CS jb plus

Revision as of 08:33, 28 December 2011 by Morning Blue (talk | contribs)
Arcade Releases
jubeat - ripples (APPEND) - knit (APPEND)
copious (APPEND) - saucer (fulfill)
prop - Qubell - clan - festo - Ave. (beyond the Ave.)
Foreign Arcade Releases
乐动魔方 - 乐动魔方 2代 - 乐动魔方 全国对战版
Consumer Releases
jubeat mobile - 2
jubeat plus (Android) - jukebeat - jubeat (2021)

General Information

jubeat plus is the second mobile installment of the Jubeat series, and the first for Apple's iOS. The game was announced at Tokyo Game Show 2010. A version for the iPad was released on November 8, 2010, while a (presumably separate) release for iPhone and iPod Touch users will follow in Winter 2010. The game is currently available as a free download from the Japanese iTunes store. Downloadable packs cost 450 yen.



music pack 01 (11/8/2010)

music pack 02 (11/8/2010)

music pack 03 (11/8/2010)

Ninjaman Japan pack (11/8/2010)

High Tension Ghibli pack (11/8/2010)

music pack 04 (11/21/2010)

music pack 05 (11/21/2010)

music pack 06 (11/21/2010)

music pack 07 (11/21/2010)

music pack 08 (12/10/2010)

music pack 09 (12/10/2010)

music pack 10 (1/13/2011)

music pack 11 (1/13/2011)

music pack 12 (2/10/2011)

music pack 13 (2/10/2011)

music pack 14 (2/22/2011)

music pack 15 (2/22/2011)

SuG pack (3/12/2011)

music pack 16 (3/26/2011)

music pack 17 (3/26/2011)

ET-KING pack (3/26/2011)

music pack 18 (4/15/2011)

music pack 19 (4/15/2011)

DaisyxDaisy pack (5/5/2011)

music pack 20 (5/27/2011)

music pack 21 (5/27/2011)

Biju☆Love☆ pack (6/7/2011)

Jazztronik pack (6/10/2011)

music pack 22 (6/25/2011)

music pack 23 (6/25/2011)

Plazma pack (7/8/2011)

High Tension Ghibli pack 2 (7/8/2011)

music pack 24 (7/27/2011)

Shiho Nanba pack (7/27/2011)

music pack 25 (8/24/2011)

Golden Bomber pack (8/24/2011)

Che'Nelle pack (9/8/2011)

mihimaru GT pack (9/21/2011)

REFLEC BEAT pack (9/27/2011)

LAST ALLIANCE pack (9/27/2011)

Watarirouka Hashiritai pack (9/30/2011)

LM.C pack (10/28/2011)

Yumekui Merry pack (11/4/2011)

NACANO pack (11/15/2011)

copious pack 01 (11/23/2011)

OGRE YOU ASSHOLE pack (11/23/2011)

Sweet Licious pack (11/23/2011)

eufonious pack (12/8/2011)

copious pack 02 (12/8/2011)

Rainbow☆Rainbow pack (12/30/2011)

All songs on this pack are composed by Ryu☆.

BLOOD STAIN CHILD pack (12/30/2011)

External Links