GuitarFreaks & DrumMania |
Arcade Releases |
GF1st - GF2nd - dm1st - dm2nd - GF3rd GF4th dm3rd - GF5th dm4th - GF6th dm5th GF7th dm6th - GF8th dm7th (power-up ver.) GF9th dm8th - GF10th dm9th - GF11th dm10th GFDM V - GFDM V2 - GFDM V3 - GFDM V4 GFDM V5 - GFDM V6 - GFDM V7 - GFDM V8 GFDM XG - GFDM XG2 - GFDM XG3 GITADORA - OverDrive - Tri-Boost (Re:EVOLVE) Matixx - EXCHAIN - NEX+AGE - HIGH-VOLTAGE FUZZ-UP - GALAXY WAVE (DELTA) |
Console Releases |
GF1st - GF2nd APPEND - dm1st - GF3rd dm2nd GF4th dm3rd - GFDM V - MASTERPIECE SILVER GFDM V2 - MASTERPIECE GOLD - GFDM V3 |
PC Release |
Mobile Releases |
i-αppli (GF - DM) - GITADORA |
General Information / Changes
- Title: GuitarFreaks XG2 & DrumMania XG2: Groove to Live
- Release Date: March 9, 2011
- Location Test Dates: October 9-10 & 23-24, November 12-16 & 19-24, 2010, February 19, 2011
- Slogan: カラダで感じるGrooooooove!
- New songs: 67
- Total number of songs: 322 (Standard Mode)
- Released concurrently with GF/DM V8, featuring many songs found in GF/DM XG2 but retaining classic GF/DM play.
- Group Mode introduced.
- Information for licensed songs and covers appears once again on the official website. However, licensed songs do not have samples.
- First game since GF/DM V4 where 96 did not compose or perform in the initial Encore Stage.
- First game since introducing the Extra Rush system where the same composer composed the initial Extra Stage and Encore Stage (Mutsuhiko Izumi).
GROUP Information
Information available at the BEMANIwiki 2nd GF/DM XG2 GROUP page.
Live Points
After entering a group, Live Points may be earned while playing songs. Performing well on a song increases the number of points earned, while performing poorly decreases the number of points. A maximum of 300 points may be earned per song, and the point total is not dependent on difficulty tier, so a person playing on the NORMAL difficulty tier has the same chance of earning 300 points as a player on the EXPERT tier. Unlocks available through Live Points are listed further below.
Bonus points following a set may also be earned as follows:
- 20 points for playing a session with an additional person (i.e. two players on GF, or one on GF and one on DM)
- 50 points for playing a session with two additional people
- 50 points for completing a Cooperation Challenge
- 10 x n points for having played consecutive days, where n = the number of consecutive days played (maximum of 7)
As a group earns Live Points, the level of the group will increase and new Cooperation Challenges become available for the group. The levels and challenges are listed below:
- Level 1 (Group Level Start): PERFECT祭り, jubeat XG
- Level 2 (30000 Live Points): 別れなんてさみしくない!!, チャレンジ・チャレンジ
- Level 3 (60000 Live Points): MAXコンボマラソン, Groove to Live
- Level 4 (90000 Live Points): PERFECT祭り第二弾, 黒にゃぐわ
- Level 5 (120000 Live Points): ギタド乱ダム~新曲~, クロアゲハを探せ!!
- Level 6 (150000 Live Points): マックスエキサイティング, pop'n music XG
- Level 7 (180000 Live Points): Rank meister, ギタド乱ダム~旧曲~
- Level 8 (210000 Live Points): 音速の貴公子, 刹那に散りゆく花弁
- Level 9 (240000 Live Points): ギタド乱ダム~全曲~, 熱血BONUSノーツ (DM)/熱血Wailinger (GF)
- Level 10 (270000 Live Points): Trick or Treat, 史上最速王
Cooperation Challenges
Groups will also have the opportunity to complete Cooperation Challenges, which requires the group to complete certain criteria. If the criteria are met, new songs and/or skins become available for unlock. The challenges, requirements, and unlocks are listed below:
Group Level 1 Challenges
PERFECT祭り: Obtain a total of 25000 Perfects in DrumMania or 13000 Perfects in GuitarFreaks.
Unlocks: GLIDE (GF/DM V2)
jubeat XG: Obtain 50 clears on songs appearing in both jubeat and GF/DM XG (AREA 51, じょいふる, 全力少年, 空色デイズ, 天体観測, 凛として咲く花の如く, Fantasista, Icicles, My SunShine, Slang, Jailbreak).
Unlocks: jubeat Skin.
Group Level 2 Challenges
別れなんてさみしくない!!: Obtain 50 combined clears on the following songs: KISS ME GOODBYE!, I'm a loser , 嘘, さよなら僕自身, キミマチスカイ, 贈る言葉, 卒業.
Unlocks: To the IST (GF 8th MIX/dm 7th MIX)
チャレンジ・チャレンジ: (Untranslated)
Unlocks: MODEL DD4 (GF 9th MIX/dm 8th MIX).
Group Level 3 Challenges
MAXコンボマラソン: Obtain a total max combo (across all songs played) of 42195 for DrumMania or 21097 for GuitarFreaks.
Unlocks: CLASSIC PARTY 2 (GF 4th MIX/dm 3rd MIX)
Groove to Live: Obtain a total of 20000 Perfects in DrumMania or 10000 Perfects in GuitarFreaks.
Unlocks: Peridot Skin.
Group Level 4 Challenges
PERFECT祭り第二弾: Obtain a total of 35000 Perfects in DrumMania or 18000 Perfects in GuitarFreaks.
Unlocks: 鏡花水月楼 (GFDM EDITION) (GF/DM V5)
黒にゃぐわ: Obtain a total of 200 Perfects in DrumMania or GuitarFreaks while playing under the Nyaguwa skin.
Unlocks: Nyaguwa Skin.
Group Level 5 Challenges
ギタド乱ダム~新曲~: Clear 30 new songs through selecting Random Select.
Unlocks: LUCKY?STAFF (GF1)
クロアゲハを探せ!!: Earn a total achievement ratio of 2000.00.
Unlocks: Kuro-Ageha Skin.
Group Level 6 Challenges
マックスエキサイティング: Clear 50 songs with the Excite Gauge at maximum at the end of the song.
pop'n music XG: Obtain 30 clears on songs appearing in both pop'n music and GF/DM XG (JET WORLD, The Least 100sec, 子供の落書き帳, jet coaster☆girl, BRE∀K DOWN! (GF&DM STYLE), たまゆら, 三毛猫ロック, 月光蝶, 空言の海, ☆shining☆ (GF&dm style), こたつとみかん, El Dorado, 繚乱ヒットチャート, murmur twins (guitar pop ver.), 凛として咲く花の如く, 創聖のアクエリオン, キセキ, ブルーバード, じょいふる).
Unlocks: pop'n music Skin.
Group Level 7 Challenges
Rank meister: Earn a total of 250 points by grade, where SS = 6, S = 5... E = 0.
Unlocks: 哀愁のコリゴリラ (GF/DM V)
ギタド乱ダム~過去シリーズ曲~: Clear 30 songs from older games through selecting Random Select.
Unlocks: Retro Skin.
Group Level 8 Challenges
音速の貴公子: Complete songs with a combined total BPM of at least 5000. During this challenge, a variable scroll speed is forced.
Unlocks: One Phrase Blues (GF 7th MIX/dm 6th MIX)
刹那に散りゆく花弁: Clear songs with a combined 50000 notes in DrumMania or 30000 notes in GuitarFreaks.
Unlocks: Gothic Skin.
Group Level 9 Challenges
熱血BONUSノーツ (DM) / 熱血Wailinger (GF): Hit 200 bonus notes in DrumMania, or earn 200 wailing bonuses in GuitarFreaks. During this challenge, the 祭り Skin is forced.
Unlocks: 祭り (Matsuri) Skin.
ギタド乱ダム~過去シリーズ曲~: Clear 50 songs through selecting Random All.
Unlocks: Piece of History (GF/DM V5).
Group Level 10 Challenges
Trick or Treat: Earn a combined 150000 Points in DrumMania, or 80000 Points in GuitarFreaks, where Perfects = 5 points, Greats = 3 points, and Goods = 1 point. During this challenge, the Halloween skin is forced.
Unlocks: Halloween Skin.
史上最速王: Clear songs using a combined scroll speed of at least 200 across those songs. The scroll speed is rounded down and determined by the scroll speed at the point the song is selected.
Unlocks: 流氷の去りて (GF/DM V5).
Live Point Terms
Term 1 (3/9/2011-4/14/2011)
Individual Live Point Limit: 15000
Group Live Point Limit: 89999
Term 2 (4/15/2011-5/22/2011)
Individual Live Point Limit: 30000
Group Live Point Limit: 149999
Term 3 (5/23/2011-6/23/2011)
Individual Live Point Limit: 45000
Group Live Point Limit: 209999
Term 4 (6/24/2011-7/21/2011)
Individual Live Point Limit: 60000
Group Live Point Limit: 269999
Term 5 (7/22/2011-?)
Individual Live Point Limit: ?
Group Live Point Limit: ?
Staff Information
To be updated.
Full Song List
New Songs
Regular Songs
- Adrenaline / Thomas Howard Lichtenstein
- Big Wave / Atsuki
- Chance / Aimee Blackschleger
- drop / RYDER
- I can be!! / Hiromixxx
- Love Rox! / Takao Nagatani
- Pink Bird / 肥塚良彦
- Victory! / 達見恵 featured by 佐野宏晃
- ダイヤモンドロマンス / Twinkle☆Berry
- 衝動がえがいたどうしようもないストーリー / 2B-waves
- The 勇気 / ピンクターボ
Licensed Songs
- a:FANTASIA / Nightmare
- BEFORE I DECAY / the GazettE
- CROSSOVER / locofrank
- Fast Forward / MONKEY MAJIK
- アンマー / Kariyushi58
- バタフライ狂想曲 / THE UNIQUE STAR
- 虹の彼方 / Pirokalpin
- オアシス / PAN
- 卒業 / Gagaga SP
Licensed Covers
- chAngE / (Miwa)
- GOLD / (UVERworld)
- HIT IN THE USA / (Beat Crusaders)
- じょいふる / (Ikimono-Gakari)
- 君の知らない物語 / (supercell)
- 贈る言葉 / (FLOW)
- ポニーテールとシュシュ / (AKB48)
- つぐみ / (Spitz)
- ヴィーナスとジーザス / (Etsuko Yakushimaru)
- X-Plan / Tom-H@ck feat. Nadia
- 紫の月 / 阿部靖広 - Acquire 2500 Live Points.
- cosmic agenda / TOMOSUKE feat. Jazzin'park & frances maya - Acquire 15000 Live Points.
- 牛乳特急便 -まとめきれないRomantic style- / キャプテンメタル (4/15/2011) - Acquire 30000 Live Points.
- Spring Pain / seiya-murai feat. ALT (5/23/2011) - Acquire 32500 Live Points.
- 前髪 / さかもとえいぞう&劇団レコード (5/23/2011) - Acquire 45000 Live Points.
- ナキムシの凱旋 / PON (6/24/2011) - Acquire 60000 Live Points.
- Right on time (Ryu☆Remix) / Ryu☆ - Acquire 62500 Live Points.
- 百鬼夜行 / 96 - Acquire 75000 Live Points.
jubeat knit APPEND FESTIVAL Unlocks
- AREA 51 / 96 - Automatically available as of March 9, 2011.
- Jailbreak / Kozo Nakamura - Play AREA 51 on GF/DM XG2, then play Jailbreak on jubeat knit APPEND to unlock this song.
GF/DM XG2 Original Soundtrack 1st season Commemoration Unlocks
- 夢について TYPE B / 小野秀幸 feat. 96 (5/25/2011)
pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET Collaboration Unlocks
- 夢について TYPE C / 小野秀幸 feat. 岡本裕美 (6/8/2011)
SUMMER FESTA Unlocks (8/15/2011-8/29/2011)
- イバラノミチ / DAIHEI
- たからもの / セリカ&エリカ
- Adverse Criticism / 浅田 靖
- 優勢オーバードーズ / PON
- gloom / w/Akino
- Spiral Wind / Mutsuhiko Izumi
- no way... / colors
- 黒髪乱れし修羅となりて / 村正クオリア
- Come Back Alive / AIKO OI
- Around 40 / good-cool ft. すわひでお
- Sacred Oath (GFDM EDITION) / TЁЯRA
- 明鏡止水 - Stop The Fire Mix / Sota Fujimori feat. Mutsuhiko Izumi
- 行き過ぎて後に / あさき
Future Unlocks
Revival Songs
- MODEL DD8 / Mutsuhiko Izumi feat. Marty Friedman - Acquire 7500 Live Points.
- Hypnotica / Naoki Maeda - Acquire 11250 Live Points.
- にゃんだふる55 (4/15/2011) - Acquire 17500 Live Points.
- CARNIVAL DAY / Paula Terry & Fu Fu's (4/15/2011) - Acquire 22500 Live Points.
- Green Lime / 肥塚良彦 (4/15/2011) - Acquire 26000 Live Points.
- FIREBALL / Sweet little 30's (5/23/2011)
- Desert Rose / Kozo Nakamura (5/23/2011) - Acquire 41250 Live Points.
- ancient breeze / 小野秀幸 (6/24/2011)
- SAY WHAT YOU MEAN / Monaural Heads (6/24/2011)
- Orbital Velocity / Jimmy Weckl (6/24/2011)
- MODEL DD6 / Mutsuhiko Izumi (7/22/2011)
- Destiny lovers / くにたけ みゆき (7/22/2011)
Cooperation Challenge Unlocks
- CLASSIC PARTY 2 / 小野秀幸 - Clear the MAXコンボマラソン (MAX Combo Marathon) Cooperation Challenge.
- GLIDE / TЁЯRA - Clear the PERFECT祭り (PERFECT Celebration) Cooperation Challenge.
- MODEL DD4 / Mutsuhiko Izumi - Clear the チャレンジ・チャレンジ (Challenge Challenge) Cooperation Challenge.
- To the IST / Glancer - Clear the 別れなんてさみしくない!! Cooperation Challenge.
- LUCKY?STAFF / 泉 陸奥彦 (4/15/2011) - Clear the ギタド乱ダム~新曲~ (Gitado Random ~New Tune~) Cooperation Challenge.
- 鏡花水月楼(GFDM EDITION) / TЁЯRA feat. 宇宙戦隊NOIZ (4/15/2011) - Clear the PERFECT祭り 第二弾 (PERFECT Celebration 2nd Feature) Cooperation Challenge.
- HEAVEN'S COCKTAIL / 高野治幸&NEW BIG 5 (5/23/2011) - Clear the マックスエキサイティング (Max Exciting) Cooperation Challenge.
- 哀愁のコリゴリラ / ハンサムジェットプロジェクト feat. みずしな孝之 (5/23/2011) - Clear the Rank meister Cooperation Challenge.
- One Phrase Blues / 小野秀幸 (6/24/2011) - Clear the 音速の貴公子 Cooperation Challenge.
- Piece of History / TAG (6/24/2011) - Clear the ギタド乱ダム~全曲~ Cooperation Challenge.
- 流氷の去りて / あさき (7/22/2011)
- Happy man / 泉 陸奥彦 (7/22/2011)
GROUP Wai-Wai Campaign Unlocks (5/23/2011-6/20/2011)
4-Member Group Unlocks
- Reaching for the Stars / serena
- Swimming In Love / ナツキ
- Yellow Panic Time / 肥塚良彦
7-Member Group Unlocks
10-Member Group Unlocks
GROUP Competition #1 Unlocks (7/1/2011-7/21/2011)
- 777 / EeL
- 極東史記 / あさき
- Black horizon / Trick Trap
GROUP Competition #2 Unlocks
Removed Songs
The following GF/DM XG songs have been removed from GF/DM XG2:
Standard & Classic Mode
Song Title | Artist | GF/DM XG Folder |
STILL OF THE NIGHT | (Whitesnake) | GF3/dm2 |
Home Girl | (THE☆SCANTY) | GF8/dm7 |
愛のために。 | (Aya Ueto) | GF/DM V2 |
BLACK NIGHT | (Deep Purple) | GF/DM V4 |
PARANOID | (Black Sabbath) | GF/DM V4 |
Rock And Roll All Nite | (KISS) | GF/DM V4 |
魔法のコトバ | (Spitz) | GF/DM V4 |
ツヨクツヨク | (mihimaru GT) | GF/DM V4 |
20th Century Boy | (T.Rex) | GF/DM V6 |
Classic Mode Only
Song Title | Artist | GF/DM XG Folder |
MOVE OVER | (Janis Joplin) | GF3/dm2 |
Mister magic | Thomas Howard Lichtenstein | GF6/dm5 |
Show Business | (Cymbals) | GF9/dm8 |
ベイサイドベイビー | (Hysteric Blue) | GF9/dm8 |
PIPELINE | (The Ventures) | GF10/dm9 |
焼け野が原 | (Cocco) | GF10/dm9 |
AHD | (MOTS) | GF11/dm10 |
GET GOING | (DONOTS) | GF11/dm10 |
Puzzle | 樽木栄一郎 | GF11/dm10 |
RALLY | (Cymbals) | GF11/dm10 |
花火 | (aiko) | GF11/dm10 |
Misirlou | (The Surf Coasters) | GF/DM V |
Blood And Thunder | MASTODON | GF/DM V2 |
LOLITA LET'S(ラ)GO!GO!!GO!!! | Lolita No.18 | GF/DM V2 |
Metal Queen | Vanilla Ninja | GF/DM V2 |
星のカケラ | Yum!Yum!ORANGE | GF/DM V2 |
完全な命 | PAN | GF/DM V2 |
渚のGO-GO GIRL!! | The DO-Nut's | GF/DM V3 |
Long Live Rock'N'Roll | (RAINBOW) | GF/DM V4 |
A Blast Beat | Dune | GF/DM V5 |
starlike stereo | winnie | GF/DM V5 |
Odio Odio Odio Sorry C | CSS | GF/DM V6 |
Difficulty Changes
The following songs have received new ratings since their last appearance in GF/DM XG:
Song Title | Folder | Drums | Guitar | Bass | |||||||||
Novice | Regular | Expert | Master | Novice | Regular | Expert | Master | Novice | Regular | Expert | Master | ||
COSMIC COWGIRL | GF3/dm2 | 2.90→3.40 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
I'm a loser | GF9/dm8 | - | - | 5.05→6.20 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
ヒマワリ | GF10/dm9 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 6.90→6.60 | - | - | - | - | - |
Panasonic Youth | GF/DM V | - | - | 6.60→6.70 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
ZЁNITH | GF/DM V3 | - | - | 5.80→7.00 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
一網打尽 | GF/DM V4 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 9.70→9.75 | - | - | - | - |
ゴーイング マイ ウェイ! | GF/DM V5 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 9.00→8.90 | - | - | - | - | - |
Red | GF/DM V6 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 6.70→6.90 | - | - | - | - | - |
Vampire Killer | GF/DM V6 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 6.80→6.90 | - | - | - | - | - |
CALAMITY PHOENIX | GF/DM XG | - | - | - | - | - | - | 7.80→7.60 | 8.60→7.90 | - | - | - | - |
KAISER PHOENIX | GF/DM XG | - | - | - | - | - | - | 7.00→7.30 | - | - | - | - | - |
クリーンクリーン | GF/DM XG | - | - | 7.00→7.30 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
天庭 おとこのこ編 | GF/DM XG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 9.72→9.75 | - | - | - | 9.75→9.80 |
嘘 | GF/DM XG | - | 3.60→3.80 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Extra Rush Information
Extra/Encore Stage Requirements
- Extra Stage: Obtain a net total of 0 points over a playthrough, where for a given song:
- SS = 3 points, S = 1 point, A = -1 point, B = -3 points, C = -5 points, D = -7 points, E = -9 points.
When accessed, an Extra Stage-specific song may be played in addition to any song on the regular songlist.
- Encore Stage: Obtain 95.00 achievement ratio (95% Perfects on Classic Mode) on an Extra Stage-specific song (marked in red on the songlist) without using any Auto modes. When accessed, the Encore Stage (and only the Encore Stage) will be made playable up to the highest difficulty level played on Extra Stage.
- Exceptions: Obtain 85.00 achievement ratio on 万華鏡 to play Fairy Tales, and 90.00 achievement ratio on Lepton to play DAWN.
Extra Rush Stages
GF/DM XG2 is currently at Extra Level 10 as of 8/12/2011.
- Einherjar / 植松伸夫とわんにゃんパニックス (Nobuo Uematsu & Wannyan Panics: Zektbach, 閣下, and Hideyuki Ono) (Extra Level 1-2 Extra Stage)
- blue moon / Mutsuhiko Izumi (Extra Level 1-4 Extra Stage)
- Chinese Snowy Dance / Mutsuhiko Izumi (Extra Level 1 Encore Stage / Extra Level 2-6 Extra Stage)
- MARTIAL ARTS / (Royal Hunt) (Extra Level 2-3 Encore Stage / Extra Level 4-8 Extra Stage)
- SIX DIMENSION / 96 (Extra Level 4-5 Encore Stage / Extra Level 6-10 Extra Stage)
- Illuminati ~光を求める者たち~ / Dear Breeze Studio (Extra Level 6-7 Encore Stage / Extra Level 8-10 Extra Stage)
- ゲームより愛を込めて / 小林信一 (Extra Level 8-9 Encore Stage / Extra Level 10 Extra Stage)
- 幻想雷神記 / 98 (Extra Level 10 Encore Stage)
Group Wai-Wai Campaign Extra Rush Stages (5/23/2011-6/20/2011)
All songs unlocked into Standard mode as of 6/24/2011.
4-Member Group Stages
- 万華鏡 / Jimmy Weckl (Extra Stage)
- Fairy Tales / Mutsuhiko Izumi (Encore Stage)
7-Member Group Stages
Unlocking Extra Rush Stages
Before reaching a designated Extra Level, the Extra Rush Stages may be unlocked into Standard play by obtaining a specific achievement ratio (Perfect% on Classic Mode) on the song. These percentages are listed below:
Extra Level 1 (3/9/2011)
Einherjar: 95.00
blue moon: 98.00
Extra Level 2 (4/15/2011)
Einherjar: 90.00
blue moon: 95.00
Chinese Snowy Dance: 98.00
Extra Level 3-4 (4/22/2011)
- Einherjar unlocked into Standard mode.
blue moon: 90.00
Chinese Snowy Dance: 95.00
Extra Level 5-6 (5/27/2011)
- blue moon unlocked into Standard mode.
Chinese Snowy Dance: 90.00
Extra Level 7-8 (6/24/2011)
- Chinese Snowy Dance unlocked into Standard mode.
Illuminati ~光を求める者たち~: 98.00
Extra Level 9-10 (7/22/2011)
- MARTIAL ARTS unlocked into Standard mode.
Illuminati ~光を求める者たち~: 95.00
ゲームより愛を込めて: 98.00
Related Links
- GuitarFreaks XG2 & DrumMania XG2 Official Website (Japanese)
- GuitarFreaks XG2 Product Page (Japanese)
- DrumMania XG2 Product Page (Japanese)
- BEMANIwiki GuitarFreaks XG2 & DrumMania XG2 Page (Japanese)