pop'n music 7

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pop'n music arcade releases
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER!
15 ADVENTURE - 16 PARTY♪ - 17 THE MOVIE - 18 せんごく列伝
19 TUNE STREET - 20 fantasia - Sunny Park - ラピストリア - éclale
うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - peace - 解明リドルズ - UniLab - Jam&Fizz
アニメロ - アニメロ2号 - MICKEY TUNES - HELLO! (North America)

pop'n music 7

Release Information

  • Release date: November 22nd, 2001.

General Information / Changes

  • First pop'n music game to keep track of Greats, Goods, and Bads at the bottom of the screen in every mode.
  • First pop'n music game to tell you the BPM of a song during the song.
    • Also the last pop'n music game to date to list the BPM of a song at the music select screen.
  • Character animations (MISS/FEVER/etc.) no longer begin until a character's neutral animation has finished, both for player and rival characters. This has since been consistent in the franchise. In previous games, hitting notes on a certain grade (GREAT, GOOD, or BAD) would change the animations in real time.
    • According to staff member shio on the pop'n music 8 Q&A page, this was done due to the increased note density of more recent pop'n music games hurting the eyes of players due to the constant switching of animations.
    • She also notes it was done for a secondary reason; to show more animations for high-level players, as opposed to them only seeing FEVER animations for an entire song on the left, and nothing but the MISS banner/animations for their rival on the right.
  • First pop'n music game that shows you your combo count right above the pop-kun you hit, as opposed to the center of the screen.
  • Jun Wakita starts writing original music for the series.
  • Tomosuke Funaki makes his pop'n music debut, as does Shoichiro Hirata.
  • All licenses from pop'n music 6 received distinct MISS backgrounds, instead of the traditional MISS backgrounds they used in the previous game.
  • The official web site is the first one since pop'n stage which shows a picture of the character in a song AND their background in that song.
  • The soundtrack is the first to include songs from console versions made 2 games prior to the current arcade version. In this case, the pop'n music 7 soundtrack contains songs from pop'n music 5 CS. This trend continued with the soundtracks for the next 8 games.
    • It's also the first pop'n music game soundtrack to consist of more than one CD on its soundtrack (the pop'n music 3 vs. pop'n stage 2 CD collection doesn't count as they're separate games).
  • The character designs from this game would later be used in the console-only puzzle game pop'n Taisen Puzzle Dama Online.
  • Total number of songs: 94

Staff Information

Game Modes


Non-Rival Playable Characters

These characters don't belong to any specific song and are all playable from the get-go.

  • Nyami [7]
  • Mimi [7]
  • Mary [7]
  • the KING [7]
  • BAMBOO [7]

Full Song List

New Songs

Default Songs

Difficulty levels for NORMAL/HYPER/EX/Battle obtained from Pop'n Music Fever. 5Line ratings based on the CS version, taken from Pop'n Music Fever also. Official difficulties might be a little different.

Genre (English) Genre (Japanese) Song Name Artist Character BPM 5 Lv. N Lv. H Lv. EX? Battle Lv.
SEVEN セブン ウルトラセブンの歌 ♪♪♪♪♪ Mimi [TV&ANIME-SEVEN] 100-112 ? 7 22 27 14
KITERETSU 2 キテレツ2 はじめてのチュウ なぞなぞパパ Mimi [TV&ANIME-KITERETSU 2] 107 4 8 19 28 8
RADIO ラジオ BITTER SWEET SAMBA ♪♪♪♪♪ DJ Mimi Nyami 100 7 9 28 38 15
PROJECT A プロジェクトA PROJECT A PROCEEDS ♪♪♪♪♪ Nyami [TV&ANIME-PROJECT A] 121 7 11 16 28 22
BARA バラ 薔薇は美しく散る 中山マミ Nyami [TV&ANIME-BARA] 59-127 7 11 26 30 24
URUSEI ウルセイ ラムのラブソング kaco Nyami [TV&ANIME-URUSEI] 180 9 13 26 - 20
YAMATO ヤマト 宇宙戦艦 ヤマト ささきいさお Mimi [TV&ANIME-YAMATO] 132-142 6 13 23 - 24
Konami Originals
ANTHEM アンセム GLORIA St. Naya~n PePe 57-82 6 7 22 - 15
RETRO FUTURE レトロフューチャー Passacaglia POST MODERN WALKER 128 7 9 21 - 19
PRECIOUS プレシャス スウィーツ natural bear pretty [7] 127 8 10 20 - 13
LOUNGE POP ラウンジポップ Dimanche Orange Lounge RIE♥chan [7] 164 12 11 20 - 10
Jr.R&B - S・S・L ~スーパー・スペシャル・ラブ~ Shoichiro Hirata feat. Yumi Kawamura Cookie 132 15 11 25 - 16
DARKNESS ダークネス 電気人形 フレディ波多江エレハモニカ Zizz [7-DEBUT] 107 6 11 27 38 27
SUNNY サニー HAPPY MUSIC パーキッツ Poet [7] 135 10 12 25 - 26
CLUB JAZZ クラブジャズ Betty Boo SENAX Nina [7-DEBUT] 121 8 13 25 - 20
BALI TRANCE バリトランス Denpasar good-cool shålåh 135 5 13 29 36 19
POP FUSION ポップフュージョン Tropical Pallete Mr.T Mac 130 6 13 25 - 20
MISTY ミスティ platonic love N.A.R.D Kagome [7-DEBUT] 125 8 13 27 37 23
HARD ROCK ハードロック SA-DA-ME good-cool feat. すわひでお YOSHIO [7-DEBUT] 128 7 14 29 40 14
POWER FOLK 5 パワーフォーク5 サムライ・シンドローム 新堂敦士 Ash [7] 141-143 15 14 29 - 20
VISUAL 2 REMIX ヴィジュアル2Remix Cry Out (Superior Mix) good-cool feat. KoHey MZD [7] 180 9 14 26 - 21
CRAZY TECHNO クレイジーテクノ CHICKEN CHASER V.C.O Cyber [7] 170 9 15 28 34 22
J-ALTERNA Jオルタナ 簡単な事だけど大切なもの Rock'n'roll King Teruo 128 6 16 26 - 28
CIRCUS サーカス フリーパス パンダバンダ Peetan 140-186 9 17 22 - 15
GLAM ROCK グラムロック スペース★彡キッス Kiddy & Sunshine Lovers Prince M 100 7 17 30 35 19
DISCO HOUSE ディスコハウス ディスコ タイフーン PRIORITY feat. Sana Sanday [7-DEBUT] 129 8 19 26 - 24
SWEDISH スウェディッシュ カモミール・バスルーム 常盤ゆう risette [7-DEBUT] 168 12 19 26 - 21
BA-ROCK バロック EXCALIBUR NL&P Sebas★chan 140 6 21 26 - 17
KYOUGEKI 京劇 加油!元気猿! 成城猿楽団 Yang-Yang 60-180 8 22 30 35 18
SHOWA KAYO ショウワカヨウ 林檎と蜂蜜 亜熱帯マジ-SKA爆弾 feat.MAKI MURASAKI [7-DEBUT] 142-210 14 23 32 - 14
SURF ROCK サーフロック 純愛サレンダー ザ☆チョップス JUDY [7] 160 9 23 32 - 23
DES REGGAE デスレゲエ 夜間行 Des-ROW feat.TSUBOI Yunta 102-205 11 30 38 41 24
Secret Songs
NEW AGE REMIX ニューエイジRemix 龍舞 ~DRAGON DANCE Revision-2 WORLD SEQUENCE MZD [7] 130 5 8 27 - 12
WINTER POP ウインターポップ White Lovers 新谷さなえ SANAE♥chan [7] 125 7 12 22 - 15
NIGHTOUT REMIX ナイトアウトRemix 明なマニキュア moonlit mix Kiyommy+Seiya MZD [7] 132 5 16 24 - 16
J-GARAGE POP REMIX JガラージポップRemix Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~‎ Togo Project feat. Sana MZD [7] 138 8 18 28 - 20
SOFT ROCK LONG ソフトロックLONG Homesick Pt.2&3 ORANGENOISE SHORTCUT RIE♥chan [5] 178 18 22 27 - 26
SPECIAL ENDING 2 スペシャルエンディング2 Ending theme of pop'n music6 Original Cedar Rave girl [7] 172 20 30 37 - 24

Hidden Songs

Songs in bold indicates new charts introduced in this game.

Bingo de 7 Unlocks

Genre (English) Genre (Japanese) Song Name Artist Character BPM 5 Lv. N Lv. H Lv. EX? Battle Lv.
CS Crossovers
CLASSIC 5 クラシック 5 Step in Space Waldeus vön Dovjak HAMANOV [1CS] 150 4 7 36 39 29
KG - Sweaty Guys ナメカワ・キミヲとザ・ハイターズ SUIT [5CS] 142 6 9 17 23 10
HEART ハート Pink Rose Kiyommy+Seiya JUDY [5-2P] 146 8 14 24 - 14

Expert Course Songs

Genre (English) Genre (Japanese) Song Name Artist Character BPM 5 Lv. N Lv. H Lv. EX? Battle Lv.
Expert Course Songs (Previous)
PERCUSSIVE パーカッシヴ 西新宿清掃曲 サイモンマン Mr.KK [5] 140-280 7 9 24 35 29
TECHNO '80 テクノ'80 Water Melon Woman NAKATEK BOY [1CS] 115 5 10 14 - 14
AMBIENT アンビエント birds Sana SANAE♥chan [4] 147 9 10 18 - 10
ANALOG TECHNO アナログテクノ ELECTRONISM V.C.O. PAL [4] 130 5 12 25 - 12
NEO GS ネオGS Shock of Love Kiddy & Sunshine Lovers WACKY [5] 150 6 13 28 - 13
KANGTONG カントン 和称一起走 Cathy Lau LingLing [3] 136 8 13 29 - 14
FUTURE フューチャー ostin-art ostin-art ice [4] 144 6 14 - - 14
CLASSIC クラシック Chaos Age Waldeus vön Dovjak HAMANOV [1CS] 135 13 14 33 - 33
FUNNY ファニー PULSE 319 BOY [1CS] 130 7 16 - - 16
CLASSIC 2 クラシック 2 R.C. Waldeus vön Dovjak HAMANOV [1CS] 180 12 18 36 - 35
ENKA REMIX エンカREMIX お江戸花吹雪 TEYAN-day MIX 高田香里 ReMIXed by SEIYA MZD [5-ENKA REMIX] 140 14 24 33 38 22
Expert Course Songs (New CS crossovers)
CLASSIC 3 クラシック 3 Dynamics Waldeus vön Dovjak HAMANOV [1CS] 80-145 6 17 31 - 27
CLASSIC 4 クラシック 4 Concertare Waldeus vön Dovjak HAMANOV [1CS] 179 9 16 41 - 41
DREAMY ドリーミー penguin NAKATEK BOY [1CS] 143 6 12 - - 12
NEWS ニュース Landmark NAKATEK BOY [1CS] 130 16 13 - - 13
LIVERPOOL リバプール Love me Love me Love me the LOφSE BEAT Johnny D [4CS] 158 13 9 - - 9
GROUP SOUNDS グループサウンズ 太陽がみつめてる ツグ&ザ・ラジカルズ Johnny D [4CS-2P] 148 9 10 - - 10
CUBAN GROOVE from beatmania キューバングルーブ サナ・モレッテ・ネ・エンテ Togo Project feat. Sana VANTAIN [5CS] 90 10 17 25 36 15

Let's make pop'n music 7 Together!

Prior to the release of pop'n music 7, a poll was held on Konami's web site as to what songs should get a remix in pop'n music 7. All songs from the very first pop'n music through 6 (plus the 4 CS games at the time) were eligible. Cry Out got the most votes out of all the songs listed, with a total of 845 votes, with 君を壊したい! second with 735 votes. (It never got a remix, though there was a Live version in pop'n music 8). Other strong songs included ROSE~恋人よ、薔薇色に染まれ (626), Homesick Pt.2&3 (601), 走りぬける君へ、Hurry up! (490), and 大見解 (465). At the end Cry Out, 龍舞~DRAGON DANCE, and 透明なマニキュア were remixed (despite 龍舞~DRAGON DANCE being in 69th place with only 44 votes), and Homesick Pt.2&3 got an extended version courtesy of pop'n music sound director Jun Wakita. (大見解 did eventually get a remix years later in pop'n music 16 PARTY♪, 大見解の新見解.)

Name that Character!

Shortly before the release of pop'n music 7, a contest in Japan was held to anyone to name three of the game's new characters. The contest was known as "PapaMama * 7". Shortly before the game was released, the winners were announced, as well as the names of the new characters;

Revived Songs

The following songs from previous pop'n music releases have been revived:

Song Title Genre Game
Chaos Age CLASSIC pop'n music 2
Water Melon Woman TECHNO'80 pop'n music 2
PULSE CLASSIC 2 pop'n music 3
R.C. FUNNY pop'n music 3
和一起走 KANGTONG pop'n music 3
birds AMBIENT pop'n music 4
ostin-art FUTURE pop'n music 4

Removed Songs

All 30 songs from pop'n music 5, with the three exceptions of Shock of Love, 西新宿清掃曲, and お江戸花吹雪 TEYAN-day MIX, have been removed.

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