
Character Information
- Japanese: ニャミ
- Gender: Female
- Birthdate: February 8th
- Birthplace: Japan
- Age: Unknown
- Hobbies: Going to amusement parks, playing with others, talking
- Likes: Roller coasters, darling
- Dislikes: Coffee, getting drunk
- Voice actress: Marina Goto (後藤真里奈) (pop'n music portable 2, pop'n music ラピストリア, pop'n music éclale)
- First Appearance: pop'n music
Character Description
Nyami is one of the two mascots of the pop'n music franchise, along with her best friend Mimi. The two look almost exactly the same aside from their species - Nyami is a cat, while Mimi is a rabbit. The two are the only characters to appear with new sprites in every core pop'n music game, including CS-only installments pop'n music Best Hits!, pop'n music portable, and うたっち, as well as the spin-off arcade game pop'n stage.
In comparison to Mimi, Nyami (usually) dresses in more boyish attire, especially when it comes to her appearances in covers of anime licenses. This isn't always true, though.
Song Appearances
Below is a list of songs Nyami appears in the song as a rival, or cameos in a rival's song. This does not list appearances in games where she was a player character.
pop'n music 2 CS
- Theme of staff roll~special mix~ - along with Mimi as POPPERS
pop'n stage
pop'n music 5
pop'n music 6
- 走りぬける君へ、Hurry up! - cameo on Timer's WIN animation
- ポップン音頭 - cameo; featured on the banner and the FEVER animation, the latter with the KING
- サザエさん一家
- 笑点テーマ
- 太陽にほえろのテーマ
- 翔べ!ガンダム
- テレビ映画「吉宗評判記暴れん坊将軍」BGM
- よあけの道
pop'n music 7
- BITTER SWEET SAMBA - along with Mimi as DJ Mimi Nyami
- 薔薇は美しく散る
- ラムのラブソング
pop'n music 8
- 100sec. Kitchen Battle!! (2P)
- pure - cameo in Ryuta's GOOD and FEVER WIN animations
- みなしごハッチ
- 釈迦 - cameo in Mimi's LOSE animation
- 宇宙刑事ギャバン
- 渡る世間は鬼ばかり オープニングテーマ
pop'n music 9
- コンピューターおばあちゃん - cameo in Alt's animations, along with Mimi
- ホネホネロック - as hone nyami
- 新オバケのQ太郎
pop'n music 10
- DDR MEGAMIX - cameo on AFRO's LOSE animation
- Pop'n Xmas 2004 ~天使ノウタゴエ~ - CS song, cameo
- Sea Side City (with Mimi as POPPERS) - recycled sprite from Theme of staff roll~special mix~
- デビルマンの歌
- きてよパーマン
- レッツゴー!!ライダーキック
- マジンガーZ
- にんげんっていいな
- おしえて - cameo on Mimi's WIN animation
- ペガサス幻想
- ウキウキWATCHING - alongside Mimi with 風尾課長
- "Princess Piccolo" (2P)
pop'n music 11
- Hong kong magic - sprite recycled from PROJECT A PROCEEDS
- Tank!
- ムーンライト伝説 - cameo in the LOSE animation
- おれはジャイアンさまだ!
- 天才バカボン
- とんちんかんちん一休さん
pop'n music 12 いろは
- 「名探偵コナン」メイン・テーマ
- オラはにんきもの
- Pop'n Xmas 2004 ~電子ノウタゴエ~ - recycled animation from Pop'n Xmas 2004 ~天使ノウタゴエ~
- 世にも奇妙な物語メインタイトル - cameo in the LOSE animation
pop'n music 13 カーニバル
- 摩訶不思議アドベンチャー
- ポップンカーニバルマーチ (2P)
- セイント★セイジのうた - CS song, cameo with Mimi
pop'n music 14 FEVER!
- BREAK THROUGH THE DREAM - CS song, along with Mimi
- おどるポンポコリン
- ゆずれない願い - CS song
pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE
- ポップン大冒険メドレー
- スーパーモグー - cameo in the LOSE animation, alongside Mimi
- ウィーアー!
pop'n music 16 PARTY♪
- Climax Jump pop'n form - recycled sprite from レッツゴー!! ライダーキック.
- Have a good dream.
- みずうみの記憶 - cameo in the WIN/LOSE animations with Mimi
- UNLIMITED - cameo on Timer's WIN animation
pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE
- Le départ à L'Alpe-d'Huez - cameo in LOSE animation
- Stardust Wanderers
pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝
- 西軍||∴⊂SEKIGAHARA⊃∴||東軍 (2P)
- すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 - with Mimi
pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET
- BabeL ~roof garden~ - cameo with Mimi
- DRAGON SOUL - sprite recycled from CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA
- ~Timeless~ - cameo in WIN animation
- 探検ノート
pop'n music 20 fantasia
- HEAT-BIT-HIT-BEAT - with Mimi as mimi nyami sei-jin
- コネクト - sprite recycled from ゆずれない願い
- 荒城メランコリー - cameo on the LOSE animation, alongside Mimi
- そして世界は音楽に満ちた - along with Mimi as Mimi Nyami
pop'n music Sunny Park
- coffee break - cameo with Mimi on the banner, as well as the song's idle and MISS animations
- spring pony - cameo with Mimi on Roly-Pony's WIN and FEVER WIN animations
- 生命の環を紡いで - cameo in Flora's FEVER animation
pop'n music ラピストリア
- Anelis - cameo in Lapistoria's animations
- Harmonia - cameo in Lapistoria's animations
- 夏色DIARY(Yu-yake Style) (2P)
pop'n music éclale
- Good bye, Summer~さよならは言わない~ (2P) - 3P color
- ON-DO (cameo in FEVER WIN animation)
- 僕の気持ちを描く (2P)
- はなまるぴっぴはよいこだけ - recycled sprite from 天才バカボン
- はんなり京小町 - cameo on the LOSE animation, alongside Mimi
- 全力バタンキュー - recycled sprite from 天才バカボン
pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢
- Be a Hero! (2P)
- No NAME Colors (2P) - 3P color
- 君氏危うくも近うよれ - recycled sprite from 天才バカボン
- まぼろしウインク - recycled sprite from 天才バカボン
- 夢を絆ぐ亜麻色 (2P)
pop'n music peace
- 50th Memorial Songs -Beginning Story-
- 50th Memorial Songs -Flagship medley- (2P)
- 50th Memorial Songs -The BEMANI History- (2P)
- 50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~-
- Catch Our Fire! (2P) - 3P color
- Invisible Farewell - cameo in WIN animation
- PM is Here! (2P)
- ボタン - 2P version of her pop'n music 6 sprite
- ラブキラ☆スプラッシュ - 2P color
- ミッドナイト☆WAR (2P)
- 西馬込交通曲 - cameo on the WIN, FEVER WIN, and LOSE animation, alongside Mimi
- おめでとう!おたんじょうび (2P) - 1P version of her pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ sprite, replacing her original pop'n music sprite used in pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢
- ランカーキラーガール (2P)
- さよならのうた - 4P color
pop'n music 解明リドルズ
- 世界の果てに約束の凱歌を - with Mimi, as Mimi Nyami
- 世界の果てに約束の凱歌を-pop'n ver.-
pop'n music UniLab
- F/S - cameo on the LOSE animation, alongside Mimi
- 強風オールバック - recycled sprite from おどるポンポコリン
- ラブケミ (2P)
- パーフェクトイーター (1P)
pop'n music GB
- Sea Side City - 1P version of her original pop'n music sprite. Replaced in pop'n music 10 by POPPERS [CS2-1P]
- 三毛猫ロック - recycled sprite from ホネホネロック
- 説 - recycled sprite from 笑点テーマ. Replaced in pop'n music 14 FEVER! by YODO-DOZEN [12-2P]
- そっと。 - 2P color of Nyami from pop'n music 6
ee'MALL 2nd avenue
- 777 (1P)
- Charismatic (1P)
- I Want It All - jacket only, with Mimi
- Dragon Soul (2P)
- smooooch・∀・ (1P)
- 崖の上のポニョ - cameo in jacket
- じょいふる (2P)
- にゃんだふる55 marble version (1P)
- サヨナラ*ヘヴン (2P)
- うるとらボーイ (1P)
- "Nya" is the Japanese word for what a cat makes, hence her name.
- Whether or not Mimi and Nyami have tails is a "secret", according to a Popper's Lounge interview on the official pop'n music site [1].
- Despite being in every game, Nyami didn't get her own specific song until pop'n music 5's 昇りつめるの. Her first appearance as a rival in an arcade song, though, was A LOVE WE NEVER KNEW in spin-off game pop'n stage, which she shared along with Mimi. Before that, she along with Mimi appeared together as POPPERS in the pop'n music 2 CS song Theme of staff roll~special mix~.
- Mimi, Nyami, and MZD (with their pop'n music 2 designs) appear in a generic video for Double Play in early beatmania IIDX titles.
- Nyami appears as a playable character in the Game Boy Advance game Konami Wai Wai Racing Advance/Konami Krazy Racers, alongside the KING, who appears as a hidden character.
- Nyami and Mimi appear in the 10th episode of the TV drama Proposal Daisakusen (プロポーズ大作戦).
- Nyami and Mimi appear in KONAMI's arcade game THE★BishiBashi.
- Nyami's pop'n music 13 design appears as an unlockable outfit in KONAMI's Xbox 360 game RUMBLE ROSES XX.
- Nyami appears as a mask in ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom for songs from pop'n music.
- Nyami and Mimi appear in KONAMI's Wii game Elebits, on Mission 26.
- Nyami is a playable character in KONAMI's Super Bomberman R.
- Nyami appears in the jacket for ANNIVERSARY ∴∵∴ ←↓↑→.
- Nyami and Mimi (in their pop'n music 3 designs) appear as summonable characters in Hirameki Puzzle: Maxwell no Fushigi na Note (ヒラメキパズル マックスウェルの不思議なノート), the Japanese release of Nintendo DS game Scribblenauts, alongside various other KONAMI characters. Both were also present on the Japanese release of its sequel, Super Scribblenauts.
pop'n music Characters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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