DanceDanceRevolution Dan Courses

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DanceDanceRevolution Dan Courses

Dan i nintei (段位認定, also known as CLASS or simply Dan) are a series of courses ranked so that each course is harder than the last. These courses were first introduced in DanceDanceRevolution A20 on March 28th, 2019, although similar courses existed in DanceDanceRevolution X, the DANCE DRILL COURSES. All courses up to 8th Dan are available from the get-go, whereas 9th Dan, 10th Dan, and Kaiden can be accessed by achieving BRONZE CLASS (ブロンズクラス), SILVER CLASS (シルバークラス), and GOLDEN CLASS (ゴールドクラス) in Golden League (ゴールデンリーグ), respectively.

段位認定 cannot be selected during Versus Play.

The following modifiers are fixed while playing 段位認定 courses:

  • No ASSIST options

From July 25th, 2019, an update will be applied to allow for short breaks in-between songs, referred to as "BREAK TIME".

Single Play

1st 2nd 3rd FINAL
1st Dan (初段) HIGHER Shine IN THE ZONE B4U
2nd Dan (二段) Do The Evolution Flourish Heatstroke will
3rd Dan (三段) Decade A Geisha's Dream In The Breeze Theory of Eternity
4th Dan (四段) Beautiful Dream DYNAMITE RAVE TECH-NOID S・A・G・A
5th Dan (五段) You are a Star 十二星座の聖域 sakura storm Diamond Night
6th Dan (六段) on the bounce AM-3P("CHAOS" Special) Pierce The Sky MAX 300
7th Dan (七段) Nostalgia Is Lost Amalgamation The legend of MAX True Blue
8th Dan (八段) Monkey Business 嘆きの樹 PARANOIA survivor MAX POSSESSION
9th Dan (九段)
(added on April 25th, 2019)
Anti-Matter Fascination MAXX Idola Astrogazer
10th Dan (十段)
(added on May 8th, 2019)
Come to Life New Decade Tohoku EVOLVED PARANOiA Revolution
Kaiden (皆伝)
(added on June 12th, 2019)
EGOISM 440 Over The "Period" Valkyrie dimension ENDYMION

Double Play

1st 2nd 3rd FINAL
1st Dan (初段) Slip Out Fever STILL IN MY HEART think ya better D
2nd Dan (二段) escape south DANCE ALL NIGHT (DDR EDITION) INTO YOUR HEART (Ruffage remix)
3rd Dan (三段) MAKE IT BETTER (So-REAL Mix) oarfish ルミナスデイズ Beautiful Dream
4th Dan (四段) Desert Journey stoic (EXTREME version) heron PARANOIA EVOLUTION
5th Dan (五段) Do The Evolution DROP OUT ALGORITHM Healing Vision ~Angelic mix~
6th Dan (六段) siberite Horatio The Least 100sec エンドルフィン
8th Dan (八段) TRIP MACHINE PhoeniX Arrabbiata Truare! ÆTHER
9th Dan (九段)
(added on April 25th, 2019)
New Century SABER WING (Akira Ishihara Headshot mix) RЁVOLUTIФN IX
10th Dan (十段)
(added on May 8th, 2019)
Healing-D-Vision PARANOiA ~HADES~ 888 PARANOiA Revolution
Kaiden (皆伝)
(added on June 12th, 2019)
Valkyrie dimension POSSESSION Over The "Period" EGOISM 440