pop'n music 14 FEVER!

pop'n music arcade releases
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER!
15 ADVENTURE - 16 PARTY♪ - 17 THE MOVIE - 18 せんごく列伝
19 TUNE STREET - 20 fantasia - Sunny Park - ラピストリア - éclale
うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - peace - 解明リドルズ - UniLab - Jam&Fizz
アニメロ - アニメロ2号 - MICKEY TUNES - HELLO! (North America)

pop'n music 14 FEVER!

Release Information


  • Released: May 17, 2006
  • Hardware: BEMANI Python 1 (and final game in the series to run on it)

General Information / Changes

  • Slogan: キュートvなGIRLも! シャイ☆なBOYも! TONIGHT 今夜は DA DA DA DANCING!!
  • This is the first pop'n music to feature a theme song from another video game company (スーパーマリオブラザーズBGMメドレー).
  • This is also the first game in the series to not have custom e-AMUSEMENT Cards. It now uses the standard e-AMUSEMENT Pass that is universally used on e-AMUSEMENT compatible machines.
  • NET TAISEN Mode is expanded on with a new Job system, which strengthens / weakens certain ojamas over time depending on their usage, and may even level them up.
  • With the inclusion of all the songs from the first ee'MALL game, many of the characters were swapped around with newer, more appropriate characters.
  • Announcer voice is NO+CHIN.
  • Theme: Night Party/Club
  • Total number of songs overall: 625

Play Modes

  • 5 or 9 Button
    • Enjoy Mode
    • Challenge Mode
    • Super Challenge Mode
  • 9 Button Only
    • Expert Mode
  • Battle Mode

Staff Information

Full Song List

New Songs

Default Songs

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
おどるポンポコリン ♪♪♪♪♪ 139 Nyami [TV&ANIME-POMPOKOLIN] 9 11 20 28 4 7
スーパーマリオブラザーズBGMメドレー ♪♪♪♪♪ 150-300 Mimi [TV&ANIME-MARIO BROS.] 10 17 30 38 14 27
魅せられて ~エーゲ海のテーマ MAKI 117 Honey [TV&ANIME] 8 23 29 36 5 11
KONAMI originals & other licenses
SPACE WALTZ flutter 裕紀子+V.C.O. 101-236 P-14 9 11 28 39 8 13
from Dilettante
愛と誠 ALI PROJECT 140 AIKO 8 12 29 38 12 16
TOKIMEKI BOSSA いつか王子さまがぁ! グルーヴあんちゃんとヨコリィー 99 CREAMY 6 14 21 27 5 10
PARTY ROCK PARTY A GO GO☆ サドルシューズ 190 SADDLE SHOES 7 15 30 34 10 17
HEAVEN ヴォイス ふじのマナミナヤ~ンたち 89-104 photon 15 16 28 35 22 26
CABARET マッシュな部屋 亜熱帯マジ-SKA爆弾 feat.MAKI 70 Ms.Mush 8 17 26 37 5 10
RAY JAZZ NIGHT FEVER 桜井零士 145 NARUHIKO 10 17 27 34 7 10
LONELY FEEL fragments 秋桜 123 SHOKO [14] 6 17 28 37 9 13
ELE DISCO 電気ダンス フレディ波多江 151 TSUKUBA / AKIBA 13 18 30 35 8 12
HIGH SPEED LOVE SONG High School Love DJ YOSHITAKA feat.DWP 180 SYO [14] 11 18 27 35 6 9
SONIC BOOM Break on Through REUNION 168 Sora 10 19 31 36 9 11
TRI▼EURO Let's go out! ウッチーズNoria 160 RIN&DAIKI&Hurry 13 19 34 39 12 21
PANIC POP ベイビーP Plus-Tech Squeeze Box 136 Betty 7 19 29 - 10 15
J-RAP 80's
from 惚れたぜ Harajuku
惚れたぜ Harajuku アルファ&スチャダラパー 170 あっくん 8 20 32 36 5 8
GIRLS PUNK STYLE 旅立ちの唄 Tatsh feat.Junko Hirata 190 Bis子 [14] 14 21 29 36 8 14
RONDO おもちゃばこのロンド Dormir 100 Charlotte 8 21 26 33 8 12
PUPPET ENSEMBLE セレクトショップに横たわるネコ little lounge * little twinkle 89-167 BREMENS 12 21 31 38 10 17
TRIBAL POP Gradation The Natural Mahoganies 125 BROWN 11 22 32 40 9 13
DES-ROCK レトロスペクト路 Des-ROW・組 スペシアルZ 165 D 14 23 34 40 16 28
TRANCERANCE full-consciousness green D-crew 158-180 FU-CHAN 15 24 36 41 11 17

Hidden Songs

These songs were made available by default on July 5th, 2006.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Hidden songs
DISCO FEVER DA DA DA DANCING!! TOMO-crew 125 Nyami [14] / Mimi [14] 9 14 26 33 5 8
BATTLE DANCE シャムシールの舞 ゼクトバッハ 100-155 Shamshir 10 23 34 40 10 14

Fever senshi pop'n 14 (フィーバー戦士 ポップン14)

Fever senshi pop'n 14 (フィーバー戦士 ポップン14) is the unlocking system of pop'n music 14 FEVER!. It ran from July 5th, 2006 until September 6th, 2006. e-AMUSEMENT was required to play the event.

By fulfilling certain requirements as you play (which are displayed for you before you begin a round of play), you'll unlock hidden songs. A full list of requirements can be found here.

Songs are listed in unlock order.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
フィーバー戦士 ポップン14
Episode 1 - Gather Fever! pop'n 14 (集まれフィーバー!ポップン14)
These songs were initially unlockable between July 5th and July 12th, 2006. They were made available by default on July 19th, 2006.
Dance the night away KAZ SENOO feat. MANNY MENDEZ 125 Bamboo [1-2P] 7 12 27 34 7 10
FEVER HERO フィーバー戦士ポップン14のテーマ トジーン 158? フィーバー戦士ポップン14 [1P] 11 20 33 38 10 13
from ee'MALL 2nd avenue
Aithon Kozo Nakamura 126 Knight [13] 9 16 30 37 9 25
FEVER HERO ED わたしのフォーティーン(フィーバー戦士ポップン14EDテーマ) 新谷さなえ 148? フィーバー戦士ポップン14 [2P] 14 18 27 36 12 17
Episode 2 - Fever in School! pop'n 14 (学校フィーバー!ポップン14)
These songs were initially unlockable between July 12th and July 19th, 2006. They were made available by default on July 26th, 2006.
from ee'MALL 2nd avenue
ちょっと vivi(from iyiyim) 70-78 Anzu [CS2-1P] 6 10 24 31 5 8
HOKEN RAP DOLLAR DOLLAR NICK BOYS 146-150 NICKEY [14] 6 16 28 35 5 8
from pop'n music 11 CS
想い出をありがとう Waldeus vön dovjak 40-320 HAMANOV [CS11] 13 23 38 42 15 21
OUENKA 燃やせ!青春~ポップン学園応援歌~ Wパンチ+3M 140 パンチ先輩 13 15 27 35 10 14
Episode 3 - Idol Fever! pop'n 14 (アイドルフィーバー!ポップン14)
These songs were initially unlockable between July 19th and July 26th, 2006. They were made available by default on August 2nd, 2006.
CHIBIKKO IDOL オトメルンバ♪ るるるSYSTEM 168 Minit's [14] 8 16 26 32 12 15
ELECTRO POP FAKE N.A.R.D. 128 MIKU 9 15 27 33 5 8
YURU POP あつまれ!ビーくんソング B-crews 48-157 B-Kun 12 21 28 34 10 16
VS. SOUND 異能対決! VS.淀ジョル 黒ムル feat.淀川ジョルカエフ 155 鴨川研究員 13 22 27 40 4 7
Episode 4 - Fever in the World! pop'n 14 (世界でフィーバー!ポップン14)
These songs were initially unlockable between July 26th and August 2nd, 2006. They were made available by default on August 9th, 2006.
French Merchen
from pop'n music 11 CS
トルバドゥールの回想 リシャール秋田 158-205 Liddell [CS11] 9 21 27 31 13 18
TAIKYOKUKEN 個胃X光 絹 老人 85-137 Wang-Tang 8 17 35 39 8 13
from pop'n music 11 CS
サヨナラ*ヘヴン 猫叉Master 111 Yima [CS10-2P] 12 25 35 40 16 24
BULGARIAN RHYTHM Deep Magenta Naya~n 204 Nikolaschka 10 17 35 40 32 38
Episode 5 - Fever in Space! pop'n 14 (宇宙でフィーバー!ポップン14)
These songs were initially unlockable between August 2nd and August 9th, 2006. They were made available by default on August 23rd, 2006.
from ee'MALL 2nd avenue
A SHOOTING STAR 古川もとあき 140 VIC VIPER [11] 8 18 29 38 10 16
BROKEN-BANG BEAT BIG-BANG STARS co-ping 125 COSINE 8 18 29 34 5 8
POP DESCO popdod AKIRA YAMAOKA 145 Hipopo&Tamayo [14] 11 18 35 39 12 21
PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE Psyche Planet-V Sota Fujimori 150 echidna 10 18 35 40 13 26
Episode 6 - Boss Fever! pop'n 14 (ボスボスフィーバー!ポップン14)
These songs were initially unlockable between August 9th and August 23rd, 2006. They were made available by default on September 6th, 2006.
CYBER FLAMENCO hora de verdad Vandalusia 140-280 UNO 12 19 36 42 13 22
ENZETSU 猿の経 あさき 106-126 Goku-Sotsu-Kun 10 20 36 42 13 23
PROGRESSIVE BAROQUE Übertreffen TAKA respect for J.S.B. 174 Wilhelm 12 24 37 42 15 26
Fever Robo Completion (フィーバーロボ100%達成)
This song was made available by default on September 20th, 2006.
FEVER ROBO 踊るフィーバーロボ ダニエル&eimyよしくん 160 FEVER ROBO 7 25 37 42 10 14


In early 2006 KONAMI ceased support for ee'MALL. The pop'n music crossovers from ee'MALL were made available by default in pop'n music 14 FEVER! on September 20th, 2006.

New Charts

The following song has received a new chart since its last arcade/console appearance:

Genre Song title Artist pop'n 14 Folder BPM Character Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
New Charts
KIDS MARCH space merry-go-round Dormir pop'n music 12 いろは 74-157 BERRY [12] - - - 37 - -

Difficulty Changes

The following songs have received difficulty changes since their last arcade/console appearance:

Song Title Genre pop'n 14 Folder Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
MILK・CROWN SMILE SMASH pop'n music 13 カーニバル - - - 40→35 - -
真超深TION COREDUST BEAT pop'n music 13 カーニバル - - 37→36 42→41 - -
想い出をありがとう CLASSIC 11 pop'n music CS (CS11) - 20→23 37→38 41→42 - -
サヨナラ*ヘヴン CONTEMPORARY NATION 2 pop'n music CS (CS11) - 23→25 34→35 39→40 - -
トルバドゥールの回想 FRENCH MERCHEN pop'n music CS (CS11) - 17→21 26→27 29→31 - -
1/6 billionth HYPER J-POP 3 ee'MALL - - - 39→40 - -
CLOUD JAZZ WALTZ ee'MALL - 19→22 - - - -
Craze for You JAPAMETA ee'MALL - 20→21 - 41→40 - -
Entrance URBAN BLUES ee'MALL - 18→16 29→28 - - -
I really love you so JAZZY DRUM'N'BASS ee'MALL - 18→17 - - - -
lime-light MELO PUNK 2 ee'MALL - - 35→34 39→37 - -
memories BEAT ROCK ee'MALL - - - 38→37 - -
三毛猫ロック BRASS ROCK ee'MALL - - 24→27 36→37 - -
Moonlight Prayer BEAT PUNK ee'MALL - 19→20 - - - -
Nick Boys E-RAP ee'MALL - 21→18 - - - -
GABHOP ee'MALL - 22→20 35→33 41→37 - -
そっと。 PUNK ee'MALL - - - 34→35 - -
STEEL CAGE GRAIND CORE ee'MALL - - 32→27 - - -
SURGE LINE GUITAR POP ee'MALL - - 19→24 - - -

Expert Courses

  • 浪漫DEフィーバーコース: Romance DE Fever course


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