNICORN 188 3 6 8
大都会交響楽 PIZZICATO FIVE 171 2 6 8
だから一歩前へ踏み出して Hi-Fi CAMP 130 2 5 7
元気でやっているのかい? イルリメ 165 3 8 9
銀河 フジファブリック 147 3 7 9
勝って泣こうゼッ! T-Pistonz + KMC 136 3 6 7
キラキラ☆ Mizca 134 2 6 8
メンドクサイ愛情 大島麻衣 130 2 7 8
日進月歩 Jeepta 185 4 7 8
スマイル一番イイ♀ アンティック-珈琲店- 153 3 6 8
サマータイム DigiCut 123 2 6 8
Licensed Covers
Sandstorm (Darude) 136 2 6 8
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (Julie Andrews & Dick Van Dyke) 149-192 4 5 9
じょいふる (いきものがかり) 159 1 6 8

knit Shirt (ニットシャツ)

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
knit Shirt (ニットシャツ)
White Shirt Unlocks
白鳥の湖 Swan Lake Orchestra 180-300 4 7 9
Lime Shirt Unlocks
Shining Wizard 96 158 5 8 10
fellow ピンクターボ 179 4 5 8
Ready Go!! 荒牧陽子 220 5 6 8
Green Green Dance Mutsuhiko Izumi 165 4 8 9
Dandelion Shirt Unlocks
さよならトリップ Dormir 133 3 7 9
Love♥km dj TAKA feat. REN 184 3 7 9
KUNG-FU MAMA seiya-murai feat. ALT 150 3 7 9
Crimson Shirt Unlocks
ALL MY HEART -この恋に、わたしの全てを賭げる- SUPER HEROINE 彩香 -AYAKA- 160 4 8 9
Prophet Vibe Sota Fujimori feat. Calin 154 4 7 9
Far east nightbird 猫叉Master 180 4 7 10
Shine On Me kors k 170 4 8 9
Rainbow Shirt Unlocks
Sweet Rain Y&Co. feat. karin 155 4 8 9
Black Shirt Unlocks
I'm so Happy Ryu☆ 181 4 8 10

Wool System & Unlocks

Achievement Points are now used to collect wool, which is used to knit shirts. Each shirt has a different wool cost; when a shirt is completed, a new song, marker, or background is unlocked. One wool requires approximately 4200 Achievement Points (exact number unconfirmed).

There are five colors of shirts: White, Lime, Dandelion, Crimson, and Indigo. After completing the first White shirt, the player may choose to apply wool toward a shirt in any of the other four colors. After unlocking all songs, markers, and backgrounds from these colors, the Rainbow color becomes available, and accessing all items in the Rainbow color unlocks the Black color. Only one wool may be applied per playthrough.

Unlocks from completing shirts are listed below, and in the order in which they are received:

White Unlocks

  • Song: Swan Lake Orchestra / 白鳥の湖 - 1 Wool

Lime Unlocks

  • Background: Green - 1 Wool
  • Song: Shining Wizard / 96 - 5 Wool
  • Marker: 色彩構成 - 1 Wool
  • Song: fellow / ピンクターボ - 6 Wool
  • Song: Ready Go!! / 荒牧陽子 - 8 Wool
  • Song: Green Green Dance / Mutsuhiko Izumi - 9 Wool

Dandelion Unlocks

  • Background: Lemon - 1 Wool
  • Song: さよならトリップ / Dormir - 5 Wool
  • Marker: Nengoro Neko - 1 Wool
  • Song: STREET DANCER / SILKY F - 6 Wool
  • Song: Love♥km / dj TAKA feat. REN - 8 Wool
  • Song: KUNG-FU MAMA / seiya-murai feat. ALT - 9 Wool

Crimson Unlocks

  • Background: Dark - 1 Wool
  • Song: ALL MY HEART -この恋に、わたしの全てを賭ける- / SUPER HEROINE 彩香 -AYAKA- - 5 Wool
  • Marker: Stopwatch - 1 Wool
  • Song: Prophet Vibe / Sota Fujimori feat. Calin - 6 Wool
  • Song: Far east nightbird / 猫叉Master - 8 Wool
  • Song: Shine On Me / kors k - 9 Wool

Indigo Unlocks

Each of the following unlocks are gained with 1 Wool.

Rainbow Unlocks

  • Song: Sweet Rain / Y&Co. feat. karin - 10 Wool

Black Unlocks

  • Song: I'm so Happy / Ryu☆ - 10 Wool

Removed Songs


Difficulty Changes

The following song has received difficulty changes since its last appearance:

Song Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
隅田川夏恋歌 jubeat ripples - - 8→9

External Link