DanceDanceRevolution arcade releases
Main series
1st (Internet Ranking Version / Asia/North America)
2nd (CLUB VER.1 / CLUB VER.2)
4th (PLUS) - 5th - MAX - MAX2 - EXTREME
SuperNOVA - SuperNOVA2 - X - X2 - X3 VS 2ndMIX
2013 - 2014 - A - A20 (PLUS) - A3 - WORLD
Solo BASS - Solo 2000
Karaoke - Karaoke 2nd - KIDS - USA
Disney's RAVE
Dancing Stage European exclusive releases
1st / 1.5 - EuroMIX - EuroMIX2 - Fusion

DanceDanceRevolution X2

Release Information

  • Release Date:
    • Japan: 7/7/2010
    • U.S.: 12/31/2010
    • Europe: 5/13/2011

General Information / Changes

  • Interface has been given a complete overhaul. Songs are now chosen from left to right, with album jackets replacing the series' long-time traditional banners.
    • Most older DanceDanceRevolution songs reuse their background image from the original songs, marking the first time these have been seen in an arcade DDR game since EXTREME.
  • First DDR arcade game to support PASELI.
  • First DDR arcade game to be in a crossover event with another BEMANI series; in this case, jubeat knit APPEND.
  • New modes: HAPPY (beginner's mode, only lets you play Beginner and Basic charts) and PRO (typical standard songlist).
  • New Extra Stage system, Replicant D-Action, introduced (more detail in its own section below).
  • HIDDEN+ and SUDDEN+ options activated.
  • SPEED settings can now be set after you choose your song, by pressing the left and right select buttons in increments of 0.5.
  • BATTLE MODE has been removed.
  • BOO is renamed MISS, and is now merged with N.G. ALMOST is gone.
  • Character selection screen is now exclusive to eAmusement.
  • Background videos for special stage appear as monitors in the background.
  • First arcade DDR game where certain songs have character dance song-specific routines, much like the HOTTEST PARTY games.
  • Last DDR arcade release in North America and Europe.
    • The U.S./European arcade cabinets have been redesigned from DDR X, though still considered inferior to the Japanese version.

Staff Information

  • Producer: otaP
  • Sound Producer: dj TAKA
  • Sound Director: TAG

Full Song List

New Songs

Licensed Songs

Dancemania revivals

Konami originals



DanceDanceRevolution X2 US CS, HOTTEST PARTY 3, and MUSIC FIT CS Crossovers


Hidden Remixes

These songs are playable since 10/6/2010. To unlock these remixes, you must AAA the original version of the song corresponding to its remix. It doesn't matter what difficulty you do the song in; you can even use Beginner or Edit data. The song will then available in the next stage for play.

BEMANI Crossovers


Songs are listed in order of unlockable.




CS Crossovers


Songs are listed in order of unlockable.





To unlock these songs, you must have DanceDanceRevolution X JP CS data on your USB memory card. They will then be playable in the game.

Extra Stage / Encore Extra Stage

The Extra Stage system is different from previous games. To unlock the Extra Stage this time around, you must now AA/AAA all of your songs in one game session. There are no Final Stage songs in X2.

Doing so unlocks KIMONO♥PRINCESS as your Extra Stage, though what difficulty level you can play the song depends on how many stages you play and how many difficulty levels the songs you play are.

Here is the required number of difficulty levels required to play KIMONO♥PRINCESS's charts, depending on the number of songs you play. From left to right point requirement-wise: Beginning, Basic, Difficult, and lastly Expert. Note that reaching a certain amount also unlocks the difficulty levels under that, too.

  • 2 songs: 1-12, 13-18, 19-26, 27-38
  • 3 songs: 1-18, 19-27, 28-39, 40-57
  • 4 songs: 1-24, 25-36, 37-52, 53-76
  • 5 songs: 1-30, 31-45, 45-65, 66-95

Get an AA or higher on KIMONO♥PRINCESS to unlock the Encore Extra Stage, roppongi EVOLVED on Expert. Note that are several versions of the song; which version you get is random. You can't choose another song for your Encore Extra Stage, though you are allowed to set your options.

Both KIMONO♥PRINCESS and roppongi EVOLVED were unlocked for regular play on 1/26/2011.

Extra Stage

Encore Extra Stage

Replicant D-Action

Replicant D-Action is a new Extra Stage model in DanceDanceRevolution X2. By fulfilling certain requirements during the game, you can unlock up to six different songs. Each song is represented by a color, and in each song you fight a clone of DDR character Rinon.

To access Replicant D-Action, you must fulfill typical Extra Stage requirements. After fulfilling certain requirements, you will be able to access Replicant D-Action as your Extra Stage. (Note that if you have the Replicant D-Action folder, you can't go back to the regular Music Select.) For each Replicant D-Action song you complete with an AA, you'll earn a medal. Note that having on the options CUT ON, FREEZE OFF, and/or JUMP OFF will disqualify you from obtaining the medal, as will playing any of the songs on Beginner. Earning all six medals (one from each song) will allow you to play Valkyrie dimension as your Encore Extra Stage. You will have a set bar and be unable to set options. Pass or fail, you'll lose all six medals after playing the song, and you'll need to collect all six medals again to play Valkyrie dimension again.

Replicant D-Action started on 7/7/2010 and ended on 2/23/2011, after which the songs were unlocked.

  • Pierce The Sky / JAKAZiD feat. K.N.
    • Cyan. Pass 20 or more songs in the DDR X2 folder.
  • Sakura Sunrise / Ryu☆
    • Green. Pass at least 2 songs in each game folder (24 at least total).
  • Shiny World / CAPACITY GATE
    • Yellow. Pass 6 courses and 1 drill course.
  • New Decade / Sota F
    • Orange. Full combo 15 different stepcharts (can be same song), then AA/AAA Sakura Sunrise and Shiny World on the same difficulty.
  • Anti-Matter / Orbit1 & Milo
    • Blue. Play Trial Mode 3 times, then get AA/AAA on Pierce The Sky and Shiny World on the same difficulty.
  • POSSESSION / TAG underground
    • Purple. Get at least 100 difficulty ratings on Challenge difficulty, then get AA/AAA on Pierce The Sky and Sakura Sunrise on the same difficulty.

Encore Extra Stage

Obtain medals in the above six songs to play this song.

Mekuru meku Dance★Party (メクルめくダンス★パーティ)

An after-party minigame where the player is given six pieces (arrow, star, butterfly, heart, quaver, and foot) to complete a puzzle. Each puzzle piece shows 3 characters (except Rena's). The event started on 9/1/2010 and ended on 10/6/2010. The songs were all unlocked on 12/29/2010.

Ganbare PiX Kirakira Douchou (がんばれPiX キラキラ道中)

An after-play minigame where players help Victory Concnet and Geisha Zukin throw a PiX into space and destroy as many planets as possible. The songs were all unlocked on 2/23/2011.

  • One play - PiX playable character
  • 30 planets destroyed, 20,000 total distance - dirty digital / kors k
  • 100 planets destroyed, 70,000 total distance - Chat Accessory for all characters
  • 300 planets destroyed, 190,000-222,222 total distance - aftershock!! / DM Ashura
  • 800 planets destroyed, 490,000-520,000 total distance - / Amuro vs Killer


The APPEND FESTIVAL is an event in jubeat knit APPEND where playing songs in jubeat knit APPEND will unlock songs in other BEMANI games. As such, these two songs are exclusive to the Japanese DDR X2 game.
The APPEND FESTIVAL ran from 3/10/2011 until 9/12/2011. Theory of Eternity was then made playable in DDR X2 by default on 9/13/2011, making it the very last thing unlocked in DDR X2 for everyone to play.

Chinese Challenge Charts

All these songs are hidden. They were all unlocked for play on 12/1/2010 for everyone.

Revival Unlocks

To be added.

Removed Songs

To be added.

Difficulty Level Changes

To be added.

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