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== General Information / Changes ==
== General Information / Changes ==
* [[KEY DISC]], allowed play of [[CS pnm 3|pop'n music 3 APPEND DISC]] and [[CS pnm 4|4 APPEND DISC]].
* [[KEY DISC]]; can be used to play [[CS pnm 3|pop'n music 3 APPEND DISC]] and [[CS pnm 4|4 APPEND DISC]].
* The time gap between this and pop'n music 4 APPEND DISC was the longest of the series when the games were still in production (13 months with no new games).
* The time gap between this and pop'n music 4 APPEND DISC was the longest of the series when the games were still in production (13 months).
* pop'n music 5 CS had infamously stupid [[CS pnm 5#Unlock_Information|unlocks]], which were made up for in [[CS pnm 6|pop'n music 6 CS]] with ridiculously easy ones.
* Features HI-SPEED 3 and 4 first introduced in [[AC pnm 6|pop'n music 6]].
* Features HI-SPEED 3 and 4 first introduced in [[AC pnm 6|pop'n music 6]].
* Total songs: 63.
* Total songs: 63

== Staff Information ==
== Staff Information ==
[[pop'n music CS 5 Credits]]
[[pop'n music 5 CS credits]]

= Songlist =
= Default Songs =

=== CS Original Songs ===
{{pnm popn5 Songlist Header|
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[AC pnm 5|pop'n music 5]]}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|NEW AGE|ニューエイジ|[[Ryuubu~DRAGON DANCE|龍舞~DRAGON DANCE]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|WORLD SEQUENCE]]|KAREN [5]|130|2|6|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|ALLEGRIA|アレグリア|[[Kuchibiru|クチビル]]|[[Mami Nakayama|中山マミ]]|José [5]|124|5|8|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|CINEMA|キネマ|[[Eiga "SICILLIANA" no theme|映画「SICILLIANA」のテーマ]]|[[Yuki_Kume|Q-Mex]]|Kevin [5]|125|5|9|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|PERCUSSIVE|パーカッシヴ|[[Nishi-Shinjuku seisou kyoku|西新宿清掃曲]]|[[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|サイモンマン]]|Mr.KK [5]|140|6|10|26|32}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|US-DANCEPOP|USダンスポップ|[[WITHOUT YOU AROUND]]|[[Geila Zilkha|GEILA.Z]]|[[JUDY]] [5]|130|4|10|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|LATIN POP|ラテンポップ |[[In a Grow]]|[[Noriko Fukushima]]|OLIVIA [5]|120|3|12|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|J-TEKNO 2|J-テクノ2|[[power plant]]|[[Youhei Shimizu|youhei]]|SHOLLKEE [5]|156|7|12|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|POWER ACO|パワアコ|[[Kimi ga suki da yo~mamotte mamotte ageru kara...Folky Version|君が好きだよ~守って守ってあげるから・・・Folky Version]]|[[Atsushi Shindo|新堂敦士]]|MAKOTO [5]|107|6|13|19|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|J-RAP|J-ラップ|[[Nobori tsumeru no|昇りつめるの]]|[[Kaori Nishina|ASAKO]]|[[Nyami]] [5]|186|8|13|21|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|COMIC SONG|コミックソング|[[Tempura kyoudai|天麩羅兄弟]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|TEMPULA-BROS]]|PIERRE&JILL [5]|171|7|14|17|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|ROCK OPERA|ロックオペラ|[[Ti voglio bene ancora]]|[[Hiroki Koga|Baleni Stella]]|GRAPPA [5]|96|3|15|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|SAMBA|サンバ|[[Viva!2000]]|[[Kaoko Aoki|Marilia&Kaorin]]|NAWOMI [5]|116|3|15|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|NEO GS|ネオGS|[[Shock of Love]]|[[Shunsuke Kida|Kiddy & Sunshine Lovers]]|WACKY [5]|150|7|16|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|FRENCH POP|フレンチポップ|[[une fille dans la pluie]]|[[Fabienne Haber]]|BELLE [5]|140|4|16|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|MONDO POP|モンドポップ|[[BICYCLE]]|[[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|sugi]] & [[Reo Nagumo|reo]]|[[Sugi-kun|Sugi★kun]] [5]|150|5|16|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|PARAPARA|パラパラ|[[ULTRA HIGH-HEELS~I JUST WANNA TELL YOU|ウルトラハイヒール~I JUST WANNA TELL YOU]]|[[Takayuki Ishikawa|dj TAKA]] feat.[[Angel O'Brien|ANGEL]]|TAMAKO [5]|160|11|17|23|27}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|SOFT ROCK|ソフトロック|[[Homesick Pt.2&3]]|[[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|ORANGENOISE SHORTCUT]]|RIE♥chan [5]|178|10|18|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|SENTAI|センタイ|[[BEMANI sentai pop'n five|ビーマニ戦隊ポップンファイブ]]|うた:[[Shinichi Ishihara|石原慎一]] さくし:[[Ryo Komatsu|RYO]]|AKAGI TAKAYUKI [5]|172|6|19|23|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|JODLER|ヨーデル|[[LA LA LA LA YO-DEL]]|[[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|DJ Simon]]|CLARA [5]|156|7|19|24|26}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|ANIME HEROINE|アニメヒロイン|[[Mahou no tobira(SPACE MACO no theme)|魔法の扉(スペース🪐マコのテーマ)]]|[[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|a.s.a]]|[[SPACE MACO|SPACE🪐MACO]] [5]|184|9|20|23|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|MUSICAL|ミュージカル|[[Musical "5 choume monogatari" yori overture|ミュージカル"5丁目物語"より オーヴァチュア]]|[[Hiroki Koga|ナヤ~ン & His Orchestra]]|HOTARU [5]|150|8|21|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|HI-TENSION|ハイテンション|[[Dounacchattatte|どうなっちゃったって]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|チャーミングス]]|LISA [5]|171|9|21|25|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|HEAVY ROCK|ヘヴィロック|[[INNOVATION]]|[[Osamu_Migitera|Des-ROW]]|FAT BOY [5]|170|12|26|-|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[AC pnm 4|pop'n music 4]] / [[CS pnm 4|pop'n music 4 CS]]}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|HORROR|ホラー|[[Youkai Z no uta|妖怪Zの唄]]|[[Hiroki Koga|ナヤ~ン・ブラザーズ・バンド]]|[[Smile (character)|Smile]] [4]|144|-|13|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|J-TEKNO REMIX|J−テクノREMIX|[[Quick Master Millennium mix]]|[[Youhei Shimizu|act deft]]/[[Kiyoshi Murai|Millennium Project]]|[[MZD]] [5-2P]|147|-|16|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|DANCE REMIX|ダンスREMIX|[[Hi-Tekno Millennium mix]]|[[Tomomi Ohta|Hi-Tekno]]/[[Kiyoshi Murai|Millennium Project]]|MZD [5]|140|-|18|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|CLASSIC 4|クラシック4|[[Concertare]]|[[Junichiro Kaneda|Waldeus von Dövjak]]|[[HAMANOV]] [CS1]|179|9|20|32|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|SPECIAL ENDING|スペシャルエンディング|[[Tap'n! Slap'n! Pop'n Music!]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|Popper Head]]|[[Rave girl]] [4]|140|-|20|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|BRIT POP|ブリットポップ|[[Girls Riot]]|[[Hiroshi Takeyasu|Political Trees]]|Donna [3-3P]|210|9|22|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|POPS REMIX|ポップスREMIX|[[I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU~bokura wa kanpeki sa|I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU ~僕らは完璧さ Single edit]]|[[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|sugi]] & [[Reo Nagumo|reo]]|MZD [5]|142|-|24|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|BONUS TRACK REMIX|ボーナストラックREMIX|[[Surechigau futari Millennium mix|すれちがう二人 Millennium mix]]|[[Hiroshi Takeyasu|aprésmidi]]/[[Kiyoshi Murai|Millennium Project]]|MZD [5]|143|-|29|-|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|New CS songs}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|IDOL POP|アイドルポップ|[[First step|ファーストステップ]]|[[Kaori Suzuki|KAORI]]|MOE [CS5]|137|3|6|22|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|CLASSIC 5|クラシック5|[[Step in Space]]|[[Junichiro Kaneda|Waldeus vön Dovjak]]|HAMANOV [CS1]|150|4|7|26|30}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|BALLADE|バラード|[[Shooting Star]]|[[Megumi Oka|岡 めぐみ]]|Rachel [CS5]|120|3|8|20|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|CIRCUIT|サーキット|[[Drivin' High]]|[[Yasuhisa Ito|Force083]]|Hayata [CS5]|180|4|9|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|D.I.Y.|ディーアイワイ|[[Nichiyou daiku|日曜大工]]|[[Junichiro Kaneda|Waldeus von dovjak]]|TOBY-S [CS5]|150|5|11|19|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|KG|-|[[Sweaty Guys]]|[[Yasuhiro Ichihashi|ナメカワ・キミヲとザ・ハイターズ]]|SUIT [CS5]|142|7|14|21|26}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|CRYSTAL|クリスタル|[[Escapes from your love]]|[[Yurica Nagasawa|長沢ゆりか]]|AGEHA [CS5]|115|6|14|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|AOR|-|[[Harvest Moon]]|[[Yuichi Tsuchiya|植松和俊]]|Paul [CS5]|112|8|15|23|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|SKY{{from|魚人}}|スカイ|[[Sorekara|それから]]|[[Parquets|パーキッツ]]|[[Poet]] [4]|127|8|17|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|PURE|ピュア|[[Seishuning|セイシュンing]]|[[Kiyomi Kumano|くまのきよみ]]|nanako&soramame [CS5]|160|7|18|26|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|POWER FOLK 4|パワーフォーク4|[[SLOW DOWN]]|[[Atsushi Shindo|新堂敦士]]|[[Ash]] [5]|140|10|27|-|-}}

* IDOL POP / [[First step|ファーストステップ]] / [[KAORI]] (MOE) - 6 / 22 / -
= Hidden Songs =
* CLASSIC 5 / [[Step in Space]] / [[Junichiro Kaneda|Waldeus vön Dovjak]] (HAMANOV) - 7 / 26 / 30
* BALLAD / [[Shooting Star]] / [[Megumi_Oka|岡めぐみ]] (Rachel) - 8 / 20 / -
* CIRCUIT / [[Drivin' High]] / [[Yasuhisa Ito|Force083]] (Hayata) - 9 / - / -
* D.I.Y. / [[Nichiyou daiku|日曜大工]] / [[Junichiro Kaneda|Waldeus von dovjak]] (TOBY-S) - 11 / 19 / -
* CRYSTAL / [[Escapes from your love]] / [[Yurica Nagasawa|長沢ゆりか]] (AGEHA) - 14 / - / -
* KG / [[Sweaty Guys]] / [[Yasuhiro Ichihashi|ナメカワ・キミヲとザ・ハイターズ]] (SUIT) - 14 / 21 / 26
* AOR / [[Harvest Moon]] / [[Yuichi Tsuchiya|植松和俊]] (Paul) - 15 / 23 / -
* SKY / [[Sorekara|それから]] / [[Parquets|パーキッツ]] ([[Poet]]) - 17 / - / -
* PURE / [[Seishuning|セイシュンing]] / [[Kiyomi Kumano|くまのきよみ]] (nanako&soramame) - 18 / 26 / -
* POWER FOLK 4 / [[SLOW DOWN]] / [[Atsushi Shindo|新堂敦士]] (Ash) - 27 / - / -

=== Arcade Version Songs ===
== Time Unlocks ==
New CS songs, previews for [[AC pnm 6|pop'n music 6]], and arcade pop'n music 5 songs are unlocked via time release. ''Only'' time playing songs in ARCADE counts towards time.

* NEW AGE / [[Ryuubu~DRAGON DANCE|龍舞~DRAGON DANCE]] / [[Seiya_Murai|WORLD SEQUENCE]] (Karen) - 6 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Songlist Header|
* ALLEGRIA / [[Kuchibiru|クチビル]] / [[Mami Nakayama|中山マミ]] (José) - 8 / - / -
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlocked after 2 hours (all songs are new CS songs)}}
* CINEMA / [[Eiga "SICILLIANA" no theme|映画「SICILLIANA」のテーマ]] / [[Yuki_Kume|Q-Mex]] (Kevin) -  9 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|NEWS|ニュース|[[Landmark]]|[[Satoru Nakata|NAKATEK]]|BOY [CS1-4P]|130|5|14|-|-}}
* US DANCEPOP / [[WITHOUT YOU AROUND]] / [[Geila_Zilkha|GEILA.Z]] ([[JUDY]]) - 10 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|CUBAN GROOVE{{from|[[CS bm GOTTA 2|beatmania APPEND GOTTAMIX2 ~Going Global~]]}}|キューバングルーブ|[[SANA MOLLETE NE ENTE|サナ・モレッテ・ネ・エンテ]]|[[Hiroyuki Togo|Togo Project]] feat. [[Sanae Shintani|Sana]]|VANTAIN [CS5]|180|7|21|24|27}}
* PERCUSSIVE / [[Nishishinjuku seisou kyoku|西新宿清掃曲]] / [[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|サイモンマン]] (Mr.KK) - 10 / 26 / 32
{{pnm popn5 Song|FUNK ROCK|ファンクロック|[[Ureta hana|熟れた花]]|[[Yoichi Hayashi|ミッキー・マサシ]]|SHARK [CS5]|125|8|21|-|-}}
* J-TEKNO 2 / [[power plant]] / [[Youhei_Shimizu|youhei]] (SHOLLKEE) - 12 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|HEART{{from|[[AC KBM 3rd|KEYBOARDMANIA 3rdMIX]]}}|ハート|[[Pink Rose]]|[[Kiyomi Kumano|Kiyommy]]+[[Kiyoshi Murai|Seiya]]|JUDY [5-2P]|146|7|18|-|-}}
* LATIN POP / [[In a Grow]] / [[Noriko Fukushima]] (OLIVIA) - 12 / - / -
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlocked after 2.5 hours (both songs from pop'n music 6)}}
* J-RAP / [[Nobori tsumeruno|昇りつめるの]] / [[Kaori Nishina|ASAKO]] ([[Nyami]]) - 13 / 21 / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|EVER POP|エヴァーポップ|[[2nd ADVENTURE]]|[[Harumi Ueko|Jimmy Weckl]]|Higurashi [6]|115|2|8|17|-}}
* POWER ACO / [[Kimi ga suki da yo ~mamotte mamotte ageru kara...Folky Version|君が好きだよ ~守って守ってあげるから・・・Folky Version]] / [[Atsushi Shindo|新堂敦士]] (MAKOTO) - 13 / 19 / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|TECHNO KAYO|テクノカヨウ|[[Ultra boy|うるとら★ボーイ]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|V.C.O.]] featuring [[Yuko Asai]] |Pino [6]|150|4|12|21|-}}
* COMIC SONG / [[Tempura kyoudai|天麩羅兄弟]] / [[Seiya_Murai|TEMPULA-BROS]] (PIERRE&JILL) - 14 / 17 / -
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlocked after 3 hours (both songs from pop'n music 6)}}
* SAMBA / [[Viva!2000]] / Marilia&[[Kaoko Aoki|Kaorin]] (NAWOMI) - 15 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|KIDOU SENSHI GUNDAM|機動戦士ガンダム|[[Tobe! Gundam|翔べ!ガンダム]]|[[Yoichi Hayashi|ミッキー・マサシ]]|Nyami [TV&ANIME-GUNDAM]|142|5|11|25|-}}
* ROCK OPERA / [[Ti voglio bene ancora]] / [[Hiroki_Koga|Baleni Stella]] (GRAPPA) - 15 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|LIGHT FUSION|ライトフュージョン|[[micro dream]]|[[Tomoyuki Uchida|Mr.T]]|KIKA [6]|110|7|15|19|26}}
* MONDO POP / [[BICYCLE]] / [[sugi & reo]] (Sugi-kun) - 16 / - / -
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlocked after 3.5 hours (both songs from pop'n music 6)}}
* FRENCH POP / [[une fille dans la pluie]] / [[Fabienne Haber]] (BELLE) - 16 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|ONDO|オンド|[[Pop'n ondo|ポップン音頭]]|[[Kaori Takada|高田香里]]|Pop'n All? Stars [6]|112|2|11|16|-}}
* NEO GS / [[Shock of Love]] / [[Shunsuke Kida|Kiddy & Sunshine Lovers]] (WACKY) - 16 / 18 / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|MODERNISM|モダニズム|[[Denpa no kurashi|電波の暮らし]]|[[Yuki Kume|Q-Mex]] feat.[[Yoshinori Hatae|フレディー波多江]]|MEBAE [6]|142|5|13|20|-}}
* PARAPARA / [[ULTRA HIGH-HEELS ~I JUST WANNA TELL YOU|ウルトラハイヒール~I JUST WANNA TELL YOU]] / [[Takayuki_Ishikawa|dj TAKA]] feat.ANGEL (TAMAKO) - 17 / 23 / 27
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlocked after 4 hours (both songs from pop'n music 6)}}
* SOFT ROCK / [[Homesick Pt.2&3]] / [[ORANGENOISE SHORTCUT]] ([[RIE-chan]]) - 18 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|TAIYOU NI HOERO|太陽にほえろ|[[Taiyou ni hoero no theme|太陽にほえろのテーマ]]|-|Nyami [TV&ANIME-TAIYOU]|118|7|18|22|30}}
* SENTAI / [[BEMANI sentai pop'n five|ビーマニ戦隊ポップンファイブ]] / うた:[[Shinichi Ishihara|石原慎一]] さくし:[[Ryo Komatsu|RYO]] (AKAGI TAKAYUKI) - 19 / 23 / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|TRANCE|トランス|[[Foundation of our love]]|[[Takayuki Ishikawa|dj TAKA]] feat.[[Kaori Nishina|ASAKO]]|[[TRAN]] [6]|140|8|19|28|-}}
* JODLER / [[LA LA LA LA YO-DEL]] / [[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|DJ Simon]] (CLARA) - 19 / 24 / 26
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlocked after 4.5 hours}}
* ANIME HEROINE / [[Mahou no tobira (SPACE MACO no theme)|魔法の扉 (スペース@マコのテーマ)]] / [[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|a.s.a]] (SPACE MACO) - 20 / 23 / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|POSITIVE REMIX|ポジティブRemix|[[Candy Blue~Vocal Best Version|Candy Blue~Vocal Best Version]]|[[Yuko Asai|浅井裕子]]|MZD [5]|96|-|19|-|-}}
* MUSICAL / [[Musical "5 choume monogatari" yori overture|ミュージカル "5丁目物語" よりオーヴァーチュア]] / [[Hiroki Koga|ナヤ~ン & His Orchestra]] (HOTARU) - 21 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|NEO ACO REMIX|ネオアコRemix|[[fly higher(than the stars) 2 STEP mix]]|[[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|DJ Simon]]|Reo★kun [5]|132|-|20|-|-}}
* HI-TENSION / [[Dounacchattatte|どうなっちゃったって]] / [[Seiya Murai|チャーミングス]] (LISA) - 21 / 25 / -
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlocked after 5 hours (both songs from pop'n music 6)}}
* HEAVY ROCK / [[INNOVATION]] / [[Osamu_Migitera|Des-ROW]] (FAT BOY) - 26 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|HIP ROCK|ヒップロック|[[Daikenkai|大見解]]|[[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]] feat. TSUBOI for [[ALPHA]]|[[Roku|六]] [6]|143|13|20|29|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|SOUL|ソウル|[[Gotta Get My Groove On]]|[[Tatsuya Furukawa|good-cool]] feat. [[Andrea Hopkins|Aundréa L.Hopkins]]|Jessica [6]|110|3|22|26|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlocked after 5.5 hours}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|GIRLY REMIX|ガーリィRemix|[[Love Is Strong To The Sky~V.B.-Remaster|Love Is Strong To The Sky~V.B.-Remaster]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|SAORI]]|MZD [5]|120|-|22|-|-}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|ENKA REMIX|エンカRemix|[[Oedo hanafubuki TEYAN-day MIX|お江戸花吹雪 TEYAN-day MIX]]|[[Kaori Takada|高田香里]] ReMIXed by [[Kiyoshi Murai|SEIYA]]|MZD [5-2P]|140|-|23|26|31}}
{{pnm popn5 Song|LESSON|レッスン|[[POP-STEP-UP]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|SOUNDROID]]|[[Mimi]] [5]|130|-|30|-|-}}

=== Returning Songs ===
== EXtra STAGE unlocks ==
The following two songs can ''only'' be unlocked via EXtra STAGE in CHALLENGE MODE. They cannot be time released.

* BONUS TRACK REMIX / [[Surechigau futari Millennium mix|すれちがう二人 Millennium mix]] / [[Hiroshi Takeyasu|aprésmidi]]/[[Seiya Murai|Millennium Project]] ([[SANAE-chan]]) - 29 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Songlist Header|
* POPS REMIX / [[I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU ~bokura wa kanpeki sa|I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU ~僕らは完璧さ]] / [[SUGI & REO]] ([[RIE-chan]]) - 24 / - / -
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|EXtra STAGE unlocks}}
* DANCE REMIX / [[Hi-Tekno Millennium mix]] / Hi-Tekno/[[Seiya Murai|Millennium Project]] ([[JUDY]]) - 18 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|FRENCH POP J|フレンチポップJ|[[une fille dans la pluie(nihongo ban)|une fille dans la pluie]]|[[Sanae_Shintani|新谷さなえ]]|[[SANAE-chan|SANAE♥chan]] [5]|140|-|-|-|18}}
* J-TEKNO REMIX / [[Quick Master Millennium mix]] / [[Youhei Shimizu|act deft]]/[[Seiya Murai|Millennium Project]] (SHOLLKEE) - 16 / - / -
{{pnm popn5 Song|POWER FOLK 3|パワーフォーク3|[[Kimi ga suki da yo~mamotte mamotte ageru kara|君が好きだよ~守って守ってあげるから]]|[[Atsushi Shindo|新堂敦士]]|Ash [5]|107|-|-|-|20}}
* BRIT POP / [[Girls Riot]] / [[Hiroshi Takeyasu|Political Trees]] (Donna) - 22 / - / -
* HORROR / [[Youkai Z no uta|妖怪Zの唄]] / [[Hiroki Koga|ナヤ~ン・ブラザーズ・バンド]] (Smile) - 13 / - / -
* SPECIAL ENDING / [[Tap'n! Slap'n! Pop'n Music!]] / [[Seiya_Murai|Popper Head]] ([[Rave girl]]) - 20 / - / -
* CLASSIC 4 / [[Concertare]] / [[Junichiro Kaneda|Waldeus vön Dovjak]]  (HAMANOV) - 20 / 32 / -

=== pop'n music 6 Preview Songs ===
= Unlock Information =
''All these songs must be unlocked.''

* ONDO / [[Pop'n ondo|ポップン音頭]] / [[Kaori Takada|高田香里]] (Pop'n All? Stars) - 11 / 16 / -
Asiide from time unlocks, the hidden songs of pop'n music 5 CS (sans the two EXtra STAGE exclusives) can be unlocked early for FREE in the following ways.
* TECHNO KAYO / [[Ultra boy|うるとら★ボーイ]] / [[Seiya Murai|V.C.O.]] featuring [[Yuko Asai]] (Pino) - 12 / 21 / -
* EVER POP / [[2nd ADVENTURE]] / [[Harumi Ueko|Jimmy Weckl]] (Higurashi) - 8 / 17 / -
* MODERNISM / [[Denpa no kurashi|電波の暮らし]] / [[Yuki Kume|Q-Mex]] feat.[[Yoshinori Hatae|フレディー波多江]] (MEBAE) - 13 / 20 / -
* LIGHT FUSION / [[micro dream]] / [[Tomoyuki Uchida|Mr.T]] (KIKA) - 15 / 19 / 28
* TAIYOU / [[Taiyou ni hoero no theme|太陽にほえろのテーマ]] / ♪♪♪♪♪ ([[Nyami]]) - 18 / 22 / 30
* SOUL / [[Gotta Get My Groove On]] / [[Tatsuya Furukawa|good-cool]] feat. [[Andrea Hopkins|Aundréa L.Hopkins]] (Jessica) - 22 / 26 / -
* HIP ROCK / [[Daikenkai|大見解]] / [[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]] feat. TSUBOI for [[ALPHA]] (六) - 20 / 29 / -
* TRANCE / [[Foundation of our love]] / [[Takayuki Ishikawa|dj TAKA]] feat. [[Kaori Nishina|ASAKO]] ([[TRAN]]) - 19 / 28 / -
* GUNDAM / [[Tobe! Gundam|翔べ!ガンダム]] / [[Yoichi Hayashi|ミッキー・マサシ]] ([[Nyami]]) - 11 / 25 / -

=== Hidden Songs ===
=== pop'n music 5 arcade ===
All songs will appear on FINAL STAGE when their requirements are met.

* FRENCH POP J / [[une fille dans la pluie (nihongo ban)|une fille dans la pluie (日本語版)]] / [[Sanae_Shintani|新谷さなえ]] ([[SANAE-chan]]) - 18 / - / -
* POWER FOLK 3 / [[Kimi ga suki da yo ~mamotte mamotte ageru kara|君が好きだよ ~守って守ってあげるから]] / [[Atsushi Shindo|新堂敦士]] (Ash) - 20 / - / -
** get the last two digits MAX COMBO in STAGE 1 to be 55, 77, or 33. On STAGE 2, then have a MAX COMBO with 22, 88, or 33.
* LESSON / [[POP-STEP-UP]] / [[Seiya_Murai|SOUNDROID]] ([[Mimi]]) - 30 / - / -
** get the last digits of GREAT/GOOD/BAD on either of the first two STAGEs to be 0, 0, 0.
* POSITIVE REMIX / [[Candy Blue ~Vocal Best Version|Candy Blue~Vocal Best Version]] / [[Yuko Asai|浅井裕子]] (MZD) - 19 / - / -
** get the last digits of GREAT/GOOD/BAD on either of the first two STAGEs to be 5, 7, 3.
* NEO ACO REMIX / [[fly higher(than the stars) 2 STEP mix]] / [[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|DJ Simon]] (Reo-kun) - 20 / - / -
* GIRLY REMIX / [[Love Is Strong To The Sky ~V.B.-Remaster|Love Is Strong To The Sky~V.B.-Remaster]] / [[Seiya Murai|SAORI]] (MZD) - 16 / - / -
** get a MAX COMBO of exactly 32 on STAGE 1, then on STAGE 2 get a MAX COMBO of 32 or more.
* ENKA REMIX / [[Oedo hanafubuki TEYAN-day MIX|お江戸花吹雪 TEYAN-day MIX]] / [[Kaori Takada|高田香里]] ReMIXed by [[Seiya_Murai|SEIYA]] (MZD) - 23 / 26 / 31
** on STAGE 1, have your MAX COMBO end with a 3.
* NEWS / [[Landmark]] / [[Satoru Nakata|NAKATEK]] (BOY) - 14 / - / -
* FUNK ROCK / [[Ureta hana|熟れた花]] / [[Yoichi Hayashi|ミッキー・マサシ]] (SHARK) - 21 / - / -
** clear MONDO POP with 90,000 points or more.
* CUBAN GROOVE / [[SANA MOLLETE NE ENTE|サナ・モレッテ・ネ・エンテ]] / [[Hiroyuki_Togo|Togo Project]] feat. [[Sanae_Shintani|Sana]] (VANTAIN) - 21 / 24 / 27
** Clear POWER ACO on STAGE 1 with 80,000 or more points, then clear NEO GS on STAGE 2 with more than 80,000 as well.
* HEART / [[Pink Rose]] / [[Kiyomi Kumano|Kiyommy]]+[[Seiya_Murai|Seiya]] ([[JUDY]]) - 18 / - / -
** clear FRENCH POP with 85,000 or more points.
** select a female character and on STAGE 1 clear a song with over 90,000 points. On your next round, clear a song with a female character on STAGE 2 with a MAX COMBO of 80 or more.
** clear a song on HYPER on STAGE 1 with more than 90,000 points, and then clear a HYPER chart on STAGE 2 with less than 15 BADs.
** get a MAX COMBO of 50 or more on STAGE 1, and then 70 or more in STAGE 2.

= Unlock Information =
=== pop'n music 5 CS songs ===

* To unlock Ondo, get a high score of 240000 or more on Party Mode.
* NEWS: clear NEW AGE while playing as either SPACE🪐MACO [5], Sugi★kun [5], SUIT [CS5], or Smile [4]. It will then appear on STAGE 2.
* To unlock Techno Kayo, get a high score on 260000 or more in 5-Line Mode.
* HEART: play as RIE♥chan [5], and it will appear on STAGE 2.
* To unlock Ever Pop, clear an EX song in free mode.
* CUBAN GROOVE: clear PERCUSSIVE on STAGE 1, and then CRYSTAL on STAGE 2. It will then appear on FINAL STAGE.
* To unlock Modernism, get a score of 35000 or less on your first stage. Alternatively, do not get a 4, 2, or 9 in your entire clear screen for stage 1. That includes score, max combo, greats, goods, and bads.
* FUNK ROCK: play as FAT BOY [5], and clear ROCK OPERA on STAGE 2. It will then appear on FINAL STAGE.
* To unlock Light Fusion, play Circuit as your first stage and get a score of 90000 or greater. Alternatively, clear stage 1 with a max combo greater than 30, and when you add the ones and tens places of the max combo together, they must equal 10. For example, a max combo of 253 would not unlock Light Fusion, but a max combo of 46 would.
* To unlock Taiyou, get more than 110 goods on your first stage. Alternatively, play with [[Suit]] as your character, and get more than 85000 points on your first stage.
* To unlock Soul, from stages 1 and 2 combined, get more greats then bads, and more bads than goods. You must have less then 40 goods.
* To unlock Hip Rock, select a male as your character (for example, [[Boy]]) and on your first two stages combined, get less than 10 bads.
* To unlock Trance, play J-Tekno as your first stage with a score of 80000 or more and a max combo of 30 or more, then play US Dance Pop as your second stage and clear with a score of 85000 or more and a max combo of 50 or more. In 5-Line Mode, play US Dance Pop as your first stage and J-Tekno as your second stage instead.
* To unlock Gundam, clear Sentai with a score of 85000 or more. Or, pick [[Smile]] as your character and in one of your first two stages, get the last two digits of your great, good, or bad column to be 79. For example, if on you second stage you had 279 greats, Gundam would be unlocked.
* To unlock News, select [[Space Maco]], [[Sugi-kun]], [[Suit]], or [[Smile]] as your character, then clear New Age as your first stage.
* To unlock Heart, play a game with [[Rie Chan]] as you character.
* To unlock Cuban Groove, clear Percussive as your first stage, then clear Crystal as your second stage.
* To unlock Funk Rock, select [[Fat Boy]] as your character, and on your second stage clear Rock Opera. In 5-Line Mode, clear Rock Opera on your first stage.
* To unlock Lesson, on your first stage, get the last two digits of your max combo to be "55", "77", or "33". Then, on your next stage, get the same digits to be "22", "88", or "33". Alternatively, in any clear screen, get the last columns of your greats, goods, and bads to be "0, 0, 0" or "5, 7, 3".
* To unlock Positive Remix, get a max combo of exactly 32 on your first stage, then clear your second stage with a max combo of 32 or more. Or, get the last digit of your max combo to be 3.
* To unlock Neo Aco Remix, clear Mondo Pop with a score of 90000 or more. Alternatively, clear Power Aco as your first stage with 80000 or more points, and on your second stage, clear Neo GS with more than 80000 points as well.
* To unlock Girly Remix, clear French Pop with more than 85000 points. Alternatively, clear a song that has a girl for its character (for example, French Pop), or a preview song from AC 6 (other than Hip Rock, so for example, Modernism) as your first stage with more than 90000 points. Then, as your second stage, play another song that fits into those categories and clear it with a max combo of greater than 80. Phew.
* To unlock Enka Remix, clear a song on hyper for your first stage with more than 90000 points, and clear another hyper song for your second stage with less than 15 bads. Or, clear your first stage with a combo of greater than 30, and your second with a combo greater than 70.
* To unlock French Pop J in Free Mode, play Challenge Mode and obtain an point total of 19, 39, 85, 87, or 88.
* To unlock Power Folk 3 in Free Mode, play Challenge Mode and obtain an point total of 19, 85, 89, or 90.

=== Time-released Unlocks ===
=== pop'n music 6 preview songs ===
Alternatively, most songs will unlock after playing for a certain amount of time.

* Play for over 2 hours to unlock NEWS, HEART, CUBAN GROOVE, & FUNK ROCK.
* ONDO: get a score of over 240,000 in a round of PARTY. It will appear in STAGE 1 in your next round of ARCADE.
* Play for over 2 1/2 hours to unlock EVER POP & TECHNO KAYOU
* TECHNO KAYOU: get 260,000 or more points in a round of 5-LINE. It will appear in STAGE 1 in your next round of ARCADE.
* Play for over 3 hours to unlock GUNDAM & LIGHT FUSION
* EVER POP: clear an EX chart. It will appear in STAGE 1 in your next round of ARCADE.
* Play for over 3 1/2 hours to unlock ONDO & MODERNISM
* MODERNISM (both methods will make the song appear in STAGE 1 in your next round of ARCADE):
* Play for over 4 hours to unlock TAIYOU & TRANCE
** clear STAGE 1 in ARCADE with less than 35,000 points.
* Play for over 4 1/2 hours to unlock POSITIVE REMIX & NEO ACO REMIX
** do not have the number, 2, 4, or 9 appear in STAGE 1's GREAT/GOOD/BAD amount, or in MAX COMBO.
* Play for over 5 hours to unlock SOUL & HIP ROCK
* LIGHT FUSION (both methods will make the song appear in STAGE 2):
* Play for over 5 1/2 hours to unlock GIRLY REMIX, ENKA REMIX, & LESSON
** clear CIRCUIT on STAGE 1 with 90,000 points or more.
** clear STAGE 1 with a MAX COMBO higher than 30, and with both numbers together totaling 10 (for example, a combo of 46).
* TAIYOU (both methods will make the song appear in STAGE 2):
** get a MAX COMBO of 110 or more on STAGE 1.
** get 85,000 or more points on STAGE 1 while playing as SUIT [CS5].
* SOUL: on your first two songs, get more GREATs than BADs, and more BADs than GOODs, without exceeding more than 40 GOODs. It will then appear on FINAL STAGE.
* HIP ROCK: play as any male rival character, and get less than 10 BADs on your first two songs. It will then appear on FINAL STAGE.
* TRANCE: play J-TEKNO 2 on STAGE 1 and clear the song with more than 80,000 points, and then play US DANCE POP on STAGE 2 and clear with more than 85,000 points with a MAX COMBO of 50 or more. It will then appear on FINAL STAGE. (If playing on 5-LINE, the stage requirements are reversed.)
* GUNDAM (both methods will make the song appear in FINAL STAGE):
** clear SENTAI with 85,000 points or more on STAGE 2.
** select Smile [4] as your character, and on either of your first two stages, have the last two digits of GREAT/GOOD/BAD end with 79.

=== EX Charts ===
== EX Charts ==
Earn the Challenge point total listed below in Challenge Mode to unlock the EX Chart:
Earn the following point totals listed below in CHALLENGE to unlock the corresponding EX chart:

* FRENCH POP J: 19, 39, 85, 87, or 88 points
* FRENCH POP J: 19, 39, 85, 87, or 88 points
Line 149: Line 177:
* TAIYOU: 88 points
* TAIYOU: 88 points

=== Codes ===
== Codes ==
The above songs can also be unlocked through codes entered at the title screen. Played songs will not be saved. The buttons correspond to the buttons on the Pop'n Controller from left to right.
The above songs can also be unlocked through codes entered at the title screen. Played songs will not be saved. The buttons correspond to the buttons on the pop'm music controller from left to right.

* LESSON:  94781362
* LESSON:  94781362
Line 179: Line 207:
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20150507150904/http://www.konami.jp/bemani/popn/gs/5/index.html pop'n music CS 5 Official Site] (archived)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20150507150904/http://www.konami.jp/bemani/popn/gs/5/index.html pop'n music CS 5 Official Site] (archived)

[[Category:Pop'n Music Titles]]
[[Category:pop'n music]]

Latest revision as of 10:04, 4 March 2025

pop'n music Japanese CS releases
Sony PlayStation & PlayStation 2
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11
12 Iroha - 13 Carnival - 14 FEVER! - Best Hits!
Animation Melody - Puzzle Dama - DISNEY TUNES
Sony PlayStation Portable
pop'n portable - pop'n portable 2
Sega Dreamcast
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Nintendo GameBoy Color
GB pop'n - GB Animation Melody - GB DISNEY TUNES
pop'n Da!! - pop'n Be-Mouse - pop'n Lively
BEMANI MIX - i-αppli - pop'n Wii - Utacchi - pop'n rhythmin
pop'n music foreign CS releases
Beat'n Groovy - pop'n music - pop'n rhythm
pop'n mobile - pop'n mobile 2

pop'n music 5 CS

Release Information

  • Release date: November 22nd, 2001
  • Retail value: 4,800 yen

General Information / Changes

Staff Information

pop'n music 5 CS credits

Default Songs

Genre Genre (Japanese) Song Title Artist Character BPM 5LINE NORMAL HYPER EX
pop'n music 5
ALLEGRIA アレグリア クチビル 中山マミ José [5] 124 5 8 - -
CINEMA キネマ 映画「SICILLIANA」のテーマ Q-Mex Kevin [5] 125 5 9 - -
PERCUSSIVE パーカッシヴ 西新宿清掃曲 サイモンマン Mr.KK [5] 140 6 10 26 32
LATIN POP ラテンポップ In a Grow Noriko Fukushima OLIVIA [5] 120 3 12 - -
J-TEKNO 2 J-テクノ2 power plant youhei SHOLLKEE [5] 156 7 12 - -
POWER ACO パワアコ 君が好きだよ~守って守ってあげるから・・・Folky Version 新堂敦士 MAKOTO [5] 107 6 13 19 -
J-RAP J-ラップ 昇りつめるの ASAKO Nyami [5] 186 8 13 21 -
COMIC SONG コミックソング 天麩羅兄弟 TEMPULA-BROS PIERRE&JILL [5] 171 7 14 17 -
ROCK OPERA ロックオペラ Ti voglio bene ancora Baleni Stella GRAPPA [5] 96 3 15 - -
SAMBA サンバ Viva!2000 Marilia&Kaorin NAWOMI [5] 116 3 15 - -
NEO GS ネオGS Shock of Love Kiddy & Sunshine Lovers WACKY [5] 150 7 16 - -
FRENCH POP フレンチポップ une fille dans la pluie Fabienne Haber BELLE [5] 140 4 16 - -
MONDO POP モンドポップ BICYCLE sugi & reo Sugi★kun [5] 150 5 16 - -
PARAPARA パラパラ ウルトラハイヒール~I JUST WANNA TELL YOU dj TAKA feat.ANGEL TAMAKO [5] 160 11 17 23 27
SOFT ROCK ソフトロック Homesick Pt.2&3 ORANGENOISE SHORTCUT RIE♥chan [5] 178 10 18 - -
SENTAI センタイ ビーマニ戦隊ポップンファイブ うた:石原慎一 さくし:RYO AKAGI TAKAYUKI [5] 172 6 19 23 -
JODLER ヨーデル LA LA LA LA YO-DEL DJ Simon CLARA [5] 156 7 19 24 26
ANIME HEROINE アニメヒロイン 魔法の扉(スペース🪐マコのテーマ) a.s.a SPACE🪐MACO [5] 184 9 20 23 -
MUSICAL ミュージカル ミュージカル"5丁目物語"より オーヴァチュア ナヤ~ン & His Orchestra HOTARU [5] 150 8 21 - -
HI-TENSION ハイテンション どうなっちゃったって チャーミングス LISA [5] 171 9 21 25 -
HEAVY ROCK ヘヴィロック INNOVATION Des-ROW FAT BOY [5] 170 12 26 - -
pop'n music 4 / pop'n music 4 CS
HORROR ホラー 妖怪Zの唄 ナヤ~ン・ブラザーズ・バンド Smile [4] 144 - 13 - -
J-TEKNO REMIX J−テクノREMIX Quick Master Millennium mix act deft/Millennium Project MZD [5-2P] 147 - 16 - -
DANCE REMIX ダンスREMIX Hi-Tekno Millennium mix Hi-Tekno/Millennium Project MZD [5] 140 - 18 - -
CLASSIC 4 クラシック4 Concertare Waldeus von Dövjak HAMANOV [CS1] 179 9 20 32 -
SPECIAL ENDING スペシャルエンディング Tap'n! Slap'n! Pop'n Music! Popper Head Rave girl [4] 140 - 20 - -
BRIT POP ブリットポップ Girls Riot Political Trees Donna [3-3P] 210 9 22 - -
POPS REMIX ポップスREMIX I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU ~僕らは完璧さ Single edit sugi & reo MZD [5] 142 - 24 - -
BONUS TRACK REMIX ボーナストラックREMIX すれちがう二人 Millennium mix aprésmidi/Millennium Project MZD [5] 143 - 29 - -
New CS songs
IDOL POP アイドルポップ ファーストステップ KAORI MOE [CS5] 137 3 6 22 -
CLASSIC 5 クラシック5 Step in Space Waldeus vön Dovjak HAMANOV [CS1] 150 4 7 26 30
BALLADE バラード Shooting Star 岡 めぐみ Rachel [CS5] 120 3 8 20 -
CIRCUIT サーキット Drivin' High Force083 Hayata [CS5] 180 4 9 - -
D.I.Y. ディーアイワイ 日曜大工 Waldeus von dovjak TOBY-S [CS5] 150 5 11 19 -
KG - Sweaty Guys ナメカワ・キミヲとザ・ハイターズ SUIT [CS5] 142 7 14 21 26
CRYSTAL クリスタル Escapes from your love 長沢ゆりか AGEHA [CS5] 115 6 14 - -
AOR - Harvest Moon 植松和俊 Paul [CS5] 112 8 15 23 -
from 魚人
スカイ それから パーキッツ Poet [4] 127 8 17 - -
PURE ピュア セイシュンing くまのきよみ nanako&soramame [CS5] 160 7 18 26 -
POWER FOLK 4 パワーフォーク4 SLOW DOWN 新堂敦士 Ash [5] 140 10 27 - -

Hidden Songs

Time Unlocks

New CS songs, previews for pop'n music 6, and arcade pop'n music 5 songs are unlocked via time release. Only time playing songs in ARCADE counts towards time.

Genre Genre (Japanese) Song Title Artist Character BPM 5LINE NORMAL HYPER EX
Unlocked after 2 hours (all songs are new CS songs)
NEWS ニュース Landmark NAKATEK BOY [CS1-4P] 130 5 14 - -
from beatmania APPEND GOTTAMIX2 ~Going Global~
キューバングルーブ サナ・モレッテ・ネ・エンテ Togo Project feat. Sana VANTAIN [CS5] 180 7 21 24 27
FUNK ROCK ファンクロック 熟れた花 ミッキー・マサシ SHARK [CS5] 125 8 21 - -
ハート Pink Rose Kiyommy+Seiya JUDY [5-2P] 146 7 18 - -
Unlocked after 2.5 hours (both songs from pop'n music 6)
EVER POP エヴァーポップ 2nd ADVENTURE Jimmy Weckl Higurashi [6] 115 2 8 17 -
TECHNO KAYO テクノカヨウ うるとら★ボーイ V.C.O. featuring Yuko Asai Pino [6] 150 4 12 21 -
Unlocked after 3 hours (both songs from pop'n music 6)
KIDOU SENSHI GUNDAM 機動戦士ガンダム 翔べ!ガンダム ミッキー・マサシ Nyami [TV&ANIME-GUNDAM] 142 5 11 25 -
LIGHT FUSION ライトフュージョン micro dream Mr.T KIKA [6] 110 7 15 19 26
Unlocked after 3.5 hours (both songs from pop'n music 6)
ONDO オンド ポップン音頭 高田香里 Pop'n All? Stars [6] 112 2 11 16 -
MODERNISM モダニズム 電波の暮らし Q-Mex feat.フレディー波多江 MEBAE [6] 142 5 13 20 -
Unlocked after 4 hours (both songs from pop'n music 6)
TAIYOU NI HOERO 太陽にほえろ 太陽にほえろのテーマ - Nyami [TV&ANIME-TAIYOU] 118 7 18 22 30
TRANCE トランス Foundation of our love dj TAKA feat.ASAKO TRAN [6] 140 8 19 28 -
Unlocked after 4.5 hours
POSITIVE REMIX ポジティブRemix Candy Blue~Vocal Best Version 浅井裕子 MZD [5] 96 - 19 - -
NEO ACO REMIX ネオアコRemix fly higher(than the stars) 2 STEP mix DJ Simon Reo★kun [5] 132 - 20 - -
Unlocked after 5 hours (both songs from pop'n music 6)
HIP ROCK ヒップロック 大見解 Des-ROW feat. TSUBOI for ALPHA [6] 143 13 20 29 -
SOUL ソウル Gotta Get My Groove On good-cool feat. Aundréa L.Hopkins Jessica [6] 110 3 22 26 -
Unlocked after 5.5 hours
GIRLY REMIX ガーリィRemix Love Is Strong To The Sky~V.B.-Remaster SAORI MZD [5] 120 - 22 - -
ENKA REMIX エンカRemix お江戸花吹雪 TEYAN-day MIX 高田香里 ReMIXed by SEIYA MZD [5-2P] 140 - 23 26 31
LESSON レッスン POP-STEP-UP SOUNDROID Mimi [5] 130 - 30 - -

EXtra STAGE unlocks

The following two songs can only be unlocked via EXtra STAGE in CHALLENGE MODE. They cannot be time released.

Genre Genre (Japanese) Song Title Artist Character BPM 5LINE NORMAL HYPER EX
EXtra STAGE unlocks
FRENCH POP J フレンチポップJ une fille dans la pluie 新谷さなえ SANAE♥chan [5] 140 - - - 18
POWER FOLK 3 パワーフォーク3 君が好きだよ~守って守ってあげるから 新堂敦士 Ash [5] 107 - - - 20

Unlock Information

Asiide from time unlocks, the hidden songs of pop'n music 5 CS (sans the two EXtra STAGE exclusives) can be unlocked early for FREE in the following ways.

pop'n music 5 arcade

All songs will appear on FINAL STAGE when their requirements are met.

    • get the last two digits MAX COMBO in STAGE 1 to be 55, 77, or 33. On STAGE 2, then have a MAX COMBO with 22, 88, or 33.
    • get the last digits of GREAT/GOOD/BAD on either of the first two STAGEs to be 0, 0, 0.
    • get the last digits of GREAT/GOOD/BAD on either of the first two STAGEs to be 5, 7, 3.
    • get a MAX COMBO of exactly 32 on STAGE 1, then on STAGE 2 get a MAX COMBO of 32 or more.
    • on STAGE 1, have your MAX COMBO end with a 3.
    • clear MONDO POP with 90,000 points or more.
    • Clear POWER ACO on STAGE 1 with 80,000 or more points, then clear NEO GS on STAGE 2 with more than 80,000 as well.
    • clear FRENCH POP with 85,000 or more points.
    • select a female character and on STAGE 1 clear a song with over 90,000 points. On your next round, clear a song with a female character on STAGE 2 with a MAX COMBO of 80 or more.
    • clear a song on HYPER on STAGE 1 with more than 90,000 points, and then clear a HYPER chart on STAGE 2 with less than 15 BADs.
    • get a MAX COMBO of 50 or more on STAGE 1, and then 70 or more in STAGE 2.

pop'n music 5 CS songs

  • NEWS: clear NEW AGE while playing as either SPACE🪐MACO [5], Sugi★kun [5], SUIT [CS5], or Smile [4]. It will then appear on STAGE 2.
  • HEART: play as RIE♥chan [5], and it will appear on STAGE 2.
  • CUBAN GROOVE: clear PERCUSSIVE on STAGE 1, and then CRYSTAL on STAGE 2. It will then appear on FINAL STAGE.
  • FUNK ROCK: play as FAT BOY [5], and clear ROCK OPERA on STAGE 2. It will then appear on FINAL STAGE.

pop'n music 6 preview songs

  • ONDO: get a score of over 240,000 in a round of PARTY. It will appear in STAGE 1 in your next round of ARCADE.
  • TECHNO KAYOU: get 260,000 or more points in a round of 5-LINE. It will appear in STAGE 1 in your next round of ARCADE.
  • EVER POP: clear an EX chart. It will appear in STAGE 1 in your next round of ARCADE.
  • MODERNISM (both methods will make the song appear in STAGE 1 in your next round of ARCADE):
    • clear STAGE 1 in ARCADE with less than 35,000 points.
    • do not have the number, 2, 4, or 9 appear in STAGE 1's GREAT/GOOD/BAD amount, or in MAX COMBO.
  • LIGHT FUSION (both methods will make the song appear in STAGE 2):
    • clear CIRCUIT on STAGE 1 with 90,000 points or more.
    • clear STAGE 1 with a MAX COMBO higher than 30, and with both numbers together totaling 10 (for example, a combo of 46).
  • TAIYOU (both methods will make the song appear in STAGE 2):
    • get a MAX COMBO of 110 or more on STAGE 1.
    • get 85,000 or more points on STAGE 1 while playing as SUIT [CS5].
  • SOUL: on your first two songs, get more GREATs than BADs, and more BADs than GOODs, without exceeding more than 40 GOODs. It will then appear on FINAL STAGE.
  • HIP ROCK: play as any male rival character, and get less than 10 BADs on your first two songs. It will then appear on FINAL STAGE.
  • TRANCE: play J-TEKNO 2 on STAGE 1 and clear the song with more than 80,000 points, and then play US DANCE POP on STAGE 2 and clear with more than 85,000 points with a MAX COMBO of 50 or more. It will then appear on FINAL STAGE. (If playing on 5-LINE, the stage requirements are reversed.)
  • GUNDAM (both methods will make the song appear in FINAL STAGE):
    • clear SENTAI with 85,000 points or more on STAGE 2.
    • select Smile [4] as your character, and on either of your first two stages, have the last two digits of GREAT/GOOD/BAD end with 79.

EX Charts

Earn the following point totals listed below in CHALLENGE to unlock the corresponding EX chart:

  • FRENCH POP J: 19, 39, 85, 87, or 88 points
  • POWER FOLK 3: 19, 85, 89, or 90 points
  • CLASSIC 5: 19 points
  • KG: 90 points
  • CUBAN GROOVE: 78 or 89 points
  • PERCUSSIVE: 78 points
  • PARAPARA: 53, 86, 88, or 90 points
  • JODLER: 62, 86, 87, or 89 points
  • ENKA REMIX: 53 or 86 points
  • LIGHT FUSION: 53, 62, or 87 points
  • TAIYOU: 88 points


The above songs can also be unlocked through codes entered at the title screen. Played songs will not be saved. The buttons correspond to the buttons on the pop'm music controller from left to right.

  • LESSON: 94781362
  • POSITIVE REMIX: 4466373721
  • NEO ACO REMIX: 222122222222213
  • GIRLY REMIX: 133131313122132
  • ENKA REMIX: 98968989687
  • ONDO: 28333
  • TECHNO KAYO: 1191191119
  • EVER POP: 999911112819
  • MODERNISM: 444422229999
  • LIGHT FUSION: 1977714
  • TAIYOU: 129889211199
  • SOUL: 446673286
  • HIP ROCK: 6666661
  • TRANCE: 12344329
  • GUNDAM: 3992
  • NEWS: 778866692233441
  • HEART: 2347646221288
  • CUBAN GROOVE: 43212468
  • FUNK ROCK: 3473479
  • Character Boy: 11994466
  • Character Sanae-chan (FRENCH POP J): 37373737
  • Character Shark: 39393939
  • Character Vantain: 29292929

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