pop'n music 12 いろは

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pop'n music arcade releases
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER!
15 ADVENTURE - 16 PARTY♪ - 17 THE MOVIE - 18 せんごく列伝
19 TUNE STREET - 20 fantasia - Sunny Park - ラピストリア - éclale
うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - peace - 解明リドルズ - UniLab - Jam&Fizz
アニメロ - アニメロ2号 - MICKEY TUNES - HELLO! (North America)

pop'n music 12 いろは

Release Information


  • Release date: December 8th, 2004.
  • Hardware: BEMANI Python 1

General Information / Changes

  • NET対戦モード (NET Taisen Mode) makes its first appearance, in which you battle two opponents online for the highest score, using modifiers to throw each other off.
  • First pop'n music game to show you your best score in a song before playing it.
  • First pop'n music game to have preview music clips for songs.
  • beatmania IIDX composers DJ Yoshitaka, Akira Yamaoka, and Ryu☆ make their pop'n music debuts, as does GuitarFreaks & DrumMania music composer Yoshihiko Koezuka.
  • Reiji Sakurai, a recent singer under Konami's music label back in 2004, makes his BEMANI debut in this game.
  • Last BEMANI game to feature new original songs from Hiroshi Takeyasu and Tomonori Ikeda.
  • All Atsushi Shindo songs have been removed.
  • One of the very few pop'n music arcade games to not have any difficulty changes for any of the arcade originals from the previous game.
  • eAMUSEMENT support for pop'n music 12 いろは ended on October 31st, 2005.
  • Theme: Japan, holidays (unlock system)
  • Total songs: 474

Staff Information

Full Song List

New Songs

Default Songs

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
CRAYON SHIN-CHAN オラはにんきもの のはらしんのすけ 164 Nyami [TV&ANIME-SHIN-CHAN] 8 8 24 - 14 19
CREAMY デリケートに好きして 秋葉レイ 141 Mimi [TV&ANIME-CREAMY] 5 9 17 34 9 12
DRAGON BALL Z CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA 影山ヒロノブ 155 Nyami [TV&ANIME-DBZ] 6 7 25 34 8 20
KIMYOU 世にも奇妙な物語メインタイトル ♪♪♪♪♪ 56-128 Mimi [TV&ANIME-KIMYOU] 6 10 26 - 10 14
EVA 残酷な天使のテーゼ 高橋洋子 79-128 Mimi [TV&ANIME-EVA] 5 12 23 31 6 12
MEITANTEI CONAN 「名探偵コナン」メイン・テーマ ♪♪♪♪♪ 134 Nyami [TV&ANIME-CONAN] 6 15 24 32 8 13
BUBBLE BATH GIRL バブルバスガール three berry icecream 145 Mimi [TV&ANIME-BUBBLE BATH GIRL] 10 14 23 33 17 32
KONAMI originals
ASIAN CONCERTO 鳳凰 菜楊 74 TangTang 11 13 28 37 13 26
KIDS MARCH space merry-go-round dormir 74-157 BERRY 7 11 27 - 6 13
KOTO FUSION 琴古都 Jimmy Weckl 120 CHIZURU 6 14 30 - 17 23
PROPOSE ふたりのマニフェスト 肥塚良彦 148 Mamoru-kun 8 15 24 32 10 18
HYPER JAPANESQUE 夢幻ノ光 TËЯRA 171 KIKYO [12] 9 12 32 38 14 33
A CAPELLA MAGICAL VOICE SHOWER ウッチーズ 120 ドミー&ソラー 11 13 23 32 10 19
from あしたになあれ
恋する東京 パーキッツ 125 HANAO 10 16 21 31 11 -
MESSAGE SONG MY よしくん荒牧陽子さん 85-170 MELL [12] 12 12 29 38 12 22
BLUES ROCK Just you wait! heap 130 PATTY [12] 8 17 29 - 12 -
HEALING DUO home. 秋桜 + WORLD SEQUENCE 110 Nazuna&Suzuna 9 15 25 32 12 17
ONSEN SONG remixed NICE GUY 人 200 NICE GUY 10 16 25 31 13 23
POSI ACO New days ko-saku 128 MAKOTO [12] 11 18 24 31 10 14
RYUSEI RAVE 流星☆ハニー 新谷あきら 148 Ryusei☆Honey 10 17 35 - 18 26
DYNAMITE SOUL 1クールの男 マキ 137 SUMIKO'73 [12] 15 18 24 33 12 18
K-DANCE 夢見る少女 dimitoricTiger from seoul 144 YON 15 19 29 36 12 15
ROCKBILLY ススメ! 少年!! TAISHO 274 マッスル増田 12 18 35 40 14 18
from Righty Right?
カリスマ (ゲームサイズ) F.size.free 120 HAJIME [12] 17 23 33 39 18 21
VIVID For Dear~ 桜井零士 166-188 EITO 16 21 35 41 18 21
BIWA-GATARI 涙雨物語 すわひでお/古川竜也 156 SASUGA MOGAMI 14 22 27 34 12 21
FLOW BEAT CURUS D-crew 184-188 flow flow 17 25 36 40 18 26
J-ROCK φ Looking for... colors 209 Justice★ 18 24 32 39 20 30
HIP ROCK 3 雪上断火 Des-ROW 105-180 [12] 18 26 37 42 20 32
Hidden Songs
GOEMON がんばれゴエモンメドレー かまあげうどん 113-190 GOEMON 13 14 27 35 16 21
SHOWTIME Ska Ska No.4 亜熱帯マジ-SKA爆弾 60-180 HONE [12] 12 15 28 34 13 28
CYBER GAGAKU Vairocana 五条式改 145-290 WAKA-san [12] 12 20 36 41 14 30

pop'n hiden ninpouchou (ポップン秘伝忍法帖) feat. Ninja Hero Shinobian / Ninja Heroine Shinobianko

pop'n music 12's unlocking systems involves Shinobian, first seen in pop'n music 8 (the song NINJA HERO even plays in the background). The unlock system is very simple: play through any mode in the arcade, and you will rank up Ninja Points. Shinobian will try to throw his shriuken on one of several scrolls under a small time limit. All you have to do is simply press the Red button at the time one of the 4 scrolls passes by the screen, each representing a different season: spring, summer, fall, and winter. Once you hit a scroll, you'll see a picture slowly unroll from that scroll. Once it unrolls all the way, you unlock that song. Be careful not to hit a brown scroll: you get absolutely nothing if you do.

About halfway through Shinobian will be replaced by Shinobianko, the female ninja from NINJA HEROINE via a special scroll. The music will also change to that of her theme though the unlocking system doesn't change when you get her. Once you fully complete the spring, summer, fall, and winter scrolls, one final, black scroll will pop up: hit that and fully unravel it to unlock HELL 12. You'll also unlock all the EXs for the songs new to Iroha once you do. The unlocking system event lasted from March 2nd, 2005 to April 13th, 2005 in Japan, both times at 3:00 P.M.

Songs are listed in unlock order by season.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
pop'n hiden ninpouchou (ポップン秘伝忍法帖)
Haru (春)
HINAMATSURI La Peche du Pierrot Q-Mex 67-140 MEBAE [12] 7 15 27 - 14 19
from DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME
GRADUATION ~それぞれの明日~ BeForU 125 おしゃれずきん[12] 5 13 26 - 10 18
11 25 35 39 20 34
Citta' del sole Q-mex 140 CECIL [12] 10 21 29 35 13 15
from pop'n music 9 CS
うぐいす パーキッツ 160 Poet [7-1P] 9 15 27 35 16 23
from pop'n music 9 CS
redraw lots マロンちゃん 70-180 TOBY-S [CS9] 8 16 30 35 20 32
Natsu (夏)
UFO TECHNO Far e@st network dj nagureo 137 PAL [12] 14 18 24 30 18 24
TANABATA 白いとび羽根 ミシュカ 67-140 SARASA 12 14 26 33 20 -
BEACH Into The Light good-cool feat.CHICO 130 AYA [12] 8 16 28 - 12 -
HAPPY CUTECORE starmine (pop'n mixxx) Ryu☆ 174 TRAN [12] 11 17 32 38 15 26
from pop'n music 8 CS
rings on the water PEACH TREES 83-100 Ruri [CS8] 5 8 22 - 10 18
from pop'n music 9 CS
Ping Pong Boogie School 105-220 HOSHIO 8 16 28 34 12 27
Aki (秋)
from beatmania CORE REMIX
KOUYOU youhei 118 SHOLLKEE [12] 5 8 18 28 5 13
Klungkung 1655 simon 180 USAO-kun [12] 11 15 27 37 21 23
KEI-ROW PUNK 進め!爺ちゃん! ジュースアクターズ 89-356 MAGOJIROU 10 22 38 42 16 32
HALLOWEEN Trick or Treat! Three Little Evils 74-170 Smile [12] 9 20 28 34 18 22
from pop'n music 9 CS
もりへいこうよ もりのおんがくたい 130 pretty [CSBH] 10 15 24 - 13 18
from pop'n music 9 CS
Hell? or Heaven? Waldeus vön Dovjak 25-680 HAMANOV [CS1-1P] 12 23 35 43 19 37
Fuyu (冬)
from GUITARFREAKS 11thMIX & drummania 10thMIX
こたつとみかん ピンクカプセル 165 MILK [12] 10 17 30 - 14 16
LAMENTO あさき 95-210 おんなのこ 18 24 36 41 23 -
J-Jazz Thinking of You Mr.Valentine 140 Jean 10 13 27 34 16 24
SET'S BEAN お豆の哀歌 黒ムル & 淀川ジョルカエフ 290 YODO-DOZEN 15 23 30 36 17 22
Xmas PRESENTS Pop'n Xmas 2004 ~電子ノウタゴエ~ strawberry barium "s" 70-180 pop'n Xmas [12] 8 10 29 37 14 21
OH MISOKA さようならこんにちは ひので155 100 Mr.SOBACCO 10 14 24 - 10 18
Shinobi (忍)
NINJA卍HEROINE 忍びアン子は恋の呪文 新腹筋忍者台 feat.meli♥melo 170(?)* シノビアン子 11 21 27 37 11 19

* 忍びアン子は恋の呪文's BPM is different on each difficulty. 5-Button & Normal = 170, Hyper = 170? (42-740) & EX = 170? (74-740).

New Charts

The following songs have received new charts since their last arcade/console appearance:

Genre Song title Artist pop'n 12 Folder BPM Character Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
New Charts
AMERICA STAR TREK ♪♪♪♪♪ TV (pop'n music 6) 102-134 Mimi [TV&ANIME-AMERICA] - - - 27 - -
KINNIKUMAN 炎のキン肉マン 串田アキラ ANIME (pop'n music 10/ANIMELO) 161 OTOKO-MAN [TV&ANIME] - - - 32 - -
SAINT SEIYA ペガサス幻想 山田信夫 ANIME (pop'n music 10/ANIMELO) 170 Nyami [TV&ANIME-SAINT SEIYA] - - - 34 - -

Removed Songs

The following songs from pop'n music 11 have been removed:

Song Title Genre Folder
なんか変だ POWER FOLK pop'n music 3
君を壊したい POWER FOLK 2 pop'n music 4
君が好きだよ~守って守ってあげるから~···Folky Version POWER ACO pop'n music 5
君が好きだよ~守って守ってあげるから~ POWER FOLK 3 pop'n music 5
サムライ・シンドローム POWER FOLK 5 pop'n music 7
Fashion ~ver.1~ POWER FOLK 6 pop'n music 8
君を壊したい POWER FOLK 2 LIVE pop'n music 8
Dynamic! Atomic! S.C.B.G. ~ver.1~ CYBER ROCKABILLY pop'n music 9
ナーバス ブレークダウン~タイプゼロ~ DIGI FOLK pop'n music 10
STAR TREK URA AMERICA pop'n music 11
西新宿清掃曲 URA PERCUSSIVE pop'n music 11
power plant URA J-TEKNO 2 pop'n music 11
cat's Scat URA SCAT pop'n music 11
宇宙船Q-Mex URA SOUNDTRACK pop'n music 11
작은행복 URA K-EURO pop'n music 11
Denpasar URA BALI TRANCE pop'n music 11
男々道 URA HIP ROCK 2 pop'n music 11
777 URA TWEE POP pop'n music 11
ウルトラセブンの歌 SEVEN ANIME (pop'n music 7)
燃えてヒーロー SOCCER ANIME (pop'n music 8)
新オバケのQ太郎 OBA Q ANIME (pop'n music 9)
レッツゴー!! ライダーキック KAMEN RIDER ANIME (pop'n music 10)
マジンガーZ MAZINGER ANIME (pop'n music 10/ANIMELO)
すきすきソング SUKI SUKI SONG ANIME (pop'n music 10/ANIMELO)
とんちんかんちん一休さん IKKYUU ANIME (pop'n music 11/ANIMELO)
西部警察メインテーマ SEIBU KEISATSU TV (pop'n music 6)
IN THE MOOD HIGHSO TV (pop'n music 9)
ホネホネロック HONEHONE TV (pop'n music 9)
パタパタママ PATAPATA MAMA TV (pop'n music 10)
SLOW DOWN POWER FOLK 4 CS (pop'n music 5)

Difficulty Changes

The following song has received difficulty changes since its last arcade/console appearance:

Song Title Genre pop'n 12 Folder Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
うぐいす TWEET PnM CS (CS 9) - 17→15 - - - -

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